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Unfair ranked points loss


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I was Platinum ranked in ranked pvp. Usually when i win or lose i currently gain or lose about 8 -12 ranked points. Today i got matched with SILVER players who spent entire game dead and i lost 20 POINTS PER MATCH. This dropped me to gold. I won a game after and I gained ONLY 4 RANKED POINTS. How is it fair that i as plat get matched with silvers and lose that much points? I lost 37 ranked points in 2 matched when it took me 10 matched to gain that amount is not acceptable in anyway. I demand to return my points and look into the-match making system.

The on going issues and neglect that Anet have towards the pvp scene is making it very hard to enjoy the game anymore.

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Don't get caught up on your rank. GW2 is relatively small in pvp population when compared to competitive games like league/dota/battle royales.


Thus the matchmaking system has to compensate somewhere so MMR takes a back seat.


Also, I wouldn't blame it on the "silver players", you were a noob once too. And likely still far from the best.

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51 minutes ago, Sovari.7246 said:

PvP is something you need to train yourself mentally that losing is ok  since the population is low and get ready for some more new Steam players that will probably be playing ranked affecting match quality even furthe

I don't mind losing, just give us a way to auto-surrender 100-0, 200-50, 300-100 and 400-150 games. Most of my frustration with PvP involves the absolute slog that comes with a lost game.


You're not going to win, but you're forced to keep trying anyway.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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8 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

I don't mind losing, just give us a way to auto-surrender 100-0, 200-50, 300-100 and 400-150 games. Most of my frustration with PvP involves the absolute slog that comes with a lost game.


You're not going to win, but you're forced to keep trying anyway.

What annoys me even more is all the players reporting you because you sit at spawn when the score is 400-40, saying you're throwing and wintrading. 🙄

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On 9/1/2022 at 2:26 AM, Kasrios.7548 said:

I was Platinum ranked in ranked pvp. Usually when i win or lose i currently gain or lose about 8 -12 ranked points. Today i got matched with SILVER players who spent entire game dead and i lost 20 POINTS PER MATCH. This dropped me to gold. I won a game after and I gained ONLY 4 RANKED POINTS. How is it fair that i as plat get matched with silvers and lose that much points? I lost 37 ranked points in 2 matched when it took me 10 matched to gain that amount is not acceptable in anyway. I demand to return my points and look into the-match making system.

The on going issues and neglect that Anet have towards the pvp scene is making it very hard to enjoy the game anymore.


There were not enough other plat players to match you against at the time.  Not fair for the silver's either because obviously you as a pro gaming god are way too much for them.  

in your infinite pro gaming wisdom, you consider researching population and how the matchmaker works before salting up the forum...

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I know the feeling you win 1 match solo ranked and you get 10 pts you lose 1 game you lose 30. I am not sure how the match making works but I just dont care anymore and just do yolo ranked get my seasonal chest and move on. 

Its sad the pvp could be much better but it is what it is. You cant take it to seriously. I mean I do unranked and have people being toxic. The thing ive learned over the years is dont expect anything to change. Been playing the game long time and not much has changed for pvp/wvw. It is sad because game is lot fun combat wise. Below is matchs I have all time. Rarely close matchs all 0-500 type stuff. Ranked and Unranked.....Idk about you but you cant learn just stomping or being stomped.

pvp history

Edited by GenerationX.9178
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19 hours ago, Sovari.7246 said:

PvP is something you need to train yourself mentally that losing is ok  since the population is low and get ready for some more new Steam players that will probably be playing ranked affecting match quality even furthe

Unfortunately, the Steam release is not going to do jack for pvp in the long term. New players will come in...see the shite-show for what it is...and leave. They will run into the same problems everyone else has (terrible matchmaking algorithm, win-traders, duo-queue, etc).

Hell, the Steam release as a whole is pointless. Who's even going to register spend money on gw2 through Steam...? Where does the money go? Through Steam or Anet? To my knowledge, THAT has not been worked out yet. It's not like Steam doesn't offer anything that the Anet portal does not already provide.

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What is worse is it insentivises builds that would otherwise be not be conducive to team playing. I mean you won't get gold trying to support silver players rather you will get gold by taking the rains and trying make a jack of all trades build. 

I think this is how we ended up with this chase heavy meta since it can address most problems you will face with silver players which is stuff like far or home flipping. 

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33 seasons of Ranked and rating is still purely RNG.


The only thing that determines how much rating you gain/lose at the end of the match is the average MMR of both teams compared to your own.

You could play the best damned Guild Wars 2 of your entire life, nailing every single top stat and making up like 70% of the teams damage/healing and  that does not matter for squat because apparently it makes people tunnel vision in this game


But it doesn't matter. Its all up to the average rating of other players in this low-population game that allows 2 people to queue together max. Genius 207IQ design.

A DuoQ can smurf with one lower-rated account to lower their average MMR, meaning they can actively torment whoever they want by sniping their games and forcing them to win less or lose more.

And that guy afk in spawn, yelling slurs at his team? Oh, he's lower rating than the rest of his team. Better make sure he loses the least amount of rating for a game he contributed nothing to, and give him some freebie pips to make him feel better.


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22 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

I don't mind losing, just give us a way to auto-surrender 100-0, 200-50, 300-100 and 400-150 games. Most of my frustration with PvP involves the absolute slog that comes with a lost game.


You're not going to win, but you're forced to keep trying anyway.

So if you surrender, do you still get credit for losing the match? In which place the afkers get what they’re after, only faster.

If you surrender and don’t get credit, leggie farmers won’t vote to surrender because even a loss gets them a step toward their goal.


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On 8/31/2022 at 11:26 PM, Kasrios.7548 said:

I was Platinum ranked in ranked pvp. Usually when i win or lose i currently gain or lose about 8 -12 ranked points. Today i got matched with SILVER players who spent entire game dead and i lost 20 POINTS PER MATCH. This dropped me to gold. I won a game after and I gained ONLY 4 RANKED POINTS. How is it fair that i as plat get matched with silvers and lose that much points? I lost 37 ranked points in 2 matched when it took me 10 matched to gain that amount is not acceptable in anyway. I demand to return my points and look into the-match making system.

The on going issues and neglect that Anet have towards the pvp scene is making it very hard to enjoy the game anymore.


Things you could do:  1) if you are playing at low population times,  figure out who you are playing against at your rating that you can't beat and wait for them to get in a match. 2) play at higher population times of the day. 3) Leave the queue and rejoin if your queue time is going much over the average.  That will lower the rating differential in the matches. 4)  Find someone to duo with preferably on a smurf account.  Having someone with a lower rating will lower your team MMR which will lower queue times and stack the match in your favor if they smurfed their rating enough.

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6 minutes ago, Faux Play.6104 said:


Things you could do:  1) if you are playing at low population times,  figure out who you are playing against at your rating that you can't beat and wait for them to get in a match. 2) play at higher population times of the day. 3) Leave the queue and rejoin if your queue time is going much over the average.  That will lower the rating differential in the matches. 4)  Find someone to duo with preferably on a smurf account.  Having someone with a lower rating will lower your team MMR which will lower queue times and stack the match in your favor if they smurfed their rating enough.

In other words: rig the matchmaking system.

Because, let's face it: it's DESIGNED to be rigged! It's not like there are (snicker)...actual consequences for doing so! (hello there, Anet...)

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