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After 10 years of Guild Wars 2

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23 hours ago, SKASEPOUSTH.1628 said:

Dislexia exists - deal with it !! Also english not being the original language i learned how to speak and type play's a factor - i am self taught ! Through sheer practice .

That is all well and good, but taking the time to press 'enter' periodically can help the rest of us to decipher what you are trying to say and thus better engage in discussion with you.

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Just find a class u enjoy and play it. Don't focus on the score board and meta. If u are good enough on a class / build u will hold plat to get ok games and just enjoy the pvp experience. I just role play reaper and play shouts not op not weak its just the right lvl for me to feel its perfectly balanced. I win some loose some. Sometimes I get outplayed sometimes they have a better comp but that's why I enjoy pvp the not knowing is the fun. Moment u stop caring about meta is the moment pvp will become fun again. But ofc if u are playing the score board then just focus the broken and brake pvp till u get your title.. we all did it at some point in our time on gw2 

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1 hour ago, Goldilock.2584 said:

Just find a class u enjoy and play it. Don't focus on the score board and meta. If u are good enough on a class / build u will hold plat to get ok games and just enjoy the pvp experience. I just role play reaper and play shouts not op not weak its just the right lvl for me to feel its perfectly balanced. I win some loose some. Sometimes I get outplayed sometimes they have a better comp but that's why I enjoy pvp the not knowing is the fun. Moment u stop caring about meta is the moment pvp will become fun again. But ofc if u are playing the score board then just focus the broken and brake pvp till u get your title.. we all did it at some point in our time on gw2 

belive me thats what ive been doing all theese years . after over 10000 matches of pvp played ...... i can safely say ive tryed everything i could to mitigate the problem ! lol

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

That is all well and good, but taking the time to press 'enter' periodically can help the rest of us to decipher what you are trying to say and thus better engage in discussion with you.

Fair enough 

i shall try to press enter 

more frequently from here on out ! 

Cheers !! <(^_^)>/

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I never got into GW2 PvP but loved GW1 PvP and the best times was when we got a big meta shake up by the Team redoing a bunch of skills or one of the new Campaigns or the one expansion yes the game was broke every time power creeped  but in the end it was fun stuff.


while we have a smaller deck of cards i would think the fun in Gw2 PvP would be trying to find that next nasty build of doom

Edited by dusanyu.4057
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18 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

People can say these things with a straight face. It's amazing.

its interesting that you find that so foreign and strange. Just have a look around you in the world. How many things exist? Billions…trillions…gazillions of different species of plants… animals…chemicals…computer programs whatever. There is a tendency for there to be “more things.” And we see diversity in the world because there are many things in it.


9 years of changing values has yet to actually show any change in variety. Hmm…


The above is not happenstance. There is good reason and proof, of why GW2 fails (at diversity) where many other systems succeed.

It’s ironic that we continue to cling to intuition when historically our intuitions about how things work have been persistently wrong.



Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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3 hours ago, SKASEPOUSTH.1628 said:

Guild Wars 2 was originaly a pay to play .

None of the Guild Wars franchises (1 or 2) was ever "pay to play". If you mean "buy to play" then yes, you had to buy the game in order to play it. "Pay to play" most often refers to a subscription based model, which ArenaNet has never done.

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6 hours ago, SKASEPOUSTH.1628 said:

why both pve and wvw keep getting new stuff to play with ? be it siege options , build options , stat alocation options . REWORKED MAPS . bonus build layers in the form of ( masteries in pve) and wvw ranks for wvw - yet pvp ranks are ?

Feel free to throw pve under the bus since they get all the love, but uh please stop mentioning wvw, because you obviously don't know what goes on over there, they're in the same "we don't get anything" boat as spvp. Of course there's siege options, because they need to break through towers and keeps and castles, you don't in spvp for the most part. Siege were nerfed to the ground and useless against big groups. Build options? like added more expense with ascended foods lol? Stat allocations of pve like trailblazers/minstrels/celestial that some view to be toxic or broken builds and want removed?

