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Here what you're saving from buying the complete collection- $0.00

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7 minutes ago, Octavice.5019 said:

There are bigger problems than whats being addressed, you've heard of the regional pricing issues from other players. OP complaining about a bundle not being discounted is a huge slap in the face to those who have the regional pricing issues.

Anyways, peace out, I'm done with the entitled toxic people who stalk the online forums.

Um no, one thing being a problem does not cancel out another being a problem, nor is it a "slap in the face" to that other problem. They are both problems where advocating for the customer is important and calling the customer entitled is undermining that cause.

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1 minute ago, Octavice.5019 said:

There are bigger problems than whats being addressed, you've heard of the regional pricing issues from other players. OP complaining about a bundle not being discounted is a huge slap in the face to those who have the regional pricing issues.

The regional pricing issues has nothing to do with the way things should or do work in our region. The only one slapping them in the face are the ones that set the price. 

If you want to say me "complain" about the pricing is a slap to others faces then I hope you follow that logic in your everyday life. You can't complain about ANYTHING because there are way more people out there that have it worse.

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5 hours ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

😕 really? Wow I was caught off guard when I seen this. Do you guys not want people to buy the game? This is what you call self sabotage.  This takes pinching pennies to a whole new level. 

When you say penny pinching as a bad thing are you referring to complaining about not saving money when buying a buy to play game with no sub fee?

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15 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

When you say penny pinching as a bad thing are you referring to complaining about not saving money when buying a buy to play game with no sub fee?

I have the game so clearly its not a issue for me....If you don't understand how business and marketing work then thats on you not me.

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Players told anet to bundle up expansions and living world to not confuse new steam players. 

anet proceeds to bundle up said content.

forum: why no discount huh??? 

it’s like when ppl complained about not having build templates. Said they were even willing to pay for them. Then they add templates and ppl are like omg why do we have to pay for them? Amazing 

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People will always complain, huh?

You wanted bundled game, you got one. Now you complain about the price being to high. What do you want, the whole game for free? Other people paid a lot more. Base Guild Wars 2 (before it became free) was 60 euros + Heart of Thorns 40 euros + Path of Fire 30 euros + End of Dragons 30 euros =  160 euros.  Now people can get the same content for 60 euros total, do you see us complaining about us? Of course not, because we do not feel entitled like other people do.

If the price was lower, then it would be unfair for the general playerbase and even if that happened, I'm sure people would STILL find something to complain about.

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4 hours ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

I have the game so clearly its not a issue for me....If you don't understand how business and marketing work then thats on you not me.

I didn't say it was an issue for you. I asked if your use of penny pinching as a pejorative was in reference to those who were pinching pennies regarding purchasing GW2.

As to whether or not I understand how business and marketing work....I know that even referring to them as monolithic singular entities or forces is an indication of a lack of understanding. 

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36 minutes ago, Crono.4197 said:

People will always complain, huh?

You wanted bundled game, you got one. Now you complain about the price being to high. What do you want, the whole game for free? Other people paid a lot more. Base Guild Wars 2 (before it became free) was 60 euros + Heart of Thorns 40 euros + Path of Fire 30 euros + End of Dragons 30 euros =  160 euros.  Now people can get the same content for 60 euros total, do you see us complaining about us? Of course not, because we do not feel entitled like other people do.

If the price was lower, then it would be unfair for the general playerbase and even if that happened, I'm sure people would STILL find something to complain about.

Lol. Some people have long been saying that LW should be made free (myself being one of them) or at least made part of a discounted bundle. Out of all the suggestions they could have listened to relating to this, they finally caved and did the bare minimum, creating a bundle with a hefty price tag. What do you want, for people to pretend to be pleased when they get crumbs of responsiveness from the company? The fairest thing here would be for you to bow out of the discussion if you have nothing to add other than complaining about complaining.

Edited by Labjax.2465
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53 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Lol. Some people have long been saying that LW should be made free (myself being one of them) or at least made part of a discounted bundle. Out of all the suggestions they could have listened to relating to this, they finally caved and did the bare minimum, creating a bundle with a hefty price tag. What do you want, for people to pretend to be pleased when they get crumbs of responsiveness from the company? The fairest thing here would be for you to bow out of the discussion if you have nothing to add other than complaining about complaining.

