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Dragon's End Meta become dead dead soon

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as a new player (just played it for a month or so) i am really intimidated with how much preparation and build that needs to be done before doing this... take this as 1 of possible 49 other people that might be in my position or maybe 20% or even 50% of all of the squad party is veterans.

Even that, being done 3 times and it still failed (the best is 3% health left which is BIG OOF). It's not even engaging... 2 hours of gathering 10 stack of buffs is just meh.

Some people said DPS problem, yeah, tell that to other casual player including new player like me... i'm just doing dragonfall meta and that is the most OK and doing Octo.


I honestly expect the last patch will neft AT LEAST the movement of the Soo Won, that is not the intimidated thing to do with the most of the mech. I dunno, I really want to take the turtle egg via meta but after doing meta i didn't even think about getting the turtle mount via 200 writs i am thinking avoiding DE map overall

Edited by megamino.1430
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As expected, who would rather risk 2 hours of their life time over nothing in return? People asked for improvement, and all they could do is instead, improving other maps, while still refuse to acknowledge their failure at DE, still hogging on "Oh the win rate has climbed a bit after the tweek", without realizing the fact is people had enough, and only just those strict and organized group with raid builds could do it.


Adding a hero choice of reward for completing it is still not tempting enough, what they could've done is by adding tiered map reward similar to Dragon's Stand from HoT, hell, even DrizzleWood from Icebrood, a recent expansion, also has it. So, they totally have no excuses to not improve the reward to tempt more players to keep trying and learning. Or at least make DE an instanced meta similar to Dragon Storm, so players just need to wait 2 hours to do it again.

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2 hours ago, alantsui.4906 said:

after today's update, people can easy purchase  the turtle egg, and lfg only one or two group look for people.  it seems Dragon's end meta dead, or people wait for nerf.

Many other and myself already said this map would be super dead once the egg drops for most players, no matter the method, and seems we were all right. Got mine today for the 200 Writs and I've been working on it, but one of the metas disconnected the entire map so I logged off for the day. DE is only for those who just finished the end of the story and are fresh to the map, it's not for returning players unless they enjoy the torture that is Soo-Won lol.

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Saw a group yesterday with this info in lfg: "you dont have to do the meta, just buy the egg at vendor blabla. After buying egg please leave the group" 😄


Made the Meta two times yesterday, and imho they changed nothing. Surprisingly we made it both times, but both with just some spare seconds rest time.

And the Patch yesterday fuxored my DX11 again. In the first run i had barely 5fps at the middle of the meta on the platform, wasnt able to do a thing. Before the Patch everything with DX11 was fine.

After switching back to DX9 the second run was smooth.


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4 hours ago, AlenaVolkova.8179 said:

As expected, who would rather risk 2 hours of their life time over nothing in return? People asked for improvement, and all they could do is instead, improving other maps, while still refuse to acknowledge their failure at DE, still hogging on "Oh the win rate has climbed a bit after the tweek", without realizing the fact is people had enough, and only just those strict and organized group with raid builds could do it.


Adding a hero choice of reward for completing it is still not tempting enough, what they could've done is by adding tiered map reward similar to Dragon's Stand from HoT, hell, even DrizzleWood from Icebrood, a recent expansion, also has it. So, they totally have no excuses to not improve the reward to tempt more players to keep trying and learning. Or at least make DE an instanced meta similar to Dragon Storm, so players just need to wait 2 hours to do it again.

Reward won't do it unless its 50 gold or something like that even then I doubt casual will do it. Otherwise, everyone would be doing fractal CM/Raids. This is 1 time wonder thing as of now. I have completed this meta after 12th time failure in 3rd day (took time off work to play).

I have not gone back to it ever since and I probably won't ever in this stage. I get limited game time and I am not wasting my time on this.

Btw, I am a raider and fractal CM player if that makes any difference lol.

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4 hours ago, megamino.1430 said:

as a new player (just played it for a month or so) i am really intimidated with how much preparation and build that needs to be done before doing this... take this as 1 of possible 49 other people that might be in my position or maybe 20% or even 50% of all of the squad party is veterans.

Even that, being done 3 times and it still failed (the best is 3% health left which is BIG OOF). It's not even engaging... 2 hours of gathering 10 stack of buffs is just meh.

Some people said DPS problem, yeah, tell that to other casual player including new player like me... i'm just doing dragonfall meta and that is the most OK and doing Octo.


