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Bring legendaries to the gemstore just like china servers have it. COME ON ANET!

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On 4/25/2022 at 5:29 PM, SLOTH.5231 said:

All you people saying no like you wouldn't buy the kitten if Anet actually put legendries in the gem store. You aren't fooling no one 😂

Lmao you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how GW2 progression works then.


Do you have any idea how many gems they would have to be worth? Players currently have the option of buying gems and turning them into gold, and the vast majority of players don't do that.


Why? Because the current gold to gem market values 100 gems at $1.25 which makes you about 17 and a half gold. Most legendaries are worth between 2k - 3k gold, simple math tells us you're gonna spend well over $100 just buying gems for ONE legendary.


If you think everyone in this game wants to do that you're out of your mind.


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I'm sure there would be some players that think this is great but there would also be players that would leave the game. Now I'm not coming down on anybody about where their views are on this but for me after working to get a couple Legendary weapons and a complete set of heavy armor and a complete set of the trinkets turning them into a cash shop item completely devalues all of my efforts so I would probably leave the game. 

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On 4/26/2022 at 12:03 AM, SourceOfTrippy.4207 said:

People getting salty because they spent so much time making their legendarys and don't like the idea I understand. I just don't see the difference if you can already gem to gold and buy them. All I am saying is the other way around so what would be the actual difference. But I understand peeps you don't like the idea. GOT IT lol. chill. If the price was the same value as what it is now on conversion what is the difference. Their wouldn't be one just more convenient.

You seem to have forgotten that, right now, we can also *sell* them.

There are plenty of activities in this game that give untradeable resources like Mystic Clovers and Gifts directly. Quite a few people, instead of farming loot all day in repetitive open-world event chains, take these rewards that they're getting from activities that otherwise *don't really pay well at all* and turn them into legendary weapons, which they then sell from the TP.

So the current system is subject to supply and demand and the valuation of all the stuff that goes into crafting a legendary. Just selling them for gems would kill all that.

(Heck, probably like 50% of the active player base is currently making 40 gold a week selling Summoning Stones to the players who desperately want to craft their gen 3 Aurene legendaries faster.)

Edited by ASP.8093
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On 4/25/2022 at 6:19 PM, Gorem.8104 said:

waitwaitwaitwait Chinese players can buy legendries for money directly from the store?

China also has a bunch of stat-boost items for whales that straight-up don't exist on the mainline global GW2 servers, like you can buy infusions that give +20 to a stat instead of +5 or something like that.

Edited by ASP.8093
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On 4/29/2022 at 4:22 PM, Rauderi.8706 said:

Depends on the price. 

2400 gems for one, probably not. 

800 gems though... 🤔

Lol. Single skins with no stats or in-game utility attached cost 600+ gems right now.

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I'm sure this has been said since I didn't read all 5 pages of the thread, but I will say it again...yes you can buy them straight up for gold which can be gotten through gems.  But the big difference is if you buy them direct Anet gets money period.  The way it's set up now, by using gems converted to gold yes Anet gets money but someone still had to grind it out and craft the weapon you buy from the market.  So the time investment is still there...whether by you or someone else you're paying for that service.  That also limits the amount of legendaries in the game.   Anet is very good at finding things for people to do to keep playing the game.  That is why it's still successful after all these years.


Also when I first started playing if I had seen legendaries for sale in the gem shop I would have automatically assumed the entire game was P2W and left.  It's bad optics for new players.  

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Imagine buying a game and then paying to not play it. Go play the game and achieve the legendary it's unbelievable how addicted to microtransactions mmo players have become. Go enjoy the game and achieve something in the world.


I don't even have a legendary but I know this will devalue the effort of all those that put the time in to get one. What's the point in working towards something that might take you a few weeks to get when someone can just have it in a few seconds with the swipe of a credit card. It will make the game a hollow experience and I'd like the hope the majority of people would leave.........but knowing how vapid mmo players have become....they probably won't leave.






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Yeah , no problem here .


Currently people will buy gold and pay the CM sellers (so both parties , according to the forum, benefit) .

By introducing a "direct" mode , there won't be a reason for the middle-man to exist

Edited by Luci.7018
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On 4/25/2022 at 5:56 PM, SourceOfTrippy.4207 said:


Plus if they actually did do this and put legendarys in the gem store it would be interesting to see what they price them as. Because 65 to 85 euros I think would be over priced for a legendary. 




If you talk to people who are actually doing the journey, they say ~250-500 hours are involved.

Alone the deldrimor timegate is 30 days.

But let's assume we are super motivated and do it in 250 hours.

The minimum wage in the US is $7.25 x 250 hours, makes $1,812.50


So if we want to keep the games as is and not circumvent time investment, i would support a gem store purchase  with a nice and cozy price tag of $1820 US



Edited by Kurrilino.2706
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2 hours ago, jack.2390 said:

That would drastically afffect the trading post economy in a negative way. You must have no idea how the game's economy works


The last time i checked, GW2 is a fantasy MMO roleplaying game.

If you look for a stock market simulator, Steam can help you with that

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GDC presentation by Arenanet dev.

See in particular slides:


Replacing earned mastery with microtransactions can feel unfair

For example, if you have a fighting game and as players win matches their fighter becomes more powerful also selling items that make the fighters more powerful is likely to feel unfair because you’ve already created a context where powerful
fighters are a signifier for skill. You could argue that the microtransaction in this case is providing autonomy because you’re allowing the player to trade time for money. If that is the case, then make that clear, optimize the design of the item
around autonomy and find a way to signal that it isn’t a replacement for earned mastery

Microtransactions and Rewards

You will also want to understand which needs your game’s rewards are aiming to satisfy as attempting to satisfy the same needs through rewards and microtransactions can lead to these two systems fighting with each other.
We suffer from this problem in Guild Wars 2.

