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New Cantha Guild Hall too small

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the problem is they should of perma killed it way back like they are trying to do now? (but pls don't)

Giving us a new ghall every xpac says the wrong thing imo. It says they are still interested guild hall decorating which maybe they are?(but where are all the new decs then?) Or maybe they just aren't interested anymore in the other aspects of the guild hall and that's what is dead.

The IoR hall feels like it was rushed and not as much effort was put into it like the other halls. Anet said guild halls are over a long time ago but people still hold out hope, even if that hope is misplaced.

A better way to kill the halls is to: #1 not add new guild halls, #2 don't add new decorations. #3 make it a gold sink - (oh wait they sorta did 3 already and they are working on 2... so it appears) Their concept of guild halls failed and it did scare away 10 times as many that would be interested in decorating today.

The problem for them is that people still use guild halls and have come up with some pretty amazing things in them. Maybe the real problem was community decoration, maybe that failed but solo decoration might not. That might still have legs. The aspect of decoration just like you can decorate your character seems like their could be something more to this if anet chose to pursue it.

Lets be honest i think what they had envisioned guild halls for didn't work. Decorating was an idea that still needed some bugs to be worked out when they released it. They've since implemented some changes that have improved the system, but much more could still be done. In anets mind they don't want to mess with anything major it's a dead horse. To some of the player base it's not, it's still relevant.

Does anet want to work on the decoration aspect and flesh this out into real end game content? or do they want to do the bare minimum to appease that player base?

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1 hour ago, Mil.3562 said:

Don't mistaken me as a non-enthusiast 🙂 I soloed my guild to lv 40+ and single handedly decorated the hall to max. Ask those who have visited my GH. I really wish there are more players who will appreciate a well decorated hall. But most didn't care and some were even amused with the idea of having a private guild and asked ' what for?!! ' lol

PS   By the way, you have a very impressive GH. Very creative ❤️

Yes I will agree that for every person I've told/shown my GH who was thoroughly impressed, there's been another who thinks I'm crazy for spending the amount of gold and time I have and continue to do.  But hey, we all enjoy different aspects of the game!! Would you believe that outside of guildhall decorating, I spend 99% of my time as a dedicated WvW roamer?? No really!! 😁


And tyvm for the compliments on my GH!!! ❤️

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1 hour ago, Kelly.7019 said:

Knowing how they enjoy murdering guildhalls it makes me wonder if they would even bother with allowing the playerbase to decorate their personal instance? This could be a reason not more then 1 craftable decoration was added with Cantha for guild halls, but i think it's highly unlikely. 

Where are you coming up with this notion that Anet is trying to "murder" guildhalls?  If you're talking about the exorbitant expense of crafting decorations and leveling up the guildhall, those expenses have been part of the game since guildhalls were first introduced.

Furthermore, the video released by Anet in the past year discussing the Canthan Guildhall seems to indicate they are still very much invested in guildhalls.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The part that upset us so much. Aside from what has been mentioned by the OP. Is that there are empty buildings, that are closed. Why can’t they have an open door for a guild member to move into? And yes we were very upset about the inaccessible islands. Like put the invisible wall about 500 miles away from the island thanks. We can always build more Islands out in that vast ocean of nothing. And can we kick all the miners out of the cave? Unless they are in there building the dormitory. They need to GTF out. We don’t need anymore mining materials. We haven’t needed them in 5 years. We waited forever for the ability to make the guild halls we already had better. But it never came. There was so much Potential with Lost Precipice. And you literally just bailed on it. And gave us a crappier guild hall with Windswept Haven. Which had tons of potential. Gilded Hallow still is the best guild hall. And there’s still many upgrades that guilds could have done with it. I never spent enough time there to have any official opinion of my own.

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Honestly they should just make one size fits all guild halls. Not tiny ones but big ones with centralized convinences! Look at IoR all you have to do here is add sea caves under the map and let it go down 2-3 levels and you give the map all the room people like in big halls while tiny hall people don't ever have to wander down there if they don't want. OR instead of down you could of just gone wide and added more beach/ islands far out in the water to the point they are almost faded away if you stand at the central way point. again tiny guild hall peeps won't venture out there but peeps that love to explore and decorate/ build will..