I don’t think it should be free. It’s a no subscription game. They need to earn money somehow. It’s not cheap what Anet does. And I don’t think anyone is complaining about ppl complaining. It’s the way it’s said that makes it seem unnecessary sometimes. Constructive criticism is always good and should be given. In a proper manner. but criticism just to rant or troll is not good and what many ppl react to. It can be quite entertaining when things get heated though. I’ve munched my share of popcorn reading these forums at times for sure. 

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Players demand bundles and proper descriptions of what is contained in those bundles (which is very understandable given the complex nature of it).


The developer delivers (arguably far to late).


Players now want discounts with those bundles joining others which have demanded content be made free.


The developer has to now find other revenue streams because the product has no subscription.


Meanwhile in the same game "Whaaah Arenanet/NCSoft are greedy because":

- way to many cool cosmetics in the gem store

- way to many mount skin in the gem store

- equipment and build templates are monetized

- things are to expensive and cost to much gold, give for free please

- "insert random item someone feels entitled to while not spending a dime on the game or at best the bare minimum"



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To be honest, given the increasing noise surrounding battlepasses, FOMO and sunsetting practices in Games-as-a-Service at the moment, I think all Living World episodes should be made available to everyone for free, always.

And I say this as someone who paid for the seasons, excluding IBS.

Edited by Mungrul.9358
What the kitten are "spasses"?
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1 hour ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

To be honest, given the increasing noise surrounding battlepasses, FOMO and sunsetting practices in Games-as-a-Service at the moment, I think all Living World episodes should be made available to everyone for free, always.

And I say this as someone who paid for the seasons, excluding IBS.

The idea that you can pay for something in a game and then loose access to it still seems very weird to me. Of course I understand that games themselves sometimes get shut down, but the idea that you could buy something in a game and then it's taken away even though the game is still running seems crazy.

I was going to say if that was a concern I'd see the fact that it's still a paid extra as a good sign because I assume the company wouldn't do that with something they consider obsolete and especially something that's going to be removed soon, but maybe that's my own lack of experience with those types of games. Especially since I'd interpret a bundle version (like GW2 has) with everything in together differently to just making older updates a free addition.

In general though what I want from a game I'm considering buying is some simple options, and now I think GW2 has that. If I'd never played it before and was considering the game now I wouldn't buy the complete collection with everything in it because it's expensive for a game I'm not yet committed to, but having it there is still useful to me because it gives me an idea of how much there is to buy, and roughly what it costs in total.

What I'd do instead is download the free version to try, then when I want to either get rid of the restrictions or get more to play I'd buy HoT + PoF, then Season 2 from the gem store when I'd finished Season 1 and keep going like that - buying new bits when I got to them. (Or maybe shortly before if they're discounted, since I've done that with ESO.)

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I think at the very least, because of the way LWS is released, buying the expansion preceding them should grant you access to those episodes.

For example, buying HoT should also give you LWS3, and buying PoF should give you LWS4 and IBS.

Seems logical to me, as LWS are continuations of the story between expansions.

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15 minutes ago, Miragen.6127 said:

It's impressive how people constantly jump to defend poor and questionable decisions from Anet, hope they are sending you some nice stuff to do so because it'd be weird if you're doing this for free.

Has nothing to do with defending Anet.

To some of us with actual disposable income it just gets tiresome to have to deal with the same entitled and constant complaining brought forth by some players.

We get it, some players want everything and they want at it no cost. Unfortunately that's not how this world works.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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9 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Has nothing to do with defending Anet.

To some of us with actual disposable income it just gets tiresome to have to deal with the same entitled and constant complaining brought forth by some players.

We get it, some players want everything and they want at it no cost. Unfortunately that's not how this world works.


I'd be a millionaire if I got a dollar for every time I read a comment identical to yours.



-Someone questions the pricing of a game, asks for a discount or other pricing related questions.


-Well you're just poor, entitled and want everything for free.


That's not the argument, that's not what people are saying, that's not what people are asking for.

People misrepresenting an argument so they can play the 'you're just entitled card' is way more tiresome than whatever you think you're dealing with.


People aren't asking for free stuff, they are not entitled for valuing their money.

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6 minutes ago, Miragen.6127 said:


I'd be a millionaire if I got a dollar for every time I read a comment identical to yours.



That's not the argument, that's not what people are saying, that's not what people are asking for.

People misrepresenting an argument so they can play the 'you're just entitled card' is way more tiresome than whatever you think you're dealing with.


People aren't asking for free stuff, they are not entitled for valuing their money.

Except it is. Most of the posters in this thread have made exactly those demands in other threads. I get it: it's hip and cool to demand stuff for free. Gets you a lot of up votes because everyone loves free stuff.