What reworked maps? we get a wall change and they call it a day for the next few years, haven't even gotten a new map in wvw since 2015 for a grand total of four, which to this day is still hated by a lot of players and anet refuses to polish anymore. Masteries? half of it is for the useless siege, the other half covers quality of life stuff like autoloot and carry more supply, or their shoved in warclaw mount which cost almost three times the cost of all other masteries lol. 1226 points, 8774 useless ranks that just give a chest. The masteries are for the pve side of wvw, what do you need them in spvp for? Battle of kyhlo treb need a little more damage? lol....

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1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Feel free to throw pve under the bus since they get all the love, but uh please stop mentioning wvw, because you obviously don't know what goes on over there, they're in the same "we don't get anything" boat as spvp. Of course there's siege options, because they need to break through towers and keeps and castles, you don't in spvp for the most part. Siege were nerfed to the ground and useless against big groups. Build options? like added more expense with ascended foods lol? Stat allocations of pve like trailblazers/minstrels/celestial that some view to be toxic or broken builds and want removed?

What reworked maps? we get a wall change and they call it a day for the next few years, haven't even gotten a new map in wvw since 2015 for a grand total of four, which to this day is still hated by a lot of players and anet refuses to polish anymore. Masteries? half of it is for the useless siege, the other half covers quality of life stuff like autoloot and carry more supply, or their shoved in warclaw mount which cost almost three times the cost of all other masteries lol. 1226 points, 8774 useless ranks that just give a chest. The masteries are for the pve side of wvw, what do you need them in spvp for? Battle of kyhlo treb need a little more damage? lol....

what i mean for wvw is the following 

 World vs World over the years got borderlands map reworks . huge ones at that - especialy after heart of thorns 

also world vs world has access to all stat alocations available in the game provided you can craft them / buy them 

same with sigils and runes 

add ontop of that the ammount of rewards players can get with in world vs world 

 and now atempt to compair that to what pvp has gotten 

1 lobby map rework ( wich basicly destroyed server match lobby with the addition of the public arena )

few maps that basicly play the same with every other map 

countless build restrictions in the form of stat alocation sigils and runes 

selective trait balance mostly in a negative way 

and very few rewards for the time that one can invest in that said mode 

now add ontop of that those roumors going about top ladder wintrading to keep spots . weekly tournament teams and monthly tournament teams being involved in players paying irl money to win that said tournament for shiny's ....... and its not that hard to imagine someone that has invested a lot of time in that said mode to be very iritated / infuriated / angry / disapointed / fedup / outraged about all this 

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1 hour ago, SKASEPOUSTH.1628 said:

what i mean for wvw is the following 

 World vs World over the years got borderlands map reworks . huge ones at that - especialy after heart of thorns 

also world vs world has access to all stat alocations available in the game provided you can craft them / buy them 

same with sigils and runes 

add ontop of that the ammount of rewards players can get with in world vs world 

 and now atempt to compair that to what pvp has gotten 

1 lobby map rework ( wich basicly destroyed server match lobby with the addition of the public arena )

few maps that basicly play the same with every other map 

countless build restrictions in the form of stat alocation sigils and runes 

selective trait balance mostly in a negative way 

and very few rewards for the time that one can invest in that said mode 

now add ontop of that those roumors going about top ladder wintrading to keep spots . weekly tournament teams and monthly tournament teams being involved in players paying irl money to win that said tournament for shiny's ....... and its not that hard to imagine someone that has invested a lot of time in that said mode to be very iritated / infuriated / angry / disapointed / fedup / outraged about all this 

The desert map was released near "7 years ago", they ignored the beta feedback until after release and players were ditching wvw because they hated the map in it's original state, then they decided to fix it up and basically removed a bunch of stuff like the oasis event which lagged the map, not exactly huge reworks. We have not had a new map since then, and they will probably never make another one for wvw because they're probably traumatized by how badly/ungratefully desert was received by the wvw community. The last big rework wvw got was basically skirmish mode implemented back in 2017.


Meanwhile pvp still got eight new maps since that time, while we've had to play on two maps for near 10 years, one for near 7 years, and one that got completely abandoned. You got automated tournaments since 2017, with prizes that wvw could only dream of getting, our last tournament was back in 2014, with a very slim hope they may ever return again.


