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Unique Racial/Class Dialogue

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I just started Drizzlewood Coast as a Ash Legion Charr from the Behind Enemy Lines mission, Rytlock mentions that in the first line of Dialogue, "You're Ash Legion, they teach you how to write this crap in the Fahrah?" And on my first character during the first LW4 mission, who is a Blood Legion Charr,  Bengar says something along the lines of "And joined by Blood Legions very own Pact Commander!" 

I LOOOOVE racial dialogue like this, it really helps bring your character to life, helps give more context to things and adds a little flair, instead of you being a generic hero like in other MMO's. Sometimes I'll read on the wiki about it, I found out the Pale Tree has lots of unique dialogue for Sylvari characters.

So I wanna ask, is there any unique racial dialogue that stands out to you? Anything memorable?  

And yes, I could use the wiki to find unique lines based on race, but that sounds hellish combing through PAGES of dialogue just to maybe find something unique, and I'd rather ask here to find out what people thought were memorable.

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It wasn't a racial dialogue, but during the IBS there's a part where you need to grab a flamethrower in order to melt Ice Walls during one of the story missions.  Except... if you're on an engineer, your character will remark that they can use their own flamethrower to melt the ice, and the charr there is surprised that you just carry one around with you.

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Everything that has to do with being a sylvari in HoT. From people interacting with you differently, to slightly different lines, the whole thing with Mordremoth, was absolutely awesome. It was also incredibly sweet to hear my sylvari finally call Trahearne "brother." Awww.

Also, as for class-specific dialogue, the various ways to get out of prison in Daybreak were pretty cool.

Edited by Batel.9206
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On the other hand, they seem to avoid mentioning the past of Asura characters, since then they'd have to acknowledge that they used to be, and i quote Zojja, "the brightest student in your college", which wouldn't be accurate now that they're just the commander who has zero intellect and ambitions.


Can't be smart nor use brains to come up with solutions other than "hit the problem really hard" since that would make Taimi irrelevant.

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I really like bits like this too.

My favourite is probably during Season 2, when you're in Scarlet's Secret Room and Taimi is getting excited about all her inventions, my human ranger (who I played it on first) just gets told she wouldn't understand why the machines are so exciting, but both my norn engineer and my asuan guardian got extra dialogue where they discuss the machines with Taimi.

A similar thing happened during the Portal Panic side story where, because I was doing it on my engineer, I got the option to help Mechanist Ninn build the Phasic Distortion Reader instead of waiting a day for him to finish it. Apparently you get the same option if you're playing an asura (of any profession) or an Iron Legion charr.

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As already mentioned above, play a Sylvari if you haven't already done so. There are lines of dialogue and things that happen to your character during HoT that don't happen to any other race.

There is also a legacy from the core zones personal story line that affects you in HoT with how a particular NPC reacts to you if you took that story choice and your character is Sylvari.

In the Head of the Snake Living story Episode, different classes can perform particular skills. Rangers can charm a certain animal NPC to advantage. Engineers can deactivate turrets.

Prior to the Hearts and Minds instance, there is a difference in the dialogue if you are a Sylvari and pick either Caithe or Canach. It also changes if you pick both of them.

In End of Dragons there are different lines of dialogue during a boat trip during the early stages of the story and again Engineers can bypass a particular Hero point fight in Kaineng.

Edited by Andy.5981
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It bothers me more when the devs mess up.. In EoD yao states hes worried the jade tech will be gone and his arm wont work if you talk to him after the kaineng meta.. He then states he needs to find one of those little guys... an Asura.. maybe they have alternative tech... I'm an Asura running beside him.. 😏

Edited by Dante.1508
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10 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

It bothers me more when the devs mess up.. In EoD yao states hes worried the jade tech will be gone and his arm wont work if you talk to him after the kaineng meta.. He then states he needs to find one of those little guys... an Asura.. maybe they have alternative tech... I'm an Asura running beside him.. 😏

I just imagined your asura like "Am I a joke to you?" 😄 Yao uses they/them pronouns btw 😉 

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