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Vindicator with Assassin stance viable?


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I have a question for people who really put out some effort into trying all the possible combinations with the new Vindicator elite spec for Revenant. Does the spec "flow" nicely with Assassin?


The reason why I am asking is because I am really really enjoying a sw/sw-hammer assassin/dwarf build right now as a fairly new player doing mostly open-world content, but I am a big "greatsword guy" so automatically the appeal for Vindicator spec is already there. 


Looking at the videos of the abilities it all seems fairly nice, the colors of animations have a typical Revenant-ish feel and the animations themselves are basically taken from other professions, which is completely fine for me.


I am just struggling to find opinions on running the greatsword with legendary/assassin stances, which makes me wonder if it is totally useless or something? Any thoughts?


Thank you in advance for your answers. :-)

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On 1/26/2022 at 2:03 PM, The Boz.2038 said:

I am generally finding it hard to come up with the... DPS/heal build, I guess, in which the split legend would be optimal. Shiro/Jalis greatsword autos all the way, looks like. Maybe orbital dropping into combat will be fun.

It isnt hard, just make F1 and f2 the legends and f3 the core legend to choioe from, would be like a elementalist atunement swap, and the current F2 effect could be forgoten  or even be a f4, but imo should discard this for this legend making the legend alliance slightly better  in some aspects.

Simple and  direct....



I liked both vindicator legend with jalis or assassin legend, IMO fits great with any of them, the machanic that Anet is using forcing both alliance legend in same legend swap is the issue, the swap tends to get messy.

On aliance/shiro i liked to have  nomad advance|batle dance/risposting showdows in same position to be the same key, feels really mobile.

On jalis figthing with some defense up and using my own stability carpet felt really nice as well, even with hammer and spear felt sometimes was traying to be a range balistic vehicle :P but with bad aim. 

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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27 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

OH, you're proposing a *redesign*, not a build? 
Hurm. So those two legends would be... mandatory for any Vindicator? You just choose a third and that's it?

Once that being resolved builds woud drop from the sky i think with the current systems Vindicator has kinda discourages alot of players being the reset legend on mount usage that forces a specific legend  one of the issues. and things get messy with both legend swaps proposed by Anet.

IMO its simple scrap the current f2 thing and the moment alliance is added each legend has its own F key they could be in the same slot as it is but each F key like f2 and f3 

F1 | F2 with core


F1 | [F2/F3]  or even [f1/f2] | F3, rather than use the same Fkey to rotate inside its own legend wich can lead to problems game not knowing wich legend was used when unmounting for example or when swaping back to alliance we swap to a legend we dont want to, cause vindicator is messy in this current form,  at least would adress those-


builds are ok with it atm just extremelly messy and buggy...

EDIT, this is actually what im pondering to get working wich works well being jalis or shiro acompaning the alliance.

Mobility. stability. condi cleanse, resolution, some resistance.


Edited by Aeolus.3615
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14 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Okay, but with that system, you would not be able to play Vindicator *without* the Alliance legends selected. Right? 

Why not?

The extra legend slot would just apear if a player would took the aliance, to make it simple since Aliiance is all about aliance  why not make aliance itself a 3 legends swap  :P even for 3 core   and that would be the  trade off for being no dodges'ish and where class could excell as well, simplier to code and simplier for players as well.

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19 hours ago, phokus.8934 said:

As a mesmer main, it pains me that Virtuoso is garbage in all areas in its current form.

Yet its one of the  best specs made,  and one of the coolest in this game :) kinda reminds Gw1 ilusionary weapon builds.

Mesmer is actually on a decent spot and its very strong on wvw.

HoT and PoF specs were made  initially so  broken to carry its  players that every EoD spec become extremelly weak, its funny how most dont see how much they are being carried by some class stacking overperformance, wich will end removing the usage of most EoD specs.

Just look at Willbender.... that thing is so strong that even dies to a pve moa, i dont think that Vindicator needs to be changed that much besides a beter recipe for legend swap, the real issue is the classes that were made to stack just 3-4 specs and do everything while nothing else is needed.

Reaper alone completely destroyes all eod classes for example on 1v1 situations   :] my zerker Vindicator was doing 400-900 damage to players that were doing 6-8k+ lol.... and one even typed /dance and dodged vindicator leap xD.... 

For example WvW is like, if one want to play melee has only Reaper due damage  easy mode ouput and its 2nd life bar momentums, aoe and group barrier is stack as much scourges u can, and then u have FB and scrappers mostly scrappers  wich they are super strong atm in terms of builds(they are a bit overdesigned as they offer way to much like no other class can like they are ment to be broken to counter the necro stack n spamage.

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On 1/26/2022 at 8:44 AM, Raiken.1476 said:

Assassin Stance is the best stance for Vindicator currently. It's actually even better than the Alliance stance you get from the spec, which struggles to compete with Dwarf. 

This is what I dont like. Personally Assassin legend and Herald legend are two of my least favorite legends to play

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25 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

   Then his concern is natural: Jalis provides roughly similar dps compared to Shiro while delivering way more utility and tankiness. Easy choice.

That' s what i noticed as well some mobs were anoying in the kd/kb aplyance lol fighthing in its own ground stability or gaining resolution and other stuff with jalis elite fetl like a fantasy samurai thing.


Not sure i i will use full zerker or diviner  to keep up with the boons for quite some time.

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3 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

   Then his concern is natural: Jalis provides roughly similar dps compared to Shiro while delivering way more utility and tankiness. Easy choice.


I think that Jalis is definitely the safer option, but I'd like to test out Alliance more to see how it feels. Only got to test it for like half an hour or so in open world in the last beta. Alliance has its own set of advantages as well IMO. On demand quickness, CC that gives stab. A heal that is usable every 10 seconds and gives might/vuln. All of its utilities do good damage too. I'd say that is all very good, especially in bigger groups of mobs. It definitely seems to have potential.

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