Yes we have access to all the pve gear, that doesn't mean it's a good thing, there's a reason why some of it isn't in pvp and why it also shouldn't be in wvw either, you see that as a bonus advantage, a lot see it as balance breaking instead having to deal with fat boon balling support bunker builds. Don't even get started on rewards, you can go ahead and read the wvw forums where every month threads pops up talking about wvw lack of rewards or how it takes too long to get anything.


The grass isn't always greener on the other side, in fact I'm sure the wvw side is deep sticky suck you to hell type of mud camouflaged by moss on top to make it look green, but I'm sure we can all agree that the entire pvp side of this game has been on maintenance mode for a long time, probably since it doesn't make enough money in anet's eyes.

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2 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

The desert map was released near "7 years ago", they ignored the beta feedback until after release and players were ditching wvw because they hated the map in it's original state, then they decided to fix it up and basically removed a bunch of stuff like the oasis event which lagged the map, not exactly huge reworks. We have not had a new map since then, and they will probably never make another one for wvw because they're probably traumatized by how badly/ungratefully desert was received by the wvw community. The last big rework wvw got was basically skirmish mode implemented back in 2017.


Meanwhile pvp still got eight new maps since that time, while we've had to play on two maps for near 10 years, one for near 7 years, and one that got completely abandoned. You got automated tournaments since 2017, with prizes that wvw could only dream of getting, our last tournament was back in 2014, with a very slim hope they may ever return again.


Yes we have access to all the pve gear, that doesn't mean it's a good thing, there's a reason why some of it isn't in pvp and why it also shouldn't be in wvw either, you see that as a bonus advantage, a lot see it as balance breaking instead having to deal with fat boon balling support bunker builds. Don't even get started on rewards, you can go ahead and read the wvw forums where every month threads pops up talking about wvw lack of rewards or how it takes too long to get anything.


The grass isn't always greener on the other side, in fact I'm sure the wvw side is deep sticky suck you to hell type of mud camouflaged by moss on top to make it look green, but I'm sure we can all agree that the entire pvp side of this game has been on maintenance mode for a long time, probably since it doesn't make enough money in anet's eyes.

On that we can agree at least - both pvp oriented modes have been on life support mostly 

would have loved it pvp was not so restrictive 

but i guess same could be said in a way for wvw ..... yes bunker builds can be an issue 

but what is healthyer ?

restrict builds and make what ever meta that pops up all the more powerfull ?

 or give new tools for the players to use and make up theyr own counters 

instead of being shoehorned in to what ever meta those said devs decide is "best"

i mean yes some stuff can be broken 

we are not perfect afterall . why would our creations ?

but the fact stands that this is a game . and in a game 

especialy one without a profetional scene runing 

fun should take priority over "dry balance for the sake of balance "

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8 hours ago, SKASEPOUSTH.1628 said:

would have loved it pvp was not so restrictive 

but i guess same could be said in a way for wvw ..... yes bunker builds can be an issue 

but what is healthyer ?

-someone that has not met a full minstrel Guard that is not dying to 3 people ; 2022

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7 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

so you are seriously telling me that balancing has no influence on the variety of builds that are viable?



Yes, this is what i am seriously telling you.


Tweaking values does not give you balance. I've shown time and time again why that is the case. By trying to "balance" the game you are simultaneously stripping it of diversity, because the two are one in the same....intrinsically connected by a deep symmetry (called Isomorphism).


The way it behaves is as counter intuitive as it sounds. But when you understand that this is how it works, it makes perfect sense as to why it works this way. Ask yourself a simple question :


What are the exact steps you would have to take to perfectly balance two skills?


The answer to that question is that it is not possible to do, without them both just being the same skill.


If you analyze this paradox of diversity for equality, you eventually realize that the two concepts have complementarity, as if the two things lay on a spectrum. The spectrum these concepts lay on is invariant with scale and is a clue that there is a symmetry that unites the two as part of a singular unifying concept (Under a broader concept that can only be described as system evolution) Where diversity evolves towards homogeneity, in a dynamic process...meaning it changes with time. Long story short, the analysis leads to the conclusion that the only thing that increases diversity, is by simply having more things...again this makes sense when you look around in the world and why there are so many things in it.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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21 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

its interesting that you find that so foreign and strange. Just have a look around you in the world. How many things exist? Billions…trillions…gazillions of different species of plants… animals…chemicals…computer programs whatever. There is a tendency for there to be “more things.” And we see diversity in the world because there are many things in it.