Their thinking of having to put merchants, vendors or content far out there is mistaken. Some people like to explore away from the center. Waypoint's are nice for everyone and encourage those that like the middle to come out every once and a while "if its easy". Like in gilded hollow wp's up on the 3rd and roof level would have been a good idea. in windswept haven 1 or 2 cloud platforms (Djinn like) every so often with a wp going up might of helped with scaffolding issues.  Windswept haven also could of benefited from underground caves sort of like a lil east of [brightwater waypoint] in desert highlands. The extra space would be wonderful for those that like to decorate themselves while still having centralized fully decorated areas for the ones that never venture away from center.

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On 3/4/2022 at 7:09 PM, Ronin.4501 said:

Where are you coming up with this notion that Anet is trying to "murder" guildhalls? 


I hope i'm wrong, but holding onto hope isn't something you really should do when it comes to scribing. You will be disappointed.


anet said guildhalls were dead and they weren't going to be updating them anymore a long time ago. HoT gave us 2 halls, Pof gave us 1 hall which had more permanent decor, now they've seemingly settled on the 1 fully decorated model with IoR. This xpac where are all the decorationS? They said in the preview "EoD was going to have new decorations." while 2 is technically plural, only 1 was craftable. This feels like a huge misleading statement when compared with the #of decs we got before at launch with PoF. (PoF decorations 31 ish- https://imgur.com/a/m3e0z )

devils advocate: you could say like vanilla we got lots of maps and with scribbing start in HoT we got lots of decs, then with PoF after guildhalls known death there were less just like fewer maps in HoT. and now in EoD just a few actually 2 decs. See that downhill slide?

They've been going down the road of fully decorated guildhalls rather then leaving room for players to decorate (case in point the tavern* in IoR).

There are clearly new decorations for maps but none of them are new decs for us to make. 2 decorations for the whole xpac at launch????  If i were holding onto hope i might think some rework is coming in the future with LW releases and maybe that's where the new decs are hiding at since they like to stick purchasable decs in LW's. Maybe personal instance decorating is going to become a thing. but so far, its been going down hill, so that doesn't seem very likely.


They were previewing the new guild hall in someones player decorated hall for some reason. Was it to mislead us into thinking that the new permanent background decorations were potentially new decorations or was this an oversight? Versus just showing us the hall as is then we'd know everything in it was permanent decor.

@50:45 - the tavern  

*From the preview i thought the tavern had player created basic shrubs, red lanterns and bamboo trees because they said someone had decorated the hall already. But wrong! that was permanent decor.

@53:57  ...they said  "There are going to be End of Dragons guild hall decorations." 

we got 2 at launch.



Don't get me wrong i love scribbing . I spend hours if not sometimes the majority of the day/week in the guild hall decorating. It's one of the things i enjoy most about gw2! But as i have learned over the years, don't count on them doing much at all with it.

It desperately needs to be revamped or expanded upon not shrunken down more. The sad thing is they could do so much more with it, but they choose not to go down that road.



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On 3/4/2022 at 7:05 PM, Ronin.4501 said:

Yes I will agree that for every person I've told/shown my GH who was thoroughly impressed, there's been another who thinks I'm crazy for spending the amount of gold and time I have and continue to do. 


I wish there were other ways for players to visit peoples guild halls especially for people that have solo decorated halls. A way you could visit them while not being in a party or if they were offline. One way could be if you were just in their friends list they could visit your hall anytime. I myself have the constant debate about where i want to decorate. in my personal hall where no one will see it or in my main guilds hall where people will see it but maybe aren't that interested. Where do i want to dump all my gold into ? a hall that i might one day not have any control over or my own hall that no one sees. 😞 being able to show off your decorating skills is part of the fun.

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On 3/4/2022 at 10:22 PM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

Should have done player housing instances instead.  Haha 😄 

yea... ic

but I don't know why they didn't just make home areas in this map, they could have. It's like they are playing mind games with me. 😄 They have areas in here that all they need are floors and doors and you have a dozen or so homes already.


We could make a beach tent or shack but the decs we have aren't really designed for house building. Only if we could rotate vertically those zephyr walk ways and some of the tents we might be able to do just that. Ofcourse then the system has problems of objects too close or too many items in the area and so maybe that's why there aren't more wall and floor/ roof decs.


plus the windows in here seem to be on accident but maybe there is a way to stabilize the views and use them as a permanent feature/design stlye in a future hall.

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On 3/14/2022 at 11:47 AM, AgentMoore.9453 said:

This is pretty disappointing to hear, especially since the streams showcasing this map said they 'purposefully left lots of space for your guild to decorate!' Sounds like they didn't, actually.

