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Putting Anets Integrity into question. (PvP Bots and Bans)


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I was recently banned for foul language I said in a ranked pvp match in team chat for 157 hours I did my time as they saw fit. If you're thinking I really said anything horrible I said the horrible word and called my team Tards -Add a re at the start.- and I said -kitten holo player I did ask the gm to pull up exactly what I was banned for- Getting banned for 157 hours when only 4 other people on my team saw what I said was a bit much especially having never been banned before in this game I disputed the claim saying why are you banning me while your pvp run rampant with Botters and wintraders that have yet to be banned WITH PROOF THEY ARE DOING IT. 
For anyone who's played ranked this season you'll have noticed a lot of people were surprisingly missing from the leaderboards for about a week approximately the time I was banned for. Anet said they banned something like 83 accounts that supposedly got perma banned. When a week after the new season started they all suddenly just showed up again like nothing ever happend. Wintraders and known account sharers still in ranked that have been called out in multiple youtube videos yet nothing is done. 
I just find it funny how there are like 5 posts on the first page of the PvP forums about botters yet they're banning people like me who use language that is barely passible as "Harassment." Am I saying that Anet didn't actually perma ban those accounts I don't know but anyone who pays attention to the leaderboards for more than 1 season will understand what I'm talking about people with gold 1 rating were in the top 250 pvp players in the 1 week gap the "banned" players didnt get on. Decide for yourself if this company is being honest with you. 
I've defended this game been a member of the community for 8 years while everyone called our game dead pay to win and a casual only experience I defended it like you all do. I was asked to be unbanned and was denied despite never having been given a warning. 4 people read what I said in team chat while in WvW people get away with calling people the hard N with the R and nothing ever gets done about it or the degenerates in mapchat in pvp constantly being toxic and purposefully starting fights. I will no longer defend this game because this company clearly does not value me as a player with hundreds and thousands of hours sunk into their game. Especially PvP and WvW. 

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Foul language is rather easy to validate. There is more effort required to investigate win trading and bots. I think bots could get identified by a program. Though I guess anet doesn't want to take action for whatever reason.

Edited by Marxx.5021
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1 hour ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Lying and cheating are bad people traits.

Name calling is just rude.


The word he used is derogatory and offensive to some people. Not taking responsibility and downplaying it is even worse. Using a word with negative connotations that is used to describe a group of individuals and insult something they cant change. Take the time to educate yourself and maybe you will like yourself on the other side.

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37 minutes ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

The word he used is derogatory and offensive to some people. Not taking responsibility and downplaying it is even worse. Using a word with negative connotations that is used to describe a group of individuals and insult something they cant change. Take the time to educate yourself and maybe you will like yourself on the other side.

I find myself able to forgive those who say "bad words" far more easily than those who lie to me, or cheat me.

Perhaps it was an honest assessment from his perspective, but an opinion nonetheless.

Edit: Also, bad words don't affect the integrity of the game.....

Edited by Crab Fear.1624
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A lot of people are misinterpreting my post I don't care if I offended people. offending people shouldn't be a viable reason for a ban. How about I go irl and say they smell like kitten they call the police and I get throw in jail for words. That's what happened meanwhile there's someone robbing the store and the police just wave at them. It's easier to throw me in jail rather than catch an armed criminal. 

Edited by WizardBro.4510
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On 11/1/2021 at 1:41 PM, Morwath.9817 said:

Breaking ToS is viable reason for a ban. Your opinion on that is irrevelant tbh.

Opinions are relevant for a business, and Anet is a business.

If they don't value opinions, it probably explains a lot about the state of the game and company.

Opinions forge change....tbh

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On 11/1/2021 at 12:59 PM, Marxx.5021 said:

Foul language is rather easy to validate. There is more effort required to investigate win trading and bots. I think bots could get identified by a program. Though I guess anet doesn't want to take action for whatever reason.

Maybe they believe bots actually fill gaps in the small ranked pvp player base or something. It is actually quite true. But if that’s the case it’s a pity they don’t care about the bad impact it has on the game

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39 minutes ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Opinions are relevant for a business, and Anet is a business.