9 years of changing values has yet to actually show any change in variety. Hmm…


The above is not happenstance. There is good reason and proof, of why GW2 fails (at diversity) where many other systems succeed.

It’s ironic that we continue to cling to intuition when historically our intuitions about how things work have been persistently wrong.



9 years of changing values showed changes in variety many times. I do have a functioning long term memory so you will not be able to gaslight me on this.
By the way, a-net is terrible at balancing most of the time, so I can see why you'd try to alter our perception of the past this way... but most of the time does not mean "all the time". Just one example: AI heavy builds all had their time when they were god-tier, but currently Kalla renegade, turrent-engi, and minionmancer are all "bad" builds in serious PvP enviroments(as they should be).

A-net mostly kept destroying builds by overnerfing, removing amulets and sigils, and "disabling traits" by putting them on 300 second cooldowns in these last 3 years, and I support none of the above. Especially removing options instead of balancing - obviously - is not balancing.

Somehow you made the jump from "bad balancing doesn't work" to "balancing doesn't work". Let's pretend this kind of logic makes sense for a minute: If a thing done badly doesn't work, that means that thing doesn't work period. Now lets apply this to your suggestion: adding new stuff. Well turns out we already had 3 expansions added to the game, yet diversity hardly went up. That must mean adding new stuff does not increase diversity! Even your own flawed logic defeats your argument.

Most of the new stuff added(and most of the old stuff too) are unviable, so people do not bother playing them. You have to balance properly to achive bigger variety. There is no other way out of this.

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40 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

Somehow you made the jump from "bad balancing doesn't work" to "balancing doesn't work".


Balancing does not work, that's been my stance since forever, so I don't know what jump you are talking about. There is only one kind of real balance, and in a sense it's not even "real" either. Balance is a unicorn dream that won't happen with the exception of one way...which is the same way that nature "balances" by simply having many things in it.


Like stated previously, Diversity is dynamic. It changes over time, from maximally diverse, to maximally homogenous, as they are the same mechanism, and I've proved this many times in many different ways.


This is one example of how the game evolves from a diverse state, to a homogenous state:




It's a simple game, where each color is represented. Under each color is a number, and as players identify the number associated to that color, players migrate to the color with the highest number. This happens until all players reach the color with the highest number, and the evolution of the game stops.


Guild Wars 2 is exactly like this. Specs are introduced...they are explored...and as the strongest builds are identified, players migrate to those builds...until all players are playing the strongest build. 


The consequences of this dynamic are not trivial...they are hard statements about what is actually possible to do. I wrote a comment on this thread here that explains all those consequences in better detail, and what they mean for different balance philosophies. One of them, is that the only way to stop the game from becoming homogenous is to simply make the game last longer... and this is done by adding more things (in the case of the game above, adding more colored balls), so that the actual process of discovering the number under each color takes more time.


Every other operation simply does not work. making all things equal makes them all the same...taking things away makes the game collapse to homogeneity faster...thus the only thing left that actually works is adding more things.


So in regards to this part of your comment, 


Well turns out we already had 3 expansions added to the game, yet diversity hardly went up. That must mean adding new stuff does not increase diversity! Even your own flawed logic defeats your argument.


This is objectively false. The more different stuff you have, the more things you have to choose from. Every Expac introduces new things, and new combinations of ways to play old things, so diversity always increases with every release. Over time it will eventually collapse to homogeneity, and this is where you don't really understand the logic...about how the process is dynamic and not static.

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1 hour ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


Balancing does not work, that's been my stance since forever, so I don't know what jump you are talking about. There is only one kind of real balance, and in a sense it's not even "real" either. Balance is a unicorn dream that won't happen with the exception of one way...which is the same way that nature "balances" by simply having many things in it.


Well if you saying "balacing does not work" is not a conclusion but your default position upon being born... that's worse? I thought you arrived at it after careful deliberation, my mistake for assuming I guess.

