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This game needs to be more clear about how to earn gold

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3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

How exactly would you solve it and what mmo straight up tells you how to make gold fastest/easiest? I don't think I know any doing that.

I'm not being paid to solve issues for Anet. Besides, they have ignored a lot of genuinely decent suggestions in a wide array of topics in recent months/years.

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3 minutes ago, Valisha.8650 said:

I'm not being paid to solve issues for Anet. Besides, they have ignored a lot of genuinely decent suggestions in a wide array of topics in recent months/years.

The point is this is not an issue as far as I'm currently aware. You get coins/drops/mats simply by playing the game. You can sell or buy whatever you want as long as it's not untradable. What you seem to want is for the game to optimize for you and that's just not what games do as far as I know (hence the questions above) -and that's why it is not an actual problem for the game to solve.

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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

Just play the game and you’ll figure out ways to make gold. If you don’t then there are so many guides on the internet. 
making gold is not difficult in Guild Wars 2.

Linked Reddit post, and the amount of upvotes it received prove you wrong from the perspective of majority of players.

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7 minutes ago, Valisha.8650 said:

Linked Reddit post, and the amount of upvotes it received prove you wrong from the perspective of majority of players.

The person creating that thread said he got gold for a griffon within a month, which depending on his playtime doesn't seem like lack of gold in the first place. Not only that, but he brings up farming guides and just asks how to optimize more instead of asking what you're asking about here.

Also it's an interesting approach to having a conversation where all it takes for one to be correct is to find an upvoted thread on reddit 😄

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

Also it's an interesting approach to having a conversation where all it takes for one to be correct is to find an upvoted thread on reddit 😄

If this truly was a non-issue, people probably would not upvote it that much. Especially in a place like Reddit.

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42 minutes ago, Valisha.8650 said:

If this truly was a non-issue, people probably would not upvote it that much. Especially in a place like Reddit.

Sorry, but you seem to have missed this -more important- part of my post:

The person creating that thread said they got gold for a griffon within a month, which depending on his playtime doesn't seem like lack of gold in the first place. Not only that, but he brings up farming guides and just asks how to optimize more instead of asking what you're asking about here.


What is "people upvoting it" supposed to mean in the context of your thread? Once again, it's not the game's job to optimize everything for the player. That perosn is just asking how to reach numbers from the farming guides. And one more thing: apparently part of the frustration of that person comes from the lack of understanading what "gold per hour' means. He quotes solo passiflora farm and asks how he's supposed to get 26hold/h profit" (currently down to 20g). Meanwhile when you go to the site he's bringing up https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/solo-farming/southsun-cove-blooming-passiflora you can see the actual gain there is below 1g, but the farm takes 2-3 minutes, which makes the average to be "xx gold per hour", except you're not really spamming this for hours and don't actually make that profit non-stop. The guide tells you it uses "3 blooming passiflora nodes" and after clicking on it, you see where the money comes from (spoiler alert: partially from the glyph on a cickle): https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming-details/southsun-cove-blooming-passiflora/blooming-passiflora -that's around 30 silver per node, guide talks about 3 nodes, that's 90 silver in total, which then brings us up to 20-21 gph value.

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12 minutes ago, Valisha.8650 said:

I'm not being paid to solve issues for Anet. Besides, they have ignored a lot of genuinely decent suggestions in a wide array of topics in recent months/years.


DO THIS THING I HAVE VAGUELY DESCRIBED AND DO NOT AT ALL UNDERSTAND, but dont expect me to give you any input on what or how or why, thats your job lolol. 



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ANet clearly stated: They don't want a game where you repeat stuff as long as you can to get most. (Whenever it happened by accident, they nerfed it). They want a game where you play the game and you get rewarded for that.

And that's how you make money, play different events, once a day (or raids and strikes once a week). /wiki et gives you the events, their schedule and location. (And there are three event-farm maps: Silverwastes, Dragonfall and Drizzlewood, where you do events for keys and open boxes)

The other thing are daily achievements (this includes daily T4 fractals + Recs, they are mainly good due to this daily achievement rewards), boostering some events on daily change. This boost makes them more rewardable than others.

And that mainly is it. And both are clearly marked.

There is a third: Acquiring/Crafting and Selling time gated items. Some people have a lot gold and don't want to wait, providing them with what they need faster earns you money (this includes currently the stuff to make gen3 legendaries like various runestones.) You need to know the game a bit in detail to do that right, and it's not per se designed by ANet but results from the game economy and as such changes over time

Edited by Dayra.7405
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If you would like more ways to earn money:

1. You can do T1 fractals in basically any gear. They aren't as profitable as higher tiers but you can still make a profit.

2. Dungeons are deceptively great gold per hour and can also be run in any gear. If you look in LFG you can usually find a group, and if not if you make one it usually fills up quickly unless it's off hours.

3. Run around killing bandits! I like to do this in Kessex Hills and Harathi Hinterlands. They frequently drop bags that have butter in them which sells quickly for around 2.5 silver a pop. It's not the most entertaining farm but it's easy and reliable, and you can sell the other materials as well. 

