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Make the Soulbeast aura completely fade away like the Untamed does


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7 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I thought mounting/umounting just changed one transformation for another. 

Mount is closer to you "despawning" and gaining control over another character, rather that transform.
In that state you unmerge without an animation to cancel the effects it provides.
This way all mounts are equal on all classes (-the weapon swap effects).
Either way making the effect fade away shouldn't be a problem, by just causing the texture to lower opacity and then turn it off.

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21 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Either way making the effect fade away shouldn't be a problem, by just causing the texture to lower opacity and then turn it off.

Exactly, this can easily be solved if the game devs will address it for us.

It's interesting that quite a few threads across the internet have been made asking for this change since SB came out, yet they haven't addressed it at all. Meanwhile they changed untamed's aura to fade away nearly immediately after its release.

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14 hours ago, CipherNine.9273 said:

Exactly, this can easily be solved if the game devs will address it for us.

It's interesting that quite a few threads across the internet have been made asking for this change since SB came out, yet they haven't addressed it at all. Meanwhile they changed untamed's aura to fade away nearly immediately after its release.

Perhaps it's because the SB smell is strong yet fresh while the untamed smells downright rotten?

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14 hours ago, anninke.7469 said:

Perhaps it's because the SB smell is strong yet fresh while the untamed smells downright rotten?

I'd say it's because some artist thinks their creation was so good that even those who don't like it must be forced to view it.

Too bad they don't realize their ego is costing the SB specialization more usage, considering it's well documented that people are choosing to forego playing it altogether rather than being forced to view the effect.

If not that, then because Anet doesn't care to put the effort into fixing it because it doesn't make them any money.

Edited by CipherNine.9273
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After unlocking the new Primordius's Flight skin on my character and seeing its effects smothered in lime green graphics, I cannot let this go. Idk what it's going to take, but something needs to change here.

Make the aura fade, provide options in the settings to turn it off in some fashion, make it adjust to compliment equipped Aurene weapon themesjust as many skills are. Something has to be done; it's unacceptable that Soulbeasts are locked into wearing this heavily limiting graphic/animation.

Below are links to gifs of my character with the aura and my fire themed outfit for reference.


Weapon stowed: https://gyazo.com/3cc2f819864281f3e005b9244414f991

Weapon wielded: https://gyazo.com/5bb3663ffd9f68c9819cecf7e0546367

Edited by CipherNine.9273
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This has been a regularly recurring topic since PoF was released. Probably the most requested SLB change ever. Insult to injury, Untamed comes out, immediately implementing the change we've been asking for years. Totally ignored and avoided at this point.

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Even if it takes a whole minute to fade or something, fine. But for this to perpetually show, unless you mount or turn the transformation off, is ridiculous.


This aura surely must disincentivize, and in some cases altogether stop, players from working so hard to get legendaries with effects for their Soulbeasts outside of a select few at this point.

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2 hours ago, Matoro.9708 said:

Hopefully something is done, but it's probably as likely as turrets getting a rework or something.

Well, if Anet's reasoning is not enough people are complaining, then I'd respond by saying that their lack of any response concerning it over the past five years has made MANY people think it's a waste of time.


It would be nice if they'd just take some sort of stance on it, rather than be radio silent and pretend as if it's not been controversial since Soulbeast was released . . .

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Just now, DeanBB.4268 said:

I'll add my +1 to this, for what it's worth. Switched to my Soulbeast last weekend and am already annoyed with the effect, and really haven't played it all that much.


Its seems to me a lot more people than Anet realizes play SB less, or not at all, because of this effect.

For a game that is so heavy on cosmetics and appearance, it's baffling that nothing has been done to this date.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
10 hours ago, Logan.4796 said:

How about a compromise of being able to disable certain visual transformation effects with a customizable option.

I know it's very difficult to code that in but. That way you don't upset anyone because everyone has their cookies.

I've asked for them to let us disable certain particle effects numerous times over the years.

Arenanet has yet to do as little as publicly acknowledge that some people want this.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/18/2023 at 1:57 AM, Telgum.6071 said:

I made my character to vibe with that aura so if they do this I hope it's optional, otherwise don't make it at all.


On 1/18/2023 at 2:18 PM, Andy.5981 said:

I actually like the SB aura and wish to keep it, so I would be opposed if the changes were not optional in game.


You guys won't have to worry about it. Anet couldn't care less about this issue, if it wasn't already obvious.

They've got more skins to create so that profits keep coming.

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On 2/1/2023 at 8:19 PM, Project exa.3204 said:

I propose the aura on Untamed stay on all the time when it's ranger unleashed, just like when merged with pet on soulbeast. 

It may look like crud but that should be the cost of playing untamed. 

-Eros of Ascalon 

Agreed. Equality for all! Everyone can get the ugliness.

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I too would love to see an option to disable the merged SB effect. I know there are those who like it so we probably don't want to remove it all together, but I'm in the group where the merged effect ruins the aesthetic I've put together for my character. When we put so much work (and gems in some cases) into putting together just the right look for a character, I hate to see it need to have the vines and leaves distracting from that. Please consider giving us a way to disable the merged SB effect.

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