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A new GW2 players observations of the game

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Just a note on aggro mechanics. There is an aggro outside of specific instances and in open world. If you are in an area and mobs are higher level than you, they will prioritise attacking you. If you are too under leveled, their range of detection is much higher than normal. 

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14 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Ok, so listen. I agree with some of the other things that you said in your OP and they could be legitimate things the game could do better. Section 4 that I quoted above is where I'm gonna butt heads, because it's just... Illogical.


You're essentially asking the question "why was this game not perfectly balanced upon launch," which honestly screams to me that your experience with other MMOs is not as deep as you claim it is. There will never be any game that is perfectly balanced and bug-free upon launch, it simply does not happen. First off, there is absolutely no way to detect every single possible interaction issue during game production. Second, this game had hundreds of skills and traits to manage just on LAUNCH. Then, for every expansion, you expect them to have perfectly tested every single possible interaction that could happen between existing skills and new skills so there should be zero room for error.


I'm not gonna say that Anet hasn't made some mistakes in balancing over the years, but from a game design perspective, what you're asking for is ignorant and unreasonable, and doing that level of testing for every skill on every class against every player or mob or boss would delay game and expansion releases by literal years. Instant gratification doesn't work for this.


Ok. You can your head.


WHY must a game, THIS game, have "balance" between the classes. 


These are classes btw, designed to fulfill roles in the game, which, btw, is also a game designed to be a classic RPG MMO. We KNOW this because the gameplay itself tells us so. I'll reference Human race for this...


You create your character. You pick a race which determines starting area, story line. You pick your class, which each one can fulfill roles in the game; tank, dps or healer. Some are better at it than others. We KNOW they fulfill roles because you have raids, where you NEED these roles.


You are given a starting quest. You are then led to the scout that tells you where each subsequent quest area is located. At lvl 10, you open your story line, and, are again led through each story chapter.


So... WHY must a Guardian be balanced with a Mesmer? 




Tell me WHY this balance MUST exist in a classic RPG MMO where each class is designed to fulfill a role.

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20 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

Why do ppl use their gaming “age” as a point to seem more valid when it comes to criticize games? It doesn’t make your experience with games more valuable or more right. Your view of this game is worth the same as a completely new mmo player. Gw2 is an unique game. Not like other mmos in general, and if that’s not for you then I suggest you move on. To me it seems you just don’t know how gw2 works yet and make assumptions about the game. Gw2 cater to a completely different pool of players then any of the games you mentioned. Which is why they have the success they do. 


Great question.


If my car breaks, who am I going to listen to... the guy with 40 yrs experience fixing cars, or, the guy who picked up a wrench a year ago?


With over 40 yrs of gaming, from PONG, to ZORK, to the first RPG Bard's Tale, through every console, every generation of computers, watching the evolution of gaming from 2d, to 3d, isometric to first person, the first MMO... yes, my experience is more grounded in gaming than someone who started gaming with CoD, or Fortnite, because they weren't there when gaming started, much less computer/console gaming.


"Gw2 cater to a completely different pool of players then any of the games you mentioned."


Really? And what "pool" of players is so different than any of the games I mentioned, much less any other game on the market now or in the past?

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13 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

It was intended from the start that GW2 combat take more of an every man for himself approach.  That's why there are no tanks and inscrutable threat mechanics.   They want you to use the provided mobility, healing, and evasion skills available to every class.


Then why have so many mechanics for aggro and not just one: random aggro. 


Why were taunt skills implemented if there are no tanks?

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6 minutes ago, valeran.3029 said:


Then why have so many mechanics for aggro and not just one: random aggro. 


Why were taunt skills implemented if there are no tanks?

Taunt doesn't work on bosses and it doesn't allow a player to hold aggro beyond the few seconds it last.  It is primarily used as a CC effect.  The only "tanking" (defined as the role that allows players to control boss movement and positioning) in GW2 comes in the form of contrived raid encounters where the boss fixates on the player with the highest toughness score.

As for why not just have random aggro?  I imagine it would be too easy to manipulate.  For example, with random aggro players could simply spread out and force enemies to run all over the place wasting time instead of attacking.  But mobs clearly demonstrate behaviors that prioritize certain actions based upon position and orientation of available targets rather than choosing targets and actions at random.

