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Remove Boons or WvW WILL die..


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On 2/4/2022 at 2:17 AM, Hari.7259 said:

I used to enjoy playing WvW solo or with one or 2 friends .....  now ... you can't stay alive long enough to do anything and you can't kill anyone because of all the fricking boons .... You all really screwed up a fun thing to play.

i am sooo close from typing  Git Gud...   OOPS  i did it 😄  Idk if it is the boons or that you are just having a hard time in general... because i can get kills for sure 😄

there is some stupid builds that can maintain almost permastabi and therefore you cant catch them with CC... -> hardcounter to anything that relys on CC to get a kill.  But that is a minority and can be easily countered by boonstrip. Boons are just a part of the game and we have to learn to live with them.

The only thing i see as problematic is Stabi. Stabi would be more balanced if it couldnt stack such high numbers. Duration of it is arguably a bit to high if some builds can have it 100%, but limiting it to 3 stacks max would help with that a ton. It wouldnt make those builds CC immune but just really hard to CC.

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13 hours ago, obastable.5231 said:

Why? Every spec isn't supposed to be able to do everything & there's already 3 specs at least with incredibly strong boon rip. 

wich class is "incredibly strong" ?


Scourge and Spellbreaker have been nerf so much

and mesmer need to cc for removing boon.

atm in wvw we see how it's kitten and braidead to have so few remove boon

every party with 1 fb and 1 scrapper if they are decent you are perma stab

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On 2/10/2022 at 8:17 AM, Money.7218 said:

wich class is "incredibly strong" ?


Scourge and Spellbreaker have been nerf so much

and mesmer need to cc for removing boon.

atm in wvw we see how it's kitten and braidead to have so few remove boon

every party with 1 fb and 1 scrapper if they are decent you are perma stab


That's not how boon rip works on CC. It removes a stack of stability for every CC that hits them - being hit while having stability means they lose a stack of stability  - assuming the stability isn't straight corrupted before then (which would be the smart way to play and co-ordinate).  Temporal curtain = 3 boons or stacks removed x5 (15 boon rips), F3 = 5 boons or stacks removed x5 (25 boon rips), Tides of Time = infinite boons or stacks removed because it doesn't have a target cap. I have literally seen this proc over 200 boon rips alone on one cast, now CT split it with a grav well & hit them both twice. One Mesmer is brilliant, add them in with other sources of boon rip and the game becomes considerably less of a challenge in that regard. It is so very easy to damage and kill in the current meta, to the point that damage over all really needs a nerf. It's not exciting when fights end in seconds.  Another fix that needs to ship is an ICD on the Sigil of Absorption so it can't proc infinitely without interruption.

You have to understand that your experience of this game is your own, and while you may not be good at doing something that doesn't mean it can't be done, either poorly or very well. Boon rip is so silly easy that even poorly used it's very effective. Used well in skilled players hands it's how you wipe a map queue in under 10 seconds flat. And I don't count myself among the most skilled. I'm above average, we spank casuals and semi competitive Guilds of similar and often twice our size but we get spanked by the top GvG'ers. Now if we can wipe a map queue in under 10 seconds flat with a pair of Mesmers and a couple of Scourges how absolutely stupid do you think boon rip is in the hands of our most competitive and skilled players? 



On 2/10/2022 at 2:05 PM, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

the singular only problem that messed up the classes hard is the dmg coefficient reduction. this whole pointless brabbling about boons and minstrel is completely off and it only feels that stuff is hard to kill bc everything is supposed to do far more dmg during the same time period

What. No. Nothing is hard to kill, unless they are more skilled and then naturally they should be harder to kill. Mechanics and game wise, every class is not supposed to be able to beat every other class toe to toe in a 1 v. 1. That isn't balance, if it was we'd all essentially be playing the same things and would have nothing special to bring to the table. 


14 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Lmao anet enjoying boon balling with the homies. 🤭

Yeah don't expect any balancing in regards to boons. 🤣


I don't get this comment. Do you want devs to understand the game they work on from a players standpoint or do you only want them to understand it from a programmatical standpoint? Big hint, one of these is great and one of them is bad.

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@obastable.5231 ... again for the slow ones: before, any class and even zergbuilds could easily threaten roamer and glasscannon builds hard enough to force them to run far or die. single hits with big spikes could just kill a thief or ranger fast.


thanks to dmg coefficient nerfs, those classes now get major advantages, as immovable slow and obvious dmg is pretty easy to avoid and single hits barely do any dmg anymore.


against supportclasses, stuff like thief/ranger takes literally zero dmg now. anet effectively tries to nerf skill to cater towards the very casual playerbase there. just pretty disappointing and NOT what "balance" really means.

@Xenesis.6389 there's barely never any anet devs anywhere. maps they are seen on fill very quickly up to queues tho.

u also show not a lot of understanding - the nerfs catered mainly to casual blobs on absurd sizes, not towards guilds really. few guilds are really good, most are very average, a lot are also just plain casual and rely on rather big numbers to do anything, which is against what guilds could / should do.

like, there is enough guilds with 30-40 players that u can farm with a good player guild of 15-20

again, blaming "boon balling" is only a b*d player excuse. u have three meta classes that focus on strips... if nobody on your map runs these, you're just playing the game wrong.

and on smallscale, removing boons would simply not change a lot

Edited by kamikharzeeh.8016
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On 2/12/2022 at 5:03 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

Understand the game from a players standpoint? lmao, have you ever seen a roaming anet dev in wvw ever? When they bother to show themselves it's only in blobs, is that understanding the game mode from one point of view? And from the bang up job they've done over the years where balance has shifted to zerg boon balling, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where they've been getting their advice for balancing.


