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Guardian weapons are great now but hammer...


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I think lot of weapons functionality has been improved vastly: Greatsword, Focus, Shield, Mace and staff all already received minor reworks. I believe Hammer is the only outdated one right now.


Hammer 2 needs a longer dash. It just feels too clunky to use right now. I don't mind long cast times on the weapon but when you use hammer 2 and slow yourself down in PvP gamemodes.. It just feels bad.

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Guardian weapons are great? You mean scepter AA that is slower than a turtle and cannot hit anything that moves an inch? LB which is mediocre in both pve and spvp? Torch 4 targeting that is equivalent of blind man shooting? Off hand sword 4 that barely hits anything that moves?


Sure, hammer is the biggest offender, but far from the only guardian weapon with significant performance and consistency issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/11/2022 at 1:57 AM, The Boz.2038 said:

And you shouldn't, because scepter is *strong*. "The sound annoys me" is nonsense in this context.

What makes no sense is to say it is not viable in this conversation when in fact it is considering many literally avoid using builds over it.

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5 hours ago, Ryou.2398 said:

What makes no sense is to say it is not viable in this conversation when in fact it is considering many literally avoid using builds over it.

...and that is painfully irrelevant in a balance discussion.
Scepter is functionally a gold standard weapon. 

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On 5/18/2022 at 2:21 AM, The Boz.2038 said:

...and that is painfully irrelevant in a balance discussion.
Scepter is functionally a gold standard weapon. 

That is one of the most ridiculous things ive seen from you its hardly irrelevant show me where he claimed it was not a gold standard fuctional weapon? Stop trolling please, your consistently on the offensive towards any form of criticism about this mmo.

Edited by Ryou.2398
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12 hours ago, Ryou.2398 said:

That is one of the most ridicelous things ive seen from you its hardly irrelevant show me where he claimed it was not a gold standard fuctional weapon? Stop trolling please, your consistently on the offensive towards any form of criticism about this mmo.


Saying a weapon is effective is defending the whole MMO?
Wow, okay.

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On 5/18/2022 at 1:09 PM, jpsssss.7530 said:

Can we just get a new skill on sword 3? In PvP/WvW you might hit 1 or 2 of the projectiles on a skill that roots you for the animation…

Devs: "Wow, sword#3 does 1500 damage with a 5k+ damage boost on high Ferocity. And it can even block projectiles during cast? This will be really good!!"
(real world scenario)
...needing to use our only Shadowstep utility to land all the hits --- or every other skill is on CD so Sword#3 is just for flashy memes...

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On 5/18/2022 at 3:21 AM, The Boz.2038 said:

...and that is painfully irrelevant in a balance discussion.
Scepter is functionally a gold standard weapon. 

You forgot to add *

* when fighting stationary large hit box enemies.


There, I fixed it for you 😎

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Hammer should hit like a truck.  Should be guard's highest damage per single attack weapon for how slow it is.  If it's gonna stay at it's current level of damage all it's attack animations should be 30-40% faster. 

Add a dash to banish. 

Make mighty blow unblockable, thanks.  Then guard has 1 single unblockable attack that doesn't require DH to use. 

Right now GS is just a better hammer.

Edited by Sonork.2916
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I've been thinking about hammer a lot, because it seems a shame I can't find a reason to ever use it.  I'd like to see Zealot's Embrace turn into a whirling pull.  I've always liked the pull on Axe3 and I think it would open up some interesting gameplay.  I'd also move the symbol to Mighty Blow.  Symbols are too important to your build to put at the end of an auto attack chain.

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