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Should revenant legendary stances have utility choices?


Should legendary stances have utility skill choices  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Revenant legendary stances have utility skill choices

    • No, the stance design is fine as it is
    • I belive having a few choices for utility skills would be nice
    • I think there should be choices for not only utility skills but healing and elite skill as well
    • I am incapable of having such an opinion

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I don’t want the choice. Because we have no choice we get a lot of features packed into our skills such as stun breaks and CC that probably wouldn’t otherwise be there. 

that being said, I think an exception could be made for alliance stance. That could be one of Vindicator’s features. For alliance stance you can pick which stun break, heal, movement ability, elite and AoE effect skill you’d like. I don’t mean it would be a free for all, but you’d have one of two options for each slot, and get rid of that third stance option all together. 
honestly though I’d probably still be in jalis/Shiro as vindi anyhow. 

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There should be at very least 1 extra utility per legend to bring rev on par with rest in terms of utility skill number. That or a new core legend. I still remember how they talked about Jalis summoning rune which acted like protective field but it never made it live.

Overall better synergy between legends is needed as well. Making IO apply torment and (big maybe) daggers transfer conditions would bring more than enough synergy to Mallyx/Shiro.


And while not related to thread i believe pain absort should transfer 1 conditions from you and ally, banish corrupt boons (long overdue since confusion removal), misery wipe off conditions completely+provide dark aura 

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12 hours ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

There should be at very least 1 extra utility per legend to bring rev on par with rest in terms of utility skill number. 


Yup. Agreed completely. Having an extra option would be really fantastic for increasing flexibility for something that is currently hard-locked. I can't imagine anyone in PvP ever giving up any Shiro skills for a new one, but they could add something that may make more sense within different contexts of the game where the current selection of skills don't all shine.

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The stance design should certainly not change and I would credit it as being one of the main reasons I love this class so much.  Allow me to explain:


The pure DPS/output potential of Rev builds are all based around the restricted utility skill selection.  If we could, for example, swap out a utility skill that only provides support for one that increases DPS, then skills would have to be nerfed in order to prevent those mix-matched builds from being overpowered.


On the flip side, we get a major benefit from having our builds balanced around this design, which is that we get to have stun breaks and support skills available for pure DPS builds in ways that many other classes don't get to have.  Ever ran a condi ranger in PvE?  All your utility slots basically MUST be traps and DPS skills or your performance will suffer (and it often has to for rangers to bring Spirits), meaning that missing a dodge is more punishing and your ability to affect breakbars will also potentially be punished.  Meanwhile, rev builds can adapt to messy situations much better since almost all legends are designed around having a stun break, hard CC, and DPS utility skill built in.


tldr: Because legends are designed around making them work in all sorts of situations (both PvE and PvP), they get balanced and tuned around working well in both without having to drop parts of that toolkit.

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On 6/16/2022 at 11:24 AM, Threather.9354 said:

Think about it, revenant utilities are already gated behind energy usage so having a few choices of utilities wouldn't necessarily make them much stronger, just more versatile

My opinion is that every Healing skill right now have their place and fit their Legend stances perfectly both in form and function. The thing is, not every Healing skill is equal and some definitely needs abit of tweaking. 

For example, Shiro's Enchanted Daggers is an amazing thematic and versatile Healing Skill, doubling both as damage and healing, but sometimes you aren't necessarily benefitting from such a healing skill when you are unable to hit anything. Enchanted Daggers for example, should have a flip skill which consumes all the Daggers remaining and heal for the amount you would have healed should they have been used. 

That imo, is the extent to which the Healing skills should be tweaked in the game. 

However regarding other utilities, they should have at least 1 or 2 more options for sure. 

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It was a disappointment to me when Rev was released that the skills were fixed by legend, though it's less an issue now. I would have liked to see Anet allowed a player to pick their 3 skills from a pool of 4. I value choices in MMOs.

Edited by Obtena.7952
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