But I understand, the guilds want their "gvg mode", you're either in a fat organized boon balling group, or you're fodder. Funny thing is all this catering to organized groups, yet they don't even bother fighting each other, they sit around trying to farm the pugs and small guilds. You get guilds like Rawr slumming it up in ppt tier 1, and OP slumming it in lower tiers, with little challenge and never meeting each other. /slowclap. People still wonder why there's a lack of pug commanders when groups like that are around.


I would have no problem with boon balling groups as long as they're facing other equal groups, fact is 9 out of 10 times they don't, and every single week I see it. But it's ok, boons really are not strong! there's too much boon strips in the game still! sure, go ahead and keep killing your "content".

Yes, I have. I've seen plenty of devs playing WvW, in groups big and small, in comped small teams, solo roaming, even in GvG's. Playing since launch across different styles and servers provides plenty of opportunity. Whining and throwing a tantrum on the forums isn't really inviting devs to come play with you, exactly, but you do you man. You do you. Keep making generalized statements about a small segment of the playerbase and pretending it applies to everyone ever in WvW. Clearly this is working so well for you.



On 2/12/2022 at 8:51 PM, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

@obastable.5231 ... again for the slow ones: before, any class and even zergbuilds could easily threaten roamer and glasscannon builds hard enough to force them to run far or die. single hits with big spikes could just kill a thief or ranger fast.


thanks to dmg coefficient nerfs, those classes now get major advantages, as immovable slow and obvious dmg is pretty easy to avoid and single hits barely do any dmg anymore.


against supportclasses, stuff like thief/ranger takes literally zero dmg now. anet effectively tries to nerf skill to cater towards the very casual playerbase there. just pretty disappointing and NOT what "balance" really means.

@Xenesis.6389 there's barely never any anet devs anywhere. maps they are seen on fill very quickly up to queues tho.

u also show not a lot of understanding - the nerfs catered mainly to casual blobs on absurd sizes, not towards guilds really. few guilds are really good, most are very average, a lot are also just plain casual and rely on rather big numbers to do anything, which is against what guilds could / should do.

like, there is enough guilds with 30-40 players that u can farm with a good player guild of 15-20

again, blaming "boon balling" is only a b*d player excuse. u have three meta classes that focus on strips... if nobody on your map runs these, you're just playing the game wrong.

and on smallscale, removing boons would simply not change a lot

No. Before any class couldn't threaten a roamer. Before the power coefficients were so much lower people thought big crits were 1k and the epitome of skill in GvG and open field was Rekz kitten around with a bit of co-ordination and (for the most part) pressing one while sometimes blasting a water field. This was, in the before times, the pinnacle of competitive WvW. And, I mean, if you doubt it you can always go watch their old footage on YouTube. You can also watch Trillmatic, or Yarr, or KoM, or any number of other small comped 5 or less groups or even slightly larger ones like EK, Agg, etc., from the same era obliterate groups 2x their size or a map queue by knowing what their skills do, by understanding combo fields, trait synergy, and just generally being a smarter player than the average person hopping in to WvW. And, for the most part, this hasn't changed. A skilled player or group will still outperform a lesser skilled one. As they should. Metabattle only provides builds and a bit of instruction, and some meta builds are definitely overtuned with a lot of passive benefits that don't require much skill to maximize, but a skilled player will still always outperform their unskilled peers.

And I don't know if we're playing the same game here, but there's still plenty of overpowered bursty dps builds, but unlike in the before times there's now much more survivability available via increased armor stat sets and passive trait buffs. There's no lack of outgoing damage, unless your group lacks boon rips of course, in which case you're just shooting yourself in the foot and crying about it. 😄

There's still plenty of devs out in WvW. Their ANET tag is like a Guild, you know, they can turn it on and off whenever they want. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/23/2022 at 3:52 PM, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

Superspeed. Literally the only thing that needs a hard nerf right now imo. 

I'll +1 this.


I would say the biggest trouble maker when it comes to Super Speed is Scrapper. While Holosmith does have Super Speed from Crystal Configuration: Zephyr it's only available in Photon Forge and is much harder to share to allies making it less of an issue in large groups (Something I would love to see would be a buff/change to Crystal Configuration: Storm so it can compete with Crystal Configuration: Zephyr).


Maybe drop the duration of Super Speed from  Gyroscopic Acceleration down to 1.5-2s per gyro? (Could do the same for Crystal Configuration: Zephyr). If they want to spec into Super Speed they can take Superior Rune of the Zephyrite. Another thing they could do would be to buff/change System Shocker to compete with Gyroscopic Acceleration (maybe give more barrier per disable?) which could make it so you get more value when running Adaptive Armor (I for one haven't seen anyone run this trait post Kinetic Accelerators rework).

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Ah, I loved going to enemy zergs with my spellbreaker, activate defiant stance and all the stab skills, pop the elite bubble and Break Enchantments and watch as they crumble without boons while the rest of our group unloaded their attacks on them. We managed to melt a zerg 3 times in a row like this once (though it took a while as we had to pick off small numbers and we didn't have any commander on the map), they didn't come back after that. But Anet just had to mess up Winds of Disenchantment again.

That aside, superspeed is a bit of a problem and then just give the other classes their original boonrip capacity back. The target reduction to 5 on a lot of skills probably didn't help either as the solution often is to just bring more of the support classes. The whole damage nerf patch was a mistake.

Edited by Xenon Z.6015
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