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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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22 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Essentially the final map we get in EoD, is a 50man Raid Map with mechanics even most raiders dislike and Anet's changes so far is them trying to make it stay that way. 

You could have not said it any better. 

Who in that team meeting proposed this was a good idea??? 

I guess I won't be getting that Turtle until a year from now when the player population drops down more and they nerf this meta to the ground. 💀👻☠️

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1 minute ago, DragonSlayer.1087 said:

You could have not said it any better. 

Who in that team meeting proposed this was a good idea??? 

I guess I won't be getting that Turtle until a year from now when the player population drops down more and they nerf this meta to the ground. 💀👻☠️

Simple. The expansion is all aesthetics, mobile game masteries, and maps with very little replay value. It's not about being a 10 year pay off to a story, or else the story wouldn't have been hours of combat training, dialog, pressing f in all corners of the map, and waiting on legal documents. They wanted to postpone people from getting the turtle and expanding this content as long as they could. 

I loved Heart of Thorns but from the events being lackluster in most of the maps to the rewards all around being dismal, I don't see people sticking around long. 

Did Activision buy this company out? Really starting to wonder.

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3 hours ago, difens.1326 said:

I work in software development for like 20 years now. If my team released such unfinished product, we would have been fired immediately.


The fact that you think that EoD has released unfinished based almost SOLELY on the various grievances with one event in the expansion just proves how petty and dramatic this community can be sometimes. The world is not ending, you'll get your turtle soon.

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The win/loss statistic of the weekend wont be representative anyways cause there have been commanders from raiding communities online pumping one event after the other through.

Alone Will from teapots hardstuck community did one event after the other on sunday in like a maybe 12 hours session.

he did an excellent job and is a 100% success ensurance no question but one cannot count on the fact that commanders like him are from now on always available to get the event done for random people.

also his runs had classes restrictions and the groups in squad where build in raiding functionality. people also needed to get on voice and this is excatly what a meta event is not about. In a meta event there are always random people comming together on a map to spontaneously make the event together.

never it needed to be optimised for max dps output or perfect dodging and such. The current state of the event does not allow for human errors enough to be finished by a random group.

it would have been better to create a special worldboss event which could be spawned by guilds any time with this kind of high difficulty.

the meta event needs to be adjusted in randomness and difficulty. Also the very long preparation time is just unfun. Too much time is lost when the event fails, i am not willing to treat my weekend or time after work like this.

lets hope this event is just a secret test from anet to check how far they can go generally.

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I left WoW for FFXIV and was so relieved when I finally got to the game where meta wasnt as obvious and I could main any class I wanted without fearing that I will be kicked out/gatelocked just because I want to play as a guy with a big sword or with staff.


Then I remembered about gw2 I played some 9 years ago or so, seeing it's new expansion and got curious about its plot. Bought the game. All expansions and living world stuff. Pretty big price on all of that but I was invested. Never wanted to try out hardcore stuff and just wanted to enjoy playing as a "pet" class and building up the story for my character. Overworld events are nice and maps are mostly alive, doing Tarir every day for a couple times for a quick cash to hoard up for a griffon or skyscale


Going to the EoD content, finishing the story, pretty hyped about the turtle and the big meta event that actually gates pieces of lore behind it (there is an achievement for 5 pieces of dialogue between Soo Won and Aurene that happen past the meta). Join the party, we're doing it. Obviously there are a lot of newbies on day 2, so we fail. It's ok. Trying couple more times, learning the mechs, fail again. Decide to leave it for a while and finish some other stuff, help my friend with the story missions and finish my pet collection.


