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Where is the transparent communication from ArenaNet?

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Like I know they are trying. I know they can't address everyone's personal issues. I'm just asking for some words. Some clear communication to put tensions at ease. Something they can put their money on. Something certain. A defined goal and aim, with execution in line with that down the road. Not half of a balance patch leaving what they said they were going to do look like a heap of lies. Barely changing the new elite specs since the betas despite player feedback. I know that time crunch had to hit them hard, so i'm not blaming them. Like i said. just some clear communication would be appreciated.

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1 minute ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Not rude at all. The apologists are out in force in your thread, don't let them get to you.

ya i feel like a lot of people just accept anything they are given. i feel like it's good for the health of the game to question things and offer legitimate criticism. I'm not hating on guild wars or arenanet. I wanna see the game be the best it can be, and if anyone knows how to do that, it's arenanet. as a customer, i wanna know what's going on before i decide to drop another 100$ on mount skins or something like that xD

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2 minutes ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

ya i feel like a lot of people just accept anything they are given. i feel like it's good for the health of the game to question things and offer legitimate criticism. I'm not hating on guild wars or arenanet. I wanna see the game be the best it can be, and if anyone knows how to do that, it's arenanet. as a customer, i wanna know what's going on before i decide to drop another 100$ on mount skins or something like that xD

Yeah, exactly. I want it to be a great game too and acting like I'm fine with something they're doing when I'm not certainly isn't gonna help with that. And you are definitely reasonable wanting to know what's going on before throwing money at the game.

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9 minutes ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

aww i'm sorry for mentioning it 😧

It's okay, it's fine. You take care. Stay safe! Have fun because before you know it, you'll be older too!! 😋 Although retirement does have some really good benefits too, like no more alarm clocks. 😁

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This community has become insufferable over the lifespan of this game. Especially when people who don't understand a development cycle post stuff like this. I can assure you they are taking notes on common issues. Then they are meeting to plan on what to tackle first. Replying to each and every thread like this would be a waste of their time.

You'll get communication when they have a clear plan like they always do.

Edited by omgdracula.6345
Auto correct
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5 hours ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

legit curious was my original post rude? or my mental breakdown over tempest?

Rude? No.  Pointless?  Probably.  Forums exist to foster discussion, yet your post doesn't really do that. 

As for communication from Anet, they are not obliged to give us any.  Be thankful for what we do get.  Do you follow the dev tracker?

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This person gives his constructive critical feedback. I agree with him. There is no noticable communication, at the same level as the promotion of this game, its almost non existent. They forget there are many players who dont go to twitch streams with mostly  teen and early twenties age people, dont use mostly immature or polarising social media like twitter, instagram and platforms like Tik tok. Its tiring that people who give constructive critical feedback imediately get attacked by certain forum regulars over here. This is how it always goes. Person gives constructive critical feedback to arenanet, gets attacked by certain forum regulars. Standard behaviour: How dare you to have critism, this game is perfect, nothing is wrong, your an idiot, you are a hater. This is not even a forum anymore when the only thing going over here is a glorifying echochamber. And people who call this out are immediately reported and the critical posts are removed. I ask. What is the use of this forum if it cannot be used like a forum should be used? It could just as well be deleted, because it has no use.

Edited by particlepinata.9865
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16 minutes ago, particlepinata.9865 said:

This person gives his constructive critical feedback. I agree with him. There is no noticable communication, at the same level as the promotion of this game, its almost non existent. 

What do you mean 'noticeable'? As in ... YOU don't know where it is? because it's there if take the time to look ... 

See here is the ACTUAL problem ... people want it, but they do nothing to find it. I mean, if the forum dev tracker isn't 'noticable' enough for you, well, I guess you don't want it THAT badly. 

We got Anet communicating to us in lots of places:

Reddit, official forums, tweets, official game updates on the main page .. probably some locations I don't even use myself. Are you simply not aware of these things or ? The complaint seems pretty invalid actually ... the part I love is that I can read the OP's complaint on the forum and RIGHT beside that, see the LATEST tweets from Anet about game updates. Yeah, SOOO hard to notice. 🙄

Edited by Obtena.7952
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There have been some things in the March sales that I have been waiting to buy when they go on sale. I was ready to purchase gems. But I won't be spending any more money on this game until I get a clear undersanding of ArenaNet's response.