I honestly expect the last patch will neft AT LEAST the movement of the Soo Won, that is not the intimidated thing to do with the most of the mech. I dunno, I really want to take the turtle egg via meta but after doing meta i didn't even think about getting the turtle mount via 200 writs i am thinking avoiding DE map overall

You're exactly the demographic that this meta makes me worried most about.  I have been playing this game since launch and I share your intimidation at the amount of personal prep as well as organizational prep this meta takes.  This is straight up raid levels of difficult, and it does not belong in open world content.

Also, welcome to the game, I hope that DE gets improved and the community can go back to being the supportive friendly community that I love, and please accept my assurance that we've faced similar struggles with previous metas (although this is definitely the worst one thus far) and we've gotten past all of them.

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8 minutes ago, civokenes.3284 said:

They added antique summoning stones in the heros choice box at the end. That should make people want to do it.

Lots of people want to do it, but adding a new item to a reward that more than half of the people attempting it will never get doesn't help at all.

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I tried DE again today and this is what i experienced.

I work as a chef from 7AM to 9PM, driving home take me an hour so 10PM i was able to hop on and play the game. Due to work circumstance i can't stay too long into the night for work in the morning so the best i could do is stacking as many DE map buff as i can, in the end i only managed to stack up to 6 b4 the meta tho there were many groups running DE at the same time i only made it into one due others being full. 

Idk if this happens often but because its been a week since my last DE i got called out personally by the commander asking why i did not have 10 stacks of DE buff even though i explained to him/her nicely, linked my build and stuffs i still ended up being kicked out of the squad. I too asked the tag what is the point of doing that when someone already in the map but got no answer back. I decided to just screw all that and stay until the end and it was a fail they didn't even made it to 10%. I know i can just stacking the buff and leave it there then come back tomorrow for another try but to me this is a very bitter experience so far, i've never encoutered something like this in all my previous runs.

The Stone is nice but the price will continue dropping and with all the troubles, random bad behaviors, low win rate with nothing if i fail, i really don't think this meta or the stone worth a penny to me anymore.



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Game still has a lot of great things to do in it, 1 more dead map doesn't bother me much (though the amount of dead content is piling up, can't deny that).

And it was obvious the map was going to go dead sooner or later, there is no reason to do the meta more than once. Not with the rewards it has, combined with the time investment and difficulty.

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The Turtle was the only reason, ONLY reason anyone was doing this meta. 2 hours to get nothing? hahaha yeah right, go spend 10 minutes in most other zones in the game and be rewarded more, I could show up to the ice dragon fight at the end of Drizzlewood and instantly earn more rewards then spending 3 hours preping for this event, EVEN IF ITS A WIN. 

They gave a box that will become outdated really fast and is still only a thing if you beat the raid boss in the worst meta the game has ever seen. There is no point to ever step in Cantha again once we are done here. Max level masteries and bot and boom, poof, Cantha even more dead then it was at launch. 

Edited by Gorem.8104
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im pretty sure that even tho ppl like doing open world stuff and beside joining to squad they still play like a solo player and so happens that 50+ ppl are here playing also like that. You've done some things and you just leave squad.


And to be fair, mostly you didn't provide as much as you could (afking, autoattacking, tagging just to have participation) but you succed anyway and get rewarded. People are used to it, especially in open world, thats why we have friction.


Right now, even if you don't have to step up that much tbh (yup, gonna be yelled that im a hardcore lol) people are raging, because right know we're seeing how many didn't cared up to this point and yet they want to participate in something bigger. If someone doesn't want to learn/improve to make THEIR live easier even if they are handed help, it's on them honestly and don't get me wrong, if :


2 hours ago, Eros.6801 said:

Idk if this happens often but because its been a week since my last DE i got called out personally by the commander asking why i did not have 10 stacks of DE buff even though i explained to him/her nicely, linked my build and stuffs i still ended up being kicked out of the squad

this happens, those commanders are just pricks. Many "bad", "casuals" can easly step up and help and suprise everyone even themself but that dynamic has to go on both side, one has to try to learn and other has to want to help.

Edited by AoAkinari.9248
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How can this meta die with so many hardcores praising how wonderful it is to finally have difficult content in open world?  I would think that they would be all over this meta all of the time from the reactions I've read on the forum.  If that sub-set of the player base is so vast, as some seem to think, then this meta should always be populated.


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12 hours ago, Chocofox.9503 said:

to be honest if it stays how it is now after I finish my achievements I will not touch it again. ITs a long meta with no rewards for failure and a low success rate. least with triple trouble its like a 20 minute investment. this ones more like 2 hours per pull.

This. I have literally 1 conversation left for the Aurene Soo Won convo achievement and there is nothing left for me in this map.

Edit: That requires a cleared meta.

Edited by Discobizkit.6531
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