Coming back after like a week and... suddenly I cant do that meta unless i get lucky with a map, because I dont have meta classes, I dont really know what alac is and how do I build that on ranger, and i actually want to play untamed i got kinda hang of. So I get heavy flashbacks from WoW, only difference is that in WoW I was required to take the meta spec to get in mythic raids, and here I need to learn the meta spec just to do a world boss, that usually in other games can handle a bunch of casual floor mops that join in for a free completion. Honestly it's the first game in my memory that really REQUIRES to have a fully composed group full of top dps classes with flasks and stuff and vc coordination, even old world bosses in wow like Azuregos weren't THAT intense.


I got in on a random map today, people were willing to lead, I was willing to listen. In the end I saw mouth mech like 5 times or more, saw tail 5 times, ran around the platform trying my best to deal as much damage as I can and in the end got yelled at because I need to "learn how to play", "get better" and overall getting pointed at the fact that I'm playing untamed and not the soulbeast.


I'm not claiming that I'm a pro player. I'm all up for learning or figuring out a rotation for my class, I can get stuffed on buffs, food, waste some gold for the best gear I can afford and even watch some videoguides to learn the mechs fully and do them as perfect as I can with 20 fps my pc is spewing in this meta. I can follow the directions, I can listen to people, even try and join the vc, even tho I really dont want to do that over an open world meta, that shouldnt require a vc.


Yet I really dont want to respec, get a wholly new class, relearn for it and its rotation and maybe even rebuild my whole gearset if it will be different for it. All I want is to finish the meta, read all the lore bits there is, get a turtle and maybe couple of gold with it. I'm all up for f off after and let the big pp dps papas obliterate Soo Won in like 5 mins all they please. 


I'm willing to sit through it 2 even 3 hours, I'm all up to work for what I want to get, but I'm definitely not up with getting to the high tier raid gaming skill just for this, when I never even wanted to join raiding afterwards.


"Easier than skyscale" my butt, I think I'll actually spend my time on getting the skyscale, not trying to complete this meta until it gets nerfed more.

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Why wasn't this made like Dragon Storm so private tags could go in and do it or you could join a public group. The non-instanced map should've been for the story and some collections like Jade Maw and fishing. I joined a private tag 45 minutes before the meta start and tried joining their map, but was never able to get in.

I've heard some people compare this to Dragon Stand, but it's way worse than Dragon Stand, because every time you reached a check point in Dragon Stand, you were rewarded with vine chests which gave you crystalline ore and some other loot. This made it so even if you fail the meta, you could work toward something.

You can't work towards anything in Dragon's End because it rewards you nothing if you fail, meaning you've just wasted two hours at a time with nothing to show for it. This is incredibly frustrating and not fun and this spreads to the rest of the game killing any motivation to keep playing.

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Just make this instance that has 2 hours wait time similar to Dragon storm already, this meta is just too player-RNG affected. And frankly, tweek the reward as well, because with just turtle, anyone gotten it WON'T EVER COME BACK. Give us research notes, jade chunks, chances with special cores or Blueprints for said cores. Stop making this end game meta pointless.


Player-RNG, as in, always cross your fingers that anyone turned into Wisp comes back in time, and not afk.

And pray that people learn to simply walk away from red circles to not get downed, wasting time reviving. 


Meta RNG, hope for Soo-Won stay still and stop turning once bar is broken or not getting Harden Shell, seriously, she should be disabled from moving around in the first place, what's the point of getting 30 seconds after breaking the bar, when she spends 10 to 15 seconds turning around?

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1 hour ago, Lonewolf.8602 said:

It's because a lot of players are already exhausted/frustrated/exasperated with the Meta and with everything that's happening in Dragon's End right now. The same people want the Turtle so bad prior to launch but then they experience this. Just empathize with them, expressing frustration is normal after all. And also, you're commenting on this thread that's supposedly a fix for it. Unfortunately, a lot of players find the changes outlined here as still lacking, and that's what's also being voiced out here. Chak Gerent got fixed precisely because of people voicing out their frustration and pointing out what's wrong with it and how it could be fixed.


