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Bad server linking


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Devona's Rest has been paired with Kaineng for over a month, two of the lowest tier and population servers.

We are literally getting rolled over by other servers week after week and our people are quitting WvW.

Why would Anet link two weak servers together and make us the punching bags for others?

Edited by Iamnotsure.5271
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2 minutes ago, Iamnotsure.5271 said:

Devona's Rest has been paired with Kaineng for over a month, two of the lowest tier and population servers.

We are literally getting rolled over by other servers week after week and our people are quitting WvW.

Why would Anet link two weak servers together and make us the punching bags for others?

Because one was full, and people left when relinks happened.  Welcome to WvW pre-alliances. 

It’ll change in one more month-ish.  

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@Iamnotsure.5271 when did link system actually worked?  that's been what link system has been providing for most NA....full timezones vs empty timezones, and the adition that  alot guilds only apear in map if and when they can ktrain...and devs only apear playing in the ktrain side cause its fun for them does not help as well....



Edited by Aeolus.3615
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4 hours ago, Some Call Me Tim.2319 said:


No, he’s right.  It WILL change.  All worlds will have population balance at next relink… for about 24 hrs at best!

Not even that.  The closest thing to being near balance is for about 5 minutes after relinks are posted.  10 minutes after that, players have already transferred to stack somewhere else.

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At least you have a link. 

Kodash had no link for months, even so we were the bottom of the barrel and always marked as full. 

We even did go on strike. Nobody played for like 2 weeks but nothing. No link, still full. 

Then, the change came that servers could get linked with different language servers. 

AND..... Kodash was one of 2 servers without a link. Still full. 

Almost all Wvw players of Kodash abandoned ship. 

The server is still dead to this day. 



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On 4/25/2022 at 1:51 PM, Some Call Me Tim.2319 said:

No, he’s right.  It WILL change.  All worlds will have population balance at next relink… for about 24 hrs at best!

instead of alliancewhen, people should start asking/demanding blocked transfers when.

how can you be so blind that you do not see that the mother of all problems is precisely that of transfers. how can you expect communities to align or build something if you allow daily transfers?

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28 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Almeno hai un link.

Kodash non ha avuto alcun collegamento per mesi, anche se eravamo il fondo del barile e sempre contrassegnati come pieni.

Abbiamo anche scioperato. Nessuno ha giocato per circa 2 settimane ma niente. Nessun link, ancora pieno.

Quindi, è arrivato il cambiamento che i server potevano essere collegati con server di lingue diverse.

E..... Kodash era uno dei 2 server senza un collegamento. Ancora pieno.

Quasi tutti i giocatori Wvw di Kodash abbandonarono la nave.

Il server è ancora morto fino ad oggi

the great mystery of the lost algorithm. how players are counted and how many players there are in a team is really a mystery. I can give certain numbers about verified and seen recently in my server.

we have been full for maybe more than 1 year. recently 2 guilds have transferred 40 +80 players and from full we have gone directly to high.so 120 players make the difference between full and high.

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22 minutes ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

instead of alliancewhen, people should start asking/demanding blocked transfers when.

how can you be so blind that you do not see that the mother of all problems is precisely that of transfers. how can you expect communities to align or build something if you allow daily transfers?


$$$$ is why they don’t block transfers.  

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2 hours ago, Some Call Me Tim.2319 said:


$$$$ is why they don’t block transfers.  

no come on I don't want to believe it, you can't think of supporting your product on something that is the real problem (I'm talking about wvw no pve)

invest and build everything you want around for the gems you need, but not on transfers.

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3 minutes ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

no come on I don't want to believe it, you can't think of supporting your product on something that is the real problem (I'm talking about wvw no pve)

invest and build everything you want around for the gems you need, but not on transfers.


lol… Transfers is not “supporting” a product.  But it IS a smart roundabout way for ANet to make some extra bucks. 

Edited by Some Call Me Tim.2319
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11 hours ago, SFShinigami.1572 said:

A few hundred transfers every 2 months, a lot of which is probably paid for with in game gold is probably not propping up the game.

I think the same thing.

I believe that this is not a question of economics, but simply lacks the will to block transfers. they might also have some valid motivation on this, but they should seriously consider making them really less accessible like 2 transfers/year or something similar.

in this way even when the numbers are against you, you have no way to escape, but you will have to work hard to build content anyway and consequently you will build communities.

I dare say that it is precisely when the game is more difficult that you have the opportunity to build more solid communities.

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Make relinks more frequent!

Like relink every month or even every 2 weeks. If flakey people want to transfer then they would have to pay more often. Also bad links wouldn't seem so discouraging. 

It's also exciting when new links come around. To play with new people, etc.  Make that excitement happen more often while forcing the bandwagoners to stay or pay more.  

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FA/SF got paired together the last link of '21 and again for the first link of '22.  Four months, there was atleast 1 week we weren't in T4, but I'm not sure anyone remembered it by the end.  Not saying get over it, just that it could be and has been worse, added to the fact that some hosts and a few links have been known to transfer or flat out stop playing when met with certain pairings, plus overall participation is just down lately.