4. If you have LWS3 and Lake Doric unlocked, you can farm centaurs for leather. This is a good farm and sometimes you can find a tag running it for better gold per hour.

5. Your dailies give you 2g a day.

6. You can trade volatile and unbound magic for materials and either sell or keep them for crafting. 

7. Always take advantage of festivals! 

8. This requires an investment, but one way I make money is looking up which Black Lion weapon skins are in rotation and which ones are most wished for at the moment (you can do this on gw2effeciency). I will then buy the most wanted/expensive ones and stick them in my bank for around 6 months down the road to sell for $$$. Can do this with dyes too if you do BL key farms and get lucky with drops. Do this for long enough and you'll get a decent idea of which skin lines will be popular.

9. Use your laurels you get from login rewards to buy T6 material bags. 

10. And worst comes to worse, join the legion of bots in Iron Marches and farm dust to sell 😉 (don't do this but farming for dust is a legit way to make money, I prefer Blazeridge Steppes though, by where Shatterer spawns)


What I do is mostly just farm the materials myself instead of buy them, but I understand that's a time sink not everyone has. I hope this was at least a little bit helpful, good luck.

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Well let’s dismiss that Reddit upvoting. The game has hundreds of thousands of players as a low estimate after all.

Making money is incredibly easy since you literally just sell everything. Unidentified bags are very little individually, but quickly stack up for very quick gains. Same with material farming like wood and ore. Combined with dailies and certain world bosses and in a matter of weeks, you can a lot of gold. The key is not to hoard which the mistake poorer players make (and I’m guilty of that).

Patience is the other thing. Players build up their reserves or they invest and sell through the black lion. If the game told you how to farm 26 gold an hour and everyone did it, that method would bottom out. These items are changing based on player supply demand so often what is lucrative can change with a patch. A month to get 250 gold for your griffon is a fast gain for most players. If everyone could earn 250 gold in say a few days, the economy would have problems and things like the griffon would cost even more to balance out the gold sinks

The game absolutely does not need to tell players how to make gold. That would be a weird degree of handholding especially given it throws easily sellable loot out more than most games.

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15 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

The key is not to hoard which the mistake poorer players make (and I’m guilty of that).

Personally I don't call it hoard, but broad wealthiness 😉, of curse it takes longer than gold focussed wealthiness, but in the long run it has advantages to not turn everything into gold immediately, e.g. it saves you 15% TP cost 😉, if you not first turn it into gold, just to buy it back later.

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[FAST] does a wonderful job. The data they provide helps a lot of people making money.
But I would never suggest their website to a new player - at least not without giving them a basic introduction.

The huge problem behind the website is, they want to compare different farm-methods. But most cannot be properly compared. So they came up with the gold per hour value. Which can theoretically be calculated for everything. 

Most of the gold/hour values are extrapolated from silver/minute or even lower rates. In a several cases, they extrapolate single interactions, like looting a box with pressing F. Take the average reward in gold/silver/copper and divide it through the interaction time. Then extrapolate it to gold/hour. The values are correct, but do not really display how the farm works in reality.

If you are familiar with the mechanics, the gold per hour comparison is very helpful.


The gold-farming in GW2 can be summarized in two options:
- gold as reward
- selling items

The dailies (3x) go for gold as reward, as well as dynamic events, renown hearts, dungeons ...
The rest requires you to obtain loot (kill stuff, buy stuff for currencies, open containers), salvage and sometimes refine the materials, then sell the results.

The game is huge and rather old, so there are tons of ways to make money. That is why you need to read/watch guides nowadays to get started. Even for us veterans, it is quite overwhelming. You cannot know everything. After 10 years, nobody expects you to know everything.

The most common suggestions you can get if you ask in public are Fractals and SW. Sadly both are beginner traps. Fractals are the only vertical progression system we have in the game, so it does not really fit as a beginner's option to make money. The loot is excellent, but the preparations are mind-blowing. Especially when looking for the top-profit from T4+CM fractals. SW requires basic understanding of the bag-opening, salvage & sell stuff. The biggest complaint I get from people who farm SW is that the gold gain is horrible. When I ask them about their bag-opener character, I usually get "MY WHAT?!"

If you want it simple, go for the activities that reward gold directly. Else you should read/watch guides before diving into the system. It is worth the extra time and most of the video-guides are absolutely amazing.

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1 hour ago, Valisha.8650 said:

8 months ago, 261 upvotes, 85%

Pretty overwhelming.

261 upvotes in 8 months? That's nothing lmao

Also if you're gonna post about a topic, the least you can do is actually contribute suggestion. None of us get paid by ANet to solve problems but we still contribute to topics we want to help improve upon. 

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1 hour ago, Valisha.8650 said:

Those who visit dedicated forums are usually the more active part of  a community

There are more upvotes on a post asking about a weapon skin.
There are 3x that much upvoted on a meme.

There are 1500 upvotes on a screenshot.

If those 261 players are the "more active" part I'm suprised Anet still bothers to update this game, since I see more activity than that in GW1.

Upvotes on a Reddit post are not indicative of any form of acivity.

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