1 hour ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Like stated previously, Diversity is dynamic. It changes over time, from maximally diverse, to maximally homogenous, as they are the same mechanism, and I've proved this many times in many different ways.


This is one example of how the game evolves from a diverse state, to a homogenous state:




It's a simple game, where each color is represented. Under each color is a number, and as players identify the number associated to that color, players migrate to the color with the highest number. This happens until all players reach the color with the highest number, and the evolution of the game stops.


Guild Wars 2 is exactly like this. Specs are introduced...they are explored...and as the strongest builds are identified, players migrate to those builds...until all players are playing the strongest build. 

Ah yes, the strongest build for conquest. In a gamemode that demands specialisations into different roles. The build that is best at all of them. That ignores the rock<paper<scissors mechanics by... transcending them or some sh*t. Dude this is overly reductionist, you will never be able to accurately model GW2 with a few colors that have a single numeric value.
You are partly right that the release of new stuff creates a short intermediary period where people test and learn the new stuff, but the new meta settles in pretty fast. If your claim that diversity is greatest at the release, than gradually decreases into one build would even be remotely true, how do you explain the 5 vindicator meme teams that kept winning tourneys? We had greater diversity than that for the entire existence of this game, yet somehow briefly after the release of an x-pac, diversity was just gone.
Oh and right after a balance patch that added 0 new content, only tuned down the overperforming vindicator and mechanist, diversity suddenly went up... but balancing doesn't work!

So your theory is nice and I'm sure it's very exciting, but when you apply it to all kinds of stuff and reality is disagreeing with you, maybe you could try to reconsider?

1 hour ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

So in regards to this part of your comment, 


Well turns out we already had 3 expansions added to the game, yet diversity hardly went up. That must mean adding new stuff does not increase diversity! Even your own flawed logic defeats your argument.


This is objectively false. The more different stuff you have, the more things you have to choose from. Every Expac introduces new things, and new combinations of ways to play old things, so diversity always increases with every release. Over time it will eventually collapse to homogeneity, and this is where you don't really understand the logic...about how the process is dynamic and not static.

I mean, seriously what even is this? You are arguing for having more useless choices with a straight face. We're not newbies, it took like 2 days to sort out what works and what doesn't. And some of us write guides, maintain websites where your average player can copy&paste builds/strageties. From that point on, it doesn't matter how much stuff we threw in the trash, it only matters how much we didn't. The dynamic part is already over... well at least if would be if there were no balance patches.
But since vindicator and mechanist got hit HARD, diversity went up, we have more options again.

TL:DR, balancing does work when done properly, having a huge amount of trash builds/combos hurts the game, stop denying reality.

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Hasten to our call for help and snatch from ruination and from 

the clutches of the noonday devil, this human being made in your 

image and likeness. Strike terror Lord, into the beast, now 

laying waste your vineyard, let your mighty hand cast him out of 

your servant,  JusticeRetroHunter.7684, so he may no longer hold 

captive this person, whom it pleased you to make in your image. 

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2 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

So your theory is nice and I'm sure it's very exciting, but when you apply it to all kinds of stuff and reality is disagreeing with you, maybe you could try to reconsider?



On the contrary...I test these principles and theories with plenty tests of my own all the time in many kinds of systems...For example, you can model the stock market in the exact same way.


I wouldn't be so sure of myself about this, if these tests that I do weren't so positively in favor of my story rather than yours. So when we talk about reality and who's winning it...it's definitely me. In fact I'm winning it Charlie Sheen style with a win rate of 100%...again all based on these principles and theories on the research I did of gw2's diversity problem. Not trying to rub it in your face or anything....just saying that I wouldn't be so fervent about this, it if I didn't think it wasn't true, based on how good the results of my tests are.


Also...It's not really my theory either. It's how science currently understands how the world works. All I do is take current scientific understanding, developments and models and apply it to Guild Wars 2. At that point you can believe whatever you want, I'm just here to tell you how the scientific world would look at this problem. 


