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The mesmer sPvP expirience


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Every single match I feel absolutely helpless. I know that there are plenty of better players than me but still it just feels bad. Every single game is a massive red circles everywhere and the second I step into any of them I am a goner. It feels like there is nothing I can do to have a decent impact on the game I have tried all the possible meta builds and some of my own and in the back of my head there is always this voice "You are a less mobile thief" "A necro can do better condi burst, while staying on the point" . I get that the class is hard to balance with all the illusions and stealth but this is madness. Every mesmer spvp streamer has either quit the game or the class. It never does anything on tournaments. I love this class and this game, but I just can't handle this anymore.

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Honestly I have tried a few times but I will never be able to maintain my high gold rank on Virtuoso or any Mesmer class for that mater. 

It does take a certain player to really get the most out of Virtuoso. It is definitely the most played Mesmer in high ranked and they do dominate melee/aoe match ups much like how condi pistol core theif does. The biggest risk to ranged fighter its a warrior or ranger one shoting you with a sudden CC burst.

I mostly play Untamed only because I'm super good at it, it's my longest played class by along shot, although I don't play it power. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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I played pvp(I don't for some years now) for a long time and got a nice list of friends there, most of them were mesmers, some really good, some average. 

All, and I mean all, of them quit. The last one played until the specs beta. 

Mesmer as a whole is garbage and has been since the mirage massive nerfs. 

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Pretty much this, when even Misha stopped playing mesmer it was the end.


Now if you just play for fun like me, you can bait some classes with well placed rupts.

Apart on core signet build, mantra of distraction is mandatory in every other builds IMO. Should it be condi burst, direct damage burst in core or mirage.

Note that if you play burst you can't go into AOE or in point.

I met few good virtuoso who capitalise on shatter during quickness + imblocable to do damage. Combined with inspi signet for survival.

I also tried few trolling meme healing builds, it wasn't that bad but the heal output is really too low compared to guard or elem. It also lack many key boons share.

Edited by viquing.8254
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51 minutes ago, viquing.8254 said:

Pretty much this, when even Misha stopped playing mesmer it was the end.


Now if you just play for fun like me, you can bait some classes with well placed rupts.

Apart on core signet build, mantra of distraction is mandatory in every other builds IMO. Should it be condi burst, direct damage burst in core or mirage.

Note that if you play burst you can't go into AOE or in point.

I met few good virtuoso who capitalise on shatter during quickness + imblocable to do damage. Combined with inspi signet for survival.

I also tried few trolling meme healing builds, it wasn't that bad but the heal output is really too low compared to guard or elem. It also lack many key boons share.

Misha was playing mesmer today on stream and yesterday in AT. Due to meta changes in EoD Domi Mirage is stronger than before. And it is a strong ranked build, always was. Just remember you are not a duelist on that build even if you can outplay sidenoders and kill them its better value to roam and you have one of the deadliest pluses in the game. 

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8 hours ago, McPero.3287 said:

Misha was playing mesmer today on stream and yesterday in AT. Due to meta changes in EoD Domi Mirage is stronger than before. And it is a strong ranked build, always was. Just remember you are not a duelist on that build even if you can outplay sidenoders and kill them its better value to roam and you have one of the deadliest pluses in the game. 

We will see next mAt yeah. I'm doubtfull about the current best roam option though.

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Yes, Mesmer is not in a good spot, but it's not gonna change earlier than June. In low Gold and below, I recommend going full damage because people won't know how to deal with your burst. In higher ranks, picking Power Block Mirage and play like a roaming CC bot is probably your best bet.

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11 hours ago, Lethion.8745 said:

Yes, Mesmer is not in a good spot, but it's not gonna change earlier than June. In low Gold and below, I recommend going full damage because people won't know how to deal with your burst. In higher ranks, picking Power Block Mirage and play like a roaming CC bot is probably your best bet.

"CC bot" that puts every condi in the game on you and 25 stacks of vun in 3 seconds yes. Mesmer is not in a good spot but Mirage is. 

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It's draining being a Mesmer main in sPVP. Every other profession can play roles better than us, and with a lot less effort. I really hope at least one Mesmer spec becomes competitive in June.


Mirage just feels awful all around. It used to be so fun running around spamming dodges and shatters with greatsword. I could play around with different builds and still be useful. Now with 1 dodge I have to use it perfectly or I lose against any half-way decent player. Especially since I've always been a power mirage main only in competitive, right now it just feels like I'm so limited. Power mirage is legitimately bottom tier, and I'm really feeling its limits at upper gold. Hard to be motivated to even push platinum with it because I already have to be 110% crisp and focused just to not be dead weight. Condi is more viable but 1 dodge still isnt fun. 