For me, EOD isn't all bad. I find the maps so beautiful. A lot of stuff are engaging. The new features are cool but can still be improved (please make the Jade bot account wide too). And honestly, I appreciate the hard work that the Anet staff has put into this. But sadly, being burned out from the Jade sea meta really sapped a lot of my enthusiasm for the game. Am I going to demand a refund and leave the game entirely? No, not really. I agree with you: issues will be resolved along the way. But personally, I chose to go on an EOD detox because I don't want to be angry at the game that I've loved for 9 (turning 10) years. Hopefully the glaring issues (especially this meta) will be fixed once I regain my enthusiasm and pick this up again.


And I completely understand the frustration, I'm also one of those frustrated people who doesn't understand why the last fight somehow got RNG incorporated into it. My problem isn't with the people who are expressing plain disappointment that the game is in this state, it's with the extremely vocal group who has decided that the game is bad and a waste of money because of these problems. The people who decided "welp, Anet screwed up and now this meta is forever ruined."


People in this community have a tendency to over-dramatize when things don't go the way they want/expect. A good chunk of that IS Anet's fault for releasing balance patches so infrequently, but people also have no patience for these things.

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1 minute ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:


And I completely understand the frustration, I'm also one of those frustrated people who doesn't understand why the last fight somehow got RNG incorporated into it. My problem isn't with the people who are expressing plain disappointment that the game is in this state, it's with the extremely vocal group who has decided that the game is bad and a waste of money because of these problems. The people who decided "welp, Anet screwed up and now this meta is forever ruined."


People in this community have a tendency to over-dramatize when things don't go the way they want/expect. A good chunk of that IS Anet's fault for releasing balance patches so infrequently, but people also have no patience for these things.

Yeah, I'm with you on the frustration. True, reactions can be dramatic at the spur of the moment. But I think the root of this is Anet's statement that this mount is easily obtainable, much like the roller beetle. Their expectation for it was set. Then they encounter the meta. Failed once. Tried again. Failed again. And again. And again. And again. So it looks like turtle being as easy roller beetle isn't true; they feel like they've been lied to. Some cannot stand things like this, hence the dramatic reactions as you put it. Honestly, Anet should have just stuck with their statement and not linked the turtle behind the Jade Sea Meta.


If Anet doesn't get to monetize this sooner than scheduled (due to a lack of player base with turtles so only a few will buy skins), I'm sure management will force the devs to make changes. 

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4 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:


Yeah we all paid for the same thing, but you all wanna act like the sky is falling down and that the issues won't get fixed. I will repeat, it has been LESS THAN A WEEK since launch day, there are bound to be numerous issues and honestly this release has gone way better already than the last 2 expansions (both had massive server issues, and did you all forget how ridiculous chak gerent was at HoT launch?)


They will address the issues. Either have a smidge of patience or uninstall the game, doesn't affect me either way.

If it doesn't affect you either way, why are you complaining about other people's complaints?

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20 minutes ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

People in this community have a tendency to over-dramatize when things don't go the way they want/expect. A good chunk of that IS Anet's fault for releasing balance patches so infrequently, but people also have no patience for these things.

Also just to add: I think these are the players who only bought the expansion for the sake of the turtle and the new elite specs because they loved it during Beta Week. They don't care about the other new features, they don't care about the new maps and the new metas in the maps. They don't care about everything else but the turtle and new specs. So I think that's where they're coming from when they say this was a waste of their money... coz at this point, the things that matter to them, that motivated them to buy the new expac, were placed behind something that feels like impossible for them. Translate that same situation into some thing else, anyone would react the same way, I think. We don't react in the same way because we have a different motivation/reason for buying this.

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On 3/5/2022 at 6:14 PM, Zephire.8049 said:

You're also reliant on everyone on the map wanting to do the meta instead of achievements, fishing, or the story. If you end up on a map with people who don't want to do the meta, that instance is essentially doomed as people can't join due to map capacity and there's not enough breathing room to have people elsewhere on the map not helping out.

