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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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what do y'all think the chances of this boss being so poorly spaghetti coded together that they literally can't change the attack pattern be, lol.

 because i see no other reason why this type of variance made it into the final product other than "this code works and the expac was due today so we pushed it out"

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I spent 9 times trying 18 hours failed, this is a star trek kobiyashi maru test, we had 4 times 2 comms on, me being one of them, we had another time 3 comms on and 1 time 4 comms on, all failed.


i got people who play this who are leaving for eso, they nerfed this and nerfed the elite specs, i tried this with unleashed, with soul beast, with core ranger, using long bows, short bows, great swords and swords and war horns, and war hammers and i still failed.


most of our groups is semi organized, however using the broadcast in squad chat no one listens, you need to set  this up for certain attacks at cetain percentages, i met someone who spent a pure 24 hours on the map thats 12 times failed, one of my friends spent 3 days and so far all failure.


its time to look at the big picture, ditch the rng and ditch the wall behind the turtle mount, the way i see it people wasted that much time for very lil loot and very lil karma and exp i can see why people are leaving, two group was talking to leave for esp and another to final fantasy XIV.



the dragon battle chooses random attacks, first time we got it to 60% 2nd was 1%, i think a addition 10 to 20 min on the timer so everyone can win, not just make it a unwinable nerfed game for 1% of the elitest, i been playing for almost 5 years dumped plunty of money into the game, donated 3 copys of basic eod to 3 guild mates yet there now thinking to stop playing because of this hard meta, i got another talking to leave after spending 3 days trying and failuing to go to eso.


the rest of tries  3-9 was from 49% percent to 11% 


if 2 squads, 3 squads and 4 squads cant make it work over 18 hours what makes you sure people will want to play this game, people are getting ptsd and other mental disorders because of it, its time to fix this garbage, either the people who spent 18 hours, 24, hours 48 hours and 72 hours or more and didnt get a turtle egg, its time to dish one out to them.


some of my guildies got the egg before you made changes now others cant get it, if you want to sell more turtle skins you better fix this.

also false advertising to sell the game and say this is easier then roller beattle or skyscale or griffon, its a bs lie and now people are paying for your mistake by wasting dozens of hours on this worthless meta, people are going to get it then stop playing this map then the noobs or others will try and fail and then leave the game, you will loose yourplayer base and income, wake up and smell what you shoveled.


i met some nice people last night doing nothing but living in the dragon ends map and there sick and tired and hate the map, so i beg you fix it for all the players, i spent usually 12 to 18 hours a day on your game i dont wana move to eso or some other game i will but thats when i meet my breaking point.


i love guild wars 2 i never ever complain i am bringing up my exsperience, i commanded chak, i commanded vb, i commanded ab, easy metas, i do world bosses yet you cant make this meta right, come on anet think of all the people who spend money there thinking to stop so no more gem sales because you guys made this a 50 man raid, some people dont do raids or fracs, i do basic T1 fracs but never did a raid what do you exspect from a pver who doesnt do raids, your punishing them.


your making the end of dragons meta and map toxic for all.


im determained so i wont give up yet but i do think you nerfed it, lied about it and now your tring to hope people will spend hundreds of hours in your content  playing to get it just like grinding if you want to make a gen 1, 2,3 legendary weapon, it shouldnt be map complition on every toon and buy special things like in gen 2 or 3 weapons just give them a way like gold sink, i like the idea of just paying to unlock the turtle mount or let us sink gold or our debit cards into it.


onmce map complition is done you should allow people to buy the gift of exploration or other items like the gift of battle, why should be be punished to grind for it? one of the people who got me into guld wars 2 left for eso no grinding for legendarys or the griffon, skyscale or turtle  mount and there allot happier for it.

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5 hours ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

This meta and map truly outlines everything that is wrong with GW2's open world system. But this is not a new thing. Anet always screwed up metas on release. Chak Gerent HP was at least triple what it is today on release. 


Seems like they're looking at balancing it so that eventually it'll be done everyday like Chak Gerent.   Chak Gerent didn't end the game, so I don't see why everyone is up in arms about this.

