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6 hours ago, Ashlin.3708 said:

Are the elite specs ever going to be balanced? or is anet still going to force the player base to have to endure the unholy wraith of the new elite specs being so ungodly unbalanced its insane? I dont think i've ever hated anet more in my life.

i was one of the guys who dispised EoD, because all the specs were just straightup powercreeps with bad visual tells and clunky mechanics. However since the release alot of balancepatches have hit the liveserver. To this date i have played every EoD spec. And i have to say... once you played them and know whats going on, they become pretty manageable.


 maybe i can help you deal with those specs. Most of them have some pretty serious weaknesses, just gotta know them.

Edit: How dare someone who has played all of the spec say that they have weaknesses! how dare he offer help!    RELEASE THE KRAKEN(confused emoji)!!!!!!!

Edited by Sahne.6950
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8 hours ago, Ashlin.3708 said:

Are the elite specs ever going to be balanced?

There won't even be attempts to try doing that.

They'll always have their favourites that will get better treatment, while others (especially Warrior) will be treated as an afterthought (if they'll be treated at all).

Edited by Fueki.4753
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3 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

That's a bit disingenuous, no?  Didn't they just make banner changes that the Warrior subforum was calling for?

Do you really think that?

There were loud cries not to remove the unique buffs.

There were some ideas of how to make them more facet-like instead of being drop-and-forget.

Some people wanted them to become kits again like banners originally were.

People even asked for Warrior being viable without banners.

Guess what didn't happen? That's right, most of what people asked for with banners didn't happen.

And even then, it's only banners they touched. Where are the changes for other years-long neglected parts of Warrior?

When does Berserker lose its unnecessary and pointlessly punishing Toughness reduction?

When does Spellbreaker finally become the great boon ripper it was originally presented as?

When do the clunky mechanics and outdated self-roots going to be changed?

When does Warrior get the support specialization many have asked for? Why did we have to get yet another pure DPS (which doesn't have a singly minuscule sliver of Warrior theme in it) instead of said support?

When does Warrior finally get damage comparable to Arenanet's favourites? And by that I mean the profession as a whole, not the bolted-on fotm Engineer.

There is so much that needs to be done on Warrior that simply isn't going to happen, because the profession is neglected for the most part. Banners being broken apart and awkwardly glued back together merely to fit the stupid boon spam mentality doesn't change anything about the negligence.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

which doesn't have a singly minuscule sliver of Warrior theme in it

Themed after samurai, one of if not the most iconic WARRIORS of the past in feudal japan.

Revolves around the use and mastery of a dangerous melee weapon

No magic

But apparently somehow doesn't have a "sliver of warrior theme"

Ok guy


Edited by Kayberz.5346
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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

That's a bit disingenuous, no?  Didn't they just make banner changes that the Warrior subforum was calling for?


Originally we wanted  Banners to be mobile in some kind. Either Teleport like spirits or let them work like Facets.

But that would just be a copy of a allready exiting Skill type so Anet put their own spin on it.

Current banners are ok but still need some tweeks to be perfect.

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41 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Themed after samurai, one of if not the most iconic WARRIORS of the past in feudal japan.

Revolves around the use and mastery of a dangerous melee weapon

No magic

"Samurai" movies don't reflect how actual Samurai were. And the one thing that's themed from these movies is completely fictional and not rooted in anything factual. Real Samurai weren't morons that stood still for several seconds with their weapons undrawn (like those not-Samurai from those movies Junksworn is supposed to imitate).

Junksworn literally has a mechanical bullets-using kit (which just screams Engineer) as its signature feature. Just because it's a "dangerous weapon" doesn't make it a Warrior.

It's literally charging it's Ember bullets with magic, so "no magic" objectively is untrue. That aside, all professions in the Guild Wars universe use magic, this includes Warriors, Paragons and Engineers.

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58 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Themed after samurai, one of if not the most iconic WARRIORS of the past in feudal japan.

Revolves around the use and mastery of a dangerous melee weapon

No magic

But apparently somehow doesn't have a "sliver of warrior theme"

Ok guy


Imagine thinking Bladesworn has anything to do with the samurai theme.

Bladesworn is closer to a mall ninja then a actuall samurai.


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Yall are just operating on pure contrarian delusion at this point 


I must have missed that part of history class where they discussed the warriors that enveloped themselves in flames while punching through bolders or the ones that conjured magic bubbles around themselves to block incoming attacks


Historical accuracy is very important when it comes to elite specs inspiration of course 

Im obviously the only one to see overt samurai themes in bladesworn, silly me

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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3 hours ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Themed after samurai, one of if not the most iconic WARRIORS of the past in feudal japan.