I mean all halls have spaces. You can build over the water (cover up potential fishing holes cause you know guildies will love that! heh) or on the small beach areas, but the center area is small and pretty much already decorated for you. Maybe more so there weren't any new decs to use that match the environment.

There were several spots you... I wanted to decorate but couldn't because of invisible wall placement seemingly arbitrary. The mine takes up a large chunk of the map and i don't understand why I can't decorate on top of it? The ceiling goes up quite a bit, it doesn't make any sense. Other islands were no trespassing, but you could go back behind them partially so it wasn't a border wall. It's just frustrating.

Anet likes layers for their borders. They want the view that it goes on forever. I'd rather have the ability to go out there in the forever and hit the actually map wall.

Where my toon is that's as far as you can go https://i.imgur.com/GM7e2eY.jpg why not push the playable zone to the other side of the cliff another 15yards? the endless ocean view will still be the border.  Then if i go over to the west side i'll be about 10 yards further back, so i knwo its where they wanted the map to end but we are losing all this valuable retail space that we don't have access too but is right there. https://i.imgur.com/nVMUHuc.jpg they stuck the line in the front and i'd rather of it been in the back. https://i.imgur.com/26mNIWh.jpg   Then over here at the northside they leave all this room over water for some reason but can't bump the side walls out 15yds? https://i.imgur.com/WDvPXfL.jpg  maybe the land connects to more land there, but it looks like an island ingame. and i can get out beyond this dotted line wall too btw so it's not like the map wall ends here, it's just an arbitrary invisible wall.  and here we have the "reversed L shaped island" as i call it. Why the heck can't you climb up onto his island? Why is it no trespassing? At least half the island should be useable if not the whole thing. Sooo disappointing. https://i.imgur.com/D4aYahR.jpg   for some reason can't get on top of the mine https://i.imgur.com/ZFdP83J.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/YG1WWCz.jpg  i haven't checked yet if you can get onto those walled off spots from high above like you can with gilded hollow and Windswept Haven. If you can however arbitrary walls indeed.

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On 3/14/2022 at 12:45 PM, ProtoGunner.4953 said:

Well, people are different. I thought the other GHs were too big, I am also absolutely notinterested in RP, decorations and this stuff. I am no fan of housing or that kind of matter. So it is welcome to have a bit a smaller space for the stuff.

What is it about big halls you don't like i'm curious for specifics? OR anyone can reply as well. I don't know why RP is lumped into decorating. i dislike rp (cause i'm probably not any good at it and don't lore base rp. heh) but love decorating. I don't think of them as the same thing. I think of decorating more in line with decorating your character.  I don't think people use their guild halls the way i invisioned. You can make some wonderful activities for all guild members in a giant hall!

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Guilded Hollow: Lots of nooks and crannies... Extremely high, not a single structure within the guild hall cannot be climbed... lots of spaces.

Lost Precipes: TONS of buildings, a LOT of space and height.

PoF one I do not know enough


EoD Guild Hall: Mountains that cannot be climbed due to invisible walls. Buildings that are closed off, cannot be entered... Extremely, EXTREMELY dissapointing Guild Hall. It feels like an afterthought.

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3 hours ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

Guilded Hollow: Lots of nooks and crannies... Extremely high, not a single structure within the guild hall cannot be climbed... lots of spaces.

Lost Precipes: TONS of buildings, a LOT of space and height.

PoF one I do not know enough


EoD Guild Hall: Mountains that cannot be climbed due to invisible walls. Buildings that are closed off, cannot be entered... Extremely, EXTREMELY dissapointing Guild Hall. It feels like an afterthought.

IKR. If only those invisible walls were pushed out a little and give us some underwater caves to explore, I would definitely move my Hall to Cantha.

PoF Hall (WH) has literally no empty rooms or flat surfaces to build anything. And there is a lack of depth water area in the oasis for underwater swimming or skiff fishing 😑

Find me in game if you are interested in exploring WH and because of the heavy decorations I put up in my Hall, a few of my friends who appreciate GH decos advised me to stay put in the hot desert 🥵 But I really like IoR settings 😣

This xpac launch do seems like a rush. I rather they release it like a few months later and give us a more complete and better finish.

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14 hours ago, Mil.3562 said:

IKR. If only those invisible walls were pushed out a little and give us some underwater caves to explore, I would definitely move my Hall to Cantha.