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1 minute ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Taunt doesn't work on bosses and it doesn't allow a player to hold aggro beyond the few seconds it last.  It is primarily used as a CC effect.  The only "tanking" (defined as the role that allows players to control boss movement and positioning) in GW2 comes in the form of contrived raid encounters where the boss fixates on the player with the highest toughness score.

As for why not just have random aggro?  I imagine it would be too easy to manipulate.  For example, with random aggro players could simply spread out and force enemies to run all over the place wasting time instead of attacking.  But mobs clearly demonstrate behaviors that prioritize certain actions based upon position and orientation of available targets rather than choosing targets and actions at random.


Yes. Every "skill" only lasts a few seconds. From boons, to cc, with a cooldown timer that can be 30+ secs. So yes, taunt skills aren't different in that regard. They DO, however, bring aggro TO that class, even for the limited time. So yes, I agree that the taunt skills are more of a CC than actual taunt that holds aggro until broken.


Yes. Tanking is relative in GW2 given that the aggro mechanic is all over the place... which... is one of the problems I highlighted and the wiki even confirms is all over the place.


As for manipulation? How? I just ran an event on my lvl 74 (75 now?) ranger. It was a defense event. Veteran, Elite and Champion mobs as well as regular mobs. Wave after wave. Sure some of them went after high levels, high toughness, maybe even high dps... and too many of them came after me. What is different there between the current aggro mechanics and just having a set random if aggro doesn't matter, if it's so convoluted through the numerous systems that everyone is having aggro? 


As another person replied, it's about mobility, evasion, looking out for yourself with your heal, utility skills...




That heal is on cooldown. Mobility? Means kitten when archers are hitting you regardless of where you move to. Evasion? From who? That melee mob while the archer is STILL hitting you? "BUT BUT you have a heal" that is one shot then on cooldown.


In that situation? You die. You go through your fight to survive mechanic, come up, heal goes on cooldown and you're plinked again... go down again.


There is a difference between challenging and just flat out annoying because there is no aggro mechanic you can rely upon, no way to deal with the mechanics designed into the game other than just get higher level, higher gear, higher damage, to outlast that assault. "BUT BUT your skills!" Mean nothing when they have a 30+ second cooldown. 


I said it in the OP. There are good things I like about GW2. There are things I see in the game that are just bad design choices. SOME are horrendous choices the devs made.

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18 minutes ago, valeran.3029 said:


Yes. Every "skill" only lasts a few seconds. From boons, to cc, with a cooldown timer that can be 30+ secs. So yes, taunt skills aren't different in that regard. They DO, however, bring aggro TO that class, even for the limited time. So yes, I agree that the taunt skills are more of a CC than actual taunt that holds aggro until broken.


Yes. Tanking is relative in GW2 given that the aggro mechanic is all over the place... which... is one of the problems I highlighted and the wiki even confirms is all over the place.


As for manipulation? How? I just ran an event on my lvl 74 (75 now?) ranger. It was a defense event. Veteran, Elite and Champion mobs as well as regular mobs. Wave after wave. Sure some of them went after high levels, high toughness, maybe even high dps... and too many of them came after me. What is different there between the current aggro mechanics and just having a set random if aggro doesn't matter, if it's so convoluted through the numerous systems that everyone is having aggro? 


As another person replied, it's about mobility, evasion, looking out for yourself with your heal, utility skills...




That heal is on cooldown. Mobility? Means kitten when archers are hitting you regardless of where you move to. Evasion? From who? That melee mob while the archer is STILL hitting you? "BUT BUT you have a heal" that is one shot then on cooldown.


In that situation? You die. You go through your fight to survive mechanic, come up, heal goes on cooldown and you're plinked again... go down again.


There is a difference between challenging and just flat out annoying because there is no aggro mechanic you can rely upon, no way to deal with the mechanics designed into the game other than just get higher level, higher gear, higher damage, to outlast that assault. "BUT BUT your skills!" Mean nothing when they have a 30+ second cooldown. 


I said it in the OP. There are good things I like about GW2. There are things I see in the game that are just bad design choices. SOME are horrendous choices the devs made.

