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Fractals are ruined by AR

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It's this thing I've seen in more than one MMO, where they can simultaneously be so accommodating of alts one minute and appear like they hate them the next. I don't understand what goes on behind the scenes that causes such things, if it's just negligence or what.

I assume people who have a lot of alts are a smaller percentage of players, that's probably part of what causes it and so it may just be neglect. But whatever the reason, it can be frustrating when it's inconsistent because you get used to alt friendliness in one area and then startled in another area, and it's jarring.

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You are exagerating but i do agree that ar is bad (as it is rn), not only it restricts new players into ascended but its also fairly annoying to settup multiple builds and characters.

I think fractals would be alot more accessible if ar was detached from gear.

Hell detaching ar from gear and making a diff system for character and acount based prog would open up the doors for more qol and new stuff.


Edited by zealex.9410
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If you've leveled from 1 to 100 I have hard time imagining that you don't have enough AR for at least two characters. Unless that is you're selling it or throwing out all those +1s you get.

I get so many +1s that I convert them to one +9 every time I do fractals. On average from completing my T4 daily I have 1.5 +9 infusions and at least 10 gold. Fractal Dailies are also on a two week schedule before they repeat, if you did all of them you should be able to fully equip a new character by then.

Account bound AR already exists, It's a pretty big tell you haven't done a lot of fractals if you don't know it exists. Currently it's limited to a maximum of +40 and is a reward for doing a lot of fractals. I know I'm not the only one in favor of expanding it. Also important to keep in mind if you raise your AR it also raises your Toughness, Precision, and Concentration from the mist potions bonus.

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On 3/20/2022 at 12:26 PM, Vidit.7108 said:

Account bound AR already exists, It's a pretty big tell you haven't done a lot of fractals if you don't know it exists. Currently it's limited to a maximum of +40 and is a reward for doing a lot of fractals. I know I'm not the only one in favor of expanding it. Also important to keep in mind if you raise your AR it also raises your Toughness, Precision, and Concentration from the mist potions bonus.

That's just it for the folks in this thread.

The folks in this thread want AR handed out on account creation.

People asking for what the OP asks for don't want AR as something that comes with gameplay.


The account bound AR you note is something you will acquire after a LOT of gameplay experience in Fractals. That's just the right model for it too. For people who know the format very well and so are better equipped to bring a wider variety of characters to it without being a detriment to their groups.


Personally I think the system is almost perfect as it is. There might be a few things I'd tweak, but I'd tweak them in small adjustments, not a complete overhaul.



Edited by Kichwas.7152
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On 3/20/2022 at 8:18 AM, zealex.9410 said:

You are exagerating but i do agree that ar is bad (as it is rn), not only it restricts new players into ascended but its also fairly annoying to settup multiple builds and characters.

I think fractals would be alot more accessible if ar was detached from gear.

Hell detaching ar from gear and making a diff system for character and acount based prog would open up the doors for more qol and new stuff.


Please do this Anet. I don't want to take out my WvW infusions everytime I do fractals.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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On 3/19/2022 at 1:30 AM, Linken.6345 said:

You can buy https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infusion_Extraction_Device

inside fractal loby that you can then use to move your agony infusions to another character.

This is litteraly not a problem.

I think transferring items between characters is not a sustainable solution. It is annoying, takes up your bank space, your group would need to wait on you, etc.

I think most people reacted confused here because they have been plying the game for long. Once you get legendary gear things get much easier you can switch freely, however the pathway there and climbing in fractals is a struggle in comparison. I’ve been there in the past and I do relate to the points the OP made. Once I got through it, it’s not a problem anymore, but at the time it was a daunting experience.

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Don't care myself about AR, I gotta play fb either way ("bring the player not the profession!"...).

However what I would like is for fractal god to set the AR of your party to minimum 25.

