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Wintrading at an all time high


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Match after match after match of people auto attacking, standing by and observing fights instead of participating, and people just wandering around the map ignoring objectives. 

How do these people have so much money to just sit around, not work, and buy up alt accounts with expansions? I don't get it. Don't you want more out of life? Usually duo queued too. So glad they've been gifted this option to abuse the system. 

Time to farm another 20 gold from one-sided matches while watching the 1001 not-so-subtle tactics employed by the cartel.

Edited by Bast.7253
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2 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

How do these people have so much money to just sit around, not work, and buy up alt accounts with expansions? I don't get it. Don't you want more out of life?

Its sad and pathetic but top Ranked titles and AT wins have been priced between $400-900 USD. Noody has a video(Gw2's most famous/infamous players) where some of the invoices were leaked.

and DuoQ lets them boost multiple accounts at once, so ignoring alts(which they have plenty of) that's like $1.5k for just two accounts 

Most wintraders left in this game are high schoolers, or started off as high schoolers and never quite matured past that point. Its pretty tragic to witness really, but if there's one thing people like that love, its easy money and clout. 


For you and just for you, I will share my super secret code phrase that when spoken to a wintrader will immediately throw them into a blind, uncontrollable rage. Ready?

Just call them trash, because that's what they are. Imagine having to cheat to win in a game with maybe 500 active players on each server.

They can pretend like it doesn't bother them all they want, if you're patient eventually they'll crack because the people who do things like this are sweatier than a tweaker running a desert marathon.

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4 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

Match after match after match of people auto attacking, standing by and observing fights instead of participating, and people just wandering around the map ignoring objectives. 

How do these people have so much money to just sit around, not work, and buy up alt accounts with expansions? I don't get it. Don't you want more out of life? Usually duo queued too. So glad they've been gifted this option to abuse the system. 

Time to farm another 20 gold from one-sided matches while watching the 1001 not-so-subtle tactics employed by the cartel.

Bast, instead of worrying about wintrading, start working on your own attitude towards others. Unfortunately you're well known for harassing, trolling and abusing other's in chat whether it be in matches or the ffa arena.


Having a positive effect in the community starts with you.



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18 minutes ago, Little Howl.5231 said:

Bast, instead of worrying about wintrading, start working on your own attitude towards others. Unfortunately you're well known for harassing, trolling and abusing other's in chat whether it be in matches or the ffa arena.


Having a positive effect in the community starts with you.



What's well known look like in this game?

Some streamer and his cult on 50 alt accounts? 

At least I'm well known I guess, so thanks! =D

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1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Its sad and pathetic but top Ranked titles and AT wins have been priced between $400-900 USD. Noody has a video(Gw2's most famous/infamous players) where some of the invoices were leaked.

and DuoQ lets them boost multiple accounts at once, so ignoring alts(which they have plenty of) that's like $1.5k for just two accounts 

Most wintraders left in this game are high schoolers, or started off as high schoolers and never quite matured past that point. Its pretty tragic to witness really, but if there's one thing people like that love, its easy money and clout. 


For you and just for you, I will share my super secret code phrase that when spoken to a wintrader will immediately throw them into a blind, uncontrollable rage. Ready?

Just call them trash, because that's what they are. Imagine having to cheat to win in a game with maybe 500 active players on each server.

They can pretend like it doesn't bother them all they want, if you're patient eventually they'll crack because the people who do things like this are sweatier than a tweaker running a desert marathon.

Thank you for sticking to the subject. 

That is crazy! I can't believe people would pay real life money for a pvp title. I can understand buying raid/fractal clears because they come with exclusive cosmetics but how can you buy a title and feel anything for it if you didn't earn it? What do you do with it? Tell people how you're x number on the leaderboard?

It makes sense though. I've seen a few people here and there with plat badges and am like.. uh.. I know I'm not great at this game but didn't this person used to consistently rank below me? Maybe they just hadn't found their playstyle yet. 

Edited by Bast.7253
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2 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

Thank you for sticking to the subject. 

That is crazy! I can't believe people would pay real life money for a pvp title. I can understand buying raid/fractal clears because they come with exclusive cosmetics but how can you buy a title and feel anything for it if you didn't earn it? What do you do with it? Tell people how you're x number on the leaderboard?