PoF Hall (WH) has literally no empty rooms or flat surfaces to build anything. And there is a lack of depth water area in the oasis for underwater swimming or skiff fishing 😑

Find me in game if you are interested in exploring WH and because of the heavy decorations I put up in my Hall, a few of my friends who appreciate GH decos advised me to stay put in the hot desert 🥵 But I really like IoR settings 😣

This xpac launch do seems like a rush. I rather they release it like a few months later and give us a more complete and better finish.

Have you found the hidden cave in Windswept Haven's mine? Or figured out how to access the "Scorpion" room (the cavern in the mine you can look into but not access)?  Or found the ways beyond the invisible outer barrier?  I can show you how to access all 3 if you're interested. 😁

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On 3/4/2022 at 1:29 AM, Mil.3562 said:

Oh really? Why not you try soloing it to lv 69? 😄


Just be grateful that there is even a GH there. Bigger isn't always better. Look at Glided Hollow, the biggest among the 4 and also the one with the biggest empty lot, given the limit of just 2,000 decos. And also, there are very very very very very very very very very few GH enthusiasts in the game too.

Here is an enthusiast! 

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7 hours ago, Ronin.4501 said:

Have you found the hidden cave in Windswept Haven's mine? Or figured out how to access the "Scorpion" room (the cavern in the mine you can look into but not access)?  Or found the ways beyond the invisible outer barrier?  I can show you how to access all 3 if you're interested. 😁

Oh yes, thank you. I know about the hidden cave and the scorpion one too. Creepy those scorpions 🙁

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On 3/20/2022 at 12:03 PM, Ronin.4501 said:

Have you found the hidden cave in Windswept Haven's mine? Or figured out how to access the "Scorpion" room (the cavern in the mine you can look into but not access)?  Or found the ways beyond the invisible outer barrier?  I can show you how to access all 3 if you're interested. 😁

someone make a video and post it here. i learned too late how to glitch thru walls after my guild left WSH and haven't been able to get back there yet. I know of the hole to look thru in the mine but haven't been in there.  I know if you go up super high u can griify over the south east wall. but i need videos! pls someone!

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I can tell you there'd be about 10 times more enthusiasts there are now if not tons more, if changes were made to scribbing / decorating  or a new solo decorating system was added. After it launched a lot of people in my guild lost interest due to the cost and not having ownership. I'm not sure anets intentions were explained well beforehand. I know for myself i knew nothing until after i maxed scribe and then found out permissions were a thing. doh 😞  So information about what decorating was didn't exactly flow well. 


Some of these points still would be a nice fix today, 5 years later.



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On 3/19/2022 at 12:32 PM, Kelly.7019 said:

I wish there were other ways for players to visit peoples guild halls especially for people that have solo decorated halls. A way you could visit them while not being in a party or if they were offline. One way could be if you were just in their friends list they could visit your hall anytime. I myself have the constant debate about where i want to decorate. in my personal hall where no one will see it or in my main guilds hall where people will see it but maybe aren't that interested. Where do i want to dump all my gold into ? a hall that i might one day not have any control over or my own hall that no one sees. 😞 being able to show off your decorating skills is part of the fun.

I completely understand that feeling...I've shown off my completed guildhall in Lost Precipice dozens of times and even made a video tour, which is posted in one of the comments above.  I also fully decorated my former guild's hall in Windswept Haven, but as you said, almost no one ever bothered to look.  Most of the members in my former guild used the guildhall for the bank access or the nodes. But I've also encountered other guilds who are very active in using their guildhalls, so it's hard to judge overall. (For the record, my previous guild was a WvW-focused guild, so not the typical type of player who would be interested in decorating).


As to coming up with a means by which others could access your hall for a tour, I don't know how that would work.  With only 4 different guildhalls, I can only imagine a list in the 1000s or 10,000s if there were some sort of a drop-down list for accessing every guild's guildhall for tours.  I like the idea behind it, I just don't know how it would work.

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2 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

someone make a video and post it here. i learned too late how to glitch thru walls after my guild left WSH and haven't been able to get back there yet. I know of the hole to look thru in the mine but haven't been in there.  I know if you go up super high u can griify over the south east wall. but i need videos! pls someone!

I don't have a video to post, nor do I have access to Windswept Haven, but I'll see if I can put together a video showing how it would work in the new guildhall later.

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