2 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

Ah yes, the strongest build for conquest. In a gamemode that demands specialisations into different roles. The build that is best at all of them. That ignores the rock<paper<scissors mechanics by... transcending them or some sh*t. Dude this is overly reductionist, you will never be able to accurately model GW2 with a few colors that have a single numeric value.
You are partly right that the release of new stuff creates a short intermediary period where people test and learn the new stuff, but the new meta settles in pretty fast. If your claim that diversity is greatest at the release, than gradually decreases into one build would even be remotely true, how do you explain the 5 vindicator meme teams that kept winning tourneys? We had greater diversity than that for the entire existence of this game, yet somehow briefly after the release of an x-pac, diversity was just gone.


In regards to this...this is actually a crucial incite into how the whole thing works, and why it supports my story even more. The reason collapses to homogeneity happen in the first place, is because it's based on information propagation and how fast computation that evolves the system occurs. I bring this up a lot...that gw2 is not complex enough...and this is exactly why. When players are able to "flip the numbers" so to speak too fast, it means the game lacks complexity, and that lack of complexity causes the game to head towards homogeneity...and is a reflection of how bad the game is designed.


The entire idea behind RPS and complexity in general is this idea of "Undecidability" where when things are undecidable means there is "no answer" to the computation (thus a computation would occur forever with no answer). The topic is way too deep to talk about it with much clarity with you here...but ill try to keep this as short and simple as I can. Essentially undecidability is not real in the sense that all real things in practice are decidable. For example ask yourself a question about Rock Paper Scissors...why are the components of rock paper scissors exactly the same? It's because the components are exactly equal, thus, RPS is a perfectly homogeneous game not actually a diverse one. Because the rules of the game are based on an undecidable question of it's components, the answer changes all the time between the three even though all three are well...the same thing and it doesn't really matter what you picked.


So in essence, real systems aren't undecidable like this when the components are different...but because of how complex things are, can in effect be undecidable because it takes unknown time to figure out the answer, and there's no faster way to figure out the answer then to just run the computation itself. For example. Say you have RPS, and all the knowledge you have is just the rules of the game. You play the game 10 million times...and you find that rock has a 33.0000001% chance of winning against Paper or Scissors. You had to run the game (10 million times) in order to figure out that rock had the advantage, so the question that was previously undecidable is actually decidable now, where the best thing to play is Rock. Once you find the answer to the computation, then all players will play rock 100% of the time. Playing the game 10 million times, is the computation time to resolve to an answer, to what you thought was previously undecidable. Diversity of that RPS game thus collapses after 10 million plays, to a homogenous game of just Rock.  


This is how real systems do things. Things simply happen many many many times until an answer happens. The act of things happening is the computation itself occurring.


What is the best build in gw2? The question is undecidable until we play the game...many many many times...and when all players are playing the best build...the question that was previously undecidable is now decidable. This is why computation time is a critical derivation here in these posts that I make. When complexity is not good, it's easy to decide what the answer to this question is, and thus the game will collapse to homogeneity in a fast time period.


Edit: One final note about 5 man vindi teams. Different configurations of specs will happen as a result of exploring this computation we are undergoing...so when 5 man vindi teams show up, the idea is that players look for counter comps to these teams (like 5 man necro...5 man mecha w.e..). This is part of the process of the exploration of game states, to find out which builds are the best. So in order to determine whether 5 man vindi is actually good or not, relies on players playing the game and finding counter comps to it. So just because you see a comp come out in the first 3 days, doesn't mean it's actually good. You again need the game to be played in order for counter comps to arise.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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2 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

TL:DR, balancing does work when done properly, having a huge amount of trash builds/combos hurts the game, stop denying reality.

Ah, yes. Wanting more things to play around with in a video game.

That's as hysterical and irrational as it gets really. 

Repent @JusticeRetroHunter.7684 for daring to suggest something as asinine as wanting more content to play around with.

And also for namecalling like this. Tut, tut. 

5 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

maximally homogenous


I'm kidding of course. You're an angel.

I might disagree when it comes to balance having 0 impact on build diversity, but I can appreciate the dedication towards more content still. 

I mean, there are tons of skills & traits across pretty much every profession that are rarely if ever used. A rework would be sublime, but if those skills could be even slightly buffed to be worth anything, personally i'd consider that a small content drop, especially after 2 years of endless nerfs.

A buff = An addition | A nerf = A removal 

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