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Dragon's End Meta = I'm Done

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30 minutes ago, SimulationOfLife.4657 said:

Do these forums have block ? If so I can't find it. I dislike attention trolls.

Mouseover username or avatar on the left, click "ignore user", click four checkboxes. Helps a lot keeping blood pressure down.

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4 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Cool for you?

The person you were responding to said they bought a lot.

The amount of gems bought had nothing to do with what I originally asked, which was are they done (deleting account), or are they just taking a break. The fact someone responded about gems to my post got an equally off topic response. 

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4 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

I meaan...ok the meta is kinda difficult to do,you have to be organized and actually have to pay attention 
E V E R Y  S I N G L E  T I M E half of the players can't even dodge the 2 aoe the boss does or jump over the wave.
Which is fine if it is the first time right?! Totally normal and understandable.
But then,when i see people die MULTIPLE TIMES on the SAME AOE: it is just being lazy.

The encounter is difficult but there is ALSO so much LAZYNESS going on aswell

In my experience, these kinds of mistakes are one of three things, or a combination:

  1. Bad players - as you say. Which, incidentally, is what caused the nerfs on Scourge. I mean, how hard is it to avoid the big red circles?
  2. Lag. Which, in large groups like a meta, happens a lot. Lag to the point that there's a definite delay in the action after pressing a button.
  3. So much visual noise that the players don't see the the AOE and the wave.


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1 hour ago, Jaunty.6018 said:

I'm not even bothering with the turtle.  I simply don't care about the game enough anymore to waste that much time on it.

i would prolly never use it, but it looks cool. if i could get it in a semi-painless way, i would get it just for the lulz.

once again, the designer team wins

PS if youre so chill about it , could you at least use caps? 

we are trying to start a revolution here

Edited by battledrone.8315
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10 hours ago, SimulationOfLife.4657 said:

BTW, how is the DE meta going after the update ? Some people were saying it's been nerfed, others not.

It's a bit better after they reduced the tail by 50%, though because they removed it from her move pool, she started swapping sides more again. Not as much as on release (though she still chains it if you have bad RNG) but enough to be frustrating. It's still like running into a wall repeatedly, though, so I wouldn't say nerfed. It's still based on everyone in the squad doing high DPS and heavy RNG with both Soo-Won and how many thornhearts spawn (and if people focus them down ASAP).

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People have to stop blaming the players who actually paid for the game. If Anet just wants to ignore better than half the population that think the Meta is so difficult, then they will have to search for other jobs where they have to defend the decisions they made when the franchise folds. Yes there are some that are getting through but on the whole, very few like the Meta. 

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1 minute ago, James.5632 said:

People have to stop blaming the players who actually paid for the game. If Anet just wants to ignore better than half the population that think the Meta is so difficult, then they will have to search for other jobs where they have to defend the decisions they made when the franchise folds. Yes there are some that are getting through but on the whole, very few like the Meta. 

The meta is not difficult. That's the thing. 

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17 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

You guys are so dramatical....
"this is not the player fault"
"im not gonna financially recover from this"
"im done"

I said many peopla are lazy:it's a fact u can check on every single meta event,im not talking about bigfoot.
And when i see 10 people die on the same attack 3,4 times in a row,cos they didnt bother to dodge roll away from the BIG BAD red cicrlce...it's not just cos the meta is hard.

You know, I would consider your opinion if you wrote somewhat properly. "im", 'cos", lower case "i". Actually hurts my eyes to read that.

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5 minutes ago, elpuellodiablo.9361 said:

sure it's easy, get gud... kitten the meta is a kittening shitstorm.

I'll repeat myself. The DE meta requires the basic knowledge of the game, boons, squads, etc. It requires understanding of the basics, nothing more. There's no get good, or wahtever. Boons are a very basic component of the game, and if a player doesnt have cursory knowledge of boons by the time they get to DE, that is NOT anet's fault. Anet is literally yelling at you (through aurene) what to do during the whole meta. Aurene tells you to hit the tail, watch out for tidal flood, etc. etc. So simply dodge that, and then before the final fight in the meta starts, arrange the squad into 5 man groups the best you can based on what utilities people are bringing. Sort that all out, then just do what aurene tells you. Really, that's it. If more than 15 people are just afking, or autoattacking, or dying constantly, it will fail. But...that's not really anet's fault that people aren't trying. 

