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Turtle mount requires strike mission?

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Does anyone know if ANET has made any comment regarding changing this (like they did with the egg)?

I realize some people like learning all the mechanics of raid fights but that sort of content just doesn't interest me. I watched a few video guides of the Minister Li strike mission and clearly they decided to make strike missions far longer and more complicated. The initial strike missions from Champions were pretty quick and had just a handful of mechanics each. The Minister Li strike mission has half a dozen different bosses with dozens of unique attacks and mechanics. No desire to learn it all as I don't plan on running it regularly.

Edited by raykor.6723
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Indeed, look at the toxic community you are creating. People are vastly different and just because some enjoy a certain type of gameplay does not mean everyone else should also enjoy it. I have absolutely no problem with all sorts of cool rewards available only through strike missions and raids. But not a pretty core component of the expansion like the only new mount.

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11 minutes ago, raykor.6723 said:

Indeed, look at the toxic community you are creating. People are vastly different and just because some enjoy a certain type of gameplay does not mean everyone else should also enjoy it. I have absolutely no problem with all sorts of cool rewards available only through strike missions and raids. But not a pretty core component of the expansion like the only new mount.

My post wasn't directed at you, it was directed at Anet. They are the creators of this situation.

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13 minutes ago, raykor.6723 said:

Indeed, look at the toxic community you are creating. People are vastly different and just because some enjoy a certain type of gameplay does not mean everyone else should also enjoy it. I have absolutely no problem with all sorts of cool rewards available only through strike missions and raids. But not a pretty core component of the expansion like the only new mount.

But strikes are also a core component of the expansion. What’s wrong with combining turtle and strikes? Besides that, there are already several threads from people complaining about it. 
Just try the strike mission, it’s not hard, there is no timer and no difficult mechanics. 

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It's a lot but you can do it!

Avoid aoe, don't drop your aoe bomb on anyone else.

Stand in green.

If you get a number (over your character's head, AND on your buff bar, AND your screen edges light up) get away from the group and hop the attack. If you can't see the number, turn off your shameful auras.

It's long but there's no time limit.

You only have to win once.

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It's really not that difficult of a strike, though (and is significantly easier than a lot of the raids). There's no time limit on it or anything. There are probably people who'll yeet you into their backpacks to carry you for free. A ton of us "endgame people" really want more people to play with and are willing to help if you're willing to learn. Hell, I'd be one of them if I wasn't dealing with moving out of my house and preparing it to sell.


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This is getting ridiculous at this point. I could understand the frustration over Dragon's End meta as it did high rate of failure, but strikes? C'mon.

The new ones dont even have a timer, you could literally bring 9 healers so you can eat every mechanic bosses throw at you and still succeed to complete it. I'm not even joking, make lfg for 9 healscourges and you'll do it in like 20-25mins or so.

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30 minutes ago, angrax.1372 said:

I was not ready to go on strike missions. But since I want the turtle, I guess I will learn, even if only for that specific instance.

Thats the Spirit! To all of the people complaining about the strike. They are fun! Learning them will make you a better player all around. I dont know why anyone would not want to get better at something.

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If you struggle with this kind of thing just be honest and you might be surprised to find that 1: there might be a few others like you in your group and 2: that some good players are willing to carry to an extent. Personally I don't mind when one or two players insta die in the first/second phase as long as they at least tried.

I've run this strike quite a lot now with plenty of first/second timers each time and haven't seen any toxicity yet.

As for mechanics, there are only really two or three things you need to learn. If you play a build with even a little bit of vitality/toughness then the rest is practically irrelevant. As long as you give your healer an easy time you can practically facetank the minibosses in dps gear (except for the mech laser).

Good luck.

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27 minutes ago, raykor.6723 said:

Indeed, look at the toxic community you are creating. People are vastly different and just because some enjoy a certain type of gameplay does not mean everyone else should also enjoy it. I have absolutely no problem with all sorts of cool rewards available only through strike missions and raids. But not a pretty core component of the expansion like the only new mount.

Toxicity goes both ways. We'd be truly toxic if we'd tell you to do Dhuum CM for the turtle, but it's just a Strike, the only fail criteria is dying. I've done multiple runs directed at people who just want to get their turtle. 
People are toxic towards the part of the ""casuals"" that would rather spend hours complaining and demanding the removal of yet another requirement instead of spending ~20 minutes on getting that requirement done. 

You read into one of the threads mentioning the Strike you'll see people offering help. When we say it's not that difficult we are not saying easy for us. EoD Strikes have no timer, meaning the only way to fail is if everyone dies. 