They have a history of having poorly balanced metas on release, but all those eventually got balanced and there's nobody complaining about the difficulty now.

Edited by Ruisen.9471
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7 minutes ago, Ruisen.9471 said:

Seems like they're looking at balancing it so that eventually it'll be done everyday like Chak Gerent.   Chak Gerent didn't end the game, so I don't see why everyone is up in arms about this.

They have a history of having poorly balanced metas on release, but all those eventually got balanced and there's nobody complaining about the difficulty now.

And this history is to what? Keep being repeated on purpose? And that's a good thing to never learn from past mistakes? And they have now published an obvious forced feeling fix where they try and act all high and mighty in the update acting like they didn't even want to do these changes yet alone fix it so that its not an insane waste of time task taking 2 hours that will cause the map to be empty even if they make it easy now. The rewards are NOT worth the effort. Even if you do the map once you have your Turtle there is nothing else here besides some mats. 


Just because they have done it many times before doesn't mean they should just keep doing it. What are they trying to drive people away from the game on purpose? This is the worst meta the game has had by far, its the worst open world meta above all their other past failures. How can a studio keep making the same mistake and then make a worse one? How did this fight release in this state? That to do an open world meta you need Raid Kill Proof?? 

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39 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

And this history is to what? Keep being repeated on purpose? And that's a good thing to never learn from past mistakes? And they have now published an obvious forced feeling fix where they try and act all high and mighty in the update acting like they didn't even want to do these changes yet alone fix it so that its not an insane waste of time task taking 2 hours that will cause the map to be empty even if they make it easy now. The rewards are NOT worth the effort. Even if you do the map once you have your Turtle there is nothing else here besides some mats. 


Just because they have done it many times before doesn't mean they should just keep doing it. What are they trying to drive people away from the game on purpose? This is the worst meta the game has had by far, its the worst open world meta above all their other past failures. How can a studio keep making the same mistake and then make a worse one? How did this fight release in this state? That to do an open world meta you need Raid Kill Proof?? 

I mean, the fight isn't unsalvageable by any means.   The main issue I can tell is the RNG, the boss having too much HP, the turtle being gatelocked behind it, and the rewards.   There aren't exactly unsolvable problems, and don't require them to redesign the whole thing from scratch.

The boss HP was probably easily predictable, so god knows how they thought an open world group could do that much DPS.   The rewards seem to be an issue with the entire expansion, not just this meta.  There definitely seems to be a trend at Anet where they keep forgetting about things they've learned.

Edited by Ruisen.9471
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Yeah I'll not do the meta again until the sucess rate is over 90%. It's not about the difficulty of the meta itself, it's the preparation that gives me a headache. I don't consider clicking on "join map" and waiting over an hour to eventually fail the event as worth waisting my precious game time. 

If there would be some kind of matchmaking system or the ability to join a complete new map with the whole squad, I would spam the meta all day long.

The fight itself is really fun and I don't mind hard content in general but getting there is just a waste of time.


See u guys again in a few weeks :)

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I don't know what the numbers will tell, but after these changes I think it made it harder to succeed on the meta.

At least previously people had a way to win 4 minutes by skipping the greens, but now they are unskippable.

They have increased the dps burn window after CC - But that burn window is 90% of the time useless, because after 5 seconds after breaking the CC bar the boss does a RNG mechanic that makes everyone stop DPS. Tsunami, tail, mouth, you name it. It doesn't matter if the boss has a debuff that gets extra damage if you can't damage it at all.

Edited by blackoil.2673
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The problem with Anet, they are insisting on locking the turle behind the meta. THAT is the problem. Changing meta mechanics does not solve the problem. Is this really not obvious to them?


Anet, before you do any changes to the meta, remove the turtle FIRST. Only then do you try to balance the meta. Trying to fix the meta does not makes sense BECAUSE THAT IS NOT ISSUE PEOPLE ARE HAVING.


Gating the turtle is the problem. That is it, simple as that. Anet, is that so hard to understand??????