If they don't value opinions, it probably explains a lot about the state of the game and company.

Opinions forge change....tbh

Opinions are revelant, but not always. Guy breaks ToS and gets temporary ban for it, and his whole argument is kinda like "maybe I stole money, but real criminals are walking the streets, so my crime is fine, leave me alone". 


No idea how anyone would sympathize with such guy, whos harrasing others and is proud of it.

Edited by Morwath.9817
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39 minutes ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Opinions are relevant for a business, and Anet is a business.

If they don't value opinions, it probably explains a lot about the state of the game and company.

Opinions forge change....tbh

Anet cares about opinion peoples opinions a little too much when it comes to balance imo...and none for qol.

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On 11/1/2021 at 1:03 PM, WizardBro.4510 said:

I was recently banned for foul language I said in a ranked pvp match in team chat for 157 hours I did my time as they saw fit. If you're thinking I really said anything horrible I said the horrible word and called my team Tards -Add a re at the start.- and I said -kitten holo player I did ask the gm to pull up exactly what I was banned for- Getting banned for 157 hours when only 4 other people on my team saw what I said was a bit much especially having never been banned before in this game I disputed the claim saying why are you banning me while your pvp run rampant with Botters and wintraders that have yet to be banned WITH PROOF THEY ARE DOING IT. 
For anyone who's played ranked this season you'll have noticed a lot of people were surprisingly missing from the leaderboards for about a week approximately the time I was banned for. Anet said they banned something like 83 accounts that supposedly got perma banned. When a week after the new season started they all suddenly just showed up again like nothing ever happend. Wintraders and known account sharers still in ranked that have been called out in multiple youtube videos yet nothing is done. 
I just find it funny how there are like 5 posts on the first page of the PvP forums about botters yet they're banning people like me who use language that is barely passible as "Harassment." Am I saying that Anet didn't actually perma ban those accounts I don't know but anyone who pays attention to the leaderboards for more than 1 season will understand what I'm talking about people with gold 1 rating were in the top 250 pvp players in the 1 week gap the "banned" players didnt get on. Decide for yourself if this company is being honest with you. 
I've defended this game been a member of the community for 8 years while everyone called our game dead pay to win and a casual only experience I defended it like you all do. I was asked to be unbanned and was denied despite never having been given a warning. 4 people read what I said in team chat while in WvW people get away with calling people the hard N with the R and nothing ever gets done about it or the degenerates in mapchat in pvp constantly being toxic and purposefully starting fights. I will no longer defend this game because this company clearly does not value me as a player with hundreds and thousands of hours sunk into their game. Especially PvP and WvW. 


I was banned for using the same exact word! I think Anet are kitten sensitive tbh :)) so pathetic! I still see bots that I have reported for over 4-5 weeks but they ban in less than 12 hours someone using that word! Pathetic anet, lets be real all! 

All that think they are so nice in-game, they might be real life trash with real crimes! :))

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6 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Opinions are relevant for a business, and Anet is a business.

If they don't value opinions, it probably explains a lot about the state of the game and company.

Opinions forge change....tbh


Losing business, that is! Saw at least 2-3 pvp streamers change game in last 2 weeks! :)))

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  • 3 weeks later...

honestly they should ban for actions too cause they have acess to logs and location yet they don't use it often times to advoid getting reported players will do things that are extreemly toxic that don't involve chat if you ask me the reporting system is broken beyond belive cause most of the bad ones get there way with it simply by not using chat

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Moral of the story. Don't expect competitive play from the casual MMO genre. Also do not insult other in said genre. Because saying bad words are far less forgiven then cheating and trolling people on the same team in Ranked. I hope you learned your lesson OP.


You want a decent PvP experience, you have to go to the genre that make bank specializing in competitive PvP.

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  • 2 years later...
21 minutes ago, Unknown.6851 said:

2021.. leave it up to this community to be this petty.. lol. 

One funny part about this thread being necro'd is that the OP from 2021 is probably referring to the very same players who are on top of the leaderboard today, who probably have done the correct military bootcamp as per some other topic in this forum 🙂 

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