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Sure Would Be Nice To Be Able to Do Damage to Boon Balls Sitting on Lord

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3 hours ago, Nokturnal Lunacy.3186 said:

And thats exactly how wvw should be.

Yeah they have no downstate, higher targetcaps and ALOT more damage but also ALOT more sustain.

But if you were able to coordinate a burst in a chokepoint, the damage greatly exceeds the Sustain... The sustain is mostly raw hp or Barrier. Whereas in Gw2 you have alot of invuln and evade frames, which completly negate all damage. In ESO a great burst will almost always kill, as you have very little mechanics that completly bypass damage.

and the best thing.... people dying.... are actually dead and can not be revived in combat.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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Drop (or reduce) boon-share. Boon share was mainly brought in for, and is tuned for, raid groups and not WvW.

The original GuildWars intention was to avoid the Classic Trinity of DPS, Tank, Healer and somehow that got very lost over the years. 

If you make each player responsible for their own boons you can still build and train an effective team for squad play and you also give solo players a fair chance. 

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2 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

how is that any diffrent to what we have now?

Deso i literally chasing 2 solo roamers with a 20 man zerg RIGHT NOW.

Yep, I got chased down last night, too. Then they caught me soloing the lord on air keep. Then they caught five of us trying to do it. Very disappointed in Deso, frankly. It's so boring.

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On 8/8/2022 at 10:07 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

Just stop fighting them.

just dont pvp in a pvp game mode


On 8/8/2022 at 10:54 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

Quit the game.

Vast majority of players chose this option years ago! 


On 8/9/2022 at 2:42 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

meanwhile gw2:  boonblob goes BRRRRRR......    not even 10 people can wipe 20..... NOT HAPPENING...    sad to say the least.

Boons,slugdamage and Rallyspam completly prevent any smaller groups from winning against biggergroups...

This is their intended vision for WvW.


On 8/9/2022 at 7:34 AM, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

But players complained about siege damage in a wargame, so ArenaNet took all the damage away. 😞

The boon ball guilds they design this mode for complained. Won't be long until the boonball guilds have no one to be better than and "farm" then eventually all quit since Anet is doing a wonderful job killing the  non-boonball guild WvW player base.  Keep up the great work Anet.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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Anet could rework boon strip and corrupt, unify both effects, boon corrupt as it is, does not exist anymore, it's now a sub-effect of boon strip, anytime you strip a boon from an enemy, that boon get's "corrupted", and cannot be reaplied for x number of seconds, this could help solve this problem a lil bit i think.

Of course, boon strip as we current have would probably need some reworks and reductions as well.

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12 hours ago, Nokturnal Lunacy.3186 said:

And thats exactly how wvw should be.

Btw, ESO alliance wars was utterly destroyed by "how WvW should be" and lost most of its population when they where able to abuse strong builds and wreck zergs (ie the vampire "bug" that devs didnt even acknowledge until it was too late).

If we want WvW to be that then sure, we all want to see the WvW crash and burn.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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On 8/8/2022 at 7:27 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

Fight guilds, pfft, they stack advantages and prey on the weak, when they don't have the advantage they run, they don't want competitive fights, they want loot pinatas, end of the day they're no better than pve'ers wanting to ktrain the mode. They wanted these one sided fight situations, they whined to anet and got their nerfs, they wanted to stack all the advantages, they wanted disadvantages nerfed, well let them fight each other with it


It's always the same cycle of fite guilds banding together to avoid fighting each other and then this goes on for about 6 months until someone argues over who didn't do the dishes in SMC and it breaks apart for about a year until people forget why they hate each other and rebrand.

Honestly, Alliances will probably be the same kitten but it'll be harder for find PPT slave labor to leech off of.

Some of the more clever ones do stuff like not rep a guild while running to trick people but if they pull that crap off, they deserve all the siege sniping and non-content only WvW can get.