Look.  You're new.  I know you want to use your vast experience with other games and apply it here.  I understand the feeling as I've been gaming since the "Bard's Tale" days myself.  Maybe you're right and this game would be better off it were a standard trinity design with proper tanks and healers (I've certainly argued that case before!).  But that isn't the game we have and it does make sense (especially in solo play!) once you become more experienced with the game's systems.

It's not about better gear in this game.  It's about sharper play.  You're still leveling, so you haven't reached the baseline yet, but when you do the difference between cheap, ubiquitous exotic gear and the best-of-the-best legendary gear is only 5% stats.  It isn't going to dramatically improve your performance the way gear does in most other MMOs.

You say your skills don't mean anything here because they're on long cooldowns.  Okay.  Let me show you.  Here's a sample video.  I'm using a melee build here to fight a champion that spams pulls, knockdowns, and knockbacks.  Almost every move he makes will CC me if it lands.  Yet I'm able to fight him without getting CC'd at all and only taking a few hits the entire fight.  I'm utilizing a combination of positioning, dodges, and defensive cooldowns to make this possible.  It's also worth noting that I'm using all common green gear in this clip with nothing over 15 silver in price.



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Just two points as a ten year veteran player of GW2.

  1. Ranger aggro is broken.  It's a meme between me and my friends.  I play a reaper and one of my friends plays a ranger.  When we play together mobs that I attack will aggro onto the ranger even when his pet is passive or untamed merged.  Even when he is standing still with his hands off the keyboard.  We have tested every scenario we can think of to explain this without any definitive answer.  I've stacked toughness, health, had him unequip group buffs, no spirits, everything.  Whatever I aggro will instantly go towards him, though sometimes if he's far enough away it will turn back to me before reaching him.  literally have observed entire packs of monsters that I aggroed from melee range pathing towards him first.  Even made a character with an alphabetical name before his to see if it was that, nope, just ranger.  And it's not a sometimes... it's an every time.  Not anecdotal, we've actually tested it.
  2. ArenaNet does not make small balance changes most of the time.  They routinely take specs from broken, to hideously overpowered, to unviable.  Just look at the patch notes. When you see multipliers and damage numbers adjusted by over 200%. in some cases you can't say it's a small change.  That said, I have yet to play a balanced MMO.  Even World of Warcraft which has a player test realm and more resources then any other MMORPG has significant balance problems more often than not.
Edited by Myrkkin.7921
poor phrasing
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3 hours ago, valeran.3029 said:


Great question.


If my car breaks, who am I going to listen to... the guy with 40 yrs experience fixing cars, or, the guy who picked up a wrench a year ago?


With over 40 yrs of gaming, from PONG, to ZORK, to the first RPG Bard's Tale, through every console, every generation of computers, watching the evolution of gaming from 2d, to 3d, isometric to first person, the first MMO... yes, my experience is more grounded in gaming than someone who started gaming with CoD, or Fortnite, because they weren't there when gaming started, much less computer/console gaming.


"Gw2 cater to a completely different pool of players then any of the games you mentioned."


Really? And what "pool" of players is so different than any of the games I mentioned, much less any other game on the market now or in the past?

Bad analogy. You play games. You do not work with them and have statistics and data like anet does. You’re not the worker in this setting you’re the customer. If a restaurant you’ve been to decides to change their menu after 40 year, you could for sure tell your opinion about it. Say the food sucks and criticize all you want. But it wouldn’t change that new customers might love the new menu. And their opinion is worth the same since they are customers as well. 

Besides many times ppl who just educated have better understanding since things change over time. Even with cars. Mechanics now use a lot of data to fix things when before it was all about finding it out manually. So experience in this matter is irrelevant.

gw2 cater to casual players who doesn’t like to pay subscriptions. That can take a break from the game a year, come back and their gear is still relevant. Basically players here usually play it for fun and don’t really care about the meta or pvp, raids, cm strikes or fractals. They are chill players which is why you see so many players when doing world bosses or open world events. 

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4 hours ago, valeran.3029 said:


Great question.


If my car breaks, who am I going to listen to... the guy with 40 yrs experience fixing cars, or, the guy who picked up a wrench a year ago?

Well even if that guy has 40 years of experience and is a master of combustion engines, I'd still rather ask the 1 year experienced certified electric vehicle mechanic for advice on repairing my electric vehicle.

