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Why mi damage in wvw is so low?


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Hello, new player here 

I notice that in wvw the damage is so low 

Mi main caracter is a warrior, in pve can make 25.000 damage, but in wvw can just make 3.000, and that change from weapon 

If a take hammer it just make 1.000 damage 

In pvp arena i make good damage and sometimes have good figths and kills, but in wvw i never take down a player alone

Did you now if theres a wvw habiliti point, to get your normal damage? 

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Balance is split between different game modes and most skills deal less dmg in PvP and WvW. This is especially true for cc skills (so most warrior hammer skills) that deal basically zero dmg outside of PvE. Additionally players tend to be much tankier than npc, especially in WvW.

So in order to deal more dmg you will have to a) get a better build that is actually suited for dealing dmg in WvW and b) learn how to play it.

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22 minutes ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Balance is split between different game modes and most skills deal less dmg in PvP and WvW. This is especially true for cc skills (so most warrior hammer skills) that deal basically zero dmg outside of PvE. Additionally players tend to be much tankier than npc, especially in WvW.

So in order to deal more dmg you will have to a) get a better build that is actually suited for dealing dmg in WvW and b) learn how to play it.

Thats mi big problem with warrior, the build are so hard to do, there is no flexibiliti or diferent options, if you go full damage you die in seconds, if go healer you die bicose you don't do eny damage, 

Almost all builds are made with discipline and stregth 

But you die eny way, bicose other clases are wey more superior then you, as a warrior you just have acces to one combo area, with only one weapon : long bow 💩💩💩🤪

Warrior is not one of the clases with most defense in the game, for wath is that heavi armour, rangers are way miles away beter tanks than warriors

All weapon habilities are garbage in comparison with other classes 

With warrior just 2 or 3 are good


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2 minutes ago, Drax.7308 said:

Thats mi big problem with warrior, the build are so hard to do, there is no flexibiliti or diferent options, if you go full damage you die in seconds, if go healer you die bicose you don't do eny damage,

You are better off playing spvp conquest if you only have war. If you can gear and play something else, ranger is probably your best pick. Its very close to warrior and has more builds you can try. Boonbeast is probably a good start, or just the one wolf pack longbow ganker build.

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6 hours ago, Drax.7308 said:

Hello, new player here 

I notice that in wvw the damage is so low 

Mi main caracter is a warrior, in pve can make 25.000 damage, but in wvw can just make 3.000, and that change from weapon 

If a take hammer it just make 1.000 damage 

In pvp arena i make good damage and sometimes have good figths and kills, but in wvw i never take down a player alone

Did you now if theres a wvw habiliti point, to get your normal damage? 

Ok... From a general point of view:

  • First thing to know is that the dmg potential of each skill is different between PvE and the 2 PvP modes (sPvP and WvW): it is reduced in PvP, and the dmg done by skills that CC (stun, knockdown, etc..) has been nerfed to the ground.
  • Second, in PvE you usually go glass cannon (ie: full berseker) whereas in PvP many classes/builds go with more Vitality and/or Toughness and on top of that use builds that will give them as much dmg mitigation (Protection, Auras, etc).

So this means that your burst potential is reduced compared to the one you will have in PvE.

Then for a more specific view of Warrior (I'm talking from a small scale/roaming point of view as i have the feeling that you are talking about that):

It's been a few months that i have played Warrior but it's still in a good place: Ok, Spellbreaker has been nerfed but Core warrior is still in a good enough place, and i start to see strong Bladesworns.

Right now the real strength of Warrior is its capacity to stunlock its target while bursting it down, combined with a very good damage mitigation potential, and from what I have seen of Bladesworn, an insane self-healing potential through the combined use of its specific heal and elite skill.
Remember one thing: In WvW, for small scale/roaming, it is really far more about controlling the fight (ie: knowing when to negate incoming damages by dodges, mitigation, cleanses, etc and shutting down your target's actions with interrupts, CCs, kiting, etc) in order to place your burst at the right time than a pure damage dealing.

Is Warrior the current FOTM? No
Is Warrior totally viable in WvW? Yes, i think it is.

I would suggest that you have a look at the builds available in the Metabattle or GW2Mists websites.
While the builds are susually not optimised in my opinion, it is a great place to start.

