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Grouch asked for Feedback after the patch.


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7 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

drop 4 banners and watch the minimum boon uptime you get LOL

Careful now, you might get 10, that’s right, T E N, ten seconds of quickness! It’ll make you absolutely LETHAL. 

obvious /s incase any one else out there is as dense as I am.

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Just came back from examining banners in game. Yikes.


One (1) might per tick of Strength? There's passive traits that pump out five (5) per pulse! Strength needs to either pump out more Might or give something to help with Warrior's melee focus (ie, Swiftness). Of anything, this banner needs the most help.

Discipline giving steady Fury is arguably decent, but other professions' abilities should be balanced with their own uptime-per-utility in mind, and either bring those down or up Discipline to match. 

Defense should be tilted toward Protection and Resolution, 1 second per pulse. Though I'm pleasantly surprised to see Resistance there. 

Roll Resistance into Tactics, so it also pulls double duty. Defensive options outside of Aegis aren't as well valued, so they should do more for not being DPS. 

Battle Standard should be the major Quickness provider if banners are meant to do so. It's an elite skill, but the boons it provides are given elsewhere, and they're not even very potent. Ramp it up and give Quickness and Stability if it's going to be a badkitten 120 sec cooldown. I might be shooting for the moon on some of these, but Warrior can't afford undertuned adjustments at this point.


Though that's just banner tweaks. I'm sure others have advice on [gestures wildly] the rest that needs fixing. 

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10 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

... It was a joke.  I was making fun of the fact that they said they'd look at feedback after the patch, like it somehow invalidated all of the feedback made before the patch.  


It doesn't, but being able to actually play the balance update and then giving feedback lets them know that you tried it and you have found in action things that don't work and why.

Everything before the updates release is theory and while you guys can be and are super knowledgeable, it helps for them to see it in action within the community first.

The stuff before isn't invalid, the ones after have the proof to back it up better now. Like science, you have your hypothesis and then you test it.

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10 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Just going to put this out there ... I'm betting the feedback that is most useful is the priorities Anet should be looking at, not suggestions on how to change something specific. 

Give top three concerns for PVE and competitive modes. That's all. Try it, seriously. 

Anticipating the patch dropping in the next 10 minutes, I'm likely going to start my list like this:


1. I'm concerned that Warrior will not compete in the quickness role due to a combination of having a heavily loaded, strict build requirement and skill rotation to achieve 100% quickness uptime. 

 This sounds really good actually, because it isn't up to us to suggest half a billion fixes that are all different. They need to know our concerns so Obtena has a point.

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5 minutes ago, hellsqueen.3045 said:


It doesn't, but being able to actually play the balance update and then giving feedback lets them know that you tried it and you have found in action things that don't work and why.

Everything before the updates release is theory and while you guys can be and are super knowledgeable, it helps for them to see it in action within the community first.

The stuff before isn't invalid, the ones after have the proof to back it up better now. Like science, you have your hypothesis and then you test it.

it was and probably still is invalid to them, it was all a for show, if only they had good results to back it up, but even that is wishful thinking.


you telling us to wait basically, we been waiting for years, i for one have been waiting for years. don't really care about technicalities at this point. results matter. 

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clearly the removal of pick up CD reduction is an after thought.

because they don't want banners to be instantly picked up for more quickness, because they know the boon is garbage.

so they force it and removing the cd reduction mechanic, 

just copied back the old pick and plant mechanic for placeholder but without the banner skills

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5 minutes ago, eXruina.4956 said:

it was and probably still is invalid to them, it was all a for show, if only they had good results to back it up, but even that is wishful thinking.


you telling us to wait basically, we been waiting for years, i for one have been waiting for years. don't really care about technicalities at this point. results matter. 

Yup. Exactly. Everything else is just fluff.

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7 minutes ago, eXruina.4956 said:

it was and probably still is invalid to them, it was all a for show, if only they had good results to back it up, but even that is wishful thinking.


you telling us to wait basically, we been waiting for years, i for one have been waiting for years. don't really care about technicalities at this point. results matter. 

i wouldn't be surprised if these guys are paid damage control or simply just anet employee themselves.

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I get the knockdown from 10 to 5. I even get the boons and quickness. I just don't like the picking up the banner part. We did that at launch only then we also had special skills. Is the picking up (only done by the warrior that dropped them) just a place holder till something better is worked out? Also, not a grip but a request, can we get an Elite shout skill? I usually take banner for the elite but would really like a full shout build for my open world roaming. Feels really good to have 5 heal skills granted when I play the only time, I actually use my heal is in "Oh Crap" moments. Keep up the good work, I know it's a living game and everything changes, and people will find a way to synergize and overcome.