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On 7/7/2022 at 6:45 PM, valeran.3029 said:

1) Insta-spawn.

Many players don't realize how different things are for new players.  Before you're optimized and geared, it's very easy to find that the time it takes killing enemies is practically enough for the enemies you started fighting to respawn on you.  It's not like you clear a mob and then it waits and respawns the mob.  As far as enemies just on the map (rather than driven by some event), you remove enemies one by one and every one is ticking away towards respawn.  Take longer on something, and everything is that much closer to respawn.


Basically, never stand where there were enemies.  Fight, then leave.  If there were (or are) enemies, it's not safe to do anything unless you want to be back in combat.  Find an enemy-free spot and do your things there.  Also, higher level areas tend to have a lot less enemy-free space to hang about, and events can easily flip safe space (even waypoints) to sudden conflict.


As far as aggro, I'm glad enemies aggro more loosely.  The "trinity" has always been a ridiculously absurd gaming crutch that should never have been foisted on gamers.  If you're in a fight with an enemy, you may have to deal with that enemy.  Don't try to shoehorn some gimmicky nonsense to protect you from that, and just deal with it.  Active defense is a key aspect of the game, and hiding from aggro isn't needed and doesn't belong.

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On 7/8/2022 at 3:06 AM, LSD.4673 said:

Did people seriously believe that? Do people seriously still believe that?

That was marketing speak. The game quickly developed a meta with roles to fill. Expansions quickly adopted the idea of building around specific roles.

GW2 has poorly implemented roles, but they're roles all the same. Sure you can play open world however you want™, but if you want to join anything in any way structured...you're looking at fulfilling roles.

Most people do not care about that type of content.


And it would be nice if Anet stopped trying to force that type of content onto players and indeed got rid of healing/stacking gameplay and reverted to the original concept of the game.

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4 hours ago, valeran.3029 said:

Posted by the person that can't even begin to match MY life.

Can't be that great if I have to read so many comments about how great it is.

For your original points, 3) would be nice to see cave entries and layouts. 4) "game is not balanced" is a very big statement, probably you want to focus on specific aspects, or at least list them. But yeah, I doubt balancing professions has been a priority for the last several years. At least judging from the results.

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On 7/7/2022 at 11:45 PM, valeran.3029 said:

While I'm new to GW2, I'm not new to gaming having played PONG when it released in '76 on home console and every RPG worth its salt on every console, pc, since that time. IE, I've been gaming for over 40 years.

Let me remind you that nobody cares about your 40 year "experience" in gaming. You've played every RPG you think is worth it's salt and prefacing your post with "I know better because I'm old" is just tragic.

On 7/7/2022 at 11:45 PM, valeran.3029 said:

1) Insta-spawn.

I get that with an MMO, you want mobs to respawn fairly quickly so players don't walk into a dead zone when they need to finish heart quests. But, when you kill a mob, start walking away, and it respawns behind you... putting you right back into instant combat... that is too fast. 

Looks like a classic case of user problem there. "the game is too fast!" you say. No, the game is just faster than what you were used to back in '76. people don't want snail pace in 2022, keep up with the times.

On 7/7/2022 at 11:45 PM, valeran.3029 said:

2) Aggro.

Seriously. THIS is one of the largest problems with GW2. I have LITERALLY been standing there doing nothing as a mob was being attacked by THREE other players, but because I was "within range", it attacked ME. Really? Mobs will randomly just attack anything in range regardless of it is in combat with other players? That isn't even an aggro system. That is a LACK of an aggro system. At the MINIMUM, mobs should be coded to attack players that are actively engaged in combat over players that aren't. The same is true with the Ranger class and pet bear, of which I am running. The bear is engaged in combat with a mob. I'm at distance firing bow at mob. Mob is shooting at ME, totally ignoring bear, which, isn't that the TANK pet? You know... TANK... that thing in the holy trinity where you hold aggro of a boss, miniboss, etc, while the DPS can act? 

Clearly you got something wrong there, you probably attacked the mob before or your pet did to attract aggro. As mentioned it may be a case of higher toughness and the fact that you attacked the mob before your pet. Also this game lacks holy trinity structure so I don't know why you would bring that up.

On 7/7/2022 at 11:45 PM, valeran.3029 said:

3) Map.

