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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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It does sounds good to remove the timer. But every meta in the game has one, since vanilla. It would ruin the purpose of all previous metas. Instead extend the timer to 30 mins. You'll receive the best reward at the current timer of 20 mins (Gold), 25mins for Silver and up to 30 mins for Bronze. (Could be a rare chance to receive a ticket for any infusion in the game for gold, a BL key for Silver, and extra expansion currency for bronze) In that way, Anet gives proper respect to all the effort for the current people that already beat Soo Won. And also gives any Casual player a chance to beat the Meta with any build while learning the proper meta mechanics. I believe 10 more minutes Is enough with any given build/class. (Heck, you already invested 2 hours, what's 10 more minutes to the Meta), and everyone wins that way. Also Anet could also use again the contribution scale used in Dragon's Stand, to distribute more rewards. (Since this is the final meta, this should give the most ample rewards in the whole game, if Anet wants to make it this difficult, it should compensate properly for all the time, preparation, resources and coordination the players invest in it).  Just a thought 💭. Have a nice day everyone.

Edited by dokko.8421
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Another option is to simply have the escort start 30 (or however many) minutes earlier and add that on to the time with Soo-Won. It's less time standing around waiting for the meta to start and it allows more breathing room for the fight itself, and it won't impact the fight if it gets gold/silver/bronze rewards. It would also mean you still need to get in a bit early but if you show up right at XX:00—or even a few minutes later—it's not a complete loss and you could potentially still do the meta if everyone on the map is of like mind.

Still a high failure rate if you don't start organized but much more in line with existing metas if you show up early or use LFG in terms of success rates, and it will save people half an hour of AFKing. The extra time could also be tacked on the the post-meta map so people can actually do things without panicking about if they have time to do things and prioritize what they absolutely want and what they're fine missing because the timer ran out.

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2 hours ago, dokko.8421 said:

It does sounds good to remove the timer. But every meta in the game has one, since vanilla. It would ruin the purpose of all previous metas.

Remember the part where they said:

On 3/4/2022 at 2:12 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

The Jade Sea meta was designed to be the ultimate open world finale, an epic conclusion to the 10-year Elder Dragon story arc. To accomplish this, we challenged our own conventions for creating open world content to provide an encounter unlike anything ever seen before in Guild Wars 2.

They've already bent rules to make this, bending one more will fix it.

As for me? That fail at 1% really bothers me. How many HP did she have left? 10,000? 100? 1? Could a small change to my equipment, or maybe a slightly faster reaction time on my part have made the difference? I know it's not my fault we lost, it's the poorly designed "open world content" to blame. But still, to be SO CLOSE and watch it slip away when she switched sides right at the end, and see the map chat turn into name calling and blaming... Then to wonder if maybe, just maybe, I could have somehow prevented that by being just that little bit better.

That doesn't make me want to get better. It makes me want to avoid it. I have enough stress in my life, I don't need that level of it from a video game.

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11 hours ago, Bagnasty.1687 said:

I just realized I am going to have to do the story 8 more times because the jade bot is NOT account bound.  🤮 


Which is perfectly fine. Others explained how to do things already, I'll get into why it is the way it is.

There were two options: per character and cheap for the functional parts with 7 to 10 being considerably more expensive or account wide and a lot more resource intensive - the latter having the issue with where's the sweet spot? 9 times the cost for people with every class? 20 times for some more hardcore alt lovers? Only 3 times as expensive for the Sunday warrior but too cheap for many? This is mainly an ingame economy decision by Anet and not a gameplay issue since nothing is account bound and the version they picked is ironically the best in terms of "one shape fits all".

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12 hours ago, Bagnasty.1687 said:

I just realized I am going to have to do the story 8 more times because the jade bot is NOT account bound.  🤮 

No, but you ARE going to have to do the story eight more times if you want all nine Elite Spec Collections.  Considering I am just about fed up with the story halfway through my first playthrough, I'm guessing these collections are not in my future.  Nor is the meta.

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6 hours ago, dokko.8421 said:

You'll receive the best reward at the current timer of 20 mins (Gold), 25mins for Silver and up to 30 mins for Bronze. (Could be a rare chance to receive a ticket for any infusion in the game for gold, a BL key for Silver, and extra expansion currency for bronze) In that way, Anet gives proper respect to all the effort for the current people that already beat Soo Won. 

No, you only create a even worse situation, where people missing the Gold mark just simply leave because ragequit, the next batch leaves at silver, leaving a few around that cant even get down bronze anymore. 


I serious wonder what the chat is like in those 'premade 100LI+KP' groups that go for only the 'elite raiders' when they actualy fail. Who can you blame then? No noobs, no dps lack, no people dont know kitten about mechanics, no afk'ers.. 

