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What about Warrior in competetive??

Grand Marshal.4098

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So still 300 second Cooldowns Anet? 

Still your lovely expansion son, Shoutsworn dominating with unhealthy and unfun mechanics? 

Still WvW being left to rot and Warrior having been kicked out of the meta with the nerf to Winds of Disenchantment? 

Still thinking Banner warriors in competetive exist? There is literally no one running banners, let alone play warrior. 

Still thinking that Mace and Hammer and Shield, should do no damage? Bursts included? 

Still thinking about working on alliances eith your one wvw dev? 

Any balance planned? Any coefficients planned to be buffed? 

You won't even rework traits for PvE? Like buff Primal Bursts, make Magebane Tether pulse damage to the tethered foe and the dagger trait actually useful with life steal on crit and higher crit chance while using daggers? 

Still thinking that Meditations and Rage skills can be useful in comp content? 

You have reworked and merged a single Bladesworn skill thrice? Is it working? No! 

So I am asking you, where do you want this game to devolve? 

Rant over. Any dev that can reply to our concerns? Heck, this is beyond warrior at this point. 


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Anet's current stance is bugsworn or bust. Ideally arms and defense would be reworked. Tier 2 and 3 bursts would be buffed for core. Berserker would gain access to tier 1 bursts outside of berserk mode and have berserk be an f2. Toughness penalty for berserk would be removed. Spellbreaker would have boon removal ramped up and given a decent amount of damage back on fullcounter. Hundred blades would have its cast time shortened, and our useless utilities would be looked at. Sadly that seems like an unachievable dream.

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GW2 have one of the worse warrior class/profession from many games.

Both in gameplay and visuals.

Not a berserker,not a knight,not a fighter,not a samurai,not a gladiator,not anything related to a warrior outside of pictures from talent trees.

Some builds work but only if you cache the very few professions you can counter in rest useless.

When I play other professions I feel that I play that profession,it's themed,it's unique...the warrior is neglected on so many levels that it hurts yet  the developers are heavily focused on Banners... Banners which you cannot even customize at least ...

I played WvW  with Guardian,Ranger and Thief quite a few times we managed to save the keep,save a fort,do something what counts,feel useful at a certain degree,use skills which you can see and feel that counts when used,casted,see domes,barriers,heals,reflects,blocks...

Then I switched to my main,aka Warrior... no utility,no use,just die and die and die... only utility I had was the Elite Banner which revived few brothers in arms to last a bit longer but other than this...nothing and even this skill have huge CD ...

Wtf your skills as warrior worths when all classes outclass you in matter of skills?

It would be really really really nice to have the development team responsible for warrior to clarify what their intentions are and what are they doing with this profession...

Maybe we many who plays/main warrior are dumb and not know how to play warrior properly both in PvP and PvE but the warrior is highly competitive and legendary...many of us who mains warrior probably never played before a warrior archetype character so we just come and complain.

I play warriors since WoW Vanilla in every game and I am sure many who complains have similar experience I wonder the developers responsible for the development of the warrior profession how much years they got behind and how many games they served in as warriors?

As I said maybe we do not understand this profession don't know,but the current state which this profession have is somewhere between  very annoying and frustrating.

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lol, not just competitive

pve it's a bust.

no one touches banner even after 2 changes.

power bladesworn beats all other power specs, rendering all other power spec useless with no distinguishable gameplay.

why would would you play 4 when you have 1 that's better and practically the same to others.


at least power spec on other specs provide different stuff and play differently

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1 hour ago, Lighter.5631 said:

lol, not just competitive

pve it's a bust.

no one touches banner even after 2 changes.

power bladesworn beats all other power specs, rendering all other power spec useless with no distinguishable gameplay.

why would would you play 4 when you have 1 that's better and practically the same to others.


at least power spec on other specs provide different stuff and play differently

Ya, as far as pve goes, I don't understand why every spec is power dps. Obviously one will be best, but it's worse than that. One is miles and miles better. The others don't come close.

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4 hours ago, Zuko.7132 said:

Ya, as far as pve goes, I don't understand why every spec is power dps. Obviously one will be best, but it's worse than that. One is miles and miles better. The others don't come close.

because they do nothing else lol and they refuse to give anything special for warrior elite spec.

even the new support changes are universal and accessible for all elites lol.


same goes for pvp, not because warrior wants to side node, because it can only do side node, can not team fight, can not plus, can not do anything, so the only rule it can play is side node. except maybe bladesworn, but only because it is bugged with stab, without stab, it is again weak in team fight.

