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The lottery of names

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When I'm checking for a name I usually just whisper to it. Just type in the name to be whispered to and say "Hi." If it's not in use you get a pop  up message saying it could not be found. If you get one saying the player is not online in the chat then it is in use. Or you might end up sending a message to one who is online, could say, "Sorry wrong chat." or the truth "Just seeing if the name was in use" if they reply.

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9 hours ago, Sinmir.6504 said:

When I'm checking for a name I usually just whisper to it. Just type in the name to be whispered to and say "Hi." If it's not in use you get a pop  up message saying it could not be found. If you get one saying the player is not online in the chat then it is in use. Or you might end up sending a message to one who is online, could say, "Sorry wrong chat." or the truth "Just seeing if the name was in use" if they reply.

So, that was you?  haha!

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On 8/5/2022 at 7:00 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

Once you find a name that isn't already taken, that you want, then step back through creation and start from the beginning.

I vote no for the independent database idea.

It is not possible to do this, the only way you can verify that the name is available is to click the box where you wrote it.


Edited by Justin Time.7054
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On 8/6/2022 at 1:24 AM, Cronospere.8143 said:

Add an "H" anywhere in the name you like.

Adding an h certainly sounds better with the Cronospere nickname than mine ... maybe you have numerous characters with the Chronospere, Cronosphere, Chronosphere variants, but, if you haven't thought about it yet, you can keep my amused suggestion good.


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1 minute ago, Justin Time.7054 said:

Adding an h certainly sounds better with the Cronospere nickname than mine ... maybe you have numerous characters with the Chronospere, Cronosphere, Chronosphere variants, but, if you haven't thought about it yet, you can keep my amused suggestion good.


It wasn't an intended joke. 


One of my characters is named Mhiaah because Miya was taken. 

Other one is Arhias Sunfire because Arias was taken. It was an honest suggestion. 

What i was trying to say is there are multiple ways of naming a character which still sounds the same. 


(And on my actual Cronospere name, this was a true mistake of 12 year old me unable to spell english, not knowing the Red Alert weapon was called Chronosphere, as i was always calling it "Crow-no-spear". Years later reinstalling the game i actually figured i always spelled it wrong and it was a "time" weapon.. now i am stuck with this name since the beginning of Guildwars..) 

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1 hour ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

(And on my actual Cronospere name, this was a true mistake of 12 year old me unable to spell english, not knowing the Red Alert weapon was called Chronosphere, as i was always calling it "Crow-no-spear". Years later reinstalling the game i actually figured i always spelled it wrong and it was a "time" weapon.. now i am stuck with this name since the beginning of Guildwars..) 

I did something similar with my other username. The first time in years I didn't want to use Danikat on a forum my thinking went as far as "I want a name that's just about me...Just_Me, that'll do" then I got stuck using it for about a decade (and occasionally after that) because it's what people in that community knew me by. If I'd known that was going to happen I'd have put more thought into it, but at the time I wasn't even expecting to stay on that forum for long, let alone join a bunch of others.

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I am literally in the end of character creation with names stucked and from 15+ no one worked so I came to the forum to see if others have similar issues and it looks like I am not alone.

There should be some sort of  cleaning in inactive accounts with low level alts not used... I am sure many characters are kept for birthday rewards and multiboxing/multi accounting purposes but it would be nice to free up some names for us who likes roleplaying for example.

I don't see much chances but it's fine to notice the devs about this little annoying thing in hopes that there will be some improvements in the future. 


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13 minutes ago, Amnariel.3659 said:

I am literally in the end of character creation with names stucked and from 15+ no one worked so I came to the forum to see if others have similar issues and it looks like I am not alone.

There should be some sort of  cleaning in inactive accounts with low level alts not used... I am sure many characters are kept for birthday rewards and multiboxing/multi accounting purposes but it would be nice to free up some names for us who likes roleplaying for example.

I don't see much chances but it's fine to notice the devs about this little annoying thing in hopes that there will be some improvements in the future. 


No, there shouldn't be any cleaning.  Imagine taking some time off from GW2 due to RL circumstances and then coming back to find your character name is gone. 

Be more creative.  You can come up with unique names easily.

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14 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

No, there shouldn't be any cleaning.  Imagine taking some time off from GW2 due to RL circumstances and then coming back to find your character name is gone. 

Be more creative.  You can come up with unique names easily.

I am not saying 1 year or 2 ,GW2 was launched in 2012 that means 10 years,everything under level XX with account inactivity longer than let's say 8 years should be erased with possibility to recover it for 1 year.If it's name was taken then he get a rename option and everybody is happy.