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Maybe this fight is meant to be epic. The reality is it's too difficult and unfun. I don't want to raid.

I openly cried at the end of GW1 and watched the credits roll, in awe.  Yet the Abaddon fight can be soloed, (I did.) 

It's not raid mechanics that make a fight epic... it's the storytelling.

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I think people should refund if they can't even finish the basic events that they bought. I mean, fine, endgame content, raids fractals strikes are not for everyone. But the meta event of the expansion? I mean, why buy a game when you can't play it? And don't come at me with the "git gud". Killproof ZnZM. I have some experience with endgame content and play many meta builds. The event is just poor designed. Everytime I am able to deal some damage after the effects cluster under 20fps, she suddenly whoops to the other side and I lose all my burst. By the time I get there, I can deal some damage for 5 secconds and she leaves again. U can keep the difficulty for strike missions but open world? What is this? You really did only bad with this xpack. 

Pro: visuals and story


-nerf fractals CMs rewards 

-gatekeep under new xpack the mystic coins u could get from CMs

-nerf sustain on all the board for everyone (why even do that? Let the people enjoy the content on the classes they know and finish it. U could nerf them after a month, not at the start of a new xpack and ruin everyones experience by being downed all over the place. Not saying the nerf is bad, just poor timing.)

-bot is not account wide (pretty dumb since the masteries are)

-the last map meta is unfinishable and makes it being gatekeeped by players who wanna finish


I can enter any group I want since I got the KP and meta builds. But this is unfair to solo players eho just wanna enjoy the game. They can't do raids/fractals, not even strikes some of them. And now they can't even finish a meta event. 





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Adding my voice...as I said elsewhere, my daughter and I have been unable to access the turtle (or elite specialisation item for me)- that it is locked behind an event that appears linked to RNG - a big disappointment 😞 We are resigning ourselves to not acquiring the turtle any time soon.  I've participated in the meta 3 times, but never got any closer than 40% - my first attempt was before the patch - the first and second attempts I spent most of the time trying to escape bubbles.  If there is a ground circle before the bubble I should have avoided, couldn't see it because of so much aoe clutter on the ground.  The third attempt, I didn't get bubbled once.   

I'm a veteran since core game beta, I avoid PVP,  raids and strikes because of elitist attitudes, having been kicked just before looting a boss chest or verbally abused was enough to put me off doing them again.  My daughter and I are primarily solo players.  I am in full ascended with 29k AP, and running an Open World PvE meta renegade build - however, if what I'm reading is anything to go by, this isn't good enough - for an Open World Event - meant to be accessible to all players - when in reality it excludes most.

My daughter and I are staying away from the meta until something changes, because our game time is limited and we would prefer to spend it on activities where wins are achievable and not so reliant on luck and other people.  I wish the egg would have been linked to the story somehow, or to a protecting the hatchery event in Dragon's End that can be soloed by casual players in a similar way to previous mounts.

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48 minutes ago, elrin.4750 said:

The problem with Anet, they are insisting on locking the turle behind the meta. THAT is the problem. Changing meta mechanics does not solve the problem. Is this really not obvious to them?


Anet, before you do any changes to the meta, remove the turtle FIRST. Only then do you try to balance the meta. Trying to fix the meta does not makes sense BECAUSE THAT IS NOT ISSUE PEOPLE ARE HAVING.


Gating the turtle is the problem. That is it, simple as that. Anet, is that so hard to understand??????


Then you'll have most players with a turtle and a dead meta event/map that no one really cares to do. In fact, if they don't take the whole event back to the design table it's just a matter of time before that happens anyway since sooner or later most players will have their turtle and won't want to deal with the event.

It's a matter of replayability. If one single reward is the only reason why people are willing to go through a bad experience, once that reward is obtained or is no longer there... then the situation is one of time and effort invested not being worth it.


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2 hours ago, Ken Yuudachi.9807 said:

Just in case I'm not clear. I have over 1000+ hours in Monster Hunter World and 3000+ hours in the whole series. Also played the Elden Ring recently. So I am totally sure what I am talking about. 