Its all for clout. They take this game way WAY too seriously for what it is, and they try to normalize their highly irrational way of thinking by turning the game into a sweat fest in every sense.

I'm talking real petty, vain bullkitten. A lot of trashtalk that goes outside the game itself to their little livestreams where they do nothing but call their teammates and opponents bots.

All said comfortably from the safety of their legendary DuoQ, which they'll bring into Ranked when everyone is asleep so they can stomp SoloQs 2/300 rating below them in peace. That won't stop them from doing everything in their power to metagame harder though. Better  class-swap 10 different times before the match starts too.

TL;DR, yes. In the end they do it to look like gods, but its really nothing but a polished up kitten. This game isn't even competitive at all, despite what the cartel would want you to believe.

2 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

It makes sense though. I've seen a few people here and there with plat badges and am like.. uh.. I know I'm not great at this game but didn't this person used to consistently rank below me? Maybe they just hadn't found their playstyle yet. 


You mean like some of the people here?

Lot of people here that could hardly ever break out of gold but then suddenly... God of PvP, 90% of games won.

"Everyone is a criminal, the trick is not getting caught" See why I call them a cartel? 😂

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1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Its all for clout. They take this game way WAY too seriously for what it is, and they try to normalize their highly irrational way of thinking by turning the game into a sweat fest in every sense.

I'm talking real petty, vain bullkitten. A lot of trashtalk that goes outside the game itself to their little livestreams where they do nothing but call their teammates and opponents bots.

All said comfortably from the safety of their legendary DuoQ, which they'll bring into Ranked when everyone is asleep so they can stomp SoloQs 2/300 rating below them in peace. That won't stop them from doing everything in their power to metagame harder though. Better  class-swap 10 different times before the match starts too.

TL;DR, yes. In the end they do it to look like gods, but its really nothing but a polished up kitten. This game isn't even competitive at all, despite what the cartel would want you to believe.


You mean like some of the people here?

Lot of people here that could hardly ever break out of gold but then suddenly... God of PvP, 90% of games won.

"Everyone is a criminal, the trick is not getting caught" See why I call them a cartel? 😂

I figured there was some discord or communication somewhere outside of the game so they couldn't be tracked. It's the smart thing to do. I wonder if it's the same discord used for balance recommendations? hahaha. 

I haven't seen some of the team usa people in awhile but I assume they've changed their display names. Seen a few people that seem to do it once every few weeks. Not sure if it's just alt accounts or if they've actually put a ticket in to change their name. Obscuring the process maybe? I don't think that would work with friends/blocklist/setting nicknames. 

It could be competitive. The combat system is there. Just need more variation of game modes and balance patches that are more than just coefficient changes. 

Eh. Oh well. Ez gold. I've seen so many double plat duo's today I've lost count. I don't know if it's because it's off hours and they're timing their queues right on alt accounts or if the population is that low or what. I assume a little of everything. All good though. Know that I know people pay real life money upwards of 1k for competitive prestige I'm taking this all a lot less seriously and just 1111111'ing on my mech and letting matchmaking determine the rest. No sense in trying to play something that takes any effort when the match is decided before you enter. 


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1 hour ago, Bast.7253 said:

I figured there was some discord or communication somewhere outside of the game so they couldn't be tracked. It's the smart thing to do. I wonder if it's the same discord used for balance recommendations? hahaha. 

Oh for sure, they don't even have to hide it anymore. The last time they got any sort of punishment they just made new accounts.

"We were never busted for match manipulation in 2018"

1 hour ago, Bast.7253 said:

I haven't seen some of the team usa people in awhile but I assume they've changed their display names. Seen a few people that seem to do it once every few weeks. Not sure if it's just alt accounts or if they've actually put a ticket in to change their name. Obscuring the process maybe? I don't think that would work with friends/blocklist/setting nicknames. 

Tbh Team USA has been at it so long that a lot of them grew up and put the match manipulation behind them.

Naru in particular has completely turned around for the better, and with all his experience in that area, he actually has a lot of meaningful insight on the scene. He knows who exactly queues as what he calls "organically" which is just playing the game and then "inorganically" which is tryhard sweaty metagaming that kills the whole game for everyone.

1 hour ago, Bast.7253 said:

It could be competitive. The combat system is there. Just need more variation of game modes and balance patches that are more than just coefficient changes. 

