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Pure OW PvE idea for legendary armor


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2 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

Okay, so we agree that challenge is not an essential requirement.  So the question now becomes, why do you want to force Open World PvE players into modes that (1) they don't want to be in and (2) fills those modes with people who don't care about it and will just AFK?  Do you actively want people to leave the game?


I ask this for your own reflection.  This is still off topic.

Dont twist my words and dont assume what i want please, i dont think any legendary should be available for no effort if anything effort and challenge should be the main thing when pursuing legendaries because they are supposed to be a reward. giving them willy nilly to every player who can only tap 1 on their skill bar would devauate them and the effort alot of us put in the game. and i dont really care if the "open world" players dont like that because that disctinction is pointless because its all pve in the first place.

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Raid armor need to do HoT open world events

(which you bypass it with parking a character at the first hero challenge in Vedrary Map and then use https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ley-Energy_Matter_Converter, to "transform" any extra currencies to other ones . While in the same buying daily Machete, to be used on dead DE maps for Ley Line Crystals ) ,

then it's a Boss event like Chakk 

and the Reclaimed gear can be bought from the Action house and then Salvaged.



They should simply force you to do that 50x-200x times that , to be inline with WvW set , but i don't see the problem , while in the same they keep the HoT maps alive

Edited by Woof.8246
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25 minutes ago, Woof.8246 said:

Raid armor need to do HoT open world events

(which you bypass it with parking a character at the first hero challenge in Vedrary Map and then use https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ley-Energy_Matter_Converter, to "transform" any extra currencies to other ones . While in the same buying daily Machete, to be used on dead DE maps for Ley Line Crystals ) ,

then it's a Boss event like Chakk 

and the Reclaimed gear can be bought from the Action house and then Salvaged.



They should simply force you to do that 50x-200x times that , to be inline with WvW set , but i don't see the problem , while in the same they keep the HoT maps alive

I think the scale here probably makes sense (whatever the maths is to balance it with WvW - around 6 months per set, assuming dailyish activity).  I would probably suggest varying the requirements a bit more though (as the OP is suggesting with World Bosses generally).  It  would get pretty boring to do this exact thing 50 to 200 times 😄


The WvW system is really good in that it basically rewards "activity" done over a long period.  I think Open World needs a little more structure than that, but still letting people engage in a variety of content to get what they want.  The world boss idea is pretty good here, as it means if you want to get multiple tokens per day, you can engage in different areas/fights.  Metas likely make a little more sense just because that is something players need more encouragement for.

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And now back to topic at hand before raiders become behind hurt again

7 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

So here is my idea:

- Each time you complete a world boss event successfully, you get 1 legendary armor token.  Max 5 tokens/day just so someone can't farm for 24 hours/day and get ~100 tokens/day

- With 150 (or some other reasonable) number of tokens, you get a piece of legendary armor.

Change it with Dragons Stand, Dragons Fall and Dragons End metas. Make it weekly reset, ask for at least 100% participation score and ask for 42 "tokens" of each meta for one set. This makes it easiest, yet most time consuming way to obtain armour and gives it a reason to have unique skin based on dragons. This is casual MMO, there is no need to pretend, that people who raid are better than "open world only plebs", and if that means more people are farming metas - even better.

Edited by Bakeneko.5826
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12 minutes ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

And now back to topic at hand before raiders become behind hurt again

Change it with Dragons Stand, Dragons Fall and Dragons End metas. Make it weekly reset, ask for at least 100% participation score and ask for 42 "tokens" of each meta for one set. This makes it easiest, yet most time consuming way to obtain armour and gives it a reason to have unique skin based on dragons. This is casual MMO, there is no need to pretend, that people who raid are better than "open world only plebs", and if that means more people are farming metas - even better.

I agree with the approach here, but disagree on a couple of points.


(1) I think 42 is too high here.  This is actually harder and less reliable than WvW, which basically requires you flip a camp every 10 minutes.  Scaling it above WvW in length doesn't make sense to me.

(2) I'd open it to more metas, if that was the direction.  The reason being that it allows people to log in according to their own schedule (which is a major issue with raids as an alternative), and do the content they enjoy/add variety.  You can then add a weekly cap on tokens earned, and maybe scale the token rewards so that you get more from more difficult/longer event chains.