That is all until the bill has to get payed by someone. Like when the mass layoffs happened in 2019 and suddenly players started making petitions about donating to Arenanet.

Just calling a spade a spade.

Recalling that time, it was actually the only couple of weeks where most players were almost unanimous about NOT asking for free stuff.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Just now, Cyninja.2954 said:

Except it is. Most of the posters in this thread have made exactly those demands in other threads. I get it: it's hip and cool to demand stuff for free. Gets you a lot of up votes because everyone loves free stuff.

That is all until the bill has to get payed by someone. Like when the mass layoffs happened in 2019 and suddenly players started making petitions about donating to Arenanet.

Just calling a spade a spade.


Well I don't know what you are reading, I see most people just discussing the price, thinking they should have been a discount, comment saying it should be $80, people defending the current pricing, something about privileged wallets, more defending of the pricing and Anet, talking about LW should be free or bundled with the expansions.. you know, free, like it was for most people calling others entitled for wanting it and I think there was one other guy that said it should be free for others, even when he bought it, which is the opposite from being entitled and a rare example of a person who doesn't maintain the mindset of  'If I suffer, you also have to suffer'.


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7 minutes ago, Miragen.6127 said:


Well I don't know what you are reading, I see most people just discussing the price, thinking they should have been a discount, comment saying it should be $80, people defending the current pricing, something about privileged wallets, more defending of the pricing and Anet, talking about LW should be free or bundled with the expansions.. you know, free, like it was for most people calling others entitled for wanting it and I think there was one other guy that said it should be free for others, even when he bought it, which is the opposite from being entitled and a rare example of a person who doesn't maintain the mindset of  'If I suffer, you also have to suffer'.


The collection is discounted (even if barely). So we are already discussing the insufficiency of the discount. While ignoring the original demand being "please just bundle everything for ease of purchase" but hey who is keeping track of a shifting goalpost. We are fighting for our rights to cheaper/free stuff here!

It's the same as templates all over again: "give us templates, we'll pay for them. What, templates cost money?!"

The argument that LW was free to players who logged on is bogus because it wasn't. Among those players some were spending money on gems and the gem store WHILE the LW episodes kept them active in the game. The fact YOU or many players might not have does not change the fact that offering the episodes to committed players increased revenue even while releasing them.

Players coming in later do not bring that benefit. On the contrary, one could make the argument that players so spending sensitive will spend even less money on the game.

And so the wheel goes round and round all over again with the 1 common denominator from the complaining being: some are unhappy, unwilling or unable to afford the game. The unhappy and unable ones are hardly able to get tapped into, the unwilling ones even less so. Simple reality.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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34 minutes ago, Miragen.6127 said:

I think there was one other guy that said it should be free for others, even when he bought it, which is the opposite from being entitled and a rare example of a person who doesn't maintain the mindset of  'If I suffer, you also have to suffer'.

Except ppl are not saying that. If someone will suffer it’s not the ppl who bought their game or will buy it. It’s anet that will suffer. Is that so hard to understand? 

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10 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

Players told anet to bundle up expansions and living world to not confuse new steam players. 

anet proceeds to bundle up said content.

forum: why no discount huh??? 

it’s like when ppl complained about not having build templates. Said they were even willing to pay for them. Then they add templates and ppl are like omg why do we have to pay for them? Amazing 

Existing players told Anet, not new players. That means nothing. Does Anet need us to tell them how to market their game every step of the way? They can't make their own decisions outside of player recommendations? Amazing 

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8 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I just came back to check the forums after being away for several hours. If I am going to respond to you I will do so (and have done so). You might want to look up the word narcissism. Thinking that you are the center of others' attention and consideration is a symptom.


Then it must just be a coincidence that right after I replied to you I got 11 notifications of confused faces right?...You're clearly not going to admit to something like that so lets just leave it there. I'm definitely a narcissist, it's clear from this thread! Only a narcissist would want a discount for new players. 

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8 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I didn't say it was an issue for you. I asked if your use of penny pinching as a pejorative was in reference to those who were pinching pennies regarding purchasing GW2.

As to whether or not I understand how business and marketing work....I know that even referring to them as monolithic singular entities or forces is an indication of a lack of understanding. 

You were being a smart kitten that what you were doing...


Yeah I definitely don't understand it. Maybe I should sell my flooring business and renovation company since I have no clue what I'm doing. 

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