Absolutely it could be. Me and you have been here since the SoloQ days so we know its possible, and even good when its good.

But what we have now is just a clown-fiesta egotrip that only caters to the top 1% of the 1%. The lizard people.

1 hour ago, Bast.7253 said:

Eh. Oh well. Ez gold. I've seen so many double plat duo's today I've lost count. I don't know if it's because it's off hours and they're timing their queues right on alt accounts or if the population is that low or what. I assume a little of everything. All good though. Know that I know people pay real life money upwards of 1k for competitive prestige I'm taking this all a lot less seriously and just 1111111'ing on my mech and letting matchmaking determine the rest. No sense in trying to play something that takes any effort when the match is decided before you enter. 

You should hold on for the sake of that 1 pvp player in the back.

and load up on CC. The wintrading cartel hates CC spam because it shuts down those trashy circus acts they call livestreams.



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13 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

Match after match after match of people auto attacking, standing by and observing fights instead of participating, and people just wandering around the map ignoring objectives. 

How do these people have so much money to just sit around, not work, and buy up alt accounts with expansions? I don't get it. Don't you want more out of life? Usually duo queued too. So glad they've been gifted this option to abuse the system. 

Time to farm another 20 gold from one-sided matches while watching the 1001 not-so-subtle tactics employed by the cartel.

It seems like selling titles to pve heroes is a great business, not sure if they buying expansions. It's not uncommon to see a known "pro" player alt duo with one shot mesmer, they're boosting the free account close to plat to q sync with it later

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6 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

It seems like selling titles to pve heroes is a great business, not sure if they buying expansions. It's not uncommon to see a known "pro" player alt duo with one shot mesmer, they're boosting the free account close to plat to q sync with it later

One shot mes? Really? I feel like all the ones I've seen have either been mechs or... for some reason...

A CORE SUPPORT GUARD EVERY MATCH. A duo. And we're not talking new steam player that just picked up the game and happens to be good at support. We're talking duo queue and a support guard that never dies, uses all of the abilities they need to at precisely the right moment and carries the match hard. I have to assume some or most of these are alt accounts of high level players. It's just weird because up until now I haven't seen any core guards hardly in matches and playing a support in solo queue is... painful. Rather sus to me. Meanwhile I get the poor firebrand on my team that dies in 3 seconds because firebrand seems to have been eradicated from pvp. lol 

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Dropping duo-queue would help a lot IMO.  I suspect most of the "win-trading" isn't actual win-trading.  It's just high-ranked players playing on low-rank smurf accounts to help boost another already high-rank player.  Alternatively, the duo-queue system should just use the highest-ranked player's rating for calculating the overall group rating, rather than taking the average.

For example, if the rank 5 and rank 100 player duo-queue together on their main accounts, it'll take 5+ minutes for the queue to pop, and the matchmaker will then expect them to carry a team of silvers against a team of high gold / low plat.  But if the rank 5 player makes a new smurf account with only 1200 rating, then he can queue with the rank 100 player, and their average rating will be much lower.  As a result, they'll get faster queues and get more favorable matchups.

And to the extent "win-trading" is really the culprit, dropping duo-queues will also make win-trading less efficient and therefore less prevalent.


Edited by ResJudicator.7916
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33 minutes ago, Bast.7253 said:

One shot mes? Really? I feel like all the ones I've seen have either been mechs or... for some reason...

A CORE SUPPORT GUARD EVERY MATCH. A duo. And we're not talking new steam player that just picked up the game and happens to be good at support. We're talking duo queue and a support guard that never dies, uses all of the abilities they need to at precisely the right moment and carries the match hard. I have to assume some or most of these are alt accounts of high level players. It's just weird because up until now I haven't seen any core guards hardly in matches and playing a support in solo queue is... painful. Rather sus to me. Meanwhile I get the poor firebrand on my team that dies in 3 seconds because firebrand seems to have been eradicated from pvp. lol 

Yes, core supp guardian is also a solid pick, an experienced player will bunk mid against the noobs, while the other player plays something like herald to save his gold 1 teammates from losing the sides. I see more mesmer tho NA, again a herald or another builds highly explosive duo with a 1 shot mesmer that'll insta kill any noob on sight, you sure they're experienced player when they try to burst you 2 or 3 times and if they don't get the kill they'll move away to find an easier target and they'll never engage you again in a 1v1.

