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What weapons need overhauled?


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I would remove the dagger handle and replace it with a long wooden shaft. 


Now you have a spear and can be a real warrior.


Now on a more serious but pointless note (it as been suggested a zillion times) reduce the cast time and/or remove the root on hundred blades.


GS and Axe are actually not bad, everything else needs a reform.

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Rush fixed to not go in random directions
Bladetrail bounce off of terrain instead of disappearing
Hundred Blades get a 2s to 2.5s cast time

Flurry unrooted
Final Thrust deals 3 bleed stacks to targets above 50% HP
Impale immobilizes instead of cripples. Rip faces the target when used, or activates in an AoE.
Riposte blocks for the full channel duration no matter what and gains the counter attack on flipover, with the flipover gaining an 3/4s evade.

AA chain made faster
Counterblow reworked like Riposte above
Crushing Blow given 1/4s cast time
Tremor becomes a 600 range cone AoE that isn't a projectile

Cyclone Axe CD reduction in PvP/WvW or given an evade
Dual Strike gives quickness per target struck per attack
Whirling Axe cast time reduced to 2.5s-3s and gives 3s of superspeed on cast.

Damage returned to Earth Shaker, Staggering Blow, and Backbreaker in PvP/WvW.
Add a 3/4s evade to Staggering Blow

Decrease AA attack speed by 100%.
Double the damage on Fierce Shot and Explosive Shot in all game modes.
Brutal Shot evades first then fires.
Kill Shot self root removed and it's damage increased by 20% in PvP/WvW
Rifle Butt gains a 150 leap.

Dual Shot attack speed decreased by 25%
Fan of Fire changed to be a burn version of Rev's Sevenshot.
Smoldering Arrow leaves behind a smoke field that pulses 1s of blind for 3s, 120 radius on the field.
Combustive Shot pulses every second not every 3s.

Move it to the MH and give it a generic AA attack.
Remove the pushback on Dragon's Roar.

Honestly just more damage on F1, 1, 2, and 3.
Wastrel's Ruin should cleave.
Bladestorm should remove boons on each hit.

Each skill should remove chill on the Berserker
The field radius on Torch 5 should be increased to 240.

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I'd like to see offhand sword and offhand mace be buffed just to come up with fresh weapon setups/builds.


It would be great if mainhand mace was useable again as well. The CC damage nerfs killed hammer and mace for me.


I'm also super disappointed that the new spec can't use pistol in it's main hand. It's the only weapon warrior can't dual wield currently (torch, shield, warhorn don't count obviously)

Edited by EvilSardine.9635
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There’s 3 categories you could put weapons into in terms of needing changes.


0. Need no changes:


War horn 


1. Minor numerical adjustments only. 




2. May need a rework of one or two skills, as well as numerical changes (some of these skills will be in tier 3 also, since it can be argued they need more comprehensive reworks)




Torch? (I don’t know much about torch tbh)


3. Need a full overhaul/rework (3+ skills need to be changed probably)






This is obviously up for your own interpretation, this is just how my list would look. 

Since you mention it specifically, IMO, great sword could be untouched and it wouldn’t be much of a deal, there are much bigger priorities in terms of weapons imo. The best place to start, imo, would be the tier 2 weapons, where reworking 1-2 skills and some number tweaks will probably make them viable (tier 0-1). Greatsword the only real gripe would be 100blades being virtually damage neutral with the auto attack. 

Edited by oscuro.9720
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I don't think any weapons really need to be reworked, but some balancing on some of them could make a big difference:


Daggers in PvE could use a substantial damage increase to make PvE Spellbreaker a bit more viable.


Maces are a bit niche too and are even more so now that we have Bladesworn that doesn't get to use a second weapon set.  Really some reason to use these in PvP would be nice.  Maybe a damage buff could make up for some of its weakness since these weapons have good CC with small tells.


2h Hammer could also use some damage buffs since it lost so much back when damage was taken away from CC skills.

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7 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

There’s 3 categories you could put weapons into in terms of needing changes.


2. May need a rework of one or two skills, as well as numerical changes (some of these skills will be in tier 3 also, since it can be argued they need more comprehensive reworks)




Torch? (I don’t know much about torch tbh)



I would challenge this part.


Sword/Torch and Longbow are the weapons behind the top performing condi warrior builds, both for pure DPS as well as for Condi Quickness.





Torch doesn't see much use outside of PvE, but Sword is a solid weapon for PvP and WvW whenever you need mobility.  Axe is slightly favored right now, but some Shoutsworns have been running sword/warhorn instead and it's arguably better for solo queue because of the mobility difference.


Longbow isn't big in PvP/WvW, but it has been seeing use in berserker WvW builds as a near-meta build.



