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Pulled off siege...again!


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So trying to protect our keep on home bl, and on the oil using skill3 which is supposed to be giving me protection, but got pulled off by this skill that needs to be nerfed. I am tired of complaining about this, and this skill pulls you off siege and over the lip of the wall. Now every zerg is using this and put down 20 fields of aoe then pull you off siege and into insta death, you are seriously making me hate players from other servers for this exploit, as their is no counter against it. Please anet, can you take some time to fix the issues in WvW, it is the most neglected part of the game, yet Server populations are counted from this population, and you are slowly killing your own game due to the lack of input. And no, unfortunately even Alliances are going to be faced with the same issues. We welcome you to our sever to see exactly the state of the game from players perspective.

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What an inconsiderate thing for them to do..

Proper gentlemanly conduct in war demands that you alternate attacks, with each member of the 20-man zerg taking turns under your burning oil and absorbing full damage with no heals or cleanses. At no time should anyone be subject to the dastardly backhanded tactic of 'pulling'.

I would report them for dishonorable play.

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It's not an exploit, it's a mesmer pull, which has been in the game since 2012.

Protection only gives you damage reduction, the actual counter is Stability, which you cannot cast while on the siege, but that's the risk you take sitting on siege in the face of a zerg. If you have stability cast it before you get on, usually the pulls come early and if you outlast it you may be able to sit on oil longer. But again, you vs 20-40 focused on you, don't expect to last long enough to kill the rams.

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1 hour ago, lotus.5672 said:

l2p issue


1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

It's not an exploit, it's a mesmer pull, which has been in the game since 2012.

Protection only gives you damage reduction, the actual counter is Stability, ...

Burning Oil Mastery 3 is supposed to grant you protection from damage and immunity against pulls and pretty much every other CC, so there should be no need for stability.

The only l2p issue here is that you have to realize that the trait is bugged. So he has any right to complain about it.


Edited by Vortigern.1987
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1 hour ago, MarkBecks.6453 said:

So trying to protect our keep on home bl,

Mistake #1. I'm being facetious.


and on the oil

Mistake #2. Oil has always been a deathtrap. The masteries are a waste of WvW points.


which is supposed to be giving me protection

Protection is kitten when you're facing a lot of enemies. It only reduces damage, it doesn't make you immortal.


The problem with WvW is that it's;

1. Too easy to capture things with a big group and

2. Too difficult to capture things with a small group.


This problem has happened because Arenanet have inadvertently added features to appease the majority of complainants on the forum, as opposed to the smaller number of people who try to explain why those features should NOT be implemented.


For example, Orange dots when you capture something - they seem like a good idea and make sweeping unnecessary, but that's not desirable because it keeps big groups together, when you really want them to leave some behind sweeping so they lose some coherence.

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8 hours ago, Vortigern.1987 said:


Burning Oil Mastery 3 is supposed to grant you protection from damage and immunity against pulls and pretty much every other CC, so there should be no need for stability.

The only l2p issue here is that you have to realize that the trait is bugged. So he has any right to complain about it.


I don't see stability or immunity from CC anywhere in the description. It just says it reflects projectiles.


edit: correected below.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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1 hour ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I don't see stability or immunity from CC anywhere in the description. It just says it reflects projectiles.


And when you look at the masteries them self here:  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Experience#Burning_Oil_Mastery

none of the levels include stability or immunity to CCs.

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4 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

And when you look at the masteries them self here:  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Experience#Burning_Oil_Mastery

none of the levels include stability or immunity to CCs.

Try again: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Oil_Mastery_III:_Increased_armor


Reduces the damage received by the oil pot and the player. The user cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, feared, or taunted.

— In-game description


Edited by Bristingr.5034
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20 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Drop the oil as they approach the gate. If they're already on it, it's already too late, and you should get on the cannon instead.

youll get pulled down from there too, i got pulled while i was on the inside tip of the ramp of the inner of sm

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7 hours ago, Absurd.2947 said:

Just stunbreak and dodge out of their spike when you get pulled. 

Or invul. Or Teleport.

Why do people on squishy and  immobile builds get on siege is beyond me.

Soulbeast has Dolyak Stance. Ranger in general has Protect Me.

Thief, Ele, and Mesmer can just blink

Engineer has Elixir S and can Blink on Mechanist

If you get pulled regularly on a Guardian and die you should connect your mouse , but it  has many stunbreaks and Renewed Focus, and now has blink on Willbender. You could even cast Hallowed Ground on siege first but if you have more than 1 person, it's better to support them.

Warrior has loads of Stab and Endure Pain.

Necro is more challenging but it has Spectral Walk.

Rev is the only one that's hard, but still has that infused light on Herald.

I mean sometimes things go wrong and you lose your cursor or w/e but you shouldn't die most of the time.


Nevertheless, if the WvW ability is bugged, it should be fixed.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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1 hour ago, Faccina.5091 said:


i was on sm 2nd floor where theres the cannons pewpewing with my longbow 1500 range at some point i was spamming 1 on a necro but was out of range but DUN DUN DUUUUNNNN he pulled me down

Staff on necro, FB and ele (likely others) can reach from the outer wall to the cannons.  

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