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Yeah it's extremely bad this season. In the past 3 days I've tried to queue 3 games, which were all blowout win trade losses. I'm talking like 650 to 60 loss in Foefire, where my teammates very seriously do not do anything at all. Like they actually don't do anything beyond spam 1, walk in get killed, don't even attempt to use heal skill. I have what I thought was all of the mains & alts in the community added to my contacts to watch, but it's never enough because there is always a new flow of new alts, like every week or two. I don't understand why these people are willing to pay enormous amounts of money to continuously upgrade new alts. That's a lot of money tbh. It makes me wonder if they are somehow being gifted free expansion upgrades to these accounts because who would actually pay for core, hot, pof, and eod? I mean that's like 80.00 per alt upgrade and there are a lot of these guys who have easily 10+ alts. They've got to be getting free upgrades somehow. Who would actually spend 800.00 to like 2000.00 to upgrade 10-20+ alts? I have a hard time believing anyone would do that.

It's been bad this season in general, but I was successfully dodging the garbage and playing around rank 30 to 50 this entire season until 120 games required hit, the final two weeks of the season. In the past 3 or 4 days it has been literally impossible to queue dodge the amount of win trading & throwing that is going on. You can sit aaaaall day watching your contacts list and view the win trade cliques pretty much waiting in line for each other to enter games, then the next clique enters queue, then another waits, then they queue when the other gets in, and so on and so forth, and there is no margin of time for a clean player to be able to squeeze in a clean game.

The stupidest thing about this that irks me to no end is the sheer amount of time that some of these players put forth into doing this. For nearly 4 days now, some of these people have been online win trading and throwing with seemingly no sleep. What is actually wrong with these people? It's like you'd need be operating on amphetamines to be able to do that. The strangest thing about it is that these people already have all of these titles on almost every alt that they wanted to place them on and they do this same thing every season. Just why? It's weird man. Enough is enough. Is there really that much money left in this game to where this is worth putting beyond full time job hours into manipulating this small population leaderboard? I have a hard time believing anyone is making much USD per season, but hey I could be wrong. At this point it looks like most of these players aren't even doing this for USD anymore, it's just weird manic clout chasing. And I don't understand why they do this when everyone knows that everyone is cheating. What's the purpose in it? When 100% of the community recognizes what's going on, this fake larped rating isn't fooling anyone. And that's exactly what it is, it's larping. They would rather larp than actually play the game.

The sick part about it, is that they all stand around and pat each other on the back and actually believe they are the best players. And they have to keep up this charade to avoid disbelief. It turns into this messed up situation where they end up segregating themselves into these weird small cliques where they edge out other players who aren't in on the show and they will never play with those other players, because of disbelief, and because they actually think they are hiding what they are doing.

This season though, it isn't just win trading that I've had to queue dodge. I've noticed this VERY large increase in alt phases they do, where they just get A LOT of players to go on alts and queue games, and whenever they catch upper leaderboard players in those matches, they throw on them to knock them down the leaderboard. It's apparently now an important part of keeping your mains rated high. Easier to throw upper leaderboard players down in ranking with -25 on a loss than it is to play your main up with +1s and +2s on wins. Pretty sure this is what's going on, because there is just an enormous amount of alt throwing going on this season. They aren't even boosting anyone man, they're just throwing games to knock everyone down. Again, the amount of time I'm seeing these accounts actively playing and doing this is absurd. They are not allowing legitimate players any room to queue any clean games at all.

Yeah so, Arenanet needs to do something about this. The ranked mode is actually effectively ruined at this point. This is not the usual discussion/complaining here, this is a serious statement. At this point I don't think suspends/bans is even the way to go about it. There are too many accounts involved to ever hope to route out, and obviously these people are willing to repeatedly make new alts, upgrade them, and go right back at doing the same exact thing anyway, so suspends/bans is not going to work. What Arenanet needs to do is reformat what we have going on in the spvp game mode so that a new format would intrinsically discourage or eliminate either the motive or ability to match manipulate. An example of what I mean, not saying this is the best way to go about it, but it stresses the idea, would be to completely remove visual rating and leaderboards/badge icons/pvp titles. Just get rid of them. I hate to say that, but this community can't handle having these things. If there was no displayable clout, all the manipulation would stop and we could have a game to play again instead of a larping scene.

