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WvW World Restructuring Update – December 3, 2021

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•    Your assigned team: Griffonfall
•    Your original home shard: Baruch Bay
•    The name of the WvW guild selected: Guild Wars Roamers [ROA] before dead line
•    A description of the issue: Wrong team - most of [ROA] clan mates are in Skrittsburgh.

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•    Assigned team: Skrittsburgh
•    Your original home shard: Baruch Bay
•    The name of the WvW guild you selected: Dedicated [dT] selected before deadline
•    A description of the issue: Placed on Skrittsburgh instead of Moogooloo 

Edited by Dessty.5102
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1 hour ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

If you’re experiencing issues with the system, please respond back to this thread with the following information:
•    Your assigned team (find this information in the World Restructuring - BETA menu):
•    Your original home shard (example: Gandara, Blackgate)
•    The name of the WvW guild you selected in the World Restructuring menu and if it was selected before last night’s deadline:
•    A description of the issue:



assigned Team: Grenth's Door

Home: Drakkar Lake

Name of the WvW Guild: Zirkel der Umnachtung - [ZdU]



Assigned to the wrong team. Grenth's door instead of Stonefall - like the rest of my guild. 

Grenth's door was the Server from the guild on the second guildslot, maybe it could be related to that. 

Edited by oxylomorph.4985
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  • Assigned team: Giant's Rise
  • Your original home shard: Desolation
  • The name of the WvW guild selected: Cornerstoned [OOF]
  • A description of the issue: Assigned to the wrong team. The guild I selected was mostly put in Seven Pines, but I was not. I had an issue where i selected the guild earlier in the week (think Wednesday), and when i checked on Thursday, it was unchecked again. Reselected the guild and restarted the game again to ensure it was still checked. Before reset the box was still checked.


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•    Assigned team: Giant's Rise
•    Your original home shard: Gandara
•    The name of the WvW guild selected: I Tripped And Fell [Oops]
•    A description of the issue: I've been placed into the wrong team, put in Giant's Rise but should be in Stonefall

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•    Your assigned team: Stonefall
•    Your original home shard: Gandara
•    Name of the WvW guild selected in the World Restructuring: Gimme Your Loot [Bag], selected before deadline
•    A description of the issue: Got assigned to Stonefall instead of Moogooloo

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•    Your assigned team: Silent Woods 
•    Your original home shard: Vabbi 
•    The name of the WvW guild you selected in the World Restructuring menu and if it was selected before last night’s deadline: Socially Inept Cavemen [ugha] and yes
•    A description of the issue: Placed on the wrong Alliance / Server

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•    Your assigned team: Stonefall
•    Your original home shard: Baruch Bay
•    The name of the WvW guild you selected in the World Restructuring menu and if it was selected before last night’s deadline: Dedicated [dT]
•    A description of the issue: Placed on the wrong Alliance / Server

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    Your assigned team: First Haven
•    Your original home shard: Vabbi
•    The name of the WvW guild you selected in the World Restructuring menu and if it was selected before last night’s deadline: Peasant Militia [Pleb]
•    A description of the issue: Place on First Haven instead of Skrittsburgh with the selected guild

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•    Your assigned team Stonefall
•    Your original home shard Fissure of Woe
•    The name of the WvW guild you selected in the World Restructuring: Living Under Sharia (Law)
•    A description of the issue: Placed randomly into Stonefall not on Titans Staircase.

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    Your assigned team: Fortune's Vale
•    Your original home shard: Kodash [DE]
•    The name of the WvW guild you selected in the World Restructuring menu and if it was selected before last night’s deadline: Die Quaggans [JPHM] - was selected before deadline
•    A description of the issue: Placed on Fortune's Vale instead of Skrittsburgh

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- Your assigned team: Thornwatch
- Your original home shard: Elona Reach (DE)(example: Gandara, Blackgate)
- The name of the WvW guild you selected in the World Restructuring menu and if it was selected before last night’s deadline: Elona Night Wacht [ENW]
- A description of the issue: Check box was still set correctly from the last beta, so there was no need to reset it.  I am therefore in the wrong team.

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•    Your assigned team: Silent Woolds
•    Your original home shard: Gandara
•    The name of the WvW guild you selected in the World Restructuring menu and if it was selected before last night’s deadline: O U R S [OURS] (or possibly Pure Of Mind [Pure]) - reselection was possible for me the whole time, see below. No lockdown to a selected guild according to deadline ever occured. Guild should have been selected before deadline.

And this  (Silent Woods) happens to be the exact same team from the last beta, where it also was not the correct team according to guild selection on WvW panel.

What I also noticed: I kept checking the slection panel periodically and I saw two things:

* despite the deadline I never got a lockdown on the selection for WvW guild. I am not sure this is intended, but if you set a deadline, you should make the selection non-editable after that deadline.

* during the course of friday my selection seemed unset roughly 3-4 hours before reset. This was way after the deadline, though. I immediately set guild again, but apparently that was already too late? Maybe the game assumed I had no guild for alliance selected. The same behavior I had during first beta, although there it was days before the reset, where the selection previously made got lost.

Edited by nthmetal.9652
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•    Your assigned team: Moogooloo
•    Your original home shard : Dzagonur
•    The name of the WvW guild selected: Send Help Plz [LOST] (voted the first day it was available)
•    A description of the issue: My assingned Team is Moogooloo instead of Seven Pines (Guild is assgned to).

Edited by Misheck.7894
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•    Your assigned team: Silent Woods
•    Your original home shard: Piken Square
•    The name of the WvW guild selected: [MI] Monkey Interference (before deadline)
•    A description of the issue: Placed on Silent Woods instead of Dragon's Claw

Good luck!

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My assigned team:               First Haven

Original home shard:           Ring of Fire

Selected WvW-Guild:         The Mysterious End [BAD] (the box was still ticked from last beta)

Team of my WvW-Guild:   Skrittsburgh

Description of the issue:    I was placed in the wrong team

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I got assigned to Giant's Rise.

My original home shard is Underworld (EU)

The name of the guild I selected is Dawn of Underworld (DoUw)

The core issue is: I got placed in Giant's Rise, whereas I should have been placed in Stonefall.

Additionally, when the selection option became available, it was already set to the guild Dawn of Underworld. This was my option in the previous beta, and is my represented guild on most/all characters. As such, I did not manually make changes to the choice of guild for this beta. I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I thought I'd mention it.

Kind regards,



Edited by SerCharizard.4826
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 Your assigned team : Griffonfall
•    Your original home shard: Drakkar Lake
•    The name of the WvW guild you selected in the World Restructuring menu and if it was selected before last night’s deadline: Send Help Plz [LOST] ; i did preselect the guild, an update it was deselected and i selected it again, both before deadline if i remember correctly
•    A description of the issue: Guild is in Seven Pines, i am in Griffonfall - where i was in last Beta as well.

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