Going to have to agree there... Monster Hunter's Most Difficult Hunts has a better "First Try" Success Rate than this META Chain by now.
Which also considering that I have attempted for almost a year to get DragonStorm to drop that Frostsaw (yes it has already almost been this long), has a better Drop Rate than GW2 by a long margin.

Monster Hunter at least makes you feels like the time you have invested to learn the behaviors and the mechanics matters.
Meanwhile Dragon's End, makes you feel like it doesn't matter if you learn, you are easily prone to be counterbalanced by someone not understanding the mechanics that should have been tutorialized way way way before now (which happened 10 years too late).

At this point, just give us this turtle and scrap that event if you absolutely feel prideful about that design because, I think by now most of us are agreeing that the Turtle is not worth the wasted efforts anymore.

Cumulatively we have probably spent more time trying, then it took the staff to create and implement this content, and it is sad to say; and it is even sadder to see you stick to your pride and making it looks like nothing is wrong this is all intended.

It is not a feature if no one wants to talk about it anymore.

ANet once again it is time for you to end that Cycle and make the right choice, even if it means Saccrifices.

This is going to be my last bit of feedback to you guys, get the message soon, or I guess see you only when you figure this thing out. I'm going to play something that makes me feel like my head ain't going to explode anymore.

Edited by KurokouNekoki.7891
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I've tried to understand why is the RNG there in the first place, and then why it's so kitten up...


RNG for replayability, maybe, so people don't get bored too fast and every run feels unique? Mkey, but... You get it that the content's replayability is worthless if there is no one else to replay the content, right? Tune it down a lil bit...

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On my 12th attempt a bit ago I went with a group that decided to split the group and have half on tail and half constantly on head.  I will say it's the furthest I have ever gotten with a group.  Also I did notice that we had fewer over all downed people compared to the first 11 tries.   I honestly thought we finally had it.  But nope.  At the last sliver of health we ran out of time and failed yet again.  People have already listed the issues; RNG movement, too much time where you can do no damage, weird mechanics like the whirlpools that do nothing to give you an advantage, etc.  It's so utterly exhausting and frustrating.  The entire concept of a game is that is supposed to be fun, and while a challenge can certainly be fun....no chance of beating it is not fun.  I am just over it.


Edit:  I also want to say people in our group were saying they had tried 26 and 27 times to complete this.  I don't want anything (turtle) that bad.

Edited by Minjin.8259
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Everyone should have fun in a game, and everyone should be able to finish it. Those are the 2 most important characteristics of a successful game.That being said there are several things wrong with this meta:

1. Players can sabotage it by not turning back. And this happens frequently.

2. A meta this long should not have any time caps: 1 minute late and failure? Bad idea, and no fun at all!

3. Rng should be balanced this way: the more tries, the less failure. This is not a matter of giving people what the want easily, but REWARD effort. Fun!

Anet, finishing a game does not mean one has to be best of the best. It should be possible for everyone!

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On 3/4/2022 at 5:55 PM, DaKine.2694 said:

The success rate is increasing because players are forming organized squads and gatekeeping non-meta builds. After around 8 or 9 attempts, I finally joined one of these squads and saw countless people get kicked because they weren’t quickness or alac builds. They even kicked everyone that was playing a new elite spec. Even with hours of prep work and squad organization, we only beat it with 30 seconds left. Now, the successful squads that I’ve seen are either squads that only take the role they need, or squads that require a decent kp to join.

If your goal was to gatekeep most of your average player base from completing this meta and getting the turtle mount, mission accomplished.

Perfect! 👌 (i don't like meta's builds, it limits us)

Also I think there should be at least some rewards for participation in a failled meta. Obviously way less than a successfull one so that people would be more enthusiastic to try.

