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GW2 10th anniversary, please don't forget the solo players Anet

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Grumble, grumble, bah humbug !

(Climbs up onto soapbox)

Gaaagh, as a solo player who loves story content, I really hope that the 10th anniversary meta achievement armour set ***doesn't*** require doing PvP/WvW/Fractals/Dungeons/Raids ... my opinion only but I believe solo players are one of the mainstays of the game and that aspect of it has been one of the biggest drawcards GW2 has to offer over other unmentionable behemoth MMOs. I realise that the current dev team has been hit hard by past budget and staff cuts since Path of Fire, and that the current team are struggling hard to please everybody but solo players have been neglected of late. New players have been looked after with the re-release of LW1, nerfs, mounts, hardcore players have been looked after with strikes and their hard modes and dare I say PvP/WvW with balance patches ? (I don't know I don't touch the stuff, I do know that we do need PvP/WvW players for the health of the game though !) ... meanwhile as a story content loving solo player, spoilt badly by PoF's impressive LW4 release schedule, I'm still patiently waiting for LW6 to finally hit.

After a stressful day at work there's nothing better than pulling up your chair, turning on the PC and diving into GW2 to de-stress and have some fun, do some open world group content, chase after long overdue achievements but coming up against roadblocks like LW1's "Want to complete the overall meta achievement ? You're going to have to go and so some fractals and dungeons hahaha 😝" has been damned annoying.

(Climbs down from soapbox and walks off into the distance muttering)

P.S. I AM looking for to the 10th anniversary though, slightly annoyed that I deleted my at launch character 2 days after launch because I didn't like her hairstyle /facepalm


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Well, for some of the Return achievements, they included "bonus" achievements so you didn't have to do every single one to complete a category.

It looks like the armor will be earned through a currency ("Proofs of Legend"), so it's possible they've set it that you can earn enough for the full set by doing most, but not all of, the achievements.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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“Non-solo” content has been a thing in this game since launch and has been in practically every other major MMO. If you don’t want to group with other players, you don’t even need to communicate, that’s on you but don’t expect to get any rewards tied to that content. 

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5 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Well, for some of the Return achievements, they included "bonus" achievements so you didn't have to do every single one to complete a category.

It looks like the armor will be earned through a currency ("Proofs of Legend"), so it's possible they've set it that you can earn enough for the full set by doing most, but not all of, the achievements.


I was able to skip multiple achievements that I had not been looking forward to during the return to content. I hope there is some leeway for this as well.

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42 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Why would 10 year old vets not be able to play all aspects of the game?

That's a silly comment. Everyone plays this game differently. Pretend a ten year vet is playing this game for ten years doing mostly open world stuff and world events, and collections, maybe making the occassional legendary. And he's happy doing it. Then this reward comes along and tells you you may have played for 10 years but you only get this rewards if you play the parts of the game you don't like.

You're rewarding someone for being a 10 year vet, making them play differently after that much time will be met with resistance. No one cares whether or not raiders want people to raid, or PvPers want people to PvP. People paid for the game to enjoy it. For something like a 10th anniversary the message  you don't want to said is that you need to play this game the way WE want you do rather than the way you've been playing all along.

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11 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Then this reward comes along and tells you you may have played for 10 years but you only get this rewards if you play the parts of the game you don't like.

You seem to be slightly confusing "what is what" here. These achievements will be available to everyone, in no way this is somehow a reward for playing the game for 10 years. It's a set of acheivements and armor linked to the game running for 10 years. This reward doesn't somehow consider that "whoever plays through it must have been playing the game for past 10 years". It's not something you somehow deserve because you've played the game for however long or short you did.

If you want to talk about "I've played this game for 10 years, where's my stuff?" type of reward then... you'll be getting it in your mail as a 10th birthday present. That's what you get for playing for 10 years and all you need to do for it is log in.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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5 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

That's a silly comment. Everyone plays this game differently. Pretend a ten year vet is playing this game for ten years doing mostly open world stuff and world events, and collections, maybe making the occassional legendary. And he's happy doing it. Then this reward comes along and tells you you may have played for 10 years but you only get this rewards if you play the parts of the game you don't like.

You're rewarding someone for being a 10 year vet, making them play differently after that much time will be met with resistance. No one cares whether or not raiders want people to raid, or PvPers want people to PvP. People paid for the game to enjoy it. For something like a 10th anniversary the message  you don't want to said is that you need to play this game the way WE want you do rather than the way you've been playing all along.

Well it is pretty simple if you dont want to do it then you dont get the stuff locked behind it.

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12 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You seem to be slightly confusing "what is what" here. These achievements will be available to everyone, in no way this is somehow a reward for playing the game for 10 years. It's a set of acheivements and armor linked to the game running for 10 years. This reward doesn't somehow consider that "whoever plays through it must have been playing the game for past 10 years". It's not something you somehow deserve because you've played the game for however long or short you did.

If you want to talk about "I've played this game for 10 years, where's my stuff?" type of reward then... you'll be getting it in your mail as a 10th birthday present. That's what you get for playing for 10 years and all you need to do for it is log in.

IT's still listed as a reward for the 10th year anniversary. My guess is that people who are playing 10 years will take that a certain way. People make decisions on who they feel far more often than what they think. Most people anyway. Those who make decisions primarily on logic won't understand that. It's why hype sells so many games that aren't ready for prime time.