I went back to Drizzlewood, its 1 of the few places where the siege turtle actualy is a great asset to the events, and where i initialy hated it like no tomorow.. its been fun, alot of fun. Yes people go down, yes you can trashed so many times, yes some events fail, but at the end.. you have a fun time, good fights and great cooperation between all those around.


10 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

But if you want the E-spec skins, you need to play the story with each 9 different classes however, so yes this works, but doesn't solve the E-spec weapon issue. 

That is a certain goal outside 'core mechanics' unlocks, thats totaly fine to do all professions on story, nothing different then unlocking all elites, doing certain bosses with certain professions (to get the asc one),  but having a mastery that fully rely on a item that initialy is story-character bound, is just plain stupid.


That on a sidenote, anyone noticed how New Kaineng is serious poorly designed? If you take each waypoint, then look where the nearest taxi or glide-line is, it makes absolute no sense at all. People without a griffon/scale have to travel massive elevations, but with non of those things around it makes them a fun gimmick and a scenic tour at best.

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11 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Did this fight get past playtesting cause you gave yourself 40k dps automatically and were all invincible while having cc that one shots the break bars or something. Those Whirlpools and being told the only way, not even multiple ways but only way to deal with them, is to die and respawn. I highly doubt normal raiders in a 10 man would enjoy a mechanic like that. 

Dude, have you seen them play in the live streams? Or have you ever seen an anet member in WvW? It's a really... something...  Heck, give a random gamer with 3k+ hours on a class 1000 gems and ask them if they want to playtest a bit for a few hours, I wouldn't say no, but in this way we wouldn't have to see a constant downstate ele kekw

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I love the meta and I think making the tail uptime lower is a good move.


  • This should still be a "Train how the game works to get it done" Meta.
    • You NEED to CC
    • You NEED to sidestep and doge
    • You need to optimize your damage and not stupidly auto attack and roll your head over your keyboard. I mean YOU FIGHT DRAGON. Would you really just do random stuff? You'd get killed. Think, be forced to think and adjust - build and armor and skills. This ist just right.
    • Please do not nerf it further
  • This meta has no value any longer as you can get the turtle elsewhere. Why would you invest all of the above to do it when the reward elsewhere is so much better? This makes this event even more dead. It would need some BIGGER reward than all the others. Whatever that means.
Edited by Rhokaz.1975
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My main issues:

 - This meta has killed my enjoyment of this expansion. Literally. For the mount it's also do this event or grind out 200 writs? So it's be punished over and over for spending time on the game or grind? It's just a bad taste in the mouth overall.  
 - The final meta isn't "challenging", its high dps and breakbar sponges with timed bosses and RNG that requires a stupid amount of prep and gives you nothing of note if you fail despite it taking the best part of 2 hours.

 - If I wanted to raid, I'd join a raiding guild. Simple. You already have vehicles for hard content, fractals, strikes and raids. 
 - The philosophy behind this is ridiculous. IRL we are at the (hopefully) end stages of a pandemic, seeing major political upheaval and cultural divides, wars in Europe, etc and your idea is to take money for an expac and roadblock a main feature by putting in an event that in effect stresses out and punishes the player base because you want a good "finale"? Who the hell signed that off?

Edited by Pyriel.4370
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1 minute ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

This meta has killed my enjoyment of this expansion. Literally. For the mount it's also do this event or grind out 200 writs? So it's be punished over and over for spending time on the game or grind? It's just a bad taste in the mouth overall.  

Yea same here, I was so excited and the story was great, but now I just don't care anymore. Every time I log in and see people on the turtle or try to finish the meta, I am just left with anger or disappointment and I feel like there are other games, that I could be enjoying meanwhile.  

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Well, I actually got the turtle today but it didn't leave me with any sense of accomplishment, just a lot of laughter at the "git gud" folks.  They have been carrying on here as though getting the turtle actually showed something about how "gud" they are. The thought of that posturing just cracked me up as I was opening my victory chests. Let me give a bit of background to put that reaction in context.

Anet's whole attempt to force people into a raid level meta and into strikes, along with the toxic war which erupted on this forum as a result, really soured me on EoD in general and on the turtle in particular. I wasn't even sure I wanted the turtle anymore. While I don't how much practical use there is for a turtle, I do remember how much fun it looked like when Anet first introduced it. So I finally decided to go ahead and grind out the writs to buy one. For the last few days I've been doing the prep events and the final battle to eke out those writs. On day one, there was a commander who thoroughly organized the map during the prep period and who then led us all into battle, guiding us through every step of the fight. We failed. The next day a commander was trying to organize the map but it went so poorly that they, and many of the folks on the map, left before the last stages of the meta even began.