Edited by TheFather.7081
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On 04/03/2022 at 17:43, tekhiun.8653 said:

Fico feliz que você esteja trabalhando, mas, por favor, leve a sério para o próximo lançamento de conteúdo, que coleções longas e chatas e conteúdo incrivelmente difícil tiram a satisfação de adquirir algo que é tão essencial para uma atualização, tudo bem se fosse um montaria secreta, mas é uma montaria amplamente anunciada e empolgada e que até impede o ppl de completar as maestrias, obtê-la depois de tentar por um total de 24h (12 tentativas) definitivamente não vai me fazer gostar kitten montaria ou sentir uma conquista. feliz por nunca mais ter que fazer esse meta novamente

I agree!

I gave up doing the meta, simply the skill lag is so big that it is impossible, after doing it 4x and the result is always the same 1% of the boss's life, the time runs out. Due to the difficulty, the reward should be a LEGENDARY and not an egg to make a mount.
Maybe someday I will!

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This isnt about "getting good" or content that should be instanced. It is about three very simple points -


  1. The Turtle should have never been gated behind this fight. Period.
  2. The fight has some good mechanics but the RNG related to the side change, break bars and tail make it impossible to develop a reliable strategy for the fight. If you get 4-5 side swaps in a row - or getting almost no break bar phases - then the fight is a very different - almost untenable - experience. Both of those have happened to me multiple times btw.
  3. The fight was obviously balanced around a 20-25 person group. The scaling is completely off, to the point of almost requiring full raid comps to barely beat the fight when you have a queued map.  If the idea is to make fights about mechanics rather than dps, then ArenaNet failed miserably - DPS is king on that fight and it really shouldnt be.

I am out of town on business until Thursday, which means the 15-20 tries/failures (amounting to almost 40 hours on that map in efforts) I've had so far (most with very competent organized groups using a discord) will have to be my impression of the fight for now - meaning my impression of Anet and Guild Wars 2 is likely at an all time low because of this single issue.


It's time for them to admit they made mistakes, put the turtle behind something else in the game and spend some real time adjusting the fight to allow for real strategic development (which legitimately isnt possible right now) and looking hard at how the fight scales for larger groups.

Edited by Blaeys.3102
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I got to say I really loved the expansion so far, up until this meta event. I loved the story, all the other maps etc. Bu  I decided to try this meta today again and after 2 hours spent in that map I just feel annoyed. Our group was doing quite well, probably we needed like 1 minute more, but still we failed. I wouldn't mind, but since siege turtle is locked behind it, it's just irritating. I will wait till they change some stuff or people get better and I will spend the wasted time on this meta to play other games. Honestly it's just disappointing that I paid for having the turtle and will not be getting it due to some crazy design choices.

Edited by Peth.5179
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I've been a casual player my entire GW2 career and was thinking about using this expac to get into some of the end game content like fractals, raids, and strikes. I've always loved how collaborative open world metas are, but I know they're not always that challenging and felt like I should give the harder stuff a shot.


After trying DE I realized that the endgame is not for me. Plenty of players have already outlined the mechanical frustrations of the meta and rightfully criticized the decision to lock a casual, for-fun mount behind it, to which I agree. I think I could get over that, but I wont find out. The toxic elitism coming from the hardcore community has really put me off. Hard to get motivated to learn a punishing new meta with players acting like you're some coddled piece of trash who just wants free prizes. Okay! So it's not for me, and I will disengage to let everyone else enjoy.


To each their own, but I doubt this is what Anet had in mind for their big finale. Hardcore and casual players seem to have fundamentally different visions of what GW2 is about, and I don't think that's necessarily a problem. The problem is how Anet wants to bridge these communities: by locking desirable casual content behind hard metas and strike missions. It's a recipe for conflict.

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2 hours ago, vonhellsing.2819 said:

I agree!

I gave up doing the meta, simply the skill lag is so big that it is impossible, after doing it 4x and the result is always the same 1% of the boss's life, the time runs out. Due to the difficulty, the reward should be a LEGENDARY and not an egg to make a mount.
Maybe someday I will!

I have done the meta about 20 times now (no exaggeration), I done it 4 times yesterday with varying levels of success, NO completion though, 2 of the groups were very well organized and we had 4 comms. still only got to 3% because she started flying from side to side and no-one could target her for the last 1 minute.

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