There needs to be a way to view the map of caverns. You have a map of the overland area, but, once you're in a cavern, suddenly all you can see is a little distance? Yes, this is a problem.

No this isn't a problem. You've walked into a cave with little visibility and the devs want you to experience the shift to an "unexplored" piece of terrain. Is this really so difficult to grasp?

On 7/7/2022 at 11:45 PM, valeran.3029 said:

4) Rebalancing.

They are constantly trying to rebalance things and adjust classes and skills over the last 10 years while adding new mechanics with elite specs.

Yes, they don't have a 500 person team testing each aspect, but they have always been making changes to try to improve how playing the game feels.


in summary - If you have so many complaints which are based on GW2 not being the same "one of the other games you've played over the last 2000 years" then maybe this isn't the one for you. 

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6 hours ago, valeran.3029 said:


"I'll start with your comments about level-based gearing, because you are entirely incorrect."


Leveled gear isn't new. If you are lvl 70 using lvl 40 gear, you are screwed. This isn't even arguable. So you start off just stupid.

No, you are not. You might not be in the best place, but you are not in fact "screwed" because the scaling system, which in this case works against you, still delivers some useful stats.

To make this short: any and ALL arguments in regards to gearing for GW2 from a MMORPG point of view are moot. This game even during leveling has a very flat gearing system.

Gearing has almost nothing to do with what you experienced.


"Every single multiplayer game on the market goes through balance passes"


No. Every single MMO with pvp goes through "balance" changes... to appease pvp'rs... period.

I could be snappy or somehow sarcastic, but I'll keep it short: you are mistaken and it takes only a few glimpses at other HUGE pve MMORPGs to disprove your claim. WoW and FF14 being the top examples in the western market atm and those games are definitely not balanced around their pvp only and are most certainly not pvp centric games. Nor has balance in those games ever been "done".

Unless you are referring to single player RPGs, which certainly do see an end to their development lifecycle. Again, those are NOT MMORPGs.


"Bottom line, it kinda just feels like this game is not for you. And I really enjoy welcoming new players to the game, but it seems like every aspect is a problem"


Whether it is or not remains to be seen. Some things I like. Some things the devs have done I don't. 

and that is what it comes down to. You either like the different direction the game has in some areas, or you don't. What you won't get is a major shift in many because this game is built on being different in those areas and has been for nearly 10 years.


"A solution for both of us: quit now, and please don't come back until your outlook is a bit less toxic for the community. It's nobody's fault but your own that you don't have an understanding of the way the gaming industry works in this day and age."


One thing I have seen? The community IN GAME is far different than the people on the forum. Because this "just leave" is kitten. Why should I "just leave" and NOT just tell the devs where they are kitten up? And WHY are people on the forum telling me to leave when the people IN GAME are more then willing to help new players?


See the difference here?

I'm pretty sure you also do not communicate with players in game the way you did on the forums. Might want to go through how you responded to comments in this thread first, then consider where and how your interaction with others might have been different versus in game.

Unless cursing and attacking others simply for disagreeing with you was met with saints in the game its self, in which case you got lucky with some very patient players.


Take a step back from what you "think" you know. Try to take some of the advice given to heart given most of your issues are beginner related and see if you can enjoy the game. For anything else, maybe take a less toxic approach to communicating with others and you should be fine.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Just read the entire post and I wanna say a few things:


First of all: There's no real aggro mechanic outside of certain specific encounters on Raids. Not even all raid bosses have a tanking mechanic.


When we say there's no typical holy trinity roles, we don't mean there're no roles. We have boon supports and dps. Boons supports usually build arround doing that, giving boon to everyone while also doing damage OR healing. Also, all classes can do everything, so that's why we don't have specific roles for specific classes. Just that.


The way the combat system works it's pretty complex and hard to learn for new players, and that's what you're probably having issues with. I had a lot of issues when I was a new players, 8 years ago, and I've been constantly dying to open world and instanced mobs for years and years. I always thought it was because my class (Elementalist, the most squishy class) was bad designed to survive, but no. The game gives you so many options to survive, but you probably won't know how to use them:


Skills that blocks projectiles, that blocks attacks, that reflect projectiles, protection boon to reduce incoming damage, dodges, skills that also works as dodges, barriers, non-damaging conditions like BLIND (probably the most important one for surviving), passive healing from regeneration, traits, skills or whatever + your own dedicated healing.