I am still on the character creation end...25+ name combinations and still  (Code=29:6:6:459:101)  I think I will wait until my creativity comes back and check for a better roleplay name to that ranger.

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If I came back to a game after a break and found my characters names had been erased I'd delete it and never come back again.

Maybe that works if  the name is just a random word, but character names are important to me. Replacing it would have the same effect as randomising their appearance or swapping around races and professions.

Instead here's some ways you can modify a name to get one which is available:

Change the spelling - Even adding, removing or changing 1 letter can be enough to get a name which is available. You can also add accented letters (although be aware, especially on EU servers, that can change the pronounciation).

Use a synonym - If the name means something you could slightly change it. E.g. when I wanted Einar The Traveller and it was taken I used Einar The Wanderer instead.

Change the language - Again easier to do if the name means something. If your first choice is taken try using the same words in different languages.

Add a last name or title - The game allows spaces in names and unlike some games there's no rules about not putting titles into character names. If you want it to be lore appropriate here's some notes:

* All races can have titles or nicknames based on their actions or achievements, which can go before or after the name like 'Crazy Will' or 'Fred the Brave'.
* All races can have titles based on their job or military rank (some military ranks are race-specific). If you don't mind the spoilers you could look up some of the ranks/titles your character will get during the story.
* Charr always have a last name made up of 2 words with no space (like Darkblade) unless they're a gladium and many will have a military rank as well.
* Norn may have a patronym or matronym or a nickname/title based on their own achievements.
* Humans usually (but not always) have a family name and may have a social title (like lord or lady) or a military one, or both.
* Sylvari do not have family names and usually only have 1 word names, but can have nicknames or job titles.
* Asura do not have family names but are very proud of their acomplisments so quite likely to use a title, either an offical one or one they've given themselves.

I regularly make new characters (most of them short-lived) and the only time I have trouble coming up with names is when I'm copying one from somewhere else or just putting random letters in until it looks ok and goes through. Even then it can work but the end result can be hard to say or look a bit weird. I wouldn't do it for a permanent character (at least not without trying it out on a tempoary version first), but then I also like my permanent characters names to be meaningful so I tend to think of a meaning first then shape a name around it.

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Honestly one of the small things is that since gw2 is actually such a lower population than other games, getting even prime names even if you have to fiddle is pretty easier than other games.

Osrs you might only need to play one account but runescape had like 200m accounts registered like a decade ago and 3 name resets and even a name under 6 letters could be in short supply. Heck even a random 4 letter scramble like a literal mash like 4 char "nchw" would probably be taken and 3 char names big enough people would hack accounts just to steal a 3 letter as meaningless as "jjo"


Last I heard, real name estate got so bad for 3 letter resell jagex had to put ip locks on the accounts to prevent them from being stolen and even brute force bots attempt to name change every possible name combination every second. Theres been stories of time when someone was 1 second off and a bot got their name stolen in a name change sell etc. 

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And all the classic rock names are used up! I was amazed I got Giimme Shelter until I realized I had misspelled it.


So ya an extra letter cab be pretty hard to notice. And ofc still zillions of names available. Someone swiped my Power Creep key toon when I hot careless and pvped with it. Had to switch to Power Kreep.😃

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3 hours ago, Amnariel.3659 said:


I am still on the character creation end...25+ name combinations and still  (Code=29:6:6:459:101)  I think I will wait until my creativity comes back and check for a better roleplay name to that ranger.

No surprise.  After 10 years, I can imagine so many variations of Legolas and Strider have already been taken.  🙄

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5 hours ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

I agree with the post about moving the naming to the begining of the process. Getting "name blocked" is annoying but the celebration that occurs when one finally works is priceless 🤣 Also, this game isn't too bad for naming. I mean, I got "Captain Fuzzy Pants" on the first try 🤷‍♂️

So THATS who took the name I wanted..  😡

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21 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

No surprise.  After 10 years, I can imagine so many variations of Legolas and Strider have already been taken.  🙄

You were not that far from truth xD  it's Lotr and to be more precise Dúnedain combinations I tried but at long last I got one fit


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On 8/11/2022 at 10:22 AM, kharmin.7683 said:

No surprise.  After 10 years, I can imagine so many variations of Legolas and Strider have already been taken.  🙄

I know right. Taking a name or phrase from popular culture or idiom, and hoping that other people didn't come up with the same idea.


Setting the name at the beginning of char creation wouldn't give you certainty. There's still a tiny chance it could get "stolen" right before you finish, and people will still complain. Moreover, the name part fits at the end along with your bio based on the choices you just made, and also acts as a final confirmation.

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