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I currentli go warrior core build, with long bow and two axes

But the builds are hard to do, you have very low options, all build have stregth and discipline, bicose discipline is for fast weapon swap and more adredaline, and you move faster with core weapons, and stregth is fore more damage and fast fisic charge core abilities, so after that your options are very low a specialisation or defense or tactics 

But any way you can't have bouth surbabiliti and damage you alwais have to pick one, but other profetions have bouth, masive damage and tougthnes so you end in a very bad disadvantege, i think is mesmers and guardians kill me in just one second, with no time to react

I hope i get beter in this, but warrior need a litle bit work 

3 hours ago, Zepoolpe.9217 said:

Ok... From a general point of view:

  • First thing to know is that the dmg potential of each skill is different between PvE and the 2 PvP modes (sPvP and WvW): it is reduced in PvP, and the dmg done by skills that CC (stun, knockdown, etc..) has been nerfed to the ground.
  • Second, in PvE you usually go glass cannon (ie: full berseker) whereas in PvP many classes/builds go with more Vitality and/or Toughness and on top of that use builds that will give them as much dmg mitigation (Protection, Auras, etc).

So this means that your burst potential is reduced compared to the one you will have in PvE.

Then for a more specific view of Warrior (I'm talking from a small scale/roaming point of view as i have the feeling that you are talking about that):

It's been a few months that i have played Warrior but it's still in a good place: Ok, Spellbreaker has been nerfed but Core warrior is still in a good enough place, and i start to see strong Bladesworns.

Right now the real strength of Warrior is its capacity to stunlock its target while bursting it down, combined with a very good damage mitigation potential, and from what I have seen of Bladesworn, an insane self-healing potential through the combined use of its specific heal and elite skill.
Remember one thing: In WvW, for small scale/roaming, it is really far more about controlling the fight (ie: knowing when to negate incoming damages by dodges, mitigation, cleanses, etc and shutting down your target's actions with interrupts, CCs, kiting, etc) in order to place your burst at the right time than a pure damage dealing.

Is Warrior the current FOTM? No
Is Warrior totally viable in WvW? Yes, i think it is.

I would suggest that you have a look at the builds available in the Metabattle or GW2Mists websites.
While the builds are susually not optimised in my opinion, it is a great place to start.


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basically anets idea of "balance" is to nerf dmg in wvw for most things to absolute nothing, so u have to semi afk during dropping dmg while u wait for anything to die


its kinda buffing random, huge numbers and cloudy blobs, bc some ppl apparently complained about coordinated groups stealing their lunch money, sadge

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6 hours ago, Drax.7308 said:


I currentli go warrior core build, with long bow and two axes

But the builds are hard to do, you have very low options, all build have stregth and discipline, bicose discipline is for fast weapon swap and more adredaline, and you move faster with core weapons, and stregth is fore more damage and fast fisic charge core abilities, so after that your options are very low a specialisation or defense or tactics 

But any way you can't have bouth surbabiliti and damage you alwais have to pick one, but other profetions have bouth, masive damage and tougthnes so you end in a very bad disadvantege, i think is mesmers and guardians kill me in just one second, with no time to react

I hope i get beter in this, but warrior need a litle bit work 



Warrior has some very serious builds on the various core & elite lines. You said Axes and Longbow, those are on opposite ends between power & Condi. Are you running Cele stats? Core is not the best for Cele builds, better to target either power or condi and then decide weapons. Are you using any sites for builds or checking numbers with tools like gw2skills.net? As others have said there are skill splits so you can't really use PvE as a guideline on how well a build will do in WvW, same goes for sPvP but its closer.

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1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

better to target either power or condi and then decide weapons

Ah Yes, I forgot Berserker... the condi builds for berserker are bursty as hell and you can ding a serious amount of HP when you take someone by surprise.

7 hours ago, Drax.7308 said:


I currentli go warrior core build, with long bow and two axes

But the builds are hard to do, you have very low options, all build have stregth and discipline, bicose discipline is for fast weapon swap and more adredaline, and you move faster with core weapons, and stregth is fore more damage and fast fisic charge core abilities, so after that your options are very low a specialisation or defense or tactics 

But any way you can't have bouth surbabiliti and damage you alwais have to pick one, but other profetions have bouth, masive damage and tougthnes so you end in a very bad disadvantege, i think is mesmers and guardians kill me in just one second, with no time to react

I hope i get beter in this, but warrior need a litle bit work

Warrior has no problems having both damage and survivability as you can run in full zerk and still come on top of many fights.

Sure there are fights against certain classes/builds that you will be hard to win, but that's because there are hard counter to every build while some will be easy to win (because you will be the hard counter to their build), but mostly it's about controlling the fight, knowing when/how to alternate attacks and taking damage.
Even if you know every detail of Warrior in PvE, you will have to relearn it for WvW because it is a very different kind of gameplay.

