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In Loving Memory of Jim "Sawda" Gillum (1958-2022) of Sanctum of Rall

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I have to second how cool it would be to have an eagle at north camp named after Sawda. I remember often times when I was a wee roamer of dancing at NC with him. Now, as a commander and guild leader, his lack of presence and call outs will be missed. 

I'll be at the gathering for him. Wouldn't miss it!

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I saw some comments sharing condolences in WvW chat last night while I was there but I didn't know the context.

Your friend sounds like someone who was a joy to know and I'm sorry for your loss.

I support the addition of the eagle tribute, that would be a lovely gesture.

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Rest in peace, your watch has ended.  Enjoy the eternal retirement.


Throwing my vote in for an eagle overlooking the  northern camp to commemorate Jim "Sawda" Gillum.  These kinds of things breathe life into a game, where there is actual meaning behind the things you find, rather than "just because."  Games, and MMORPG's particularly, are living works of art.  Such commemorations help keep them alive. 


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Sawda was so helpful to many of us including teaching my grandkids and I how to scout in WvW.  I will greatly miss him as a wonderful warrior scout that would be in map chat constantly telling us where the foe were going! I also agree that an Eagle perched on the NW building of north camp is a wonderful idea for us to remember our Scout.

Edited by GmaFoghladha.1853
Added information.
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I considered myself to be friends with Sawda, we did roam together on many occasions, when I was commanding and on home bl there was always a response from me to his calls outs. They were never misleading and gave the info that was needed to make appropriate responses. He was a great scout and always friendly whenever I got to interact with him.


An ever watching eagle would be a wonderful tribute to his near constant presence and kindness to his fellow WvW players and friends.

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Ever since I've played on NA I was on SoR and Sawda was always a calm, helpful yet fun presence. As much as I never had personal contact with him, I ran in the same guild for quite a while and he will be sorely missed in the Mists of SoR. 

I'm happy to see how many people have fond memories of him and I hope a tribute can be added to the game.

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Sawda quickly became one of my favorite scouts when I started tagging on SoR.  His good attitude, martial prowess, and impeccable “eye in the sky” really made my job as tag simple.  I and the squad may have saved nc, but without Sawda standing guard perpetually, there would have been no nc to save.


there have been many tears in this house since we learned of his passing into the mists. 

he will be forever missed.


~Haavok, Salt wvw commander


P.S.  I also want to give a hearty second to Fog’s request for the “Sawda Eagle.” To have him always there, watching, would be a wonderful tribute, and one I hope we can implement.

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Sawda was such a refreshing and helpful presence wherever he was. I grew to respect him as one of the best scouts I had ever seen. He was one of my main inspirations to become a scout myself and I was privileged to learn not only how to be a better WvW player but how to better take care of my team and fellow roamers from his example. He will be sorely missed. I would love to have something like the eagle so that his legacy would be remembered and his dedication honored. 

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I still cant grasp and think of the right words to say. Sawda you were a hero to us all and will be greatly missed.

I find peace knowing you now watch over us all from above ❤️

It would be amazing if ArenaNet could honor our fallen and give us the Eagle tribute.

Edited by Wolvain.5402
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It still feels absolutely unreal that we have lost Sawda. he truly was one in a million. Kind, clever, resourceful, and Loyal to Sanctum of Rall like no other. I will never forget the many adventures we had scouting together, but I'm forever grateful for having known him. 


RIP Sawda 


P.S.  If Arenanet could consider adding the "Sawda Eagle" at the North supply camp of the alpine borderland it would mean a lot to our guild, our server, and to the many wvw players who had the pleasure of knowing Sawda. 

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Sawda was the very embodiment of what it means to be a WvW scout. Always ready at a moment’s notice to drop siege, scan the horizon for enemies, and unleash his hammer for repairs. Always helpful . . . always. To say he was a rock on Home BL, would be an understatement. Rest well my friend. You will be missed.

+1 for the Sawda Eagle

~Echo of the Pack

Edited by phaidetublacke.6048
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Crying all over again, so dumb because I didn't know him well, have never even heard his voice because I seldom go into discord.

I am Sproxz, some from SOR and some from other server might know me. I am toxic, I am nasty, I am garbage player. I know this. But I scout, and sometimes roam around even with my trash garbage build and way of playing.... I have spent more hours than I care to admit in Home BL, sometimes watching over a keep or checking on something, having peace of mind knowing Sawda was out there watching other parts of map. I knew his callouts were genuine, I came running when I could.

There were times he was defending a camp, getting ganked, and sometimes I get there just in the nick of time and manage to save him or help turn the tide of the fight and I feel so great, not just because the camp was saved, but it felt so awesome to help out a guy like Sawda. He was that nice, he was that devoted, he was friendly (even to a garbage player like me) that it made you feel good to try to help him.

For me, nothing is worse for a scout than to have your callout go ignored, or better for a scout than to have it answered and save the objective (and maybe get a few bags in the process). So I was ALWAYS super happy when I got to run to a Sawda callout, because it gave me a small way to show him how much he is appreciated and demonstrate to him that, at the very least, I will give an effort to his callouts when I was able.

Every time now when I am playing (the rare times I do, I ragequit lately)... every time I run to save NC or am kiting around in the circle trying to stall until more help arrives, I will be thinking of devoted scout, Sawda. It feels so strange, I am just random pug and toxic enough in game that I don't really make friend, but I am legit sad to lose Sawda and feel gutted by this news. I appreciate there will be a memorial at NC and I will be there, hopefully early enough to beat any queue. I hope Anet can do the Eagle thing, but even if they don't, I will always think of him watching over NC and feel his presence when I am out messing around like I do.

RIP, Sawda. You were such a cool, nice guy even to jerk player like me. So sad to hear of your passing. I didn't know you well, but I think your friends and family lost a really great guy.

Sawda = BEST SOR SCOUT <--coming from a sometime SOR scout

~Sproxz [TEA]

Edited by Safir.9203
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I didn't personally know Sawda that well, but he was always there making callouts and saving camps whenever I was on home BL, and was always so kind to everyone on map. I've seen his name pop up in chat for as long as I've been playing WvW, and it will never feel the same without him. RIP Sawda, you were the coolest scout I ever knew.
I agree that it would be amazing if ArenaNet would consider adding an eagle for Sawda, it would fit him very well.

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I'm so sorry for your loss.  And I appreciate that the memorial you ask for is a simple eagle.  That's something the devs could toss in (hopefully a non killable version) without then needing to put in special custom made memorials for every player that passes, so it's not a prohibitive ask.  Only those that knew Sawda will take any notice of the bird, but to them it will mean a great deal.

Edited by Donari.5237
No need for all caps on the name, I was referencing off the wrong post.
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This is very sad to me, even though I rarely WvW {waiting for alliances} I think a player like this that has the respect of the WvW community for being a great scout and a all around decent person should have an Eagle in game. Gracious decent people are hard to find irl and in gaming.  I would support this tribute to him. In the meantime we should strive to be more like him.

Edited by Artemis.8034
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