EDIT: I seen a suggestion in another tread that seems sharable here. instead of rooting the banners to the ground and having revert back to picking them up. Why not place them on the back of the warrior that way we are still mobile and have access to our weapon skills again. Aside from ranger spirits I can't think of any other class that gets rooted to one place for long periods of time just to provide boons.

Edited by fable spirt.8465
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11 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Just going to put this out there ... I'm betting the feedback that is most useful is the priorities Anet should be looking at, not suggestions on how to change something specific. 

Give top three concerns for PVE and competitive modes. That's all. Try it, seriously. 

Anticipating the patch dropping in the next 10 minutes, I'm likely going to start my list like this:


1. I'm concerned that Warrior will not compete in the quickness role due to a combination of having a heavily loaded, strict build requirement and skill rotation to achieve 100% quickness uptime. 

i don't question their process, the results on the other hand is another story.


there have been tons of productive feedback over the years, citing all the problems of warrior, reposted throughout the years, you expect me to believe they are in the process of doing something about it now? when they've had all those years to do so?


many credible people actually went through great lengths, and cited the problems in great detail.


i am sick and tired of all the talk. just do it.. or in anet's case don't. 


how the kitten did they manage to make warrior much much worse. if they were really working towards making it better. and years don't forget, its not in a span of a few months, its over years with sparce changes if any, and they managed to make it much MUCH worse.

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pickup banner is bad and stupid ,tats why anet change it previously. Revert it back.

Banner boon stack too low.

Quickness just bad with tiny duration on banner.


Obviously Bladesworn new skill is bugged if they take few min to press the button b4 release the patch they will know it

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2 hours ago, Ronnie Hu.1694 said:

pickup banner is bad and stupid ,tats why anet change it previously. Revert it back.

Banner boon stack too low.

Quickness just bad with tiny duration on banner.


Obviously Bladesworn new skill is bugged if they take few min to press the button b4 release the patch they will know it

i find it truly inconceivable, i mean its their profession, their job, nobody expects them to be leaps and bounds genius rocket scientists, but there is a limit to how much even a dedicated community can take.


these people, the devs, the elitists, the streamers can look down on the community and the gamers all they want but at the end of the day, we are their target market, we are their consumers, we are the people buying their product.


if they don't want to take it at least with a bare minimum of seriousness to be functionally stable, why be in the industry at all. open a burger joint somewhere or something. and balance the fat to lean ratio instead, that works too, and i love me some good burgers.

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2 hours ago, eXruina.4956 said:

i find it truly inconceivable, i mean its their profession, their job, nobody expects them to be leaps and bounds genius rocket scientists, but there is a limit to how much even a dedicated community can take.

Do you think it's maybe anet is limit testing? See how much low they can go before the player starts leaving in a good amount?

After all it's best for company interest to deliver the very minimum but gain maximum profit/attention/etc2?

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Honestly, they could have left warrior banners the way they were. Just change Double Standard to apply quickness instead of applying to 10 people and double the banner effects. Just revert it back to the March 5th, 2019 patch. The boons they apply now are minout and don't make a difference.

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I've been playing, and reading the forums, since a couple of months after launch.

Bugs reported on the forums are seldom fixed. The recent update to instance walls fixes a bug that's been in the game since at least 2014!

Complaints, suggestions and balance feedback by the players is never, never responded to or followed by the developers. Please prove me wrong. Please name one time where people wrote a complaint or suggestion about a powers/skills change on this forum and the developers actually implemented that change.

I'm not going to even try to tell you, or anyone else, what to do with your time. But can we just admit that posting feedback on this forum is a complete waste of time?

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Feedback? Hahahahahahaha ... (deep breath - in, and out) Ah, just no. 

Not here in the warrior forums, anyway. "A waste of time" is a gross understatement.

Well, ok, one small, inconsequential bit: my Warrior deleted until such time the studio decides, if ever, to make the class whole and viable compared to its peers.

Until such time, adios, mis amigos :classic_cool:

Edited by Duglaive.5236
a little added clarity
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Top 3 PVE Concerns for Warrior:

  1. I Don't Exist anymore. I am too complex and rewarded too little to compete.
  2. Banner changes were a cruel joke. This change will limit my potential for expansions of my roles in future.
  3. I have nothing I excel at doing. I do not even have a unique niche to claim as my own. 
Edited by Myxam.2790
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