I don't know what to do man. The problem has reached maximum depth. It actually can't get worse than it is now. Arenanet needs to do something about it. New game mode, remove clout displays, I don't know but they've got to do something at this point. I don't understand why they seemingly don't care at all even after the steam release. It's amazing actually. Guild Wars 2 has by far the most corrupt pvp scene I've ever seen and I've been onlin gaming since 1996. You'd think Arenanet would care just a little bit more about their reputation concerning these things.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


Yeah it's extremely bad this season. In the past 3 days I've tried to queue 3 games, which were all blowout win trade losses. I'm talking like 650 to 60 loss in Foefire, where my teammates very seriously do not do anything at all. Like they actually don't do anything beyond spam 1, walk in get killed, don't even attempt to use heal skill. I have what I thought was all of the mains & alts in the community added to my contacts to watch, but it's never enough because there is always a new flow of new alts, like every week or two. I don't understand why these people are willing to pay enormous amounts of money to continuously upgrade new alts. That's a lot of money tbh. It makes me wonder if they are somehow being gifted free expansion upgrades to these accounts because who would actually pay for core, hot, pof, and eod? I mean that's like 80.00 per alt upgrade and there are a lot of these guys who have easily 10+ alts. They've got to be getting free upgrades somehow. Who would actually spend 800.00 to like 2000.00 to upgrade 10-20+ alts? I have a hard time believing anyone would do that.

It's been bad this season in general, but I was successfully dodging the garbage and playing around rank 30 to 50 this entire season until 120 games required hit, the final two weeks of the season. In the past 3 or 4 days it has been literally impossible to queue dodge the amount of win trading & throwing that is going on. You can sit aaaaall day watching your contacts list and view the win trade cliques pretty much waiting in line for each other to enter games, then the next clique enters queue, then another waits, then they queue when the other gets in, and so on and so forth, and there is no margin of time for a clean player to be able to squeeze in a clean game.

The stupidest thing about this that irks me to no end is the sheer amount of time that some of these players put forth into doing this. For nearly 4 days now, some of these people have been online win trading and throwing with seemingly no sleep. What is actually wrong with these people? It's like you'd need be operating on amphetamines to be able to do that. The strangest thing about it is that these people already have all of these titles on almost every alt that they wanted to place them on and they do this same thing every season. Just why? It's weird man. Enough is enough. Is there really that much money left in this game to where this is worth putting beyond full time job hours into manipulating this small population leaderboard? I have a hard time believing anyone is making much USD per season, but hey I could be wrong. At this point it looks like most of these players aren't even doing this for USD anymore, it's just weird manic clout chasing. And I don't understand why they do this when everyone knows that everyone is cheating. What's the purpose in it? When 100% of the community recognizes what's going on, this fake larped rating isn't fooling anyone. And that's exactly what it is, it's larping. They would rather larp than actually play the game.

The sick part about it, is that they all stand around and pat each other on the back and actually believe they are the best players. And they have to keep up this charade to avoid disbelief. It turns into this messed up situation where they end up segregating themselves into these weird small cliques where they edge out other players who aren't in on the show and they will never play with those other players, because of disbelief, and because they actually think they are hiding what they are doing.

This season though, it isn't just win trading that I've had to queue dodge. I've noticed this VERY large increase in alt phases they do, where they just get A LOT of players to go on alts and queue games, and whenever they catch upper leaderboard players in those matches, they throw on them to knock them down the leaderboard. It's apparently now an important part of keeping your mains rated high. Easier to throw upper leaderboard players down in ranking with -25 on a loss than it is to play your main up with +1s and +2s on wins. Pretty sure this is what's going on, because there is just an enormous amount of alt throwing going on this season. They aren't even boosting anyone man, they're just throwing games to knock everyone down. Again, the amount of time I'm seeing these accounts actively playing and doing this is absurd. They are not allowing legitimate players any room to queue any clean games at all.