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On 8/13/2022 at 8:41 AM, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

unhealthy and unfun mechanics

The cheapness of shoutsworn can't be overstated. I hope anet is only using such a huge band aid to figure out another way to make Bladesworn work.

If not, it's the biggest band aid or largest crutch I've ever seen a game use to make a class work.

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Warriors in gw2 ... every class except warriors 😛

Warrior to bladesword even bzerker i fight use minstrell,  is just another trend for minstrell stacking lamers.

The traits with 300 icd need to be removed from game or Anet needs to reduce their CD to 40-50sec or maybe 60-70sec but increase their duration.

Or keep its duration and make it last arround 20 seconds every 300 seocnds seams a fair trade off

@Grand Marshal.4098

Shield Stance could last longer 3 seconds 30sec CD, would be fun if the shield trait would extend its duration by 2-3 sec as well.

Shield bash since it dazes could do damage to targets already dazed or in similar state using a generous quoficient.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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in fairness wvw alliances are looking good, i truly hope they iron out all the lumps and get it live soon.


balance still looks like an afterthought, unimpactful at best, and negatively impactful at worst, at the very least none of the changes so far warrant months of wait.


they should seriously consider hiring a more competent balance team.


maybe theres just something going on back there that we're just not seeing. idk. i want to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Edited by eXruina.4956
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19 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

A game about skill Anet dev said... yeah right.

Sadly this impacts alot of builds but mostly warrior setups, play blob setup  or gtfo, all the damage comes from stacking perma 25 might withing minstrells stats and perma quickness, plus the amount of necro range spam.

Its the Anet vision of "good skill range stack n spam " that actually is damagin alot this class.


EDIT: even vindicator on full knight stats feels more warrior than a warrior, and vindicator is awfull for wvw.

This  balance of forcing every one to run tanky perma boon builds is nothing more than try to bring pve lamers gameplay of "carry me dady Anet i need perma boons to look like a good player" it is  nothing about players skill, when boons become passive effect due the amount of aplyers, its just take more modifiers for granted.

(This Anet childish  boon zero balance kinda puts me in a strange state of mind), can a mmo be more lame??

Edit 2: Spellbreaker Elite dome was nerfed as well kek...to help the boon balls of lamers (actually this is less know how to play its the contrary that Anet dev stated).

I have a request for all warriors (i deleted mine long time ago), request Spellbreaker elite dome to target quickness. It is a way to balance the perma boon balls is to make certain boon riping skills prioritizing certain boons, this is more towards the bring the player rather the boon ball.

Chrono and spellbreakers needs to be the stong offenders against the meta.

Edit3: Strong boons if Anet allows them to perma stack they need counters like strong target counters.


Bring the gw1 pvp mentality and state of mind to gw2 and gw2 will become and amazing pvp game.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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I find it hilarious they nerfed bubble in wvw. I was actually needed in groups. A well placed bubble was the solution to one of the most common complaints about wvw.  Now we have folks who never played warrior running around in spvp/wvw. THE DARGON WAITS!!!!SWOOOOOOSHHHH. I don’t think the devs are playing the same game we are. 

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On 8/13/2022 at 4:41 PM, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

So I am asking you, where do you want this game to devolve?

Players are using mantra of liberation even in WvW!!!

Woah I almost forgot that thing existed, if not for the devs adding a footnote about it when nerfing (yet again) the wrong thing on fb.

So ugh... yeah, what about war in competitive? What about competitive? Go do whichever instanced content they are trying to force on players throats.

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lol all the plat warrior mains now play other classes, yesterday i just saw the only war main, who i'd thought i would never see him play another class, playing a rev.


now every single bladesworn in ranked is gold bandwagoner and fotm players, who basically does not play outside of fotm.

ajax quit the game, boyce does not play war anymore.

after bladesworn is nerfed, warrior will be completely gone from competitive, until they overbuff and have fotm players flock to it again.

real war mains has been disappointed long enough.


i can easily name all the used to be plat war mains with top10 top25 top100 titles who basically does not touch war anymore.

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