EDIT:  I'm now realising that the per week investment for WvW is way higher than the three metas outlined.  I might have changed my mind on whether this is too high or not.

Edited by CrashTestAuto.9108
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It's a legendary armor. I mean cmon it's meant to be hard to achieve and not everbody can have it. It's fine the way it is, it needs hard group content to feel like you have something achieved and not just grind some world bosses.


btw you dont need the armor anyways when youre not in to content like raids and fractals

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6 minutes ago, thunderrider.8193 said:

It's a legendary armor. I mean cmon it's meant to be hard to achieve and not everbody can have it. It's fine the way it is, it needs hard group content to feel like you have something achieved and not just grind some world bosses.


btw you dont need the armor anyways when youre not in to content like raids and fractals

Okay I don't want to derail, but why do so many of the anti-Open World armour posters speak as if WvW and PvP doesn't exist?


There is definitively no challenge or hard content requirement for legendary armour.  Two thirds of legendary armour paths can effectively be completed AFK.

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1 hour ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

I'm now realising that the per week investment for WvW is way higher than the three metas outlined.  I might have changed my mind on whether this is too high or not.

I was aimint at around 30-40 weeks

12 minutes ago, thunderrider.8193 said:

btw you dont need the armor anyways when youre not in to content like raids and fractals

You don't need PC if you arent computer scientist, but here we are

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But what if they don't want to kill world bosses, huh? What if they want to kill 1000 bees for one token, huh? What if they don't like killing bees, but want to kill flame legion exclusively? What if they want to do dungeons, should we give out yet another armor for those that do that? Dungeons are a whole other game mode to world bosses, dontchaknow!

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21 minutes ago, thunderrider.8193 said:

It's a legendary armor. I mean cmon it's meant to be hard to achieve and not everbody can have it. It's fine the way it is, it needs hard group content to feel like you have something achieved and not just grind some world bosses.


btw you dont need the armor anyways when youre not in to content like raids and fractals

I guess that's why you can get legendary armors in PvP where you... don't use armors, makes sense. PvP and WvW are so hard and challenging content, indeed.

Aurora, Vision and Prismatic Champion Regalia are not legendaries either, then?

The idea of the OP with world bosses giving tokens for legendary armor is too limited and easy but everyone knows, including raiders, that if they ever add open-world legendary armors they would make it grindy and require playing most of the things open-world PvE has to offer. Along with the usual mystic clovers, T6, etc... People in this thread should stop saying things in bad faith.

On the other hand, raiders need more things to show for other than legendary armors which are already in no way exclusive to raids except for their skins.

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11 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

I am not a Computer scientist but I need a computer every day at work. How is that possible? 

Oh my word, you're right!  But... in that case, does that mean that "btw you dont need the armor anyways when youre not in to content like raids and fractals" is also false?

12 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

But what if they don't want to kill world bosses, huh? What if they want to kill 1000 bees for one token, huh? What if they don't like killing bees, but want to kill flame legion exclusively? What if they want to do dungeons, should we give out yet another armor for those that do that? Dungeons are a whole other game mode to world bosses, dontchaknow!

Excellent question!  I'm sure you could start a thread and see if it gets traction.  Then the devs could prioritise it.

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1 minute ago, MajinSoul.4512 said:

You can get the WvW armour by camp flipping which is basically a "pure PvE" experience. The process is tedious but that's the trade off for not wanting to get into raids I suppose

It is indeed, which is why we're suggesting that change.


Obviously designing a game with tedium as a central requirement for long term goals is a terrible strategy for an MMO that wants to make a profit.

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15 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

It is indeed, which is why we're suggesting that change.


Obviously designing a game with tedium as a central requirement for long term goals is a terrible strategy for an MMO that wants to make a profit.

If flipping camps is too tedious for you then you can go for the PvE armor which includes a whole lot of open world content. 
It really is up to you, the game gives you three paths to legendary armor and you are free to choose which one suits you best. 

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10 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

If flipping camps is too tedious for you then you can go for the PvE armor which includes a whole lot of open world content. 
It really is up to you, the game gives you three paths to legendary armor and you are free to choose which one suits you best. 

Indeed I can 🙂  Though as the OP and many others have pointed out, there is an alternative idea that would make the game even more fun for a lot of people, and provide even more options!