And that's assuming people aren't intentionally AFKing on the map to take up a map slot.

Your only chance is to get into a fresh instance and have everyone swap over before too many pugs join it.

Other map metas take into account that a certain percentage of people on the map won't be contributing and are scaled around that. This one seems to be scaled around everyone on the map taking part (while in properly geared raid builds... on an open world map), which isn't realistic.

To no fault of their own are they not participating in the meta. I won't be shaming them. Upon first entering I had no idea what was going on and wanted to look around ( and do some of the story) but the meta was starting and I was on that map and its a big ask to ask any randoms to wait till every possible instance on the mega server is full and even then they will still end up on a map still attempting it with whoever is left. I think the meta should be like dragonstorm where the base map can just be the events and story and then you opt in for the big meta.

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I made a similar post on another thread about this, but I am going to say it here too.  I think part of the reason people are having such a strong reaction (myself included) to this is because of the state of the world right now.  We have had so much uncertainty and strife in our lives for a couple years.  Things we cannot control, covid, war, spiraling inflation, etc.  It's been a lot of all of us to take.  So here we are on this game we love.  We are getting something new...yay...more escapism from the real world and all our worries.  But then this meta just exacerbates the exact feeling people are experiencing in the real world.  It's a giant monster that we have no way to control the outcome against because of the nature of the RNG, other players, etc.  So it's like it's mimicking the actions of world leaders, or covid or inflation.  On top of that,  most of us bought the expansion before gas had hit $5 a gallon, we were promised this turtle mount among other things....that wouldn't be difficult to obtain.  People feel lied to, cheated, and guilty probably in some cases because maybe looking back this was money we shouldn't have spent had we known it would be like this.  


Yes I do believe it will be fixed, yes I do believe it's not the end of the world to not have the turtle in the first week.  But I also believe that this was something that should have brought joy, fun and escape to people who truly need it right now.  Because we all do, we all need it.  I think a lot of it was bad design and bad timing, and I think much of the extreme reactions are due to people's frustration and sense of no personal autonomy over the outcomes of their lives in real life right now.  I think those feelings are justified even if our reactions are too strong.

Edit: I want to add one other thing; right now I am flying through New Kaineng , as others have stated the map is empty...it feels like social distancing is happening on the game now too.  That feeling is desolation.

Edited by Minjin.8259
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2 minutes ago, Minjin.8259 said:

I made a similar post on another thread about this, but I am going to say it here too.  I think part of the reason people are having such a strong reaction (myself included) to this is because of the state of the world right now.  We have had so much uncertainty and strife in our lives for a couple years.  Things we cannot control, covid, war, spiraling inflation, etc.  It's been a lot of all of us to take.  So here we are on this game we love.  We are getting something new...yay...more escapism from the real world and all our worries.  But then this meta just exacerbates the exact feeling people are experiencing in the real world.  It's a giant monster that we have no way to control the outcome against because of the nature of the RNG, other players, etc.  So it's like it's mimicking the actions of world leaders, or covid or inflation.  On top of that,  most of us bought the expansion before gas had hit $5 a gallon, we were promised this turtle mount among other things....that wouldn't be difficult to obtain.  People feel lied to, cheated, and guilty probably in some cases because maybe looking back this was money we shouldn't have spent had we known it would be like this.  


Yes I do believe it will be fixed, yes I do believe it's not the end of the world to not have the turtle in the first week.  But I also believe that this was something that should have brought joy, fun and escape to people who truly need it right now.  Because we all do, we all need it.  I think a lot of it was bad design and bad timing, and I think much of the extreme reactions are due to people's frustration and sense of no personal autonomy over the outcomes of their lives in real life right now.  I think those feelings are justified even if our reactions are too strong.

Yeah, I agree, that is true. Each players' reaction to this in-game issue is the sum total of each one's experience both inside and outside the game; it cannot be easily separated. That's why we should just empathize instead of shooting each other down.


