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Drizzlewood coast map instances


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So there's the new return achievement that requires everyone to do the first half of the meta + the champions for the treasure chests. But this is basically impossible to do (as well as doing the "Once more..." achievement) because literally every map is stuck in the north meta. Even if you join that and finish the north meta, the map will close and you will be put into another north meta instance. There is only north meta instances and very few south meta ones that fill instantly. This problem has existed for a while but now it makes finishing the return achievement almost impossible. My take: There should be a timer that will automatically close a map instance and create a new one if a map is stuck at the beginning of the north meta for a certain amount of time (for example 30 minutes).

Edited by Stellan.8907
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The problem is that this map is essentially two maps: The second unlocks after the first one is complete.

Something that somewhat proves this point is that the are absolutely no events on north until north meta starts.

It's just bad design. It does need to change.

If somehow it got split into two "types of instances" where you could pick where you want to start, then it would be trivial to go on a map with a meta you want. Idk, imagine two waypoints: You select the south waypoint -> You get into south map. You select a north waypoint -> You get into north map.

Edited by blackoil.2673
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8 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

You can complete the 20 events in the North Meta, and do the Cold War Strike Mission instead of the 12 Champions.  Cold Wars isn't that difficult, really. Anyway, that's what I did. 

That would still leave you the treasure hunter.

Edited by Ruggs.8420
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I don't think ANet anticipated this, which is a shame. Or if they did, they didn't find a way to deal with it. It wasn't an issue during the actual release of the southern part of the map, as it reset upon finishing the meta since there was no north, yet. Maybe they should have somehow divide the map and put a portal up in the middle of the bridge.

I wonder what will happen next week...

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Next week, everyone who is having trouble getting a map instance for south meta will be able to get together and do south AND north in one session (best way to do it IMO). Those who rushed to do south and leave north behind this week will be stuck frustrated that they can't get on a map to just do north. They'll eventually be able to get it done though if they want it enough. That's my prediction and probably why ANET will do nothing about this issue.

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5 hours ago, DaFishBob.6518 said:

Next week, everyone who is having trouble getting a map instance for south meta will be able to get together and do south AND north in one session (best way to do it IMO). Those who rushed to do south and leave north behind this week will be stuck frustrated that they can't get on a map to just do north. They'll eventually be able to get it done though if they want it enough. That's my prediction and probably why ANET will do nothing about this issue.

Given the nature of the Drizzlewood meta(s), Arenanet should have released both chapters' return to events together.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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23 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

The optional Strike Mission will count for the meta achievement instead.

Yes, you can pass on trasure hunter doing north meta events and Strike Mission, but you still need Revenge at Wolf's Crossing which is part of south meta.  It's dumb situation when people can't do this meta at all. I have no whole day to play and try to get to it, so I think I'll wait until south meta will be full of afkers next week

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2 hours ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

I haven't done the Strike in a long while but it's not the most difficult thing in the world. I honestly see more people playing Whisper of Jormag (which I would argue is much harder) rather than Cold War.

Why they dont like doing cold war is the 10 min pre event.

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On 11/17/2021 at 9:48 PM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

You can complete the 20 events in the North Meta, and do the Cold War Strike Mission instead of the 12 Champions.  Cold Wars isn't that difficult, really. Anyway, that's what I did. 

Strike is only one achievement, so it lets you skip only one of the basic ones. Problem is, there are two that require south - keepers, and south meta (wolf's crossing). I have yet to see a south map that would not be past the end of its meta. I am sure they exist, but even if i see one in LFG (which is really rare), those groups are always full already anyway.

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Drizzlewood is perfect, Anet must  don't mess it...


Just open a LFG "LF new south map" and soon ppl in new stance will popup;.

and u problem is insta solved, in your own words.

On 11/17/2021 at 1:42 PM, Stellan.8907 said:

 very few south meta ones that fill instantly




Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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I had no trouble finding south meta groups early evening (6pm est) weeknights last week.

Last night, Saturday NA prime time, there was only one north group on LFG, but when North was finished, the group waited the reset timer out and the group got booted and dropped across several instances. At least one member of the squad ended up in an instance where south wasn’t completed, and we all switched instances to them.

So if you really need to get it done this week, make a squad, finish north, then find a south in progress.

Or… wait two more days, and the problem will disappear.

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Whats happening is most of the instances are almost in sync with each other so its just a matter of the time of day you are searching, if all you see is north meta maps, wait like an hour and then it should be all south meta maps 

The map isn't on a set schedule but because the map is extra busy the instances are all completing at around the same time rather than having 1 or 2 maps with commanders running that finish the meta quicker than empty maps and create out of sync maps throughout the day, pretty much every map is full and completing the meta at roughly the same pace

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