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Does A-net hate Engi?


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For some reason I feel Harbinger or Bladesworn fulfill Engi theme much better than Mechanist.

Mech is cool but we already have static pets in form of turrets and dedicating a whole e-spec traitline and multiple skills to a ranger pet feels weird.

There is so much potentional that can be done with Mechanist yet I feel like A-net is trapping itself by treating the mech as a player character. The mech customization window should not be in a traitline but in a ranger pet menu


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was that title really needed?
Like so many players in every profession subforum act the same.
Does anet hate mesmer?
Does anet hate ele?
Does anet hate warrior?
Does anet hate engi?
Does anet hate....?

No they dont. Stop with it, ty. Its annoying. Sorry but i had to say it.

However if i ignore the title I can agree with a lot you said here.
Though the first point you said is maybe debatable.

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Ask Warriors how happy they are with Bladesworn (hint: they aren't). 

Besides, it's simply to late anyway to radically change the core theme of the Mechanist. If you dislike it, you have two options:

1) Be constructive, test the Mechanist, give reasoned criticism of how to improve it (instead of simply saying that they should've created an entirely different spec).

2) Don't play it. 

Edited by Diovid.9506
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12 hours ago, Bingus.4236 said:

It should be a transform toolkit. Having an elite spec which you don't actually play because it's AI is weak sauce. They've already toned it down because it's zero fun for PvP having to go up against an overpowered AI so it's doomed to be useless.

As many of us were expecting from the moment it got revealed. Anet sucks at coding AI and they also don't even want AI to be good in their own game, so it made absolutely no sense that they went ahead and created mechanist.

But here we are. We got another scrapper case. Our "elite spec" will be a joke among the end game community until Anet bites the bullet years later and completely reworks mechanist.

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On 11/26/2021 at 2:21 AM, Kodama.6453 said:

As many of us were expecting from the moment it got revealed. Anet sucks at coding AI and they also don't even want AI to be good in their own game, so it made absolutely no sense that they went ahead and created mechanist.

But here we are. We got another scrapper case. Our "elite spec" will be a joke among the end game community until Anet bites the bullet years later and completely reworks mechanist.

This! A thousand times this. This cycle of Elites are repleat with errors we've seen before. Errors that took literally years to fix and have typically been resolved by total removal and replacement. All the same mistakes that were made in HoT and especially with scrapper.

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Just give it a million damage in PvE and I'm willing to ignore the fact that there's no way this will allowed to be good anywhere else (in it's current form).


ANet needs to decide whether it wants a Bot as good as a player OR not because there is no way that a Core Engineer with 2 trait lines is going stand up in any competitive environment. The sad thing is that technically, as is, the AI can be kitted to thy kingdom come especially in WvW.


Once the initial "Wow, I have a mech!" factor runs out I'm curious to see what people are going to think about it when the hammer starts to bash in the Mech's face. I'm thinking maybe two years before people start asking for actual traits in their trait line so they could play the game and just have a pet as well..

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On 11/26/2021 at 3:21 AM, Kodama.6453 said:

As many of us were expecting from the moment it got revealed. Anet sucks at coding AI and they also don't even want AI to be good in their own game, so it made absolutely no sense that they went ahead and created mechanist.

I do not think they will optimize the AI of the Mech beyond a certain level. Reason: Minion Master Necromancer.

While the MMN surely is amazing with its capabilities and potential, it has a lot of limitations. The Mech is insanely powerful compared to the minions, it has got a wider range and better abilities. If the AI was good, who would run Necromancer? 

If you play PvE, you may have seen those hordes of MMN who have infested entire map-sections, spawn-camping and farming. Not going to start that discussion again, not here. Just think about, what a Mech with a proper AI would do in those locations. Most of the mobs would be dead, long before they even reach the first minion. I do not think they want to revamp MMN. At least not now.

Note: I'm aware that my opinion, especially from a PvE perspective, does not count in these discussions. Judging from the reactions my comments cause, I play a totally different version of the game - since launch. Patch notes that harm your builds improve mine and vice versa. So yes, I enjoy those patch-notes once again ^^. 

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See ele being the "mages" version of eng. So no. Anet loves eng.

As long as conja weapons is an real effect that anet see as balanced and kits are the way they are now and that is also seen as balanced. Anet will be seen as out right in complete love with the eng class.