But at the end of the day, I hope Anet is listening to all of these and would act to fix all of the stuff within their power. Here's hoping that @Rubi Bayer.8493 is monitoring this thread and conveying our thoughts to the team.

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I've become a bit frustrated seeing so many people under the misconception that the reason they are failing this meta event is due to RNG while in reality if you've reached a point that the RNG is causing failure: you've already failed at previous checkpoints that would guarantee you a success. Because of this, people misdiagnose what needs to be changed about the meta and blame it entirely on RNG being a problem. The randomness addition to the patterns of the fight are actually what makes this meta significantly more compelling as it is not a 100% predictable overchoreographed dance that people simply just go through the motions. Having to adapt and the reactiveness of the GW2 combat is what makes this game's combat so satisfying and rich, this is what makes this meta event feel like the best they've ever created on top of adding back the need for teamwork between players (it's a mmo! bringing back the social parts of it is clearly something Anet has had in mind).

So with all of this said, I believe I have refined the proper way to address the issues the community at large has to improve their experience and success rate while still asking them to put more effort in and adapt.

  1. The time investment is a pain point for people due to the pre-event section taking so long. solution: Reaching max readiness on all outposts triggers the meta escort part of the main event. This is rewarding players involved in doing the events everywhere around the map but also giving them the control to speed things up and not waste their time if they've been putting in this effort. Secondly, speeding up the rate at which events spawn will help the dead time and give more opportunities for players to get their stacks.
  2. Guaranteeing 2 breakbars per fight would help afford more chances to turn things around for groups who are struggling with damage and diminish the impact of the bad RNG on those groups (as implied earlier, RNG is not a factor in failures for good groups, this is only hurting groups which have already failed previous aspects of the fight). Potential to add more breakbars but these being non-guaranteed.
  3. Make sure breakbars don't spawn at specific time/hp% (so it keeps this adaptive aspect to the fight) but also never while a tail is up. and make sure that no tail spawn while Soo-Won has the exposed debuff. This is the other RNG part that is impacting struggling groups.
  4. Alternatively, another idea could be to change the way breakbars happen. Breakbars could be tied to the tail mechanic instead meaning in order to get the exposed debuff on Soo-Won, you have to break the tail instead of damaging it. This idea would require reconsideration of numbers as to not make it too easy and also eliminate a mechanic entirely which is the damage reduction buff she gains from having her tail up so with this in mind, it is not my preferred suggestion but I believe it is worth sharing as well.

In conclusion, I believe players have had too big of a knee-jerk reaction to having to interact with the combat system's depth and require more coordination/communication than they've been used to in open world PvE which I believe is actually a great improvement from Anet's part. With time, players WILL learn about the ins and out of the fight and the success rate should be around Chak Gerent level where if you have suboptimal planification compared to what is required of you: you should fail but would have a consistent success rate. We are 1 week into the new expansion, please show patience.

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53 minutes ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

To no fault of their own are they not participating in the meta. I won't be shaming them. Upon first entering I had no idea what was going on and wanted to look around ( and do some of the story) but the meta was starting and I was on that map and its a big ask to ask any randoms to wait till every possible instance on the mega server is full and even then they will still end up on a map still attempting it with whoever is left. I think the meta should be like dragonstorm where the base map can just be the events and story and then you opt in for the big meta.

Oh absolutely. There's zero warning the map's like Silverwastes or Drizzlewood in that the entire map is part of the meta and the game just kinda shoves you onto it. But unlike SW or DW, the map capacity limit is much lower so it harms everyone's experience when someone shows up for the story or to fish or to mine or to do achievements or simply to see what's up. There should be an assumption that a certain number of players on a map won't be participating and have capacity/tuning based on that rather than how it is now which sets up people to get yelled at if they dare do something as drastic as... walk through a portal that the story tells them to walk through.