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47 minutes ago, Axl.8924 said:

When was the last time mace was touched? just out of curiosity

july 07, 2020 counterblow (mace 2) had a 3 second cooldown reduction in pve, crushing blow (mace 4) had its vulnerability reduced from 15 to 10, added 3 might, added that is doubles vuln and might if striking a disabled foe. 


Before that, you had the feb 2020 patch nukes, before that May 2018 took some small passes at mace skills. 

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25 minutes ago, Axl.8924 said:

I don't understand axe you got ranged bow ranged rifle i don't know how axe is supposed to fit in.


I have this feeling some weapons lack a area to shine.

I'm not sure what you mean, please clarify? What about axe do you not understand?

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5 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I'm not sure what you mean, please clarify? What about axe do you not understand?

I'm confused for usage you have longbow for some stuff i'm confused where axe fits close range like necro axe? its ability to gain adrenaline from eviscerates nice but i'm not sure what weapon ANET should focus on i'm at a loss since i'm not a warrior main.

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8 hours ago, Axl.8924 said:

I heard GS could use some changes lets talk about it:

What would you change? what about Dagger for spellbreaker?

IMO warrior has too many weapons to have traits for them all.  I’d like to see the two ranged weapons have the trait bonus as a baseline.   Additionally, warhorn and shield should also be baseline traited. 

This leaves GS, Hammer, Maces, Axes, and Swords, a perfect match for the 5 core trait lines. 

GS for str

swords for arms

maces for defense

hammer for tactics

axes for disc

As for skills, maybe I’ll do that in another post.

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Well kitten, looks like we are getting significant weapon buffs! 



On 8/11/2022 at 9:59 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:


Warrior's longbow updates will make Arcing Arrow relevant in PvE and turn Smoldering Arrow into a useful defiance-bar breaker. We've also increased damage for several core weapons, elite specialization weapons, and traits.


  • Greatsword Swing: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.7 to 0.8.
  • Greatsword Slice: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.95 to 1.05.
  • Brutal Strike: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.25 to 1.5.
  • Arcing Slice: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.32 to 2. Damage multiplier against foes with less than 50% health increased from 1.98 to 3.
  • Bladetrail: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.75 to 1.5.
  • Rush: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.7 to 2.5.

Sword (Main Hand)

  • Sever Artery: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.6 to 0.8.
  • Gash: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.6 to 0.8.
  • Hamstring: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1 to 1.2.
  • Savage Leap: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.66 to 2.

Sword (Off Hand)

  • Impale: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.5 to 1.5.
  • Rip: (PvE only) Might is now applied to up to 5 allied targets within a range of 360.


  • Dual Shot: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.44 to 0.525.
  • Arcing Arrow: (All game modes) The aftercast animation duration before another skill may be used has been reduced by 0.5 seconds. (PvE only) Increased ammunition count to 2. Now applies 5 seconds of burning on hit.
  • Smoldering Arrow: (PvE only) Now applies 1 second of dazed on hit.


  • Fierce Shot: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.605 to 1. Might is now applied to up to 5 allied targets within a range of 360.
  • Explosive Shell: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.25 to 1.5.


  • Earthshaker: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1 to 2.
  • Hammer Shock: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1 to 1.8.


  • Furious: (PvE only) Condition damage per stack increased from 10 to 15.


  • Shattering Blow: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1 to 1.5.
  • Sundering Leap: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.5 to 3.


  • Bloody Roar: (PvE only) Damage bonus increased from 20% to 25%.


Dagger (Main Hand)

  • Breaching Strike: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.5 to 2.5.
  • Precise Cut: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.55 to 0.6.
  • Focused Slash: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.6 to 0.65.
  • Keen Strike: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 0.85 to 1.05. Might is now applied to up to 5 allied targets within a range of 360.
  • Aura Slicer: (PvE only) Damage multiplier increased from 1.2 to 1.8.

Dagger (Off Hand)

  • Bladestorm: (PvE only) Damage multiplier per hit increased from 0.35 to 0.5.


  • Pure Strike: (PvE only) Damage bonus increased from 7%/14% to 7.5%/15%.
  • Magebane Tether: (PvE only) Damage bonus to tethered target increased from 10% to 15%. Might stacks per second reduced from 3 to 1, but they are now applied to up to 5 allied targets within a range of 360.


I guess they forgot mace, but a lot of these look really good.  Some big jumps for Hammer and Daggers.  Rifle gets might to allies too, which is very interesting.

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1 hour ago, Axl.8924 said:

I'm confused for usage you have longbow for some stuff i'm confused where axe fits close range like necro axe? its ability to gain adrenaline from eviscerates nice but i'm not sure what weapon ANET should focus on i'm at a loss since i'm not a warrior main.

Ah, I see. If I were to be prioritizing changes, it would go something like this (and people may have completely different views): 


First, I would start with weapons that are nearly viable but need a bit of a rework. Things like sword, that need a some love to be on par with things like great sword, axe, and dagger. Rifle and bow could fit into this tier as well. 

