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Player toxicity in PvP


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I would like to discuss about toxicity in PvP today. 


I consider myself an intermediate player in GW2. I frequent all modes, but I don't dedicate myself to a specific one. I realize that GW2 is a very segmented game: there are players from WvW, PvP, Open World, Raid, Fractal etc.


Well, playing since the beta, I've been noticing that the PvP toxicity level is higher than "normal" and I would like ArenaNet to think more about it. I understand that most offenses occur as a result of frustration that is exacerbated in terms of competitiveness, although this also occurs in teams that win the match.


I realize that ArenaNet has historically been shy about punishing players. However, it is a game that will complete 10 years, and a lot has been discussed about mental health. I think there should be a clearer guideline from the company between reinforcing ethics among players and the company's economic gains, even because fostering a healthier environment certainly attracts more players. I know many who have given up playing PvP because of this hostile environment.

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19 minutes ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

I say we remove chat from pvp and use a vgs system. 

Also gl getting anet to do anything other than pve content and gem store items.


The idea is excellent. A chat only in the lobby and, inside the game, the VGS.

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1 hour ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

I say we remove chat from pvp and use a vgs system. 

Also gl getting anet to do anything other than pve content and gem store items.

I too hate winning matches due to teamchat comms. It's unfair to have players in the same team actually playing togheter. DELETE REMOVE ERASE!

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4 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

I too hate winning matches due to teamchat comms. It's unfair to have players in the same team actually playing togheter. DELETE REMOVE ERASE!

A vgs system would prob improve communication more by quickly telling a team mate to rotate or calling for help

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I would prefer anet just be more strict and efficient with toxic behavior. That is:


1. The time it takes for a gm to respond to a report should be within the same day the report is made in.


2. If a player is found to be engaging in abusive behavior, it should, at minimum, for a first offense, lead to a 6 hour ban. Repeat offenses should lead to 24 hour bans, 72 hour bans, 1 week, 1 month and lastly a permaban. If banning players from the game as a whole isn't an option for anet due to economic reasons., Anet can just play with banning players only from the pvp game mode and removing them from rankings for that season.


3. Abusive/toxic behavior should be defined as: throwing expletives at players, refusing to play, spamming ping on map, spamming call target on teammates, and harassing other players for their gameplay in a non constructive manner. 


I really think the toxicity problem in pvp queue can easily be solved by just making it a guarantee that being toxic will get you removed from the game mode. In fact, if someone is so frustrated by pvp that they can't control their anger, maybe a timeout from pvp is just doing them a favor.


Edited by Kuya.6495
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Just now, FrownyClown.8402 said:

A vgs system would prob improve communication more by quickly telling a team mate to rotate or calling for help

How do you explain stuff in VGS? People either know how things should be done or they don't. If you do no operate under the same assumptions, a VGS system is insufficient for all the information that's normally conveyed in my matches.
Also the idea that I should lose the ability to talk to others because some deck was mean to a princess that cannot take it is revolting to me. You can block, you can turn off chat, if your average player can't be f***ed to use those tools, they won't use VGS properly either.

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1 hour ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

A vgs system would prob improve communication more by quickly telling a team mate to rotate or calling for help

I'd personally like just being able to cherry pick teams so people who can't keep that toxic kitten on a simmer get ejected from team picks or play with people who want that

but w/e

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Oh look another one of these posts. I enjoy reading these with all sorts of hurt feelings from random strangers that you don't know affecting you because "reasons". I wonder if people who complain about "toxicity" aren't toxic themselves? We always get one side of the story. I wish Anet would hold trials for hurt feelings and get both sides of the story I would enjoy that so much.

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20 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

How do you explain stuff in VGS? People either know how things should be done or they don't. If you do no operate under the same assumptions, a VGS system is insufficient for all the information that's normally conveyed in my matches.
Also the idea that I should lose the ability to talk to others because some deck was mean to a princess that cannot take it is revolting to me. You can block, you can turn off chat, if your average player can't be f***ed to use those tools, they won't use VGS properly either.


Who actually explain anything in a PvP match?

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13 hours ago, ixora.3569 said:

Oh look another one of these posts. I enjoy reading these with all sorts of hurt feelings from random strangers that you don't know affecting you because "reasons". I wonder if people who complain about "toxicity" aren't toxic themselves? We always get one side of the story. I wish Anet would hold trials for hurt feelings and get both sides of the story I would enjoy that so much.


Particularly, toxic people have an extremely low effect on me. In my mind, these are highly frustrated people in real life who take out their anger on a game. Bringing this discussion here is an effort at alterity, because I know people who are affected by it, friends I would like to be playing with, but it's not possible because of that.

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The game is best enjoyed when you say "Ez 1v1" to people you down. Especially if it's not even close to a 1v1. The reactions are pure gold. The people who realize the sarcasm are the ones you want as friends. The ones that don't keep my sides in orbit.

Edited by Tycura.1982
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Player toxicity is present in all pvp games including mmo pvp modes. In gw2 its compounded by the fact a lot of players simply don't enjoy the pvp anymore and wish they did but refuse to move to a different mmo or game they would enjoy but don't because the time they invested...gw2 andies. They will say the pvp sucks due to lack of support ie balancing, poor balance decisions and dumbing down of the game but stay playing it making themselves miserable which is missplaced onto others. Mmo's always have a lot of these players...look at wow lol. They'll say well gw2 is best pvp or combat out there not even having tried or gave a real chance to other mmos, it's a strange thing.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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On 3/22/2022 at 3:32 PM, Hadrius.7869 said:

I would like to discuss about toxicity in PvP today. 