Then there was today. No tag, no organizing, nothing - and we won with four minutes left on the timer. We didn't win the meta because of our individual or collective prowess. We didn't win because of how well organized and prepared our map was. Nope, we won simply because RNGesus looked down and decided to smile upon us poor fools rather than kitten us like he usually does. At the end of today's meta, I actually had 186 of the 200 writs needed to buy the turtle. So I can't quite shake the suspicion that tossing the turtle to me so easily after that grinding was just some warped sense of humor on RNGesus' part.  👼

In any event, the next time I hear someone on the forum talking about how we need to "git gud" to get the turtle like they did, I'm just going to laugh. Today, I didn't "git gud" I just got lucky.  👼


Edited by Chichimec.9364
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Try to get 50 random players of differing skill levels to co-ordinate on difficult meta is next to impossible. This meta will always have a massive fail rate much to the dismay of anyone who just wants it out of they way.

This meta will have problems getting fustrated players to commit to it long term & this zone will just die.

Add more RAID encounters for the hardcore players, don't try to force casual players into something they won't enjoy.

As for everyone else the fustration of failing countless times not due to their skill level but the skills of others is a game killer.

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1 hour ago, Nuunes.5046 said:

Finally got the kill running with an incredibly organized Hardstuck run, thank you folks. Beaten it with about 1:30 left, powering through the 2nd tail phase in the last 20% to get the kill.


I still don't understand why Thornhearts and other trash mobs keep spawning in the last 20%, it just adds unnecessary chaos to an already extremely chaotic section, especially after the epi nerfs, and the target reduction cap on SYG, which I can't even tell if they'd help, since you seem to get hit multiple times by the Thornhearts attacks, losing multiple stacks of stability in an instant.


I also despise the EMP bench being used at all in any and all content outside of Drizzlewood. The breakbars are ridiculously inflated as it seems expected everyone to have it, meaning your CC contribution gets reduced to scraps even further.


But that's a discussion for another time.


So long, Dragon's End, you were the worst meta I've ever played, and I thought Drakkar was the bottom tier of things Anet could come up with, being a massive, boring sponge of a boss where you pretty much do nothing the whole fight.

Wait a minute not only have the 1% of the 1% HS super organised food/utility/build/gear/design/specs ect ect. failed before, even in your run they went down to 1:30? Haha this meta is so terrible and RNG based. 

So RNG can mean the difference between the 1% of the 1% failing, or them beating it with like 10 minutes to spare. How is that a well designed fight for the majority of the player base. 

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1 hour ago, Nuunes.5046 said:

I still don't understand why Thornhearts and other trash mobs keep spawning in the last 20%, it just adds unnecessary chaos to an already extremely chaotic section, especially after the epi nerfs, and the target reduction cap on SYG, which I can't even tell if they'd help, since you seem to get hit multiple times by the Thornhearts attacks, losing multiple stacks of stability in an instant.

Yeah. Either have a bunch of trivial trash mobs or a handful of threatening ones but don't have a bunch of trivial mobs that impact performance and threatening ones that can disrupt the entire group that you can't see if you have rendered models turned down. It's also RNG in my experience what types of mobs spawn so you can get one group where there's one thornheart while another can have 5.

There's so much else going on, too. You have Soo-Won's attacks, the tiny bubble marker, and whirlpools while the whole area is in orange AoE warnings due to thornhearts and other mobs. And, you know, the skill effects of 49 other people plus whatever particles their fashion wars has.

Sometimes less is more so a few big mobs could be just as much a threat without the chaotic randomness that is all the tiny mobs we have now.

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3 hours ago, Rhokaz.1975 said:

Because of one meta all is dead? I'm speechless.

Imagine someone made you some homemade mac and cheese. The over baked, good stuff. Smells wonderful, looks great.

Then, right as they serve it up, they mention the cheeses used. Mostly cheddar, some mozzarella, and a bit of Casu Martzu cheese for depth of flavor. You're not sure what that is, so you look it up. (PS: Don't look it up if you're eating, or not feeling well.)

Most people would be very, VERY unhappy about this, even though it's an expensive imported cheese. And nobody I know would want it in their house, much less want to eat it.

This meta is the Casu Martzu in the End of Dragons mac and cheese.

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I've beaten it twice in about 4 attempts both times with pretty organised groups with seconds left on the clock. I've seen competent groups (they weren't great tbf) finish with 30% health left who probably would have failed with a 15 min timer.