Revolves around the use and mastery of a dangerous melee weapon

No magic

But apparently somehow doesn't have a "sliver of warrior theme"

Ok guy


I’m a warrior main, not a huge bladesworn fan, would readily argue it is not a good spec for warrior, but I have to agree with you here. The warrior part is, thematically, there. It’s like a warrior-engineer hybrid. I’m not entirely certain why people are railing against this, this is a legitimate point, lol. Again, I don’t like Blade, but saying the concept doesn’t resemble a warrior at all is, uh, pretty much just wrong. Even if it resembles a fictionalized stereotype of a warrior, that’s still a warrior, especially since this is a fictionalized video game that doesn’t have to obey the limitations of reality. 

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1 hour ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I’m a warrior main, not a huge bladesworn fan, would readily argue it is not a good spec for warrior, but I have to agree with you here. The warrior part is, thematically, there. It’s like a warrior-engineer hybrid. I’m not entirely certain why people are railing against this, this is a legitimate point, lol. Again, I don’t like Blade, but saying the concept doesn’t resemble a warrior at all is, uh, pretty much just wrong. Even if it resembles a fictionalized stereotype of a warrior, that’s still a warrior, especially since this is a fictionalized video game that doesn’t have to obey the limitations of reality. 

To me it doesn't go far in enough in either thematic and it sits in a bland mediocre middle, but that seems like overarching problem with All EoD spec. For example Harbinger which is kung fu dark wizard theme in the main mechanic, but then it has a gun and throws potions and none of them have unified animation theme. The specs feel really off on the visual department, they have either too much visual noise on some skills that should probably have less and barely any when the skills need to have them. They are definitely no pushing the "cool factor" and that is just considering things without the functionality themes that are all over the place also. 

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7 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

That's a bit disingenuous, no?  Didn't they just make banner changes that the Warrior subforum was calling for?


Yes. They did do that. I think its a bit more complicated than that, but the banners did end up landing in a good spot. 

Still need some pvp geared work though. 


6 hours ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Themed after samurai, one of if not the most iconic WARRIORS of the past in feudal japan.

Revolves around the use and mastery of a dangerous melee weapon

No magic

But apparently somehow doesn't have a "sliver of warrior theme"

Ok guy



While I disagree with a lot of what Kayberz says, this is correct.  Samurai is warrior themed. Don't argue on aesthetics, you'll lose. The whole reason bladesworn shipped like that is because Anet committed hard to iajutsu.

If your hangup is with something else, specify that instead of gesturing that what was shipped doesn't match your theme expectations. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 8/8/2022 at 12:18 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

"Samurai" movies don't reflect how actual Samurai were. And the one thing that's themed from these movies is completely fictional and not rooted in anything factual. Real Samurai weren't morons that stood still for several seconds with their weapons undrawn (like those not-Samurai from those movies Junksworn is supposed to imitate).

Junksworn literally has a mechanical bullets-using kit (which just screams Engineer) as its signature feature. Just because it's a "dangerous weapon" doesn't make it a Warrior.

It's literally charging it's Ember bullets with magic, so "no magic" objectively is untrue. That aside, all professions in the Guild Wars universe use magic, this includes Warriors, Paragons and Engineers.

Well iaido is a actual japanese sword fighting technique, though I'd argue most likely developed by samurai for dueling and would not be very practical on the battlefield, most likely refined most during peace times. Non the less the bit of samurai flavor added into bladesworn is inspired and based on a real samurai martial art. When was the last time u saw a historically accurate warrior from history of any origin thrw a huge greatsword, spin his gs and travel 15 feet while doing so, put up anti magic barriers or engulf them selves in flames and ignite any enemies they engage on fire? Expecting the samurai flavor added to be rooted 100% in reality and holding the fact devs went for the more glamorized version of it against it when warrior and all its specs are all non realistic iterations, cuz its a fantasy mmo after all.

Lastly I'll mention the most iconic warriors most people recognize.

1- knights.

2- samurai 

3- vikings

Not sure how having Samurai flavor is unwarrior like lol, WuShi are what the chinese often call their warriors and using the same connotation/sign in Japanese reads samurai.

U want to complain about somthing complain that this many years in the warrior class still has 0 specs using thee most historically used and effective melee weapon on the battlefield the spear/pike etc, how have they not incorporated a spear onto a warrior class when uve got a spec on warrior that added with a torch......a torch, real warrior like lol. Or complain about the most warrior like ranged weapon warriors have in this game is some kind of condi fire weapon hybrid monstrosity.

Bladesworn has some bugs and imo all other warrior specs need love, but not at the expense of Bladesworn.


Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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