(Although it is funny when people rep a reportedly "weaker" guild and trick people that think they're going to get easy bag)

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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18 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

just dont pvp in a pvp game mode

I also said stop fighting "them", or go fight on another map. Groups need to figure out their potential and stop trying to fight a known boon ball group that will wipe yours any day of the week. Even tonight ET's boon ball group farmed EBG for more than 4 hours, and why was that? because GoM ran into them fight after fight like a bunch of kitten one push lemmings. But hey, if you want to feed  when you don't have an appropriate group for them, then by all means it's your time to waste not mines.


 Vast majority of players chose this option years ago! 

Quite frankly, anet is lucky wvw isn't a ghost town at this point, combat kept players playing all these years, but everything else around it has been degrading the fun of wvw for years.


This is their intended vision for WvW.

The boon ball guilds they design this mode for complained. Won't be long until the boonball guilds have no one to be better than and "farm" then eventually all quit since Anet is doing a wonderful job killing the  non-boonball guild WvW player base.  Keep up the great work Anet.

I dunno man, after this week feels like lemmings love to be farmed, they get excited when they kill one boon baller after they've died 10 times over to them, and the boon ballers love farming/bullying the weak lemmings, where elase they gonna get their bags right. Anet thinks this world restructuring is going to solve problems, wait till they see all the boon ball guilds stack a couple alliances for NA, because why would they stack separately,... to farm each other? bwahahahaha. WvW, the definition of bullying, always preying and snowballing on the weak.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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18 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Anet thinks this world restructuring is going to solve problems, wait till they see all the boon ball guilds stack a couple alliances for NA, because why would they stack separately,... to farm each other? bwahahahaha. WvW, the definition of bullying, always preying and snowballing on the weak.

... whats a "boon ball guild"?

Is there any guilds going pfff we dont need meta when they run with their 25 man fight raid where mirages and druids are the dps, specters are the healers and the frontline consist solely of rifle core warriors?

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8 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:


It's always the same cycle of fite guilds banding together to avoid fighting each other and then this goes on for about 6 months until someone argues over who didn't do the dishes in SMC and it breaks apart for about a year until people forget why they hate each other and rebrand.

Honestly, Alliances will probably be the same kitten but it'll be harder for find PPT slave labor to leech off of.

Some of the more clever ones do stuff like not rep a guild while running to trick people but if they pull that crap off, they deserve all the siege sniping and non-content only WvW can get.

(Although it is funny when people rep a reportedly "weaker" guild and trick people that think they're going to get easy bag)

This has annoyed me forever - "fight" guilds who won't fight each other because...reasons.


I don't understand how alliances will fix this. Surely the "fight" guilds will ally together and we will still have boonblobs sitting on the lord.

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On 8/9/2022 at 12:34 PM, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

Once upon a time we had something called Arrow Carts and they actually did damage. But players complained about siege damage in a wargame, so ArenaNet took all the damage away. 😞


And no, this isn't a result of boonballing; the siege itself was heavily nerfed over time.

Siege was indeed battered by the developers. That's been compounded by inevitable power creep. Nobody had Ascended stats back when the game was new, and anything unique to WvW that does damage, i.e. NPCs and Siege, has been either nerfed or ignored. 

I suspect the mode will become an EotM karma-train, packed with newbs who don't want to fight. I guess it's nice that it'll still be populated ... with ... something.

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6 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I also said stop fighting "them", or go fight on another map

Here's the issue with GW2 pvp since PU mesmer. You run into something you can''t fight, you run away or change maps as a solution.

...What if every map is nothing but boon balls and condi bunkers?  You're perpetually avoiding fighting / running away because everything you run into, you cannot interact with in a PVP  mode. That's the reality of the situation now, and why a lot of people have just quit wvw entirely. Why try to play for 3 hours when you spend the entire 3 hours running from builds you can't interact with?

Avoiding PvP is NOT a valid solution to terrible balance; a valid solution is the developers doing their job in a timely manner. Which Anet are adamantly against doing.

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On 8/10/2022 at 3:13 PM, Kozumi.5816 said:

just dont pvp in a pvp game mode


Vast majority of players chose this option years ago! 