I think theres extenuating circumstances for them misjudging the power levels of players. Between nerfs of firebrand and others, new specs being weaker and people being unfamiliar with them, to people experimenting with weird builds and people just not knowing the fight. I think they could leave it as is and the success rate will climb over the course of a couple of weeks but I think it'll still fail pretty routinely.

Its still very random. You'll burn through 10% health in seconds then wait a minute, minute and a half to do any more meaningful damage. The last 10% health feels annoying mostly, in a lot of cases i dont have the range to hit bubbles let alone break them. I'm usually out of the drizzlewood cc's to break whirlpools and finding a workstation on the platform with 200 mobs feels like an exercise in futility. So you tunnel damage and hope she cooperates while being cc'd every half second. If you get stuck in whirlpool you hope you die quickly because its the only way your getting out of it. Fly back fast throw a couple attacks at her and probably get hit with a whirlpool again because it seems to hit half a 50 man raid and half the raid tends to be dead and flying back at any one time, it feels like if your on the platform when she uses that attack your pretty much guaranteed to get hit with it towards the end of the fight. The last 10% takes as long as the boss wants it to take, she can bounce around the platform and spam invincible attacks for as long as she feels like or sit there for 30-60 seconds letting you tunnel damage for no obvious reason.

Edited by Caid.4932
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6 hours ago, Dinova.8597 said:

No, you only create a even worse situation, where people missing the Gold mark just simply leave because ragequit, the next batch leaves at silver, leaving a few around that cant even get down bronze anymore. 

Hi, i think people are entitled to quit the game whenever they want. People are already rage quiting the game while doing the current DE meta, and many of the previous meta´s in the game. If you´re gonna invest two and half hours playing, and you´re gonna quit 10 minutes before you beat the boss, well that´s how free will works. Take into account that you don´t get any kind of reward right now, and people are already quitting, but, with those changes i suggested, you are gonna get at least some kind of reward for your efforts, get your turtle egg, and your elite weapon item for you character class. So yes, that could happen and is entirely up to the player´s mood and decision, but it does also apply to any content in the game right now, be as fractals, raids, etc.

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1 hour ago, dokko.8421 said:

Hi, i think people are entitled to quit the game whenever they want. People are already rage quiting the game while doing the current DE meta, and many of the previous meta´s in the game. If you´re gonna invest two and half hours playing, and you´re gonna quit 10 minutes before you beat the boss, well that´s how free will works. Take into account that you don´t get any kind of reward right now, and people are already quitting, but, with those changes i suggested, you are gonna get at least some kind of reward for your efforts, get your turtle egg, and your elite weapon item for you character class. So yes, that could happen and is entirely up to the player´s mood and decision, but it does also apply to any content in the game right now, be as fractals, raids, etc.

Everyone can do whatever they want, totaly agree on that, but if you choose to participate in a public event, cooperating a grandscale fight, where you help others and others help you, and just bail out because YOU dont want to.. why join in the first place? Thats outright selfish. Giving me flashbacks to NG Naxx in that other game, certain people only needed a certain boss, didnt get the drop, leave the raid. 9 or 23 others took their time to help you, and when your goal is or isnt met, screw them, selfish time?


I have no active memory of any dragon (or meta) event (fractals, raids, etc are either private or small random groups, not a public encounter) where people just leave and let the rest cope with a failure, where as most mechanics still alow you to beat the big boy at 5% with just a minute left, they have hardly any phases where they either to invincible for a long period of time or in most cases mass wiping by 1 attack.


They will nerf it at some point, in weeks or months it will be 'yet another meta to do', those for the turtle can happy farm their way without doing it at all, where the majority just leave cantha as it is.. a poorly DLC with no real new addition to keep hanging around.

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15 hours ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

My main issues:

 - This meta has killed my enjoyment of this expansion. Literally. For the mount it's also do this event or grind out 200 writs? So it's be punished over and over for spending time on the game or grind? It's just a bad taste in the mouth overall.  
 - The final meta isn't "challenging", its high dps and breakbar sponges with timed bosses and RNG that requires a stupid amount of prep and gives you nothing of note if you fail despite it taking the best part of 2 hours.

 - If I wanted to raid, I'd join a raiding guild. Simple. You already have vehicles for hard content, fractals, strikes and raids. 
 - The philosophy behind this is ridiculous. IRL we are at the (hopefully) end stages of a pandemic, seeing major political upheaval and cultural divides, wars in Europe, etc and your idea is to take money for an expac and roadblock a main feature by putting in an event that in effect stresses out and punishes the player base because you want a good "finale"? Who the hell signed that off?

I'd bet money whoever signed it off is a fail upwards careerist with an ego and a grand vision. They tend to be the ones who bring about senseless decisions that no one is able to properly defend and the industry has plenty of them to go around.

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