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The Mounts are terrible


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I know what you mean, OP. When controlling the player character, you can press left and right to strafe. It allows for pin-point accuracy when you need it. However, mounts have no strafe, so if you need to reposition a little sideways, you'll struggle as your mount will keep turning around awkwardly. Anet probably did this to make it feel like you're actually riding a mount instead of being the mount, but I'd rather have convenient and precise control in a video game rather than simulating mount riding.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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You'll get used to it.  The fact Anet had to balls to immaculately go the extra mile (on top of the extra mile they already invested on mounts) and give them dynamic turn radii deserves all the respect from us.  Every time it doesn't do exactly what I tell it, I'm just like "nope, I still love it.  forgiven. it's beautiful!"  Meanwhile in FFXIV, the janky looking flying fairy elephants and sports cars or whatever the hell are looking like robots.

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I think the best way to think about it is really cars : On foot yes, you can sidestep very easily, now sidestepping in a car, that's very strange. I know of some older games where the mount movement is as you describe, and seeing a horse sidestep is ... very janky.

Now obviously that's caricaturing, I understand that normally combining the sidestep and movement forward resulting in a very sharp turn movement, but if you think about it, that would be a heavy technical downgrade to go back to it. Of all the mounts, I can think of the skimmer who has the most turning responsiveness while moving, but since it's skimming and slippery, you'll often find yourself be carried by your momentum which I understand is also an issue for you.

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I will agree I wish the mounts controlled more like Tanks, I mean they already do but I mean disconnected from the camera.

Kinda difficult to drive straight or turn right while you are looking backwards. Keeping your eyes on the road? When I just drove past that gorgeous looking pink-affroed green-skinned Asura? Right!

Could be an option. They could add it. They have added QoL stuff in the past.


Edited by TwiceDead.1963
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On 12/2/2021 at 5:09 AM, MikeG.6389 said:

I use action camera, as well. It's when you are moving in one direction and then want to turn back by pressing the key to the opposite direction. The mount turns either clockwise or counter-clockwise based on the angle of its facing in relation to the camera. I think that's what OP is disturbed by because they can't predict which way the mount will turn. I don't share OP's concerns, but I think I understand what they mean.


On 12/2/2021 at 1:27 AM, Lexan.5930 said:

Not so much the design, but the handling is just stupid.


If i'm going left (a) and then go right (d) with the camera facing in the same direction the whole time (strafe not rotate camera i believe) the mounts turn clockwise and go to the right.


If your going to the right (d) and then turn left (a) the mounts turn clockwise rather than counterclockwise.


Basically when your on a mount, think of it like being on a horse. When you pull the reins to the right, the horse turns to the right. when you pull left on the reins, the horse turns left, not to the right.


In GW2 when your going right and you basically tell the mount to turn left, it turns right.


It is the most annoying thing about the mounts in this game. I have fallen off more ledges and gotten all turned around more times because when moving them mounts dont rotate the way they should.


please anet fix this it's awful, just awful. like really really bad. how does a mount rotate to the right, and walk towards the camera to go left? why would i ever want a mount to do that?


Rereading the OP, I think the problem is that the mount's movement commands are exactly the same for the playable characters.  However, unlike the player characters, mounts have a very slow turn speed.  This turn speed seems to be interfering with OP's intuition of mount direction.

It's a guess, but am I getting close to what you're describing OP?


Also, I play in action camera mode and I don't have problems, other than accidentally jumping off a cliff in HoT.  But, who doesn't do that?



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The only issue I ever have is with the battlecat mount when coming down an incline, if I want to pounce on an enemy (usually in wvw) it won't let me do the 1 skill. In fact, it puts that skill on cooldown. However, this is the only problem I have ever experienced with mounts.

Edited by Midnight.7526
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  • 6 months later...

Well, it's nice to see that this is still one of the ***90*** pages of bugs still in the game currently.  Doesn't matter if you use your keyboard or mouse, the mounts would have been SOOOO AMAZING if this little problem didn't exist.  SOOOO AMAZING!  It makes the game, oh so much more fun to play, leaving you fully immersed =P

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1 hour ago, Gladrinpwe.9762 said:

Well, it's nice to see that this is still one of the ***90*** pages of bugs still in the game currently.  Doesn't matter if you use your keyboard or mouse, the mounts would have been SOOOO AMAZING if this little problem didn't exist.  SOOOO AMAZING!  It makes the game, oh so much more fun to play, leaving you fully immersed =P

I can't tell if this is sarcasm, trolling or just innate babble. Can someone please explain?

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