This is their intended vision for WvW.


The boon ball guilds they design this mode for complained. Won't be long until the boonball guilds have no one to be better than and "farm" then eventually all quit since Anet is doing a wonderful job killing the  non-boonball guild WvW player base.  Keep up the great work Anet.

I think they could try increase the hitcap for damage area skills from 5 to 10 and keep the hitcap for support area skills to 5. Then we can see what happens. Maybe this could help split them into groups of 5 and make them less of an indestructable ball.

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2 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Avoiding PvP is NOT a valid solution to terrible balance; a valid solution is the developers doing their job in a timely manner. Which Anet are adamantly against doing.

Yeah no kidding, let me know when Anet decides to do their job then.

In the meantime I'll watch lemmings run into meat grinders.

Apparently running away is only a valid option if you're a boon ball.

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9 hours ago, Hesione.9412 said:

This has annoyed me forever - "fight" guilds who won't fight each other because...reasons.


I don't understand how alliances will fix this. Surely the "fight" guilds will ally together and we will still have boonblobs sitting on the lord.

Yea I'm afraid alliances aren't going to suddenly make people afraid to lose.

I think it's really funny when the badkitten fight guilds will camp one side of the bridge. Do they really expect the enemy pugs they outnumber to take the initiative lol?

But the final note of hilarity is when they tell you they have 23.... "in squad". No, the green dots don't count, nor does that sidecar guild of 12-15 count, or that other guild over there. Or that part of your guild that's not repping but playing gank. And the spies.

If they somehow manage to lose, they then make their tag visible and demand everyone join them or get off. Of course once things are normal, they go back invisible. If in a good mood, they'll just make a new squad, if not they'll just pretend the people they invited are just expendable garbage and toss them away.

There are some very interesting fight guilds that I would consider parasites to a degree, as they do irepairable damage to some communities by trying to recruit away players, and take advantage of the residential ppters to blob their way to t1. But of course since they won't contribute anything, said server gets stuck in a high tier until it finally collapses and they go elsewhere, probably changing their name to avoid being recognized. As for those people that recruited, well have fun spending gold every month or two to transfer if you don't want to follow. It's all at your expense.

Actually, I suppose you could call them the Walmarts of WvW.

But what am I to say when even small scale boonballs exists? Of course nobody wants to partake in thar garbage either.

Yea a good chunk of the "competitive" community is pathetic. They would be considered the laughingstock of the community, but I guess we got our pvp wintraders and the 40k KP pve gatekeepers though.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 8/9/2022 at 6:50 AM, Rider.6024 said:

we need more strips and reveals for almost every spec, no more 1 every 10s here, 2 every 30s if you counter there, give us access to real strips and reveal anet!

i actualy like that, i mean thiefs and mesmers are a pain in the. X.  because they can stealth oneshot start the lasthit, teleport, and telwport back to lasthit you, first of all, more reveal skills, and its effects increased in wvw, if i hit a mesmer or a thief(wich is pretty dificult) or they eat a trap or smth, and i reveal them, i want them to be revealed for at least 20 seconds.

Also, that start a lasthit on a downed, teleport to north korea, and teleport back to finish the animation and kill, thats Cskdbdhfb, if someone is in an animation to finish off someone you stay there doing the animation, no tp, and if you tp or stealth you have to start again, and if you start the animation you also should be revealed, either that or make wvw a permanent no downed mode.

And lastly, i get it, teleports are a game mecanic and all that, but with classes like thief and mesmer roaming around, maybe some kind of shadowstep block, like a condi or smth, that lets you move and so on, but doesnt let you swadowstep.

Again thief and mesmer are incredibly good at hit and run, and its incredibly difficult to land a hit, so if i hit i want to be able to punish them a lot  if theyre free theyre able to wear down a group of 20 with just 5-6 of them, so i want a metod to, if i hit, theyre dead, no more fun parry for them, but a, kill me or die, where they also have tension.

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