Like The Grimm said, check what kind of playstyle you feel the most comfortable/happy with and that will point you out towards the build to use. Check Metabattle and GW2Mists, as i said before, they are a good start. Check also YouTube: it's full of roaming videos and usually the build is linked in the comments or explained directly in the video, but usually it always goes around the same builds, with a few minor details from one to the others.

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10 hours ago, Drax.7308 said:


I currentli go warrior core build, with long bow and two axes

But the builds are hard to do, you have very low options, all build have stregth and discipline, bicose discipline is for fast weapon swap and more adredaline, and you move faster with core weapons, and stregth is fore more damage and fast fisic charge core abilities, so after that your options are very low a specialisation or defense or tactics 

But any way you can't have bouth surbabiliti and damage you alwais have to pick one, but other profetions have bouth, masive damage and tougthnes so you end in a very bad disadvantege, i think is mesmers and guardians kill me in just one second, with no time to react

I hope i get beter in this, but warrior need a litle bit work 


Well, that is one very weird weapon combination with no mobility...except if you take Bulls Charge.
Can you post your build?

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I now is weird, i gust take long bow bicose have acses to combo areas, and the times to throw your especial atack is way beter than the other weapons bicose you need less adredalin bars to do it, and y run axes bigose the atack are vere good, and are beter for hit varius objectives, ive tri hammer, maces, swords, long sword, i don' think are great, hammer super low damage and very slow atacks, long sword good for runing your special atack just hit 1 or 2 objectives, maces low damage, swords condition low power damage, with axes you have axe cyclone to hit varius objectives like camps, and all thesse weapons need to much adredaline bars to do your special atack

4 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Well, that is one very weird weapon combination with no mobility...except if you take Bulls Charge.
Can you post your build?


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You have to be kinda mobile and bait the opponents skills.

It requires knowing the other opponents builds and predicting or countering stuff more than most other classes.

If you just rush in and hit every button and expect to not melt in the circle it will be very hard.

Warrior does have range weapons but the builds required to use them are often a bit more situational and a similarly ranged build on another class will have more options in most situations. 


For example, waiting out a guardians blocks or wasting them with lower damage skills before you burst is one important thing.

It doesn't have as much of a gimmick so you sorta need to play around your opponents unless they are just on a bad build or new to the game. Warrior requires patience to cloud/zerg in most of the time.

Also, run escapes! GS 5, bulls rush, gunblade 5 as examples. Only use these offensively if you don't have much pressure and are sure you won't have trouble in the thick of it. If you waste your mobility options you are likely to get pulled even further in, pew pew'ed from 1200 range or people will use some other gimmick on you and you won't be able to get to a range that is more advantageous.


Spellbreaker might be relatively good for learning, core too. If you are careful to not get rooted in place and be too inflexible, you can probably learn on bladesworn but remember that people are unlikely to stand still and let you charge your attacks and will dodge. Can be decent in small scale though.

I would recommend against most glassy berserker builds for learning as it will get pretty dodgy survivability wise.

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  • 4 months later...
On 6/18/2022 at 10:43 AM, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Balance is split between different game modes and most skills deal less dmg in PvP and WvW. This is especially true for cc skills (so most warrior hammer skills) that deal basically zero dmg outside of PvE. Additionally players tend to be much tankier than npc, especially in WvW.

So in order to deal more dmg you will have to a) get a better build that is actually suited for dealing dmg in WvW and b) learn how to play it.



It's not a matter of learing how to play.  Seriously, why do players treat these poorly developed games like there's some grand secret scheme one must learn in order to PvP well...  You're putting on gear, buffs and clicking actions....it's not rocket science.  Every player is going to come across the same material in game and can craft/farm ascension or legendary.  Meta Builds are based on somebody elses thoughts, so they're posted online but you're better off experimenting for yourself.


With 'OP' classes (excluding the weakest, Neco), "bullet proofing", stuns, roots, knockdowns, pulls. lanches, etc...  Toss in the players who are using a hacker tool to walk around immune to all damage or jacking up their power attribute to 9999 and you have a mess that'll you'll get caught up in if you're one of the players who are playing without cheating.


You can do everything right on your own meta build and witness yourself not even scratching another player, even with a 3+k power attribute and you have to go with power because conditional damage is a joke.  It's implemented in the game wrong and players in WvW can just cleanse it...or not.  Some players just ignore conditional damage, especially coming from a Necro's marks because marks are useless...just like the trait that gives health bassed on a percentage of conditional damage (Necro); the healing is so low, it's non-existent, thus wasting a trait spot.  Yeah, the Necro is that bad compared to other classes.