At the end of the day, bad feelings at this particular time would be bad in general for the game, whether you agree or believe it or not. Remember the turtle? The uproar over Dragon's End and the strike mission?  I did them both, with relatively little problem but there were plenty of people who complained about it.  There'll be enough complaints with the Steam launch imminent. This is a bad time to open another can of worms.

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6 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

IT's still listed as a reward for the 10th year anniversary. My guess is that people who are playing 10 years will take that a certain way. People make decisions on who they feel far more often than what they think. Most people anyway. Those who make decisions primarily on logic won't understand that. It's why hype sells so many games that aren't ready for prime time.

So you're just trying to make it something it clearly isn't and then justify it by some people not being able to understand what they read? That's a weird take, but if that somehow helps you thinking you're correct here then oh well. It still isn't a reward for playing the game for 10 years, it's part of the celebration that the game is going for 10 years -whether or not some people read it correctly. 😄

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9 minutes ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

a 10 year celebration should be a "Hey, thanks for being with us for so long, here's something cool!", not a "oh, you don't like 'x' content? sorry, no celebration for you". Not everything has to be a "dance for your cookie monkey! dance!" moment.

Good news you will have 30% bonus to karma an magic find in every content mate that is the celebration boost.

So no need to do x content.

And apparently we will get a mount skin.

For rewards tied to content how do you expect to get it without doing said content?

Edited by Linken.6345
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This is an MMORPG, if you are SOMETIMES forced to do group content it should be more than okay, specially if its just for cosmetics and achivement points. If you want to play a solo game just dont play a MMORPG, gw2 is already so so friendly with solo players, but that doesnt mean that it should focus their effort on solo playing, because again, this is not an individual RPG.

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3 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

For rewards tied to content how do you expect to get it without doing said content?

I guess I don't believe that rewards for a 10 year celebration should be tied to content. Why not just give out the gifts just for showing up? Have a big party in Lion's Arch and send letters to everyone with the gift attached. That's be a lot of fun.

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8 minutes ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

I guess I don't believe that rewards for a 10 year celebration should be tied to content. Why not just give out the gifts just for showing up? Have a big party in Lion's Arch and send letters to everyone with the gift attached. That's be a lot of fun.

Because its what makes a game alive and what people like, playing. In Gw1 they did the same, do some group content or with heroes around tyria and earn proofs to get stuff. And in gw1 it only last during anniversary event, here is gonna be permanent.

I dont understand people complains. "oh please anet dont make me play in group in a MMORPG", "oh please anet dont make me play at all to get decade armor". So whats the fun? how do you fill maps in the game if u dont kinda force people to go and do stuff to get COSMETIC items.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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5 minutes ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

I guess I don't believe that rewards for a 10 year celebration should be tied to content. Why not just give out the gifts just for showing up? Have a big party in Lion's Arch and send letters to everyone with the gift attached. That's be a lot of fun.

They will do just that with the gifts mate.

This armor is not a gift tho it is a reward for playing content.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So you're just trying to make it something it clearly isn't and then justify it by some people not being able to understand what they read? That's a weird take, but if that somehow helps you thinking you're correct here then oh well. It still isn't a reward for playing the game for 10 years, it's part of the celebration that the game is going for 10 years -whether or not some people read it correctly. 😄

Right because no one has ever complained or made a big deal when they've been "encouraged" to do harder content. 

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2 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

That's a silly comment. Everyone plays this game differently. Pretend a ten year vet is playing this game for ten years doing mostly open world stuff and world events, and collections, maybe making the occassional legendary. And he's happy doing it. Then this reward comes along and tells you you may have played for 10 years but you only get this rewards if you play the parts of the game you don't like.

You're rewarding someone for being a 10 year vet, making them play differently after that much time will be met with resistance. No one cares whether or not raiders want people to raid, or PvPers want people to PvP. People paid for the game to enjoy it. For something like a 10th anniversary the message  you don't want to said is that you need to play this game the way WE want you do rather than the way you've been playing all along.

FWIW, I think your concern is valid.

It also appears to me that people have a tendency to target casual PvEers in particular as playing a game the "wrong" way, but don't do the same when it comes to (for example) someone who plays to raid or someone who exclusively plays PvP. Which makes me think it's not really about thinking they should broaden their horizons, it's about thinking there's something wrong with them for wanting a more chill experience.

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2 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

IT's still listed as a reward for the 10th year anniversary. My guess is that people who are playing 10 years will take that a certain way. People make decisions on who they feel far more often than what they think. Most people anyway. Those who make decisions primarily on logic won't understand that. It's why hype sells so many games that aren't ready for prime time.


You still dont understand that Arenanet is not gonna ask every single player what is the content they like and waste resources on making 100 different versions for you. If you dont like open world, or raids, or pvp, or fractals its your problem, just dont go there and do what you like. But stop asking arenanet to put the rewards in the content you like, because that is so selfish and has no sense for the games future.

Arenanet has to make content and make the game be populated all over. Thats it, they are not gonna add legendary armor by doing Fire Elemental because it has no sense at all. 

And yes Dragon End, or even making social content like fishing is the best decision that arenanet could have done in years. And the numbers are showing.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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