Yeah so, Arenanet needs to do something about this. The ranked mode is actually effectively ruined at this point. This is not the usual discussion/complaining here, this is a serious statement. At this point I don't think suspends/bans is even the way to go about it. There are too many accounts involved to ever hope to route out, and obviously these people are willing to repeatedly make new alts, upgrade them, and go right back at doing the same exact thing anyway, so suspends/bans is not going to work. What Arenanet needs to do is reformat what we have going on in the spvp game mode so that a new format would intrinsically discourage or eliminate either the motive or ability to match manipulate. An example of what I mean, not saying this is the best way to go about it, but it stresses the idea, would be to completely remove visual rating and leaderboards/badge icons/pvp titles. Just get rid of them. I hate to say that, but this community can't handle having these things. If there was no displayable clout, all the manipulation would stop and we could have a game to play again instead of a larping scene.

I don't know what to do man. The problem has reached maximum depth. It actually can't get worse than it is now. Arenanet needs to do something about it. New game mode, remove clout displays, I don't know but they've got to do something at this point. I don't understand why they seemingly don't care at all even after the steam release. It's amazing actually. Guild Wars 2 has by far the most corrupt pvp scene I've ever seen and I've been onlin gaming since 1996. You'd think Arenanet would care just a little bit more about their reputation concerning these things.

Given the amount of core guards I've seen in recent matches that play extremely well.. I'm going to assume there is either an upgraded ai botting program - or more likely it's spam free accounts of alts. They're not even upgrading accounts - they're just playing core support guard as a duo with something that has the expansion to help boost them up so they can act like bots and throw in later tiers most likely. 

The amount of effort and energy put into this - I just feel sorry for them at this point. I feel sorry for everyone really because it ruins everyone's experience. Leaderboard aside, they'll jump in and occupy their time in unranked and grief people there while they queue dodge. That's what annoys me more about the whole situation because you can't escape them. These people are ALWAYS ONLINE. But hey, more players downloading/paying for the game that they can use as metrics to show how well the game is doing.

I agree with removing the badges and leaderboards but then what's the point of ranked? I guess you can leave the reward and make it higher gold generation which is all I use it for anymore. Duo queue should be removed anyway as it seems they've found a new way to cheat the system - double duo queue. I've seen a few of these as well. 

Maybe remove the algorithm and just make it completely random and solo q only. See how that plays out. Can't game the system if there is no system! lulz


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1 hour ago, Bast.7253 said:

Given the amount of core guards I've seen in recent matches that play extremely well.. I'm going to assume there is either an upgraded ai botting program - or more likely it's spam free accounts of alts. They're not even upgrading accounts - they're just playing core support guard as a duo with something that has the expansion to help boost them up so they can act like bots and throw in later tiers most likely. 

The amount of effort and energy put into this - I just feel sorry for them at this point. I feel sorry for everyone really because it ruins everyone's experience. Leaderboard aside, they'll jump in and occupy their time in unranked and grief people there while they queue dodge. That's what annoys me more about the whole situation because you can't escape them. These people are ALWAYS ONLINE. But hey, more players downloading/paying for the game that they can use as metrics to show how well the game is doing.

I agree with removing the badges and leaderboards but then what's the point of ranked? I guess you can leave the reward and make it higher gold generation which is all I use it for anymore. Duo queue should be removed anyway as it seems they've found a new way to cheat the system - double duo queue. I've seen a few of these as well. 

Maybe remove the algorithm and just make it completely random and solo q only. See how that plays out. Can't game the system if there is no system! lulz


top 50 since I started playing in 2018 is like 20 players and their alt accounts, but now the population is so low that no matter your rank and time you play you gonna be caught in their scheme


Last few days I've played unranked only, cuz honestly is more fun to play a meme aura share catalyst giving my team 80% mag shield uptime and watch those mechs shoot themselves to death than playing ranked

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18 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

I figured there was some discord or communication somewhere outside of the game so they couldn't be tracked. It's the smart thing to do. I wonder if it's the same discord used for balance recommendations? hahaha. 

I haven't seen some of the team usa people in awhile but I assume they've changed their display names. Seen a few people that seem to do it once every few weeks. Not sure if it's just alt accounts or if they've actually put a ticket in to change their name. Obscuring the process maybe? I don't think that would work with friends/blocklist/setting nicknames. 

It could be competitive. The combat system is there. Just need more variation of game modes and balance patches that are more than just coefficient changes. 