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30 minutes ago, HazyDaisy.4107 said:

FA/SF got paired together the last link of '21 and again for the first link of '22.  Four months, there was atleast 1 week we weren't in T4, but I'm not sure anyone remembered it by the end.  Not saying get over it, just that it could be and has been worse, added to the fact that some hosts and a few links have been known to transfer or flat out stop playing when met with certain pairings, plus overall participation is just down lately.

It pretty much is the worst case scenario for those players.

Kaineng was on high status before the jan relinks, within a week of linking with BG they go to very high. Devona's rest was also sitting on very high.

Then Kaineng gets full enough to be marked as a host server. One week into their mar relink they get abandoned, as per usual with former BG links, only anet seems to not know this would happen. Then Indo decides he's not going to play in T4 anymore so he abandons Devona's rest for a high ppt server.

Now we have two med servers linked together playing for last place for two months, there isn't anything worse, that's rock bottom. At least FA has it's full status loyal player base, which probably don't ppt much or coverage to keep them out of T4. And when the king of ppt servers is also sitting in T3 these days, probably means everyone is just fighting more than ppting these days, well other than those ktrain ppters on sos.

Lastly SF has been one of the lowest pop servers for a while, it's not their fault they can't help servers that are already full to maintain t1/2 status. TC/ET were sitting in the same position for four months, now it's JQ/ET again, not shocking the lowest pop servers can't help with ppt, but all that sure as heck isn't as bad as what Kain/DR have to go through right now.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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9 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

I think the same thing.

I believe that this is not a question of economics, but simply lacks the will to block transfers. they might also have some valid motivation on this, but they should seriously consider making them really less accessible like 2 transfers/year or something similar.

in this way even when the numbers are against you, you have no way to escape, but you will have to work hard to build content anyway and consequently you will build communities.

I dare say that it is precisely when the game is more difficult that you have the opportunity to build more solid communities.


I don't think blocking transfer is a good idea, not because i defend bandwaggoning, but because new players could find themselves disconnected from friends or things like that.

Said that I wouldn't mind stronger punishment to transfer, so people transfering is REALLY transfering because they want to be in that server. For example if you have 2 weeks of no rewards and a 3rd week of reduced rewards, if you are a badwaggoner for almost half of the relink you get nothing or close to nothing, not making worth the idea of being jumping often.

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We have some real problems with NA and EU. They are far to different from eachother for the other part to understand why one region really need changes whilst the other might not be so urgent at least not on the subject of links. 


So in EU we have less links then we have hosts. This means that every link period since links became a thing 3 servers in EU will not have a link at all, those 3 servers do not only go without a link they will also be closed and told that they have too many players. Some of this servers have been without links for as long as 4 periods in a row others for 1 or 2. 4 periods is 8 months without a link. 

This have never been adressed by Arena Net even though every relink 3 servers suffers and have a really bad WvW period for 1 - 4 relinks. This have resulted in players leaving the game, players leaving the servers because they can not get their guilds/friends to move to them and there is litterally impossible for the locked and no link server to survive. 

If there was a purpose of winning Arena Net would, with rights, be accused of match manipulating, but since there is no reason to win there will "just" be hundreds and hundreds of players for months and months having a kitten wvw.


Next problem is the movement in EU. Now there is movements in NA as well but it is nowhere near the movements in EU, Depending on how links are made whole guilds/groups and/or comunties are moving on each relink. This means the relink happens and within a week players have moved to hosts or links and what was done is now scrambled, and one server becomes a bandwagon and another get kittened over and loose half their population. This is a not a new things, it have been ongoing from the second relink happen in the game and up to today. Nothing have been done about this, The transfer fee low or high is what we the players belive is why which feels a bit greedy tbh, but again no comunication ever about it so what would we think if not that?


This are two large issues in EU who is not really as bad in NA, mind though i am not saying it is not a problem in NA i am just saying it is LARGE problem in EU and nothing is done to fix it. NOTHING. Years pass by, more people leave WvW some also leave the game, noone say anything from Anet it just is very silent because hey the alliances are comming soon and then all the guilds left is gonna lead and play it just as they want. Cool, but would be nice if there was any players left before that. Would be nice if we made sure all hosts have a link, and if they don't that then at least open the kitten hosts that need to suffer throught more then half a year as closed. I will take my server as a good example. We been closed for 11 months. ELEVEN! We are the only server who have been closed for that long, imagine being a guild who want to raid in WvW not being able to recruit for 11 months. How are they gonna survive? 


How is our cornerstone game mode gonna work when we are left to suffer and loosing players either to other links or to the game mode over all. New players comming in not understanding how this works and think servers are dead. They dont know about anything of this. They just see a lot of EU servers being empty thinking they are bad but fact is they are slumbering and waiting for next relink and hope that this time, maybe this time we get a link. Some hosts litterally just close down and slumber in tier 5. And at some point they break they become a link or if bandwagoned a host. WvW in EU is being eaten by it self and it is unhealthy but again NO COMUNICATION. 


So long story, but true story, and we can keep on waiting for alliances and hope that we dont bleed out even more players before this comes, or Arena Net could at least try and fix this in a bandage sort of way so that all servers can remain healthy by removing tier 5 in EU and if you dont do that at least open the servers who have no link and stop closing them.. And also stop favour servers whilst keeping other servers without a link for months and months. 


Again this is more of a EU problem but it is never adressed to us or talked about by Anet even though we adressed it sooooo many times.

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