After that, I would look at the things that are viable already, but need some numerical adjustments. The reason I would do this step after bringing a couple of weapons up to snuff is because you can then do a pass on all viable weapons to make adjustments to the weapons you brought up as well as the ones that were already near the level you want them. The best example of this is great-sword’s hundred blades needing a damage increase. It does ~2% more damage than the auto attack, which is unideal for the self root and pure-damage aspect. Bumping that to somewhere around 20-30% more would be sensible (specifically, a 2 to 2.25 coefficient/cast-time seems to be comparable to other damage positive skills on other classes that have a lower costs of use). 

The I would look at full rework weapons. That’s just my take, you’ll find people who have differing views, from people just wanting patchwork solutions to weapons with foundational problems to people who want reworks for everything. This topic is mostly just opinions, so it’s to be expected :) 

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one thing i'd like that i don't think would be overpowered is, if sword burst is going to keep its self root, give it a block/evade/immunity/blind or something during its cast.

it's kinda lame landing a full one and ending up losing the trade, especially if you're against something with a lot of cleanses

also please for the love of god, make the zerker version of sword burst's projectiles track like the heat seeking missles that are gunblade projectiles, i swear sometimes it feels like it misses on purpose

Edited by Shagie.7612
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5 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

one thing i'd like that i don't think would be overpowered is, if sword burst is going to keep its self root, give it a block/evade/immunity/blind or something during its cast.

it's kinda lame landing a full one and ending up losing the trade, especially if you're against something with a lot of cleanses

also please for the love of god, make the zerker version of sword burst's projectiles track like the heat seeking missles that are gunblade projectiles, i swear sometimes it feels like it misses on purpose


Why does sword have a self root and what if  they removed it would sword be worth taking without self root?

Edited by Axl.8924
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Maybe unpopular, but I would like for the Warhorn to heal a little bit. Maybe like a shout?

Something tiny like that would make it very useful in WvW especially combined with other shouts.

I would like for the "Hundred Blades" on Greatsword to not be a rooted skill. Being mobile while doing "Hundred Blades" would be a major improvement.

I read here that someone recommended a Spear, but outside of the water. That would be amazing. Two-handed spear or maybe a one-handed spear where you can also wear a shield. That would look amazing on a Warrior.

That could have been a better option than the Bladesworn's "weapon" in my opinion.

Maybe a Spear or a Staff for a new elite spec in the future?

That's it. Thanks for your attention.

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19 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

OH sword the single most pointless weapon in the entire game


While it's fitting for the skill, I find it weird that the sword rip on this removes the torment debuff, when something like Guardian's torch 4 doesn't take off the buff when you toss it. It wouldn't make OH sword a competitive weapon in... practically any build, but it'd make it marginally less bad.

Also like, make bow skills like, 3x faster. Only class in the game that can lob a longbow projectile, step behind LoS and get an Obstructed. Everyone else's shots are too fast.


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Make Maces and Shield do support.


Look at Guardian Mace, Mechanist Mace, Rev Staff, Guardian Shield, , Engineer Shield, Herald Shield. All give support buffs and many give heals on the Auto Attack. Use those skills for inspiration. Add that to Warrior as they don't have support weapons. Give some kind of support feature (buffs/heals/barrier) to all the skills that had their damage taken away due to CC. This could even go for Hammer as well. To have 1k-1.5k damage skills In PvE that do 11 in WvW has to go.If you aren't going to make CC do even 50% damage, give them some kind of support aspect other than just a stun or knockdown.


It would be nice if Heal shouts either healed for more, or had quicker recharge rates as well



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2 hours ago, Drakh.2941 said:

Make Maces and Shield do support.


Look at Guardian Mace, Mechanist Mace, Rev Staff, Guardian Shield, , Engineer Shield, Herald Shield. All give support buffs and many give heals on the Auto Attack. Use those skills for inspiration. Add that to Warrior as they don't have support weapons. Give some kind of support feature (buffs/heals/barrier) to all the skills that had their damage taken away due to CC. This could even go for Hammer as well. To have 1k-1.5k damage skills In PvE that do 11 in WvW has to go.If you aren't going to make CC do even 50% damage, give them some kind of support aspect other than just a stun or knockdown.


It would be nice if Heal shouts either healed for more, or had quicker recharge rates as well



Shield is fine as is, no need to have anyone touching shield.

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Being a PvE hammer enthusiast, I'd say that it really needs to do more damage per strike across the board considering the slow speed of its attacks and its extreme vulnerability to blind spam.


It's a very risky weapon to use, and is more prone to anti-warrior skills and effects than all of warrior's other weapons, so it should hit like a truck to compensate.


Either that, or reduce the spammability of things like Blind.

Edited by Mungrul.9358
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