Eh. Oh well. Ez gold. I've seen so many double plat duo's today I've lost count. I don't know if it's because it's off hours and they're timing their queues right on alt accounts or if the population is that low or what. I assume a little of everything. All good though. Know that I know people pay real life money upwards of 1k for competitive prestige I'm taking this all a lot less seriously and just 1111111'ing on my mech and letting matchmaking determine the rest. No sense in trying to play something that takes any effort when the match is decided before you enter. 



Well! If you've kept up with gw2 news this summer, there WAS a developer discord "oopsie" that made the rounds. I will say no further than that since that seems to be a no-no around here and on Reddit lmao!

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5 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

top 50 since I started playing in 2018 is like 20 players and their alt accounts, but now the population is so low that no matter your rank and time you play you gonna be caught in their scheme


Last few days I've played unranked only, cuz honestly is more fun to play a meme aura share catalyst giving my team 80% mag shield uptime and watch those mechs shoot themselves to death than playing ranked

I've been wanting to try that. Been playing dagger/dagger because it got such good reviews. Found a build that does pretty well to remove conditions/grant aura - running arcane blast of all things for clutch situations but I don't know if I want to give up arcane line for aura share. We'll see I guess. 

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3 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:


Well! If you've kept up with gw2 news this summer, there WAS a developer discord "oopsie" that made the rounds. I will say no further than that since that seems to be a no-no around here and on Reddit lmao!

I know, and it's not a good look. I think as usual people might have blown it out of proportion a bit but it certainly doesn't look great and explains why holo was so strong the entierty of PoF or why scrapper and core weapons have continuously gotten so many improvements/reworks versus others. 

I'm sure there's value to be had from speaking to "top players" and getting balance feedback but I would rather see that feedback to more than just "top players" with somekind of active communication/dialogue on the forums. Which obviously isn't a reasonable expectation. 

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2 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

I know, and it's not a good look. I think as usual people might have blown it out of proportion a bit but it certainly doesn't look great and explains why holo was so strong the entierty of PoF or why scrapper and core weapons have continuously gotten so many improvements/reworks versus others. 

I'm sure there's value to be had from speaking to "top players" and getting balance feedback but I would rather see that feedback to more than just "top players" with somekind of active communication/dialogue on the forums. Which obviously isn't a reasonable expectation. 

It's not only a bad look, it's LITERAL Wizard of Oz scenario. People got a glimpse behind the Anet curtain and now that shite can't be unseen lmao! Discussions regarding balance and class design have essentially become irrelevant now. There's no credibility to them. "Meta"...pfft...who cares?

Of course, players have suspected this situation for years. Now there is proof.

And yes, engi is one of the "big 3". It is no surprise they got the red carpet treatment.

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11 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

I've been wanting to try that. Been playing dagger/dagger because it got such good reviews. Found a build that does pretty well to remove conditions/grant aura - running arcane blast of all things for clutch situations but I don't know if I want to give up arcane line for aura share. We'll see I guess. 

it's a meme, the standard build is much better to carry games, it's just fun unranked cuz you have so many mechs and giving almost perma mag aura trolls them so hard lol.


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On 9/3/2022 at 5:53 PM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Its sad and pathetic but top Ranked titles and AT wins have been priced between $400-900 USD. Noody has a video(Gw2's most famous/infamous players) where some of the invoices were leaked.

and DuoQ lets them boost multiple accounts at once, so ignoring alts(which they have plenty of) that's like $1.5k for just two accounts 

Most wintraders left in this game are high schoolers, or started off as high schoolers and never quite matured past that point. Its pretty tragic to witness really, but if there's one thing people like that love, its easy money and clout. 


For you and just for you, I will share my super secret code phrase that when spoken to a wintrader will immediately throw them into a blind, uncontrollable rage. Ready?

Just call them trash, because that's what they are. Imagine having to cheat to win in a game with maybe 500 active players on each server.

They can pretend like it doesn't bother them all they want, if you're patient eventually they'll crack because the people who do things like this are sweatier than a tweaker running a desert marathon.

Wow! Wish I had that kind of money to throw around on meaningless things.

  • Haha 1
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The river flows, the trees grow, the stars emit light, we change. Just remind yourself sometimes that after all, the heart brings blood to the head. And you will understand that even wintraders suffer, they do not want to cognition new things with their hearts, they already want to know everything.

Edited by Tescao.3042
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