Edited by Einsof.1457
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1 minute ago, Einsof.1457 said:

I'll repeat myself. The DE meta requires the basic knowledge of the game, boons, squads, etc. It requires understanding of the basics, nothing more. There's no get good, or wahtever. Anet is literally yelling at you (through aurene) what to do during the whole meta. Aurene tells you to hit the tail, watch out for tidal flood, etc. etc. So simply dodge that, and then before the final fight in the meta starts, arrange the squad into 5 man groups the best you can based on what utilities people are bringing. Sort that all out, then just do what aurene tells you. Really, that's it. If more than 15 people are just afking, or autoattacking, or dying constantly, it will fail. But...that's not really anet's fault that people aren't trying. 

Still, failing relentelssly in a 2-hour-long open world event where you have no control on its outcome is not funny. not at all. and the worst thing is that they locked some collection stuff for specialization weapons behind it.

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44 minutes ago, elpuellodiablo.9361 said:

Still, failing relentelssly in a 2-hour-long open world event where you have no control on its outcome is not funny. not at all. and the worst thing is that they locked some collection stuff for specialization weapons behind it.

In MMOs, your success is greatly weighed against the skill of others. There are ways to mitigate chances of failure (play with friends, guild, etc.) but this is how MMOs have always been. Your success will be determined by the skill of others. This is not a bad thing. This is a cornerstone of the MMO genre.  There are many games out there where the skill of just yourself is all that matters, but MMOs are a community focused genre. The rewards depend on the group, not the individual. I have learned to find value in failure. 

If the group fails, I know that I have learned more and I have improved for next time.  The player's own personal improvement is a great reward when experiencing failure.  Further, I find myself having fun and giving myself personal challenges. "Let's try to dodge every tidal wave." "Let's try to keep dps above 10k." "Let's try to keep an eye for downed friends and play medic." Whatever makes it fun. The people that are whining "It's 2 hours and fail it's a huge waste of time!" are not thinking of GW2 as a game (which by definition, games are fun), they are thinking of GW2 as a job. This is not healthy. If you are not having fun in the moment, regardless if the outcome is successful or not, you should question your motivations. GW2 has never been a game about the destination. It has always been a game about the journey. At the end of the day it's just pixels. The fun of the moment is what matters. I have been playing MMORPGs since 1999, and whenever I thought of games as  a job rather than a game, it's when all the fun gets sucked away. Treat it as a game and you will have a lot more fun. 

Edited by Einsof.1457
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1 hour ago, Einsof.1457 said:

I'll repeat myself. The DE meta requires the basic knowledge of the game, boons, squads, etc. It requires understanding of the basics, nothing more. There's no get good, or wahtever. Boons are a very basic component of the game, and if a player doesnt have cursory knowledge of boons by the time they get to DE, that is NOT anet's fault. Anet is literally yelling at you (through aurene) what to do during the whole meta. Aurene tells you to hit the tail, watch out for tidal flood, etc. etc. So simply dodge that, and then before the final fight in the meta starts, arrange the squad into 5 man groups the best you can based on what utilities people are bringing. Sort that all out, then just do what aurene tells you. Really, that's it. If more than 15 people are just afking, or autoattacking, or dying constantly, it will fail. But...that's not really anet's fault that people aren't trying. 

Want me to repeat myself again? 

Meta doesn't require basics, otherwise there would be consistent runs with most organized groups that know said basics. Again, there is no consistency. AURENE LITERALLY CAN'T FINISH HER SENTENCE BEFORE OTHER THINGS RANDOMLY HAPPEN. That's how bad it is. Repeating HuRr DuRr MuH bAsIX ain't gonna sugar coat the sheer fact that this meta requires players to hurdle over ANet's BAD Designs

The fact that many people who usually defend ANet (myself included) all see how terrible this meta is shows how badly designed it is. 

Edited by ChronoPinoyX.7923
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7 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

Want me to repeat myself again? 

Meta doesn't require basics, otherwise there would be consistent runs with most organized groups that know said basics. Again, there is no consistency. AURENE LITERALLY CAN'T FINISH HER SENTENCE BEFORE OTHER THINGS RANDOMLY HAPPEN. That's how bad it is. Repeating HuRr DuRr MuH bAsIX ain't gonna sugar coat the sheer fact that this meta requires players to hurdle over ANet's BAD Designs

The fact that many people who usually defend ANet (myself included) all see how terrible this meta is shows how badly designed it is. 

Just because you were never bothered to learn the basics doesn't mean anything. 

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1 minute ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

Way to prove my point. Can't even defend bad design and just assumes someone who Raids/Strikes/Fractals doesn't know basics. 

Idk what to say. Beyond basic boon knowledge and dodging, what else do you need for DE, exactly? 

Edited by Einsof.1457
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