I'm not entitled to any communication on their part, just like they aren't entitled to any future spending on my part.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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31 minutes ago, omgdracula.6345 said:

You'll get communication when they have a clear plan like they always do

Speaking from a story perspective rather than a balance and content perspective like most others on this thread, this comment is almost kinda funny. Anet has always had a problem with their communication being very closed off and one sided about the future of the game, and even when they brought out future discussions prior to the launch of EoD, they didn't really follow up on it.


They told us that this expac (along with their reason for bumrushing Primordus and Jormag in IBS) was meant to end the story of the dragons entirely and move on to new, detached stories that can be picked up by new players without any prior knowledge of past story. I'm not quoting verbatim, but pretty much summed up the dev post.


Now the EoD story is finished, and *SPOILERS* there was no clean cut away from the dragon storyline. Aurene is still involved entirely in any events coming forward since she didn't die or leave Tyria. There is STILL a dragon cycle, it's just different. LW season 6 is gonna have a new plot, but it's pretty much a guarantee that there is going to be more followup from this story.


I'm not expecting Anet to constantly talk to us about every little thing, but their previous thread discussing the future of the game was misleading, because we aren't *actually* done with dragons. That's just my 2 cents.

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5 hours ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

ya i feel like a lot of people just accept anything they are given. i feel like it's good for the health of the game to question things and offer legitimate criticism. I'm not hating on guild wars or arenanet. I wanna see the game be the best it can be, and if anyone knows how to do that, it's arenanet. as a customer, i wanna know what's going on before i decide to drop another 100$ on mount skins or something like that xD

This, completely. I'd previously copped every version of the game at Deluxe/Ultimate Edition but lost interest at the late stages of PoF. I've been looking for reasons to pick this expansion up but it's all minimal info at best and "Pre-order now!"

I haven't seen anything interesting enough to even be worth my time or money, even though the $30 entry bar is set pretty low to begin with. I always vote with my wallet, so I want to see what they got wrong and how long it's going to take before the game is playable for people like me. Thank you for being honest.

Edited by SirServed.5693
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48 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Do not strawman.

That's just a factual statement. Go work anywhere as a developer. Replying to every little thing would be a massive waste of time. It's much more strategic to compile the data and find key issues to address to tackle main concerns first. Actually doesn't even have to be development. Could be any product. 

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I'm secretly hoping the reason we haven't heard anything since last Friday's "Hey, we're watching over the weekend, kthxbye!" post is because there are serious discussions going on in meeting rooms where some ArenaNet employees are advocating for open world players.

I hope it's not because they're using this time to figure out the smallest possible changes that will look like a response while still keeping things largely the same.

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7 minutes ago, omgdracula.6345 said:

That's just a factual statement. Go work anywhere as a developer. Replying to every little thing would be a massive waste of time. It's much more strategic to compile the data and find key issues to address to tackle main concerns first. Actually doesn't even have to be development. Could be any product. 

A strawman doesn't have to be factually false. It means you're responding to something no one said to score a point. No one said they should respond to every single thread. People said they wanted more open communication.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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6 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

Why should they give an update about the direction of the game one (!) week after releasing the expansion? Players still have a lot to do in EoD. 

Because they're in the business of making and selling a popular video game and they value their customers -- without whom what would be the point? -- and take pride in offering the best all-around gaming experience possible? /e shrug

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1 hour ago, Tachenon.5270 said:

Because they're in the business of making and selling a popular video game and they value their customers -- without whom what would be the point? -- and take pride in offering the best all-around gaming experience possible? /e shrug

No hold on ... change the game based on what though? It's only out ONE WEEK. What is the data they are going to use to make changes to ensure they give value to their customers? The game is still in a state of change ... so how can Anet make meaningful changes if the game isn't near some equilibrium?

here is the point: the LAST thing we should want Anet to do after ONE WEEK of a release is futz about making class changes to offer the best all-around gaming experience possible because the data will be garbage./ 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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