There're so many ways to handle each encounter, but you just need to get used to it. That's it.


Also, something that I want to clarify too: GW2 Wiki is not done by devs. It's a wiki completly made by players. Everyone can write things on the Wiki, so when you red the Aggro section from the wiki, that's something other players started to write mostly with the adding of the Raids to the game (when the first expansion came out).


And please, keep calm. It feels like you're yelling all the time to the screen while arguing about things that you dislike of the game. You're not giving any constructive criticism, just destructive criticism.

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"I know what im talking about, i understand all the mechanics in this game perfectly,  i got to level 74 playing through the easiest content in this game that is almost devoid of anything that requires you to actually utilize this games mechanics yet still died a bunch, dont tell me i dont know what im talking about"

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9 hours ago, valeran.3029 said:


"I'll start with your comments about level-based gearing, because you are entirely incorrect."


Leveled gear isn't new. If you are lvl 70 using lvl 40 gear, you are screwed. This isn't even arguable. So you start off just stupid.


"Every single multiplayer game on the market goes through balance passes"


No. Every single MMO with pvp goes through "balance" changes... to appease pvp'rs... period.


"Bottom line, it kinda just feels like this game is not for you. And I really enjoy welcoming new players to the game, but it seems like every aspect is a problem"


Whether it is or not remains to be seen. Some things I like. Some things the devs have done I don't. 


"A solution for both of us: quit now, and please don't come back until your outlook is a bit less toxic for the community. It's nobody's fault but your own that you don't have an understanding of the way the gaming industry works in this day and age."


One thing I have seen? The community IN GAME is far different than the people on the forum. Because this "just leave" is kitten. Why should I "just leave" and NOT just tell the devs where they are kitten up? And WHY are people on the forum telling me to leave when the people IN GAME are more then willing to help new players?


See the difference here?




Welcome to the GW2 forums Echo chambers, enjoy your stay 😂

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10 hours ago, valeran.3029 said:

."Every single multiplayer game on the market goes through balance passes"


No. Every single MMO with pvp goes through "balance" changes... to appease pvp'rs... period.



Nope, every MMO regardless of PvP goes through balance patches as long as it is receiving updates. Nearly all MMOs have stat-based gearing and you can never really tell how things will work a few years down the line when players went from having X crit to having 10X crit. Almost every MMO also has PvP...even ones where it is not the focus like FFXIV. And alas, they also have balance patches regardless of PvP since, again, updates add new skills, or change rotations, and things need to be looked at again. Speaking of GW2 specifically, one of the biggest things to affect balance was the introduction of elite specs, a more grounded approach to support classes focused on buffing and healing,  and changes to how classes interact with content (which again, leads to a need to rebalance things). 



Whether it is or not remains to be seen. Some things I like. Some things the devs have done I don't. 


Welcome to every game ever, mate. 




One thing I have seen? The community IN GAME is far different than the people on the forum. Because this "just leave" is kitten. Why should I "just leave" and NOT just tell the devs where they are kitten up? And WHY are people on the forum telling me to leave when the people IN GAME are more then willing to help new players?



People who actively participate in a game's community outside of the game tend to be the ones who love it most. That can easily turn to toxicity when they see critics to the game. Doesn't justify them going after you and asking you to leave, but do get off your high horse thinking you hold the truth of what's right or wrong or how things should be. Specially if you're going to try and validate that with kitten-poor arguments like 'I've been playing games since the 70s' or 'I've played every RPG worth their salt so what I saw is the law".


Go to any game's forum or reddit with that horrid attitude and you'll meet much the same reaction. Except maybe WoW because we've been talking kitten about WoW for the better part of a decade.

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11 hours ago, valeran.3029 said:

Leveled gear isn't new. If you are lvl 70 using lvl 40 gear, you are screwed. This isn't even arguable. So you start off just stupid.

You didn't even read what I wrote, did you? It is arguable because you are factually incorrect with respect to this game, this is not WoW or LOTRO where everything you do is gear-dependant. Once again, people have beaten this game wearing NO ARMOR and using the base level 1 weapons you start with. Players have beaten every raid boss in the game wearing common gear. You're not screwed, you just have to be better.