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Just did this meta today for the first time, post nerf with 35 randoms.   Not sure how many people had raid gear, but we had voice comms, got everyone into raid builds (as in, just traits and skills, not gear), and split into subgroups each with their own boons.

Killed the boss with < 1 minute on the clock, with a couple rounds of bad luck where the boss kept changing sides back to back.

So, its doable without raid gear... but JUST barely, and you need everyone to be willing to switch to raid builds which I think is probably not too realistic for a massive open world group most of the time.   Commander would also need to step up and organize raid group comp, which I think is feasible given some time.

Overall, I think they should add a few mins more to the timer.  Map capacity should also be increased since the map isn't like dragons stand where you know everyone there is for the meta.


Edited by Ruisen.9471
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44 minutes ago, Minjin.8259 said:

I made a similar post on another thread about this, but I am going to say it here too.  I think part of the reason people are having such a strong reaction (myself included) to this is because of the state of the world right now.  We have had so much uncertainty and strife in our lives for a couple years.  Things we cannot control, covid, war, spiraling inflation, etc.  It's been a lot of all of us to take.  So here we are on this game we love.  We are getting something new...yay...more escapism from the real world and all our worries.  But then this meta just exacerbates the exact feeling people are experiencing in the real world.  It's a giant monster that we have no way to control the outcome against because of the nature of the RNG, other players, etc.  So it's like it's mimicking the actions of world leaders, or covid or inflation.  On top of that,  most of us bought the expansion before gas had hit $5 a gallon, we were promised this turtle mount among other things....that wouldn't be difficult to obtain.  People feel lied to, cheated, and guilty probably in some cases because maybe looking back this was money we shouldn't have spent had we known it would be like this.  


Yes I do believe it will be fixed, yes I do believe it's not the end of the world to not have the turtle in the first week.  But I also believe that this was something that should have brought joy, fun and escape to people who truly need it right now.  Because we all do, we all need it.  I think a lot of it was bad design and bad timing, and I think much of the extreme reactions are due to people's frustration and sense of no personal autonomy over the outcomes of their lives in real life right now.  I think those feelings are justified even if our reactions are too strong.

Edit: I want to add one other thing; right now I am flying through New Kaineng , as others have stated the map is empty...it feels like social distancing is happening on the game now too.  That feeling is desolation.

Thank you. To me, you've laid out something important here. All the posts in the world about "chill, just have patience" are not going to speak at all to folks feeling the way they do, for the reasons you've described. As far as I can tell in following this thread, those kinds of posts are just exacerbating the frustration and anger.

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2 hours ago, Kitta.3657 said:

I've become a bit frustrated seeing so many people under the misconception that the reason they are failing this meta event is due to RNG while in reality if you've reached a point that the RNG is causing failure: you've already failed at previous checkpoints that would guarantee you a success. Because of this, people misdiagnose what needs to be changed about the meta and blame it entirely on RNG being a problem. The randomness addition to the patterns of the fight are actually what makes this meta significantly more compelling as it is not a 100% predictable overchoreographed dance that people simply just go through the motions. Having to adapt and the reactiveness of the GW2 combat is what makes this game's combat so satisfying and rich, this is what makes this meta event feel like the best they've ever created on top of adding back the need for teamwork between players (it's a mmo! bringing back the social parts of it is clearly something Anet has had in mind).

So with all of this said, I believe I have refined the proper way to address the issues the community at large has to improve their experience and success rate while still asking them to put more effort in and adapt.