If I spent so long in fractals and so much gold on the buffs, I want to be able to show the full t1 to new players in exotics. Why should they buy weird potions to see all encounters (I'm not even sure the AR pot is enough to do all t1 scales), when they got someone clearly experienced to show them around? Then they decide whether they want to play more than t1.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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To all the protectors - most of you don't realize you are protecting a broken system which wasn;'t intended to be this lvl inconveniet and complicated for new players. I'll remind you - when fractal started there wasn't ascended armor and weapons in the game, only trinkets, which you could only get in fractals as a drop. So it was only 4 items, which were intentionally account bound - first account bound gear added to game, so you could pass it between all your characters. Which is why rings have 3 slots - they were main AR carriers. But then they aded full ascended gear and it all grew into a monster where you have to manage nearly 2 dozens slots.


IT WAS NEVER INTENDED to be this complicated kitten, just grew out of hands with developing of game gear. They just never bothered to fix it properly. And now someone believe it's a good design and protect it. Nope - it was good idea 9 years ago. Now it's just outdated overgrown pile of unfixed crap, you are just used to it and didn't know any better.


Edited by OwlMind.7510
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5 hours ago, OwlMind.7510 said:

Which is why rings have 3 slots - they were main AR carriers. But then they aded full ascended gear and it all grew into a monster where you have to manage nearly 2 dozens slots.

Attuning rings wasn't a feature until Heart of Thorns. Ascended armor has been a thing since before Living World Season 2 started.

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8 hours ago, OwlMind.7510 said:

To all the protectors - most of you don't realize you are protecting a broken system which wasn;'t intended to be this lvl inconveniet and complicated for new players. I'll remind you - when fractal started there wasn't ascended armor and weapons in the game, only trinkets, which you could only get in fractals as a drop. So it was only 4 items, which were intentionally account bound - first account bound gear added to game, so you could pass it between all your characters. Which is why rings have 3 slots - they were main AR carriers. But then they aded full ascended gear and it all grew into a monster where you have to manage nearly 2 dozens slots.


IT WAS NEVER INTENDED to be this complicated kitten, just grew out of hands with developing of game gear. They just never bothered to fix it properly. And now someone believe it's a good design and protect it. Nope - it was good idea 9 years ago. Now it's just outdated overgrown pile of unfixed crap, you are just used to it and didn't know any better.


Ironic how this system was never meant to be as complicated as it is now, when the current version is considerably streamlined compared to the original implementation. Back then we had Agony Infusions and Simple Agony Infusions, both gave AR but couldn't be used interchangeably. Back then rings had either defensive infusions slots or offensive infusions slots, which only really mattered for people who were going for highly expensive stat infusions, which was mostly unexplained by the game. Back then there was no account-wide AR bonus, or a consumable with a temporary AR boost.

I'm entirely in favor of updating AR to better fit in with the current day systems of the game, but the explanations you have given are frankly not true. Oh, and the original system was a mess even back then, calling that good is a questionable choice.

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3 hours ago, Nightgunner.2896 said:

Attuning rings wasn't a feature until Heart of Thorns. Ascended armor has been a thing since before Living World Season 2 started.

How does it change the fact there weren't anything but rings when they introduced fractals and  AR?

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13 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

Oh, and the original system was a mess even back then, calling that good is a questionable choice.


They had limited options to make scaled by difficulty content back then. There weren't healers, alac and all these at all the possibilities current elite specs provide. And you can't just endlessly just increase damage and hp of enemies. So they had to come up with somesthing. This is not the case now, and AR serve literally no purpose today. CM more difficult not because you would need more AR there, like it would be back in the days.

Edited by OwlMind.7510
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Not to mention it's a huge inconvenience these days. They made even legendary runes and sigils. They made templates. So having full legendary you a complete free to change builds  on all you characters in seconds. Unless you want to go to fractals and have to mess with stupid infusions and kitten your legendaries and all efforts you put in them to make this more convenient. Why? Because - someone just ignore all these like we are still in 2013.

Edited by OwlMind.7510
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58 minutes ago, OwlMind.7510 said:


They had limited options to make scaled by difficulty content back then. There weren't healers, alac and all these at all the possibilities current elite specs provide. And you can't just endlessly just increase damage and hp of enemies. So they had to come up with somesthing. This is not the case now, and AR serve literally no purpose today. CM more difficult not because you would need more AR there, like it would be back in the days.

Original fractals, scale 50 one shotted all classes if not dodged or blocked, it was literally dmg sponge with huge cannon

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