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Need some help before I go bat crazy!

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I have a bit of a problem. I've got my uncle playing and I could use some tips to help him before I go crazy. Let me start by saying it's his first MMO and he is getting pretty good at fighting with his character.

Some of the things he does is whenever he opens his bank or inventory he asks about every single item multiple times. He does know about wiki and has used it. He constantly complains about his camera angles even though he's streamed and I've given him tips. He takes my advice for 2 minutes then goes back to what he does and complains. He also doesn't use the mini map and to get him to follow I have to put my character in front of him so he can see it. 

I do want to get him involved in guilds so he can meet others but I'm a bit worried about how he would be treated doing these things and quitting. I do have to admit there is a part of me that wants to drop him in one and learn the hard way as I did. Any tips on how to deal with this would be greatly appreciated.

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You said it's his first MMO, but is it by any chance also his first RPG and/or 3rd person game?

Because a lot of this sounds like someone who isn't used to any of these things - having items which aren't just weapons or consumables, having a camera which is seperate from their character, or needing to use the map to navigate. It's not exactly the same but it reminds me of when my husband first played Oblivion - he kept complaining he couldn't pick up any items and therefore couldn't get any gold and I had a look through his inventory and he was trying to carry 1 of each weapon and every kind of armour, which of course meant he was just below the weight limit at all times. He was basically trying to play it like an FPS or some adventure games because that's what he was used to. I explained to him that he needed to pick ones to focus on and only use those, partially to free up space for loot and partially because he wouldn't be able to train all the skills and after that he got a lot better.

I assume he's not like this with everything, or you wouldn't be asking. (If my mother-in-law was a gamer anyone on voice chat or in the room would just have to get used to her asking about every item, character, notification etc. because she basically thinks out loud.) So it sounds like he's feeling pretty overwhelmed by the game and having a hard time adjusting to how it's different from what he knows.

Some of that might just take time for him to get used to it. But if that is the case it might also help for you to explain things in a more general sense - like instead of just telling him what each item is explain that the game gives you lots of items which aren't immediately useful but are worth keeping and use the items he's got as examples so he can learn to understand when he gets a new one how to tell what it's for and if it's something he does want. (It's hard to give examples without knowing what he's keeping.)

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Lol drop him and let him learn.  You've given him the tools to play the game, you've given him tips, now it's time for him to use them and practice them.  You go do something in game that you want to do, let him experience not having his hand held, and check back with him occasionally.  Let him do some events with a commander and squad, world boss train or something easy to follow.  Go afk for a bit if needed, let him wing it.  

Also, I commend you for bringing your uncle to the game!!! Good on you, and I hope you find some balance with a very needy and excited new player.  I agree with Danikat that he may be a bit overwhelmed, it should get better with time.

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6 minutes ago, Silvercyclone.1462 said:

He used to play games like the first Zelda and Doom so he isn't new to gaming. I did once have him try 1st person since he used to play Doom.

So this is basically all new to him. (And if he played those two when they were new it's been a long time.) Give him time, he's got a lot to get used to.

But it's also almost certainly worth explaining that he'll get a lot of items which aren't weapons or power-ups and in general terms how to tell which of those to keep and which to get rid of. At some point it might also be worth explaining, or encouraging him to look up, what the different attributes do and how to choose between items with different stats because that's probably not going to be obvious to him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unlike it was said, don't use mentor tag to make you more visible from him. Just tell him to CTRL+T on your char it would be better and avoid everyone /w /join you hopping for some event farming.

And like I've read earlier, yes, let him play alone for some time. That the best way to learn a game, especially now than he now the wiki command which is the most important tool on this game imho.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/14/2022 at 10:18 AM, Farohna.6247 said:

How's this going btw, are you hiding from him yet?

Believe it or not he has gotten a hell of a lot better. no more asking about every single item in his inventory or griping about camera angles. He is starting to play like a veteran. Now if only i can get him to learn to do P2T. Since hes partially blind hes having a hard time reading the chat.

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53 minutes ago, Silvercyclone.1462 said:

Believe it or not he has gotten a hell of a lot better. no more asking about every single item in his inventory or griping about camera angles. He is starting to play like a veteran. Now if only i can get him to learn to do P2T. Since hes partially blind hes having a hard time reading the chat.

That's awesome!  Glad to read it's going better and that you haven't gone crazy!   Yeh they need some kind of larger font for visual impairment, but otherwise great!  Hope he continues to have fun, and I admire your patience and on bringing him into the game!  

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Tip for the item checking: in chat screen type /wiki +blank space and shift-right click the item then hit enter. I even have it on macro key since I'm a lazy bugger who often checks for items. Works best in windowed fullscreen.

The camera angles are sometimes bit wonky. The 'Use Free Camera' option works best for me since I hate it when games adjust the direction.

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On 2/27/2022 at 5:20 PM, Silvercyclone.1462 said:

Any tips on how to deal with this would be greatly appreciated.

Don't pamper him. Let him "learn the hard way", as you suggested. These types of character will never stop doing what he is doing if you keep holding their hand.

He might never learn, but it's worth a shot. Don't get your own nerves wrecked over this.

On 3/25/2022 at 7:08 PM, Silvercyclone.1462 said:

Believe it or not he has gotten a hell of a lot better.

Phew! 😉 You made it sound like a lost case. 😂 Perhaps he just reminded me of someone...

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/28/2022 at 6:11 AM, Jukhy.2431 said:

Tip for the item checking: in chat screen type /wiki +blank space and shift-right click the item then hit enter. I even have it on macro key since I'm a lazy bugger who often checks for items. Works best in windowed fullscreen.

He knows about the wiki and how to access it.

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I often think that people have problems with end game content because they don't take the proper time to learn the game. While complex questions should be answered I would avoid giving up any information that should be acquired through normal play.

There are literally thousands of gw2 help videos out there he shouldn't need a personal tutor. I have told new players to use non min max gear or lower grade gear just to make the fights last longer. This way they can see their skills and what combo's off of what. Then they actually have a chance to  evade and need to possible heal. Not much being learned of of 1 shooting things.

You can even help him with setting some goals to accomplish that he would have to go figure out how to do. like meet me at "x" x being some place he has never been. This would cause him to go search for it. Then once he gets there answer 1 of his questions. He will eventually figure out its easier to find the answer himself. Its the whole give a man a fish or teach a man to fish thing.

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19 hours ago, SandraSolace.7682 said:

Totally off topic but I love this in so many ways! 

I wish I could get one of my friends to start playing but I've already asked like forever and still get a no. 

I think it is awesome that you got him playing and are trying to help him!



Tell me about it. Took a friend of mine 3 times restarting to finally have the game click. Turns out, a lot of players are very conditioned to chase that loot carrot.


Meanwhile another friend who would imo love the game continues to refuse to play it sticki g to WoW, and now just recently giving New World a try, praising all the things in New World to me which I have enjoyed for years in GW2... some things are just not ment to be. 😔

I feel your pain. 


Edited by Cyninja.2954
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If he used to play fast fps like Doom he'll soon be kicking your behind in pvp 🙂

Anyway I know there is at least one blind player here on the forums who has developed so many fascinating tools and techniques for his disability its just amazing. Maybe he can give some tips on enhancing your uncles experience.

I'm sure someone knows his account name? Or try the search, he posts quite often.

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