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General complaints and dissatisfaction with WvW


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I find it frustrating that I have to grind to unlock abilities that I have already spent hundreds of hours unlocking in the base game such as auto loot, gliding, and mounts. And for what? The rewards are awful and I'm essentially unable to play as a solo unless I've put over 200 lvls into the warclaw mount. Otherwise, I can't dismount enemy players  and can only awkwardly ride around them and watch as they slowly ride back toward their friends or NPCs. It seems counter intuitive to me that I am unable to play ranked PvP in a premade group of five and essentially unable to play to play WvW as a solo... I should add that the warclaw mount is frustratingly slow and having to use it is generally unenjoyable.

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Yea I think they messed up with the point costs for Warclaw. Or maybe they should have made lance earlier and shuffle it with the useless chains.

It costs more than mastering 2 different types of siege weapons, so that means new players have to spend quite a while mastering something mostly selfish.

I also always complained about supply capacity in the past that took forever and did have its requirements reduced in the past. I guess this is the new thing.

It is of course possible to run a burst build or condi build and dismount players that way in the meantime.

Case in point, I only earned about 166 ranks in about 2 months (so about 2.5 ranks per day), and usually finish Diamond chest weekly. If you don't like zerging this may take longer. Granted I do not chase ranks anymore but still.

Overall, I gotta say that 2019 had many, many bad decisions not atypical for the PoF era.

And yes you can be like "jUST uSE a bOOSTER" but that doesn't really change the lackluster rates or the joke of a reward wvw ranks give. And it affects all players, like when you don't have enough supply to finish siege or nobody will get on the catapult. Of course newer players are going to prioritize filling out the warclaw first.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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@mziven.2095 i mean, it is just not a solo gamemode also. there's a lot of ways to overcome the "warclaw issue". tons of ways to ambush other solo players and gank them - if u didnt see that happening u didn't play much yet.


in fact u only need 1 point in the warclaw. few more for 2nd dodge are very precious but u dont need  the dismount thing by any means early... u still wont get a dismount half of the times bc they can dodge the spear, outangle it or be out of reach if u miscalc lol.

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If you've played hundreds of hours you should know how to use the build templates and how to craft builds to suit your needs.  The cornerstone is completely playable with 0 WvW levels.


The special abilities increase PPT effectivness that's about it.  As a new WvW'er you probably don't know that PPT is a broken system and victory points did not do enough to solve the problem.  Missing a dash ability shouldn't be too big a problem for an expert player with hundreds of hours.

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COmplains ?? ok Zerg busting is getting harder to do with the patches goes on and  absolutely everything seems to be geared toward massive blobbing pirateships.... maybe we could try by taking the target caps off on skills ? i know Anet take advices from (good) commanders but those commanders absolutely SUCKS in 900 range or melee range and would cry to their grandma if lets say... Mesmer pull was nerfed or they would have to get closer to the enemy. Blobbing MUST be GR EATLY  penalized . thanks .

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15 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

Never really thought about it until now but warclaw is the only rank based player vs player upgrade I think? Free movement speed, stability, evades and damage shield. I can't believe the thing used to actually stomp players too rofl.

This would imply you're actually at an advantage on it in PvP combat.

Have you ever tried being on a warclaw while at the same time fighting and killing another player on foot? 

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

This would imply you're actually at an advantage on it in PvP combat.

Have you ever tried being on a warclaw while at the same time fighting and killing another player on foot? 

There have been a million times where i see someone that is about to gank me...

i pretend i do net see him and let him begin. The second (lets pretend its a PEW PEW ranger) he starts to Rapidfire me... i just mount, double evade, and B00m.... he wasted his opener and i am right ontop of him...  

there you have it... a direct advantage originating from the use of the Warclaw.

i have literally done this a million times... someone tries to open on me and i just mount... he wasted his CC skill, because Warclaw has stabi for some reason.... i double evade... and leap right ontop of him...   Having Warclaw on a mousebutton for some quick instant stability and 2 evadeframes when someone tries to open on you.. that is a advantage in my books.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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3 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

This would imply you're actually at an advantage on it in PvP combat.

Have you ever tried being on a warclaw while at the same time fighting and killing another player on foot? 

Well that was what warclaw was initially, not mounted combat ofc, but advantage of fast stomping enemies, faster than the player animation and less or not susceptible to CC while stomping in warclaw, so initially there was an advantage to it to some extent.

At the momment not really that much compared with its release mechanics, it is just ment to folow tag and not avoid to stay in the tail, that and its 2 free dodges when diving into a fight before use skill 1.

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4 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

There have been a million times where i see someone that is about to gank me...

i pretend i do net see him and let him begin. The second (lets pretend its a PEW PEW ranger) he starts to Rapidfire me... i just mount, double evade, and B00m.... he wasted his opener and i am right ontop of him...  

there you have it... a direct advantage originating from the use of the Warclaw.

i have literally done this a million times... someone tries to open on me and i just mount... he wasted his CC skill, because Warclaw has stabi for some reason.... i double evade... and leap right ontop of him...   Having Warclaw on a mousebutton for some quick instant stability and 2 evadeframes when someone tries to open on you.. that is a advantage in my books.

Oh you mean the same rangers that can 100-0 you on a warclaw with rapid fire because a forced dismount is effectivly a stun?

Heaven forbid they would waste their opener.

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Cuz we all know you should stop what your doing and take a 1v1 with a snipe ranger.  Chase them and don't think about what your doing. Oh I got 3 other killed who where trying to give cover fire to our tail.  Yeah they all dead now the rest of the zerg just needs to spilt up and die too thats just good WvW action IMO. That's what any good WvW player does.  You see a squirrel you chase it that just common sense.

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On 6/3/2022 at 1:23 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

What do you do after you double evaded, double evade a second time?

Actually yes you could. You can dismount yourself and dodge twice again. (unless Mirage lel) And then use any other mobility skill you may have. Swap weapons and get another dodge soon after and if you're that far away you can break combat and repeat.

It's really only an issue in a 100% open area but usually you can LoS it. Granted if an entire group of tryhards is chasing you halfway across the map they might get you, but they also may not.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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