Virtuoso actually does ok in pvp. It's not the best at anything though. Just passable. It feels really awkward and slow. Generally not that interesting to play. Also dagger is useless.


Chrono and Core hardly even touch the meta which is a shame.


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The only way for Mesmer is Gank from stealth at this point imho. Condi Mirage is outclassed by other duelists and virtuoso damages only from range + there’s plenty of reflects in the game. I mean you can try melee. Burst with virtuoso but chances are someone will run through you or move to one side which will ruin your damage.

I just need to finish my legendary headgear and I’m out that’s for sure

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I've recently come back to GW2 to play EoD after a 2+ year break. I jumped right back into PvP on my mesmer that I've been main'ing since GW1. I'm no where near as good as I use to be, as I use to be just outside of the top 250. But man I feel like the class is just hot garbage at the moment. Everyone has stronger condi bursts, better sustain, better teamfight potential, and even better skirmish potential. And playing the new spec you get LoS'd and kind of useless once you don't have daggers.

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I would highly recommend spending some time playing as a Thief instead. It does a lot of what one would want from Mesmer but with far more flexibility and a greater potential to actually control the map. Mesmer just doesn't have the assured "kit" required to really proliferate competitively at present.

Removing the 50% endurance nerf on Mirage would be a good start, but I think the overall threat of the class needs to be upped. Not even sure where to begin with Virtuoso 😆

Edited by Simonoly.4352
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On 4/12/2022 at 7:52 PM, Mik.3401 said:

The only way for Mesmer is Gank from stealth at this point imho. Condi Mirage is outclassed by other duelists and virtuoso damages only from range + there’s plenty of reflects in the game. I mean you can try melee. Burst with virtuoso but chances are someone will run through you or move to one side which will ruin your damage.

I just need to finish my legendary headgear and I’m out that’s for sure

That is not true. I play spvp at gold rank, I can take out %90 of duels. %10 is bladesworn warriors and catalyst eles. 

Thieves, guardians(just good longbow dh players are claanging), necros(if you dodge harbinger's burst attack, he is dead after it), engineers (dueiling with scrapper is endless combat), rangers(just gs sb are challenging), if you evade virtuoso burst, he will die very quick. Long story short, most of them cannot kill me. 

But anet should do sth about bladesworn warriors in pvp. I dont even try to kill them. They are undead and hit back very hard. 


On the other hand, with gs buff at the latest patch, gs/s-p power mirage (dueling, inspiration, mirage) is viable (especially with endurance pot in wvw) and very good burst, hits hard and good sustain and mobility. 

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3 hours ago, Suyheuti.1732 said:

That is not true. I play spvp at gold rank, I can take out %90 of duels. %10 is bladesworn warriors and catalyst eles. 

Thieves, guardians(just good longbow dh players are claanging), necros(if you dodge harbinger's burst attack, he is dead after it), engineers (dueiling with scrapper is endless combat), rangers(just gs sb are challenging), if you evade virtuoso burst, he will die very quick. Long story short, most of them cannot kill me. 

But anet should do sth about bladesworn warriors in pvp. I dont even try to kill them. They are undead and hit back very hard. 


On the other hand, with gs buff at the latest patch, gs/s-p power mirage (dueling, inspiration, mirage) is viable (especially with endurance pot in wvw) and very good burst, hits hard and good sustain and mobility. 

Mirage can excel as a duelist in gold rank, however at higher ranks where the match intensity increases (people know how and when to interrupt for instance) things start to get grim. Also the inspi variant is kind of tricky because spamming signets allows your duel opponent to claim the point.
The no inspi variant is better but is not as forgiving, so facing lots of cc it becomes hard to play, it is doable to excel in it still but it is much harder than in the case of other duelists. And as it often proves, easier builds are just better because they allow to focus on what’s happening around you more.


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5 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

Mirage can excel as a duelist in gold rank, however at higher ranks where the match intensity increases (people know how and when to interrupt for instance) things start to get grim. Also the inspi variant is kind of tricky because spamming signets allows your duel opponent to claim the point.
The no inspi variant is better but is not as forgiving, so facing lots of cc it becomes hard to play, it is doable to excel in it still but it is much harder than in the case of other duelists. And as it often proves, easier builds are just better because they allow to focus on what’s happening around you more.


When there were still 2 dodges that is what i played. Honestly the new EoD specs being very focused on the ability to burst an Inspiration Mirage with Axes could definitely shut that down if you spam signets + dodge + F4.

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