I consider myself an intermediate player in GW2. I frequent all modes, but I don't dedicate myself to a specific one. I realize that GW2 is a very segmented game: there are players from WvW, PvP, Open World, Raid, Fractal etc.


Well, playing since the beta, I've been noticing that the PvP toxicity level is higher than "normal" and I would like ArenaNet to think more about it. I understand that most offenses occur as a result of frustration that is exacerbated in terms of competitiveness, although this also occurs in teams that win the match.


I realize that ArenaNet has historically been shy about punishing players. However, it is a game that will complete 10 years, and a lot has been discussed about mental health. I think there should be a clearer guideline from the company between reinforcing ethics among players and the company's economic gains, even because fostering a healthier environment certainly attracts more players. I know many who have given up playing PvP because of this hostile environment.


Of course there is toxicity. Even higher than in some other PvP games I've played so far. I am not proud of it but I've grown pretty toxic myself over these past few months after returning to PvP because I am apalled by how ramshackled this mode is compared to what it used to be. Pre-HoT all we had to worry about was celestial elementalist. Now we have to worry about whatever is the flavor of the season with top contenders always being strong: mesmer/thief/ranger/revenant varieties, for instance. 

Visual clutter, like untamed's fart aura that covers - in this case quite literally - 1/3 of my screen, can't read the animations, getting bodied with one well placed maul worth of 10k crits. Every class is overpowered, but some are overpowered-er.

I can't speak for everyone, but I will give you a quick rundown on why I am salty and toxic. I've seen the game I love turn to crap because of overambitious devs who didn't plan well for E-sports, making overtuned classes to have them sell better, but some overtuned more than others to have some meta to shift.

I've been playing throughout multiple seasons since season 1, my ranking used to be mid to top plat, I played both meta and non meta builds. I thought myself more than decent, but not enough to be a sixth-sense-up-my-bottom strong like top legendary players are. But I was a solid piece of work, playing some ATs from time to time and even winning them. But the matchmaking was busted. Always getting hard locked by some situations I couldn't break through, and that was okay... or would have been if not for the reason that the hard lock was met with lop-sided matches where I was forced to be utterly bodied because the enemy had to be the top of the top, but matchmaking didn't consider it fair to have top of the top in my team as well to make it, you know, fair game?

In any case, matchmaking is so busted that during one season it broke for me. I say broke because there was no breakthrough in my own skill level, but the matchmaking suddenly deemed me worthy of ending up in spot 68 ranked in EU for whatever reason. If my memory serves me well, I had a streak of about 28 to 30-something won matches with only 2 or 3 losses. I really didn't know what busted the system but it made me farm bronze to silver players. There was no challange, they just fell down like weeds to my usual rotations - and that apparently was enough to be considered one of the top ranked players.

After some time I had made a longer break from pvp, about a year or so. Got back a couple of months ago, picked a new class, spent some weeks reading meta and playing unranked to take off some rust, retain skill to the same level I once had on the new class and my main. I want to make a legendary armour, and PvP seemed as the quickest option for as I already have most of the currency. 

Man, is it bad. After playing 3 whole seasons (and mini seasons inbetween) it seems that matchmaking thinks me gold tier now. Despite my knowledge of the game (both environment and other classes), I have a really tough time to crawl out of the infamous "ELO hell". I didn't believe it when I was top plat, thinking that people need to "git gud". Well, I "got gud" and my reward for that is falling from my usual place in platinum, stuck to gold, left to cope and seethe because I don't know if I got worse, others got better or that matchmaking is F-ing me over. I even got to play some cheese builds that are supposed to carry games and even then it doesn't really matter, because if the matchmaking deems it so, the game is uncarriable even if I get to win every 1v1 on side nodes, help every teamfight out. 

Some of you may say "then stop playing". Easy to say, hard to do. When you really like something, you just don't drop it fortnight. If you do then you weren't really into it all that much to begin with, so this doesn't count. I don't flame in unranked because it's a fun game to goof around with other peeps. But ranked is something I believed would grant me some competitive sense. I like to compete and I don't really need every single match to be balanced - it's impossible. I just wish the VAST majority of all games I play wasn't pre-decided by matchmaking's 50/50 policy - I don't want my win/loss ratio to be forced into a 50/50. I want my players distribution in the teams to be as close to 50/50 as possible. I know it is not due to the player count. This makes me think why there are players who are in top ranking with a 52% ratio standing right on top or below players with 60%-65% win ratio? What is the trick here? I even saw one player who had the same amount of played matches as myself, the same amount of wins and losses, but he was top ranked and I was in gold - what is the math behind it?

To summarise, yes, this is, at the very least, my reason for being salty. Fall from grace doesn't feel nice when you well know that your skill is waged by some algorithm to either win or lose. I am tired of pretending it is not the case. I know it, you know it. I didn't believe it when I was high and mighty, but now I see what an ordinary player who rises in skill has to deal with now that for whatever reason I ended up among them. Let's face it, the matchmaking is busted, we are either favored or disfavored by it, save for players who are so inhumanly skilled that they manage to break out of the cycle and keep their top tier spots (but even this is debatable for a multitude of reasons that we all know well enough by now.)

Edited by Rodzynald.5897
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