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Fastest way to get Legendary armour ?

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After unlocking the token allowing me to exchange it for 1 EoD precursor, I've been thinking about making a legendary (and it's most likely going to be a EoD legendary). And while I was thinking about it, I decided to check legendary armour since it's most likely going to save me a lot of ressources by not crafting several ascended set. So I watched some vid, did a little bit of research to decide which legendary armour to get.


While the skin can be nice, I am first looking for the utility it provide so if it has god tier skin but the set takes 3 years to grind, I'll just throw that set under the bus. With that said, during my research I saw that there are similar thing to get regardless of which way you decide to make your legendary armour, like the Gift of condensed Might and Gift of condensed Magic . As of right now, the only way to get a legendary armour is through raid, W vs W and SPVP.  Which one is the fastest way to grind for a legendary armour set ?  


I've never played raid so I am putting that option at the very bottom of the list (and I think this is arguably the longest way to get a legendary set) which leave me with WvsW and SPVP. And that's where I'm struggling  to decide. On one hand I see some people claim that SPVP is the fastest because you can just play and regardless of your result you will advance (I assume winning more reduces the grinding time) and you wont need to wait for zerg of player to form.  And on the other I see some people claim that WvsW is the fastest because filling the progression bar isnt hard and as long as you play you can easily get the ressources. (basically telling the same reason for SPVP but with WvsW....thing you could say ?) 



Edited by Alcatraznc.3869
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As above. WvW is what I jumped into recently exactly for the armour. But my reason is that I don't do either PvP or Raids.

Honestly, the biggest hurdle for me is the weekly limit on Skirmish Claim Tickets. It takes a minimum of 22 weeks to acquire enough of them needed for a full set of Legendary Armour. So even if I lacked something else right now, by the time I'll have enough tickets, I would have enough of everything else, too. And I'm still in the process of (re)doing the reward track to unlock the precursor armour pieces.

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Faster as in real days passing between starting and finishing?

Or faster as in least amount of time played?

Calculations I've seen put a set of PVP armor at about 230 hours played over three seasons, at 8 weeks, for a total of 24 weeks.

Hitting diamond skirmish for a newcomer around 16 hours a week for 22 weeks, so 352 hours.

So WvW would be faster in real time if you're playing enough to maximize rewards, but PvP would be faster in the sense of total amount of play time needed.

Or am I missing something?

Edited by Gibson.4036
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If you can get a static together, it is raids.  Takes about 6 weeks, anywhere from 3-6 hours a week depending on how good the team is.  Each set takes 12 weeks after that.  This method, however, has the steepest learning curve, since you have to learn how to fight the hardest bosses in the game, and then you have to get good enough to get on a competent static.  Most groups won't suffer newbies, so you'll probably end up having to do what I did, which was buy a set of minstrel gear, do a lot of research, and claw out each boss victory yourself.  

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I think raiding can be the quickest, if you count it from when you start doing raids and if you're able to raid regularly with a group. WvW and PvP are roughly the same in terms of the time required but I think PvP is cheaper.

Having said that I'm going for WvW because I don't do PvP and can't get online at a regular time to raid with a static group, I'd rather spend longer doing something I will do anyway as and when it's convenient for me. Also I like some of the skins (I got the precursor medium chest piece ages ago just because I like it).

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I used to do raiding before, but it felt like a grindfest + you need a static to see relatively fast results.Since I always go for sPvP dailies at minimum  and spend at least an 40-60 min in WvW every time I'm in game - I didn't even notice that I had enough to craft nt 1st lefi set of armor. Now I have all of the 3 sets and tons of currency that I use for the "upgraded"  skins etc. So my advice is go for both -  sPvP and WvW.  

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Time gates:

Wvw: 22 weeks per armor set
Raids: ~12 weeks per armor set
Spvp: 3 seasons each lasting ~2 months, so ~12 weeks per armor set.
Obviously quickest would be to do all 3 and have your full 3-legendary armor in like 4-5 months, but I doubt any non-hardcore player to have ever done that. The choice is strictly based on own opinion.

Even if you go for just one - around 1 year is enough to get a full set of 3 armors.



In terms of rewards Raids are most worth it - not only the raid-legendary-armors are unique skins(wvw/spvp legendary armors use the same skins as their ascended counterparts) and also provide you with easy access to ascended gear, but are required to complete a full legendary equipment - they hold one of the two legendary rings.

Wvw being second as it provides gifts of battle, needed for other legendaries and is required for the second legendary ring. As a bonus it has normal reward tracks that can be used to cover some achievements/currencies for other legendary items. 

As soon we'll get a pve legendary amulet, Spvp doesnt bring anything unique. It only has the normal reward tracks, the same as wvw.

All 3 modes offer non-legendary unique skins, but wvw/spvp need to spend the currencies you need for legendaries to get them.



In terms of difficulty obviously wvw is easiest as it can be farmed as PvE with extra flavor. 

Spvp being seconds as some skill is required, but you are always fighting people on your level and no matter what you do you'll progress.

Raids being hardest as its difficulty is with 2 parts, the encounters themselves and group-organization. Encounter difficulty is based around punishing players for not knowing mechanics of a certain boss. Raids are much more knowledge based, than skill based. Which means that it has a steep learning curve in the first weeks, but gets progressively easier as groups gain knowledge about the bosses' mechanics. I personally covered the learning curve in ~10 weeks.  The organization difficulty is based on frustration with finding group to run with, with their performance and when they can play. With a static you no longer need to worry about your group, but now you need to worry that you have a couple of hours a week that can't collide with your real life.


Time(hours spent):
Raids are based on experience, the current full clear(w1-w7) can take 3-5 hours a week for experienced group and not even be completed by inexperienced. But if we consider the time needed for full-legendary and the learning curve - its still less than the other 2 modes.

Did math on Spvp, but lost it months ago, its somewhere in the middle in terms of hours spent. Getting the tickets can be done only with dailies, but the ascended shards will require considerable amount of grinding.

WvW is unquestionably the most time consuming as for new players the weekly pip quota can take up to 20 hours a week.

That said if you dont rush legendaries, you can do your dailies/play for fun in spvp/wvw and still eventually get your legendaries. Making the time spent practically none.

Personal opinion:
For me the rewards from raids are something i couldn't overlook. I want a full legendary gear and that ring was a must have for me.

Edited by Hellissane.3041
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First of all, thanks for all the answers, I read all of them and I'm actually surprised to see raid being more profitable than I originally thought. While it does look more interesting I dont think I'll have time to actively participate in one due to my timezone being pretty bad lol.


I'll most likely try WvsW and SPVP, maybe more WvsW since it's the gamemode I used to play before I took a break.

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As a side note, as a casual player, total time to get a full set was really overwhelming, no matter the path to get it. All the guides will quote you time to a full set.

It helped me a lot to start thinking about it in terms of individual pieces. Just getting one legendary chest piece for one armor weight is three characters that will be that much easier to regear, and 150 sPvP matches is a lot more approachable than 900.

For what that's worth.

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  • 1 year later...

The thing about the WvW estimates is the fact, you can't really say 22 weeks because you have to consider the amount of time a person actually plays the game overall in WvW.  If you're on every day of your life for hours because you have nothing else to do in real life, then I don't having anything to say about the 22 weeks.


However, if you have a life outside of GW2 and only put random hours in on random days, it's going to take a lot longer than 22 weeks because the amount of claim tickets you get...it's really small and if you're going for the Mistborn set...  Man....  You're looking at like, two years, give or take.  That's the cold hard truth.  Anything else is just sugar coating it.

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