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I love this game to the farthest star and back

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I love this game.

I love the community. Nearly every person I've met in this game has been helpful, kind, friendly and generally nice.

This is just an appreciation thread about Guild Wars 2. You're all awesome and I'm so quaggan happy to be a part of this community.

I left Guild Wars 2 after PoF launched, I completed the main story and that was the end for me. Certain other MMO got me hooked for a while, but there was something about the mounts that just didn't click with me. 

Then Covid happened. Started playing another MMO with beautiful scenery and great gameplay, but something was eztremely odd about the LFG system.

Fast forward to 2021 Q4, another MMO launched... Had a blast for 100h, but the questing system and the crafting system wasn't quite what I expected it to be. Then it dawned on me...

Everything I've EVER wanted from an MMO has been under my nose since I first created my account in Guild Wars 2 back in 2014. This game, for me personally, is the pinnacle of MMOs. As a pretty casual player (playing a few hours per day), Guild Wars 2 does not force me into gear score runs, it doesn't leave me with the thought of "quaggan me, I'm WAY behind my friends and can never play end game content with them". 

I sincerely want to thank you, Anet. 

I sincerely want to thank you, Guild Wars 2 community, for being as awesome, kind and sweet as you have been, are, and I hope, continue to be.


Edited by Kenneth.7536
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I love the whole atmosphere, lore and world design. If only people wouldn't ask for 250 to 1k LI all the time which I don't have anymore since I unfortunately dumped tons of LI back when my guild became inactive and I had no way to continue raids anymore and that kitten was cluttering my bank and inventories of all characters. You couldn't store that stuff back then and they had no use (legendary armors weren't fully released then). I'd have 2k LI if I hadn't dumped them but no support wouldn't restore them so no coming back to raiding for me or any other content at all. 
(That's what I meant with toxicity. Now stop harassing me) 

Edited by Cynder.2509
rephrased due to harassment and bullying on another thread. Might as well just delete this if I could or delete my existence because I'm too worthless anyways
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6 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

Same but I hate how toxic the community has become unfortunately... 😞

What? Lol

Sorry to hear you feel this way, but seriously walk away from GW2 for a while and go play some dedicated PvP games, Pay-to-win games and you will see what real toxicity is!!!

I'm coming from a background of 10 yrs PvP games and GW2 is like Alice in Wonderland in terms of toxicity.

Listen whatever game you play, wherever you go irl, you will always always encounter elements of toxicity: That's just people, but for the most part it's the minority.

In my years of wisdom I've largely learnt players aren't born toxic at birth, and am mindful that more than likely toxicity arises due to irl problems, and for these individuals it's only way they manage to vent. 

In my humble opinion I've encountered way more players in GW2 that are overly helpful, I often send 1-2G tips for the lovely daily JP portal mesmers and you know what, such is their genoristy some even send my tip back. 

Also people that tend to say the community has become toxic after just ~1-2 toxic players vent out of a 50 person squad. Funny how the other 48-49 players in that squad maybe totaly chill, friendly players but the community gets labelled toxic cos of a minority few eh???  Also notice in such squads especially in open world the majority of players don't even speak, just quietly go about their gaming unnoticed, not bothering anyone. Ofc the toxic ones are more vocal wherever they go, so it's a skewed analysis. 

One of the main retention factors to keep me playing Gw2 IS the community feel here. It's honestly like no other online game I've encountered.  😍


Edited by Gregg.3970
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54 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I don't know about this one. I mean EVERYTHING is bound by the speed of light so if you started loving this game at launch your love wouldn't even have reached the nearest star, let alone the farthest, and certainly wouldn't have made its way back yet.

Maybe that was my embellished way of describing my eternal love for the game and its community? 😃

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I love this game too. I kept playing it on and off accross the years, and a few months ago I finally started to actually focus on it and realized how much fun it really is. It quickly became my most played game of the last year. Pretty much everything you do in this game is simply fun to do - something that a lot of online multiplayer games seem to miss completely.


Regarding the community, I think that in-game it is great. The community in the Forum and Reddit is a lot more hit-or-miss. That's pretty much par the course, same thing with FFXIV, SWTOR, ESO and quite a few others.

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20 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I don't know about this one. I mean EVERYTHING is bound by the speed of light so if you started loving this game at launch your love wouldn't even have reached the nearest star, let alone the farthest, and certainly wouldn't have made its way back yet.

Love transcends physics.

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Agreed. Great game. I have personally played from launch to today with occasional breaks in between.  

Like was said, mostly everything I want in a game and mmo is found in GW2. There have been times where I thought, ‘Hey, this other mmo is way more popular, I wonder if it is doing something  better!’ I play it for a little while and certainly appreciate things about it, but every time I have come back to GW2, I get drawn back in and realize it is the pinnacle, especially for casual players who can only play a few hours. 

There are of course many things that could be improved and implemented, but no game is perfect. 

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  • 1 month later...

I was finishing up Token Collector last night, trying to figure out where the hole was to drop down to the third to last token in the Chalice of Tears.

A helpful player asked, “Are you looking for the coin?”

I said that I was, and they offered to show me and even dropped a portal so we could get back out. I thanked them, then they asked if I was doing the job, too, or just the coins, then proceeded to lead me on a shortcut across the peaks to get the final two.

The way they confidently navigated the terrain, like some mountain goat born on the volcano, made it clear they’d spent a lot of time doing this kind of thing.

The GW2 community really is special.

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