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Those are not available for purchase. It'll probably never be offered since they are so plain. Most players want more flashiness. You can mix and match to try and get a look as close as possible though. Just go to your Bank or any Crafting Station, and click on the Wardrobe Storage tab. Click on any item to preview. You might just find a combination that's close to what you want.

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Just like the outfit we get in Daybreak, when we wake up in the jail cell...I so wish I had that outfit, or pieces of it (like the wrist-wraps) for armor skins. It'd be nice for RP.


Wish we could get these outfits/armor skins for karma or something. It doesn't have to be on the gem store.

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Is it the same for everyone? My human female character was wearing this: https://i.imgur.com/2AihpzZ.jpg

That's the light Ancient Canthan Tunic and light Antique Leggings (with no shoes, gloves, shoulders or helm), so it's definitely possible to get the same look normally.

She's a ranger so she normally wears medium armour, I assume everyone gets light armour in that scene, but I'm not sure if it's the same set for all races because I can't find any of my other screenshots of it.

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8 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

That's the light Ancient Canthan Tunic and light Antique Leggings (with no shoes, gloves, shoulders or helm), so it's definitely possible to get the same look normally.

To use the wardrobe combination effectively in the openworld, shoes must be worn. Gloves, shoulders and helms can be hidden but unfortunately, not shoes. Invisible Slippers skin will make the ensemble complete. Only problem is the cost. However, low profile shoes such as Raven Ceremonial Sandals can be used as substituition without being too prominent if skin-toned dyes are used.

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59 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

To use the wardrobe combination effectively in the openworld, shoes must be worn. Gloves, shoulders and helms can be hidden but unfortunately, not shoes. Invisible Slippers skin will make the ensemble complete. Only problem is the cost. However, low profile shoes such as Raven Ceremonial Sandals can be used as substituition without being too prominent if skin-toned dyes are used.

True, but the OP only asked if the robe is available, they didn't say they want to recreate the whole outfit exactly.

Incidentally female sylvari can use the orchid boots as a substitute for invisible slippers, since they're just vines wrapped around the legs they can often blend into or be hidden by leggings.

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18 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

Your light armor wearers can do Ancient Canthan Tunic with Light Antique Leggings.  Those are the two pieces that make that prisoner robe.

Yes, but unfortunately, I would like it for my mechanist, which means Medium armor. I should have specified. Apologies.

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14 minutes ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

It's funny because we keep asking for armor skins to apply to any weight class. And keep being told it can't happen for model clipping or whatever. And then anet goes and does it anyways but keeps the feature for themselves, invalidating the argument.

Is not an issue because the character is only wearing 2 light pieces. Is not like it has a medium and heavy on at the same time. As long as the weight class match I don't see how this invalidate their argument.

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12 minutes ago, Warscythes.9307 said:

Is not an issue because the character is only wearing 2 light pieces. Is not like it has a medium and heavy on at the same time. As long as the weight class match I don't see how this invalidate their argument.

Then give us that. Make it so that you have to use all of one type of armor.

Or just let it clip. Tons of them already clip. Just let it clip. You can even give a little warning that says mismatching armor types may cause clipping.

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13 minutes ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

Then give us that. Make it so that you have to use all of one type of armor.

Or just let it clip. Tons of them already clip. Just let it clip. You can even give a little warning that says mismatching armor types may cause clipping.

I don't want that. This is also a completely different can of worms that has been hotly debated in literally every single mmo that ever existed. Pretty sure if you open FF14 forum right now you will see it on the front page. So if you got something new to say open another thread on this.

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