I organize my Guild Raids each Wednesday and Friday/Saturday 9pm CET and we start off with EoD Strikes as warmup. The guild static is not full, we can bring you through Kaineng Overlook and you'll be done with it in no time.

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20 minutes ago, AlCapwnd.7834 said:

Thats the Spirit! To all of the people complaining about the strike. They are fun! Learning them will make you a better player all around. I dont know why anyone would not want to get better at something.

I am achievement oriented. I pride myself in getting better, even though I know I won't be as good as compared to most. But I know I can be good enough.


I mean. When I returned to the game and decided to get a legendary, I was scared shitless of going on WvW and Fractals and be that guy who wipes out the team.


The experience was far from it. People were really cool, explained how things worked and helped each other out. And, it turns out, the content is not that hard. For anyone who grew up playing 80s and 90s games and arcades (Battletoads, I am looking at you), you will survive this.

Edited by angrax.1372
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35 minutes ago, Eckee.4038 said:

Dear Anet, look at the community you've created.

Just give everything to everyone and be done with it. Let us buy the game with every legendary armor, weapon, skin, mount etc unlocked so we never have to do anything ever.

Is the Turtle used mostly in Strikes? It seems more like an open world feature but everyone has to endure small group composition building and attitudes in instances which can get repetitive really fast if groups aren't fun and they're not likely to be. A huge feature and a selling point of the expansion shouldn't be gated behind a small portion of people who like Strikes. 

You look ridiculous with your attitude because that's not what people are asking for. 

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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Toxicity goes both ways. We'd be truly toxic if we'd tell you to do Dhuum CM for the turtle, but it's just a Strike, the only fail criteria is dying. I've done multiple runs directed at people who just want to get their turtle. 
People are toxic towards the part of the ""casuals"" that would rather spend hours complaining and demanding the removal of yet another requirement instead of spending ~20 minutes on getting that requirement done. 

You read into one of the threads mentioning the Strike you'll see people offering help. When we say it's not that difficult we are not saying easy for us. EoD Strikes have no timer, meaning the only way to fail is if everyone dies. 

I organize my Guild Raids each Wednesday and Friday/Saturday 9pm CET and we start off with EoD Strikes as warmup. The guild static is not full, we can bring you through Kaineng Overlook and you'll be done with it in no time.

Even just 20 minutes of listening to someone like this talk down to people as long as they have them hostage for an instance already sounds like a loss. People still have to get through more Strikes for the new stat trinkets. Almost everything else about the expansion is awesome but forcing people into Strikes is as dumb as forcing people into raids. These aren't Legendaries and if people had to play WvW for the turtle mount even though it's an open world feature, there would be riots. 

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7 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

Even just 20 minutes of listening to someone like this talk down to people as long as they have them hostage for an instance already sounds like a loss. People still have to get through more Strikes for the new stat trinkets. Almost everything else about the expansion is awesome but forcing people into Strikes is as dumb as forcing people into raids. These aren't Legendaries and if people had to play WvW for the turtle mount even though it's an open world feature, there would be riots. 

No one is forced to do anything. You want the turtle? Do what is required. It’s not much and you don’t have to do difficult stuff. 

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its like mom & dad buying you a new 2023 car for free with no strings attached. how ever its missing the steering wheel,fan belt,head lights and rear bumper. so you venture out to get the parts its missing and u get all but the rear bumper. the ONLY way you are getting the bumper is you have to fabricate one your self. you know nothing of it. you don't even know if its plastic or fiberglass. you then go on youtube and search how to make a rear bumper. see where this is going. imagine when
HoT released and only way to get Rev was to complete the raids.

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3 minutes ago, Solocup.3069 said:

its like mom & dad buying you a new 2023 car for free with no strings attached. how ever its missing the steering wheel,fan belt,head lights and rear bumper. so you venture out to get the parts its missing and u get all but the rear bumper. the ONLY way you are getting the bumper is you have to fabricate one your self. you know nothing of it. you don't even know if its plastic or fiberglass. you then go on youtube and search how to make a rear bumper. see where this is going. imagine when
HoT released and only way to get Rev was to complete the raids.

It’s actually not like that. You don’t have to build anything, you just have to spend ten minutes in a not very difficult strike mission. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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Joined a sucessfull pug on my 8th or 9th try. We did good the first time but too many fell in combat, on the second try we did it with everybody still alive.
Best tip i can give you: Go in potato mode, you will have less spam on the floor and will be able to see everything the bosses telegraph. Then just dodge your life away.

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