Bottomline,  you can be great on a particular class but it's going to come down to the "OP" and the cheaters.  They will always win and that's why GW2 has the worst PvP/WvW ever made.


Hell, just today I seen another player in WvW dancing around immune to everything.  A small Zerg was trying to take them down but they kept dancing and jumping around immune to all damage and then they vanished....re-appeared and continued dancing while immune to all damage.  Then just for the fun of it, they blew up another player with one hit.  Glad I was on the wall at the time because cheaters completely kill any little ounce of fun you might have been having and with things so messed up with classes and balance, fun is hard to come by.


It's not just WvW either....  I saw a player out in Drizzlwood...not going into details but lets just say, this player was doing something very fast in like 3 to 4 hits, that would normally take a small Zerg size group to do in like 30 seconds each.  Their damage was WAY beyond anything that's possible in game.  This guy/gal could have taken out a World Boss solo.


You can ignore that and continue to dream it up as players skills (phft!) or come to terms with the fact the untouchable, unscratchable players in PvP/WvW are most likey using a cheat.  There's no class that can go immune to all damge for several minutes....  Don't even try to feed me that.


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  • 6 months later...
On 6/18/2022 at 11:08 AM, Drax.7308 said:

Thats mi big problem with warrior, the build are so hard to do, there is no flexibiliti or diferent options, if you go full damage you die in seconds, if go healer you die bicose you don't do eny damage, 

Almost all builds are made with discipline and stregth 

But you die eny way, bicose other clases are wey more superior then you, as a warrior you just have acces to one combo area, with only one weapon : long bow 💩💩💩🤪

Warrior is not one of the clases with most defense in the game, for wath is that heavi armour, rangers are way miles away beter tanks than warriors

All weapon habilities are garbage in comparison with other classes 

With warrior just 2 or 3 are good



All the Class problems in the game reflect back on the developers.  They have created all this nonsense for Classes without considering how each thing they come up with is going to contrast with every other Class and the overall gameplay.  WvW is a mess, just look at what goes on...  Classes with high speed and "invul", high long range damage with super speed, 10+ Boons that activate at the start of battle against a poor boon Class (Necro), way too much CC, way too much cleansing and conditional damage dodging.


The Neco Class is also completely broken in WvW.  Core, Curses with Scepter....  That's designed for conditional damage but yet the "Devs" reduce all condi damage to nothing in WvW.  Look at the base damage on Scepter, Focus, Dagger and Axe...  That base damage is way too low for WvW so even if you could stack up to 2.7 power with sigils and food (not counting might), it won't make a differnce in WvW because it barely makes a difference in PvE.  Necros do not have 'CC' that pushes players back, root or launch.  Fear effect is way to short even when you extend it, so basically players are free to run right up on the Necro, drop real "CC" and do their worst, everytime.  Everything you do as a Necro is announced to the other player so they can dodge it.  Mark drops can be seen and dodged, Necro skills have cast time (E.g. Plaguelands) so the other player can see you dropping  it and and if you drop something like Plaguelands, it's so tiny and doesn't grow, players can walk around it, roll through it or just stand in the middle of it because it's conditional damage which is destroyed in WvW.  One of the biggest brain dead things I'm seeing right now in WvW with the Necro is the fact, everything the Class throw a other Classes, they seem to be immune to it...yeah....regular attacks can't land and that's without "invul."  You can't get anymore broken than that!


So Warrior isn't the only broken Class and players who run the more "OP" Classes in WvW are taking advantage of the developers poor concepts and design.  Players are using extended versions of 'invulnerability' (cheaters) to basically take zero damage while you throw your best at them and this leaves them free to do their worst and if for some reason they get into trouble, super speed bursts and teleporting gets them away for a full heal up or they go 'invul' again.  How the heck are players absorbing so much damage...  You can stack Vit and Toughness to the moon with a Necro and even add carapace stacks, and you still take damage like you have zero defense, while other Classes absorb everything you toss at them.


That's not PvP, that's garbage!


World of Warcraft wasn't that bad!


On top of the ridiculous Class designs, WvW is a gank fest!  You're either being ganked by a Big Zerg, Smaller Zerg, Single Hacker or Single "ArenaNet Baby."  The "Babies" are the worst!  You know when you're facing a cheater because the encounter will be totally one sided...you might even spend the entire time "CC'ed" on the ground.


Guildwars 2 Classes all have a ceiling because of the game design, obtainable Legendary and Ascension gear and Spec Mechanics.  It's not hard to notice when players are going way beyond their class ceiling.