11 hours ago, valeran.3029 said:

No. Every single MMO with pvp goes through "balance" changes... to appease pvp'rs... period.

So your claim is that all balance in PVE is caused by PVP play? How exactly? Anet divides balance updates BETWEEN game modes so that changes to skills in PVP/WVW largely do not affect PVE, it's been in literally all of their patch notes for the past several years. This is a baseless claim and simply shows that you don't have a basic understanding of how game DESIGN works. You can tout your "40 years experience playing games" all you want, but acting like you know everything there is to know about game development based solely on that is willfully ignorant.


11 hours ago, valeran.3029 said:

One thing I have seen? The community IN GAME is far different than the people on the forum. Because this "just leave" is kitten. Why should I "just leave" and NOT just tell the devs where they are kitten up? And WHY are people on the forum telling me to leave when the people IN GAME are more then willing to help new players?

Here's the thing, I pride myself on helping new players get into the game. I go to starter maps to help people understand the basics, and I run training groups for every strike mission in the game on a regular basis so that people get an idea of what endgame mechanics are like. What I'm NOT going to welcome is this clearly toxic personality of angry non-constructive criticism and talking like you know the game better than veterans who have been playing the game for 10 years. If you're going to come out the gate unwilling to have a respectful conversation, then why should I attempt to help you?

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7 hours ago, Swoo.5079 said:

Most people do not care about that type of content.


And it would be nice if Anet stopped trying to force that type of content onto players and indeed got rid of healing/stacking gameplay and reverted to the original concept of the game.

Thabk you for speaking on behalf of the community.

Truly the LWS1-era was such a wonderful time for the game: when people asking "what do we do now we're 80?" were being ravenously attacked on the forums and told to replay Queensdale, because of how unique this game was.

Wake up from the delusion. WvW is one of the few truly unique aspects of GW2. It revolves around structured squads. Fractals are an alright take on usual instanced dungeons: they require structured groups. 

What else exactly is it that you deem "most players" care about? Open world mechanic-less high-hp golems with flashy AoEs? Truly the epitome of the GW2 experience.

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Often a fresh new perspective can help make a game that much better. We can be so used to a system and  playing a certain way that a better alternative won't occur to us until a new voice question it.

However, sometimes, a lack of information is the main reason for those questions. As it seems to appear here. The OP is entitled to his opinions and questions but instead of discussing and listening to the comments, he is antagonistic to anyone who doesn't agree with him. Or simply ignoring comments that he can't readily argue against.

A few observations:

  • Number of years playing MMOs means almost absolutely nothing. It may make starting and navigating a new game easier but that's the full extent of it. Not everyone has the same talents, abilities or dedications. A fresh new player may be lots better than someone who has been playing for years. Someone who is totally immersed in the game for just one year will probably know the game better than a casual player of 10 years.
  • Regardless of how much of a veteran in MMOs the OP think he is, there are many who has played even longer than he has. Including those who are not a stranger to game designs.
  • If my car breaks, who am I going to listen to... the guy with 40 yrs experience fixing cars, or, the guy who picked up a wrench a year ago?  - If the guy has not progressed from simple car fixes after 40 years compared to a first year guy who is now his superior because of abilities, I'd listen to the 1st year guy. For example, I'd listen to someone who has only played the game for a couple of years for WvW advice if the player has lots of experience there, as opposed to listening to someone who has played for 10 years but has hardly step foot there.
  • Different game. different system. Until you learn the new game, a player regardless of how much gaming he has done before, is just as lost as anyone else.
  • The OP has a level 74 character. Which means he has barely scratch the surface of the game but already stated there are just bad design choices without actually having really tried them. What works for one game that OP has played before may not work for GW2. Just because they are different from previous experiences do not make them necessarily bad. That is not to say there are no flaws. But truly experience them first before passing judgements.

Posting on forum is less forgiving than chatting with players ingame. All your posts here are subjected to scrutiny and rebuttals. Ingame, most opinions are more casual and players simply do not have time to indulge you for long. We all have our mobs to kill and gold to farm. Chats are often ignored because we're too busy or has already scrolled up. That's why it'll seem more friendly.

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