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Nerf Stone Heart Trait


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It's unfun to play into and promotes a certain playstyle. It pretty much makes most power/ranged classes obsolete. Stone heart should be changed to reduce incoming critical dmg rather than being unable to crit at all. 

Edited by Hellz.3058
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I agree, It flat out just needs to reduce crit damage taken.

This trait nullifies traits with On-Hit Crit passives AND makes ferocity completely moot. This is far too powerful when all you need to do is camp earth attunement.


Edited by Aurawind.8429
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The fact you have to be sitting in earth is enough of a trade off. If anything I feel like each line needs a trait that promotes you camping a attunement for people that want to have a specific role they like to play as ele.

Fire -> Damage and High numbers

Air -> Mobility and fast cooldowns (Should be)

Water -> Strong heals, regens and cleansing

Earth -> Heavy defenses, blocks and hard to kill

Feel like stone heart is perfectly fine. 

Edited by iKeostuKen.2738
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2 hours ago, iKeostuKen.2738 said:

The fact you have to be sitting in earth is enough of a trade off. If anything I feel like each line needs a trait that promotes you camping a attunement for people that want to have a specific role they like to play as ele.

Fire -> Damage and High numbers

Air -> Mobility and fast cooldowns (Should be)

Water -> Strong heals, regens and cleansing

Earth -> Heavy defenses, blocks and hard to kill

Feel like stone heart is perfectly fine. 

Stone heart isn't fine, never was.

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When I see these kind of thread, I find it funny that the elementalist community was saying that I didn't know nothing when I was telling them to (ab)use this trait in sPvP maybe a year ago when the elementalist community was all "Other professions have more damage reduction, more armor, more toughness and more health than us, it's unfair!".




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1 hour ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

When I see these kind of thread, I find it funny that the elementalist community was saying that I didn't know nothing when I was telling them to (ab)use this trait in sPvP maybe a year ago when the elementalist community was all "Other professions have more damage reduction, more armor, more toughness and more health than us, it's unfair!".




Fire was better a year ago because core necros where corrupting boons left and right

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My personal opinion. Buff Ele to 15k hp since Anet is so hellbent on making this a melee bruiser class. Then start looking into its personal defenses like Stone Heart and Earth shield. These things are as strong as they are for a reason. 

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6 hours ago, Guirssane.7082 said:

You can't stay in earth forever, as a support you have to swap water as often as possible. It's not a 100% uptime

Except that it's used by non support tempests.....it wouldn't be an issue if it were purely a support trait. But when you can do dmg and be immune to receiving dmg it promotes the same bunker playstyle most of the community is trying to move away from

Edited by Hellz.3058
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4 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

When I see these kind of thread, I find it funny that the elementalist community was saying that I didn't know nothing when I was telling them to (ab)use this trait in sPvP maybe a year ago when the elementalist community was all "Other professions have more damage reduction, more armor, more toughness and more health than us, it's unfair!".




This still holds up. Stone heart is only a broken trait in a meta that is primarily power based. A year ago the meta was condi based so stone heart was a near useless trait.

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9 hours ago, Hellz.3058 said:

This still holds up. Stone heart is only a broken trait in a meta that is primarily power based. A year ago the meta was condi based so stone heart was a near useless trait.

And I'm pretty sure a part of the sPvP community would argue that we are in an heavy condi meta.

The thing is that this trait has been here for, what, 7-8 years and people have been sleeping on it because "water traitline is mandatory!" or "Earth traitline is crap!".

Stone heart wasn't useless a year ago, elementalist players just weren't willing to try and use it. You've got ton of example across all professions were people just aren't willing to give a try on things that are potentially OP simply because they are sheeps that follow what the god "metabattle" tell them is the best (forgeting that this "god" tell nothing but what a few players agree to share with the community).


In any case, if it's currently an "issue" because "the meta is power", then all people have to do is shift toward condi build and thus a condi meta for this trait to be forgotten yet again.

You shouldn't ask rock to be nerfed because your scisor can't deal with it, you should just use paper to deal with it.

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20 hours ago, iKeostuKen.2738 said:

What exactly is wrong with it. What is the dangers of a elementalist staying in earth to not be crit?


18 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

People dont like it cuz tempest doesnt go down when they want it to. The average gw2 enjoyer doesnt think passed what is happening on screen

The amount of tempest coping xd 

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