Cosmetics in GW2
Because there are no stat increases on gear at the end game, most rewards for high level content are cosmetics, but we also sell a lot of cosmetics as microtransactions. This creates a situation where if our most dedicated players are motivated to
complete high level content for cosmetic rewards they are inherently going to be unmotivated to purchase cosmetic microtransactions and vice versa, the motivation for rewards and the motivation for microtransactions are fundamentally fighting against each other. We’ve alleviated this over time by carving off types of cosmetics for rewards only and other types for microtransactions only but it isn’t ideal

Your relationship with your players last longer than a single data cycle
Your relationship with your players last longer than a single data cycle It should not be shocking to anyone that short term gain is often paid for with long term lose. If your relationship with your players last longer than a data cycle then making design decisions based on single data cycles is ludicrous. It is not good enough to know that players did something, you need to know why.

A classic example is upsell messaging. You might consider popping up upsell messages to your players at times when you think purchasing an item would be especially beneficial to them. If you do this you will likely see a big spike in sales for this item but that spike is destined to fall and likely fall well below the sales rate of the item before you implemented the upsell.

Full presentation:

Edited by Infusion.7149
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4 hours ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


The last time i checked, GW2 is a fantasy MMO roleplaying game.

If you look for a stock market simulator, Steam can help you with that

Last I checked MMO games pretty much universally all have a functioning economic system that is surprisingly similar to real world economics. Did a middle schooler with no understanding of currency or inflation write this?

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1 hour ago, narwhalsbend.7059 said:

Even if I liked the gaudy legendaries, I would never grind for them. And saying that, I still don't think you should be able to buy them for gems.

You can still enjoy the benefits of the Legendary Armory even if you hate the skins. I've got a set of legendary armor and it means that gearing my heavy-armor characters costs like 3x less than gearing light- or medium- armor characters.

(I find this more relevant for armor and trinkets, though, since most often my characters' condi, power, and healer builds don't use the same weapons anyway.)

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10 hours ago, narwhalsbend.7059 said:

Even if I liked the gaudy legendaries, I would never grind for them. And saying that, I still don't think you should be able to buy them for gems.

Its less the gaudy for me  and more the any stats, free attachments to add and remove and skins cost nothing to add. I agree 99% of them look atrocious.

Especially those Gen 3s

Edited by Dante.1508
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23 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Last I checked MMO games pretty much universally all have a functioning economic system that is surprisingly similar to real world economics. Did a middle schooler with no understanding of currency or inflation write this?


Thinking that an economic system in an MMO has even remotely something to with a real world economy, points more to a middle schooler than anything else written here in that threat.


Beside that, the point made was that a fantasy MMO doesn't need en economy because it will be abused by wanna be brokers

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23 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Last I checked MMO games pretty much universally all have a functioning economic system that is surprisingly similar to real world economics. Did a middle schooler with no understanding of currency or inflation write this?

There are real world economies where a nearly absolutely powerful central authority has nearly absolute control of market forces such as supply and demand... but we probably don't want to mirror them.

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20 hours ago, Gunther Clone C.6742 said:

I think I'd actually buy legendary armor from the gem store. Convenience for a casual player.

MMO's aren't meant for casual players. They require a considerable amount of time investment. If you want to be casual and pay for convenience go play a game that requires less investment instead of ruining them for the rest of us. If you are willing to pay for convenience you incentivize developers to leave problems in the game that make the game inconvenient so that people pay real money to make the experience better instead of the developers just by default making the game better for people in general like they used too.

Its easier to make money now by making a game with lots of annoying systems to the player so that people pay the developers who created the problems in the first place to make the game less annoying.


It's like someone taking a dump on your floor and then asking for 10 dollars to clean it up.


It's destructive to MMO's and its ruining the genre. 

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21 hours ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


Thinking that an economic system in an MMO has even remotely something to with a real world economy, points more to a middle schooler than anything else written here in that threat.


Beside that, the point made was that a fantasy MMO doesn't need en economy because it will be abused by wanna be brokers

You misunderstand. Nowhere did I say that this game's economy has anything to do with real world economics, I said that the concept is SIMILAR to real world economics. The game has supply and demand, it reflects inflation in many currencies, and it has currency exchange systems that ebb and flow as the market changes. Wanna explain to me how that ISN'T a functioning economy?

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On 5/3/2022 at 9:51 AM, Gunther Clone C.6742 said:

I think I'd actually buy legendary armor from the gem store. Convenience for a casual player.

Right? When the only avenues available are finnicky WvW groups (where are my Alliances, ANet?), kitteny PvP attitudes, both of which take *weeks* for a single piece, or Raids under lock and key by elitists, I'd rather just cash out and buy legendary armor. It'd save a ton of agony. 

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Sorry if I'm going to be a little rude, but this is the worst idea I've seen in a long time, congratulations.
Do you have any idea what a change this would make to the game?
Have you noticed that many of the items sold on TP revolve around legendary items? Materials T4, T5 and T6, mystic coins, amalgamated gemstones, antique summoning stones, even spirit shards have as one of their main purposes to be used in legendary, whether refining materials for higher tier or buying bloodstone shards.
Or even Karma that is used to buy obsidian shards, or event currencies like HOT.
Or Elegy Mosaic, which you get at some POF events.
Or else map completion from HOT, POF or core game, which serves to make legendary.
Do you realize the magnitude that this change would be? The devs would have to overhaul much of the game's reward system.
You probably don't understand anything about economics or rewards in a game to create a thread like this. If you don't want to play the game then simply uninstall and stop playing.

Edited by Nakasz.5471
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