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If I Could Change Just ONE Thing About Warrior...


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17 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I'd make shield offhand 10 seconds CD. 

one OP block would make everything else workable in its current state. 

That's a very good idea. 10s would be pretty ridiculously low, but shield stance on a 20s CD (16s with trait) would be hugely helpful. That would definitely push a lot of builds toward viability.

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Give Rampage a Burst and Decrease its cooldown 30 seconds.


Or perhaps bursting into Rampage decreases its cooldown by 10 sec for each stage of adrenaline;  (and give rampage a burst; something like 1st stage of andrenaline gives quickness, 2nd stage adds resistance, 3rd stage increases effectiveness of 1st and 2nd stages; or such and such)

Edited by America.9437
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  • 4 weeks later...

1 Faster weapon swap (class abiliti not discipline need) 

2 more doges or more faster speed

3 more acces to combo field with more

Weapons or skills

4 remake the profetions are terrible

5 make baners more fast to not die after the 

Banner hit the floor


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On 5/25/2022 at 9:52 AM, America.9437 said:

Give Rampage a Burst and Decrease its cooldown 30 seconds.

I feel Rampage should be changed to an "Elite Stance" that simply reduces incoming damage by 50% (and renaming it). That way, frees up the potential for a "Dwarven Boxing" Mastery Line (similar to Fishing where you activate the skillbar out of combat).

Addendum--I love Rampage.

Before the damage nerfs it was insanely fun (if not meta) to transform either in competitive or PvE and slaughter your way through the enemy, leaping around like a colossus and just being this big bruiser. Even now I break it out from time to time just to screw around.

But we've seen all other professions do transformations just way better (Firebrand Tomes, Holosmith Forge, all Necromancer Shroud varieties, Thief Specter, Ranger Druid, even Tempest after a fashion) and Rampage fell further and further behind everything else. The 50% damage reduction is nice, but you simply don't do enough damage compared to your regular weapons to really justify why you'd even bother tanking the hits, and you get way more CC by just using Mace/Hammer/Shield for a half second or the odd utility (Kick and Headbutt especially) rather than dropping access to any utilities/healing for a couple CC skills that are functionally the same or worse than the regular utilities.

I still believe that Rampage is what Berserk should have been: essentially Reaper Shroud for the Warrior. Yes, it would have horned in on the Reaper (both were HoT elite specs) but still I feel it'd been a nice playstyle shift for Warriors rather than "here's Burst with extra steps"--which is what every single Warrior Elite Spec has been so far (with Spellbreaker being the only TRUE variation by giving us an F2).

Edited by Geoff Fey.1035
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