Let's stay on topic and discuss how to best implement that idea shall we?  After all, I'm sure no one wants to make the game less fun and more restrictive?

Edited by CrashTestAuto.9108
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If you're looking for a bit more involvement as a requirement instead of 'afk WB farming', Then you could always throw in needing 4 gifts of exploration for each armor piece as well.  

Gives more substance to the 'Pure PvE' armor route. Requires more time investment instead of just AFK, You have to do all the hearts and clear each map a total of 12 times just for 1 armor set. On top of the WB farming, T6 mats, Provisioner tokens, and clovers. 

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This conversation is always the same predictable twisted knot of a dialogue tree that the gimme guys always reproduce flawlessly.

"Gimme PvE armor."
-"There is PvE armor. Do raids."
"But I don't wanna!"
-"Then do PvP or WvW."
"But I don't wanna!"

"PvP and WvW are the same, but they have different armors, so why not gimme!?"
-"WvW is not the same, there is PvE content and PvE equipment. You can get WvW armor by flipping camps, is basically PvE if you do not want to do PvP!"
"See! It's already easy, why not just gimme!?"

And this is always where they stop. The dialogue tree ends. Instead, they wait for someone to pick a spot further up the tree, or restart it, and go again. 

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1 minute ago, The Boz.2038 said:

This conversation is always the same predictable twisted knot of a dialogue tree that the gimme guys always reproduce flawlessly.

"Gimme PvE armor."
-"There is PvE armor. Do raids."
"But I don't wanna!"
-"Then do PvP or WvW."
"But I don't wanna!"

"PvP and WvW are the same, but they have different armors, so why not gimme!?"
-"WvW is not the same, there is PvE content and PvE equipment. You can get WvW armor by flipping camps, is basically PvE if you do not want to do PvP!"
"See! It's already easy, why not just gimme!?"

And this is always where they stop. The dialogue tree ends. Instead, they wait for someone to pick a spot further up the tree, or restart it, and go again. 

I'd frame it differently:


A- "I enjoy Open World PvE, and would like to be able to get legendary armour through that method"

B - "Do raids" (spams confused emojis)

A - "For various reasons, I don't want to do that.  I'm suggesting something I would enjoy instead."

B - "Do WvW or PvP" (spams more confused emojis)

A- As we just went over, I enjoy Open World PvE, as do many others.  I think it would be nice if those players could get legendary through the content they enjoy"

B - "Open World is too easy, legendary armour is for hard content" (spams even more confused emojis)

A - "No it isn't, as you yourself said, there is legendary armour in WvW or PvP"

B - "Do raids, there are plenty of LFGs and trainings available" (spams more confused emojis)

A - "Again, I don't want to do raids.  I enjoy Open World PvE."

B - "Then do WvW" (spams more confused emojis)


How about.  And this is controversial.  If you don't want PvE open world armour, then don't go for it?  Just don't let it affect your day?

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I have 1 set of raid armor, half of the skirmish tickets for a WvW set, I dont do PvP to have anything towards that set. 


I am not saying that raid armor should be given out for free, by any means. I just acknowledge different strokes for different folks. My father isnt able to raid and lacks the reflexes for any kind of PvP scenario. 

Would he get use of the legendary armor perks? Not really. But I think it would be helpful for build diversity if things could be more attainable for others. Even if its some sort of Ascended armor that can be stat changed for free, so its not like they get the full legendary armory perks. 

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2 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

I'd frame it differently:


Yeah, we are well aware of that.

PvE aka raid legendary armor already requires *a lot* of non-raid PvE content. On a per-hour basis, the raid component is fairly minor.

Adapt. Decide if the thing you want is worth the effort, and if so, what type of effort. And then act accordingly.

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7 minutes ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

If open-world being too easy that adding a viable path to legendary armor from it sounds rediculous, have you thought that maybe the answer is to make open-world.. not easy?

Been there, the entire Dragon's End fiasco has likely made sure that THIS approach is not one taken.

As to more sources of legendary armor: I personally don't care any more. I doubt we will see any, at least not in the short or medium term, but I also don't see this getting introduced long-term currently.

Why? Ironically due to the neglect of instanced and competitive content over the last few years. Something a few forum