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Dying weapons

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Similar to back items, if they were to ever implement dyeing weapons, it would only be with new weapons going forward. Items essentially need to have been built from the beginning to allow dyeing for it to work, it's not something that can be practically be added after the fact.

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1 minute ago, Randulf.7614 said:

It’s been requested many times before, but the short answer is that it is not something they can add. 

"Would require more resources than they want to put toward retooling existing code infrastructure and 3d assets, with little financial payoff for doing so" is probably more technically accurate.

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31 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

"Would require more resources than they want to put toward retooling existing code infrastructure and 3d assets, with little financial payoff for doing so" is probably more technically accurate.

Indeed and a “non trivial patch on top” of all that plus other reasons. That’s why I said “short answer”. 

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49 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Indeed and a “non trivial patch on top” of all that plus other reasons. That’s why I said “short answer”. 

Fair enough. I just wanted to make that point, as I doubt it's technically impossible to do, more generally speaking, and I figure for people who aren't as tech knowledgeable, it could certainly sound like that's the meaning. Altho idk, maybe that's just giving people false hope. People have some reason to be hopelessly hopeful about these things tho. Like IIRC, they said at one point they'd not do expansions and then they did. Granted, that's more of a decision about focus than a technical problem, but point being, what is said by the studio one time isn't always set in stone.

Idk if that makes any sense, my brain is a little derpy today.

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It seems like ANet cannot undo or change anything that has been done at the start (probably by the first developer team). I supposed this is the same reason why we can't dye our undies despite thousands of threads asking for it.

If you want to nerf a certain skill or cripple a profession, just say it, that they can do. Very efficiently 👍

Edited by MintyMin.2718
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12 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

"Would require more resources than they want to put toward retooling existing code infrastructure and 3d assets, with little financial payoff for doing so" is probably more technically accurate.

That, and all the debugging costs.

They let slip at some point that there are some clunky code parts that depend on weapon data being of a certain size. Adding additional data (like color channels) would change that size. And the issue is that they do not fully remember all the places where that assumption has been made, nor can they be sure there are no further interactions that might get broken if they were to fix that original code.

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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That, and all the debugging costs.

They let slip at some point that there are some clunky code parts that depend on weapon data being of a certain size. Adding additional data (like color channels) would change that size. And the issue is that they do not fully remember all the places where that assumption has been made, nor can they be sure there are no further interactions that might get broken if they were to fix that original code.

Oof, that kind of code is rough to deal with for sure. Sounds like extremely precise binary data format.

Edit: Apropos of nothing, it they were to want to do something with this, I bet there are some modders out there they could try to hire who'd have a decent shot at figuring it out. There are some modders of games I've come across in the past who are really effective at reverse-engineering systems with little information about them. Not that it's necessarily easy for them, but the capability and experience they have might be just the right fit for that kind of problem. It's a pretty specialized kind of experience, prob not the kind of capability you'd find in someone who just spent their career building programs and tweaking them.

Edited by Labjax.2465
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   oh Dyeing weapons! A pity, I was intrigued at the possibility of dying weapons, and what that might mean.

As for dyeing weapons, I don't think that it would be impossible for them to make weapons with dye channels, they just don't want the hassle at this point. Or at any point for that matter.  A matter of won't rather than can't.

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They can't revisit weapons to be dyeable, but they can waste their time redesigning the Watchknight or w'ever that no one asked for. *points to head thoughtfully*


16 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That, and all the debugging costs.

They let slip at some point that there are some clunky code parts that depend on weapon data being of a certain size. Adding additional data (like color channels) would change that size. And the issue is that they do not fully remember all the places where that assumption has been made, nor can they be sure there are no further interactions that might get broken if they were to fix that original code.

But, at least this makes sense as an explanation. If only ANET would be more transparent and let things like this slip out more often.

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