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8 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Am I the only one that have interet in the new gameplay possibility that the mech offer? I mean its fresh, its different and its kind of wild, so yeah pretty excited to build craft and play it!

I echo your statement, looks fresh and unique. Im too looking forward to it.

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I dont know about hate, but have no idea what to do with it and just do easy things that people seem to crave for. People wanted a golemancer, they half-ased a cool looking golemancer spec with minimal synergies to core engi, hardly balanced coz that would require to balance core engi, and god forbid they commit resources to balance turrets, inventions, tools, gadgets, firearms, pistol...

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On 11/29/2021 at 8:21 AM, Samug.6512 said:

I dont know about hate, but have no idea what to do with it and just do easy things that people seem to crave for. People wanted a golemancer, they half-ased a cool looking golemancer spec with minimal synergies to core engi, hardly balanced coz that would require to balance core engi, and god forbid they commit resources to balance turrets, inventions, tools, gadgets, firearms, pistol...

The thing I find funny is they "joke" about 5 signet engie for mech when in reality you'll end up running at least 3 of them since the core skills are so meh and now the use of most of the core skills is going to be trash since you don't have access to the toolbelt skills which are in most cases arguably better than the base skill.

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16 minutes ago, Dakiaris.2798 said:

The thing I find funny is they "joke" about 5 signet engie for mech when in reality you'll end up running at least 3 of them since the core skills are so meh and now the use of most of the core skills is going to be trash since you don't have access to the toolbelt skills which are in most cases arguably better than the base skill.

Sadly true.

I was trying to make a power damage build once again for mechanist today. Of course, wanted to take the force signet for 10% more strike damage. Then asking myself which other skills to take with me for power damage.

Rifle turret? Nope, got no surprise shot.

Throw mine? Nope, got no mine field.

Personal battering ram? Nope, got no launch for it.

Rocket turret? Nope, got no rocket.


The removal of toolbelt really makes many skills not feel worth taking.

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25 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Sadly true.

I was trying to make a power damage build once again for mechanist today. Of course, wanted to take the force signet for 10% more strike damage. Then asking myself which other skills to take with me for power damage.

Rifle turret? Nope, got no surprise shot.

Throw mine? Nope, got no mine field.

Personal battering ram? Nope, got no launch for it.

Rocket turret? Nope, got no rocket.


The removal of toolbelt really makes many skills not feel worth taking.


I really hope they do something to fix the lack of toolbelt... The damage in pve last beta was honestly fine but with what they did they stripped roughly 40% of the dps for power and about the same for condi. I honestly feel like all the changes were a knee jerk reaction to people screaming bloody murder in pvp.

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5 hours ago, Dakiaris.2798 said:


I really hope they do something to fix the lack of toolbelt... The damage in pve last beta was honestly fine but with what they did they stripped roughly 40% of the dps for power and about the same for condi. I honestly feel like all the changes were a knee jerk reaction to people screaming bloody murder in pvp.

power damage was actually nerfed more than condi damage... because it stopped scaling with power damage period... while it still inherits condi damage from the mechanist... power damage is just deleted and not inherited by the mech at all now...

to be fair... the mech was like 2-3 shot killing people in pvp before the nerf... so yes a nerf was necessary... but they perhaps went a bit too far...and it should not have been nerfed in pve at all.

Edited by Adrianna.3092
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I don’t think they hate engineer. It’s more of them not really knowing what to do with it. Hands down, engi is my favorite thematic class in the game. That whole ‘tool for every situation’ techno-mage feeds into my old school comic nostalgia of Batman and Dr. Strange.


It just sucks that we’re kind of pigeonholed into playing one roll/one kit for most of endgame. I also really hate the grenade kit as I find it super tedious to run, yet almost every build relies on it to reach max output. 

I really miss the old pistol/Condi builds or the original turret/flamejug play style. There’s a reason everyone kind of gravitates towards Holo these days. Simplicity of the rotation (compared to other builds) for strong numbers.

I still have a really fun scrapper/alchemy support build I enjoy the play style of but at the end of the day it’s subpar to what even a dps firebrand brings to the table as far as support goes. Engi has been bottom of the barrel for years now on competent build choices, probably directly related to how complicated their kits are and how much of a nightmare it must be to balance.

Edited by Raynn.4391
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