"Typos" suck,





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On 6/18/2022 at 4:12 PM, Hotride.2187 said:

You are better off playing spvp conquest if you only have war. If you can gear and play something else, ranger is probably your best pick. Its very close to warrior and has more builds you can try. Boonbeast is probably a good start, or just the one wolf pack longbow ganker build.

Of all classes..you suggest the one that is even worst than warrior in wvw....

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On 11/3/2022 at 7:24 PM, Horace.3184 said:



It's not a matter of learing how to play.  Seriously, why do players treat these poorly developed games like there's some grand secret scheme one must learn in order to PvP well...  You're putting on gear, buffs and clicking actions....it's not rocket science.  Every player is going to come across the same material in game and can craft/farm ascension or legendary.  Meta Builds are based on somebody elses thoughts, so they're posted online but you're better off experimenting for yourself.


With 'OP' classes (excluding the weakest, Neco), "bullet proofing", stuns, roots, knockdowns, pulls. lanches, etc...  Toss in the players who are using a hacker tool to walk around immune to all damage or jacking up their power attribute to 9999 and you have a mess that'll you'll get caught up in if you're one of the players who are playing without cheating.


You can do everything right on your own meta build and witness yourself not even scratching another player, even with a 3+k power attribute and you have to go with power because conditional damage is a joke.  It's implemented in the game wrong and players in WvW can just cleanse it...or not.  Some players just ignore conditional damage, especially coming from a Necro's marks because marks are useless...just like the trait that gives health bassed on a percentage of conditional damage (Necro); the healing is so low, it's non-existent, thus wasting a trait spot.  Yeah, the Necro is that bad compared to other classes.


Bottomline,  you can be great on a particular class but it's going to come down to the "OP" and the cheaters.  They will always win and that's why GW2 has the worst PvP/WvW ever made.


Hell, just today I seen another player in WvW dancing around immune to everything.  A small Zerg was trying to take them down but they kept dancing and jumping around immune to all damage and then they vanished....re-appeared and continued dancing while immune to all damage.  Then just for the fun of it, they blew up another player with one hit.  Glad I was on the wall at the time because cheaters completely kill any little ounce of fun you might have been having and with things so messed up with classes and balance, fun is hard to come by.


It's not just WvW either....  I saw a player out in Drizzlwood...not going into details but lets just say, this player was doing something very fast in like 3 to 4 hits, that would normally take a small Zerg size group to do in like 30 seconds each.  Their damage was WAY beyond anything that's possible in game.  This guy/gal could have taken out a World Boss solo.


You can ignore that and continue to dream it up as players skills (phft!) or come to terms with the fact the untouchable, unscratchable players in PvP/WvW are most likey using a cheat.  There's no class that can go immune to all damge for several minutes....  Don't even try to feed me that.


It's just god-awful balance "managed" by less than stellar devs...the class design in GW2 is truly kitten

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On 6/18/2022 at 4:34 PM, Drax.7308 said:

Hello, new player here 

I notice that in wvw the damage is so low 

Mi main caracter is a warrior, in pve can make 25.000 damage, but in wvw can just make 3.000, and that change from weapon 

If a take hammer it just make 1.000 damage 

In pvp arena i make good damage and sometimes have good figths and kills, but in wvw i never take down a player alone

Did you now if theres a wvw habiliti point, to get your normal damage? 

Hello there new player. Unfortunately you have decided to join wvw at a time when silly celestial bunker builds are dominating. 


This however dos not mean that u can't play other builds. But no matter what, u will struggle against the celestial builds. As we all do, no matter how experienced we are.


As for your build, I my self have been playing war for years. And it's a super flexible class. If your playing cor war, I suggest playing axe/shield with greatsword. Since longbow isnt super effective in wvw, do to lack of damage and very slow projectiles. Axe/axe is good for groups, but if ur alone u really want axe and shield. For sustain and cc, and damage ofc. Dont know what stats ur running, but for wvw I suggest full marauder, with either pack, durability or brawler runes. For cor I suggest discipline, strength and defences traitline. Defences traitline got some serious buff a few patches ago, and is almost a must now for any war roaming build. 


U can also go bersker war(what im currently playing) for even more sustain or more damage. Depending on what traits u choose in berserker. This build also includes defences traitline and discipline. U really dont wanna be playing with out discipline. Since there is a lot of value in 5s weapon swap trait. 


The rest ofc is just down to plain old practice and experience. So keep at it, and u will slowly start to see changes in ur dmg output. 





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