  1. The time investment is a pain point for people due to the pre-event section taking so long. solution: Reaching max readiness on all outposts triggers the meta escort part of the main event. This is rewarding players involved in doing the events everywhere around the map but also giving them the control to speed things up and not waste their time if they've been putting in this effort. Secondly, speeding up the rate at which events spawn will help the dead time and give more opportunities for players to get their stacks.
  2. Guaranteeing 2 breakbars per fight would help afford more chances to turn things around for groups who are struggling with damage and diminish the impact of the bad RNG on those groups (as implied earlier, RNG is not a factor in failures for good groups, this is only hurting groups which have already failed previous aspects of the fight). Potential to add more breakbars but these being non-guaranteed.
  3. Make sure breakbars don't spawn at specific time/hp% (so it keeps this adaptive aspect to the fight) but also never while a tail is up. and make sure that no tail spawn while Soo-Won has the exposed debuff. This is the other RNG part that is impacting struggling groups.
  4. Alternatively, another idea could be to change the way breakbars happen. Breakbars could be tied to the tail mechanic instead meaning in order to get the exposed debuff on Soo-Won, you have to break the tail instead of damaging it. This idea would require reconsideration of numbers as to not make it too easy and also eliminate a mechanic entirely which is the damage reduction buff she gains from having her tail up so with this in mind, it is not my preferred suggestion but I believe it is worth sharing as well.

In conclusion, I believe players have had too big of a knee-jerk reaction to having to interact with the combat system's depth and require more coordination/communication than they've been used to in open world PvE which I believe is actually a great improvement from Anet's part. With time, players WILL learn about the ins and out of the fight and the success rate should be around Chak Gerent level where if you have suboptimal planification compared to what is required of you: you should fail but would have a consistent success rate. We are 1 week into the new expansion, please show patience.

Sorry but people like you talking about the event not being a problem for „good groups“ are not taking into account that the events are successful atm because raiding people lead them. But there will be a time after the release where raiding people will be gone cause they rather will keep farming their raid currency than doing this meta for random people.

then the ones who are left are the players which are exactly the randoms, casuals and roleplayers who dont want to learn any elite mechanics but are just story and open world enjoyers or roleplayers and they will need to get along then on their own when the „git gud on ma level“ people are gone.

you dont want to tell us that the event is like „haha you guys suck at the event until now so we give you your finally nail in the coffin on 4% bosshealth and swarm you with all random effect spam into oblivion you trash!1!!!!!11111!,“ ????????


Edited by Nea.5936
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Well, it's late Sunday night for them right now.


They'll discuss it Monday. A quick change can absolutely be thrown in to change how we get the egg. It may not be PRETTY, but they CAN do it in one day, and have it in a Tuesday patch. We know that just trying the meta flags something for an achievement in the story, so there's a flag there for trying. They can link it to that, and add a fairly generic NPC to the turtle hatchery that will give you the egg if you have that flag. Then it goes from "Win" to "At least try to win".


Removing the strike mission from the collection may take a bit longer, but also ABSOLUTELY needs to be done. They can decide that on Monday, though, and add a note to the game update that it will be changed, if they're willing to do so.


IF we hear nothing from them on Tuesday, or it's another weak "this doesn't fix anything" fix, .... well, that's our answer.

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Realistically, it shouldn't be possible to fail open world events like this. All that does is tell people to not bother or to play in private instances, which is a dangerous route for an MMO. Challenge should instead be in achieving personal goals (like the achievements) to increase your own rewards.

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3 hours ago, DragonSlayer.1087 said:

You could have not said it any better. 

Who in that team meeting proposed this was a good idea??? 

I guess I won't be getting that Turtle until a year from now when the player population drops down more and they nerf this meta to the ground. 💀👻☠️

That's if they ever do nerf it or give us another Turtle option. By the sounds of it they were forced to nerf the Chak meta and did so quickly, with this they have pushed a patch out pretty slowly and didn't change anything noticeable unless you get lucky with RNG. There is still issues with past encounters that still exist today, its just less noticeable as they are less punishing. This one is noticeable because there is no rewards, at all, for doing any part of the entire meta map even if you win the map after the first time. More noticeable also due to its strict short timer. 


If they gave people even 5-10 more minutes on the timer, this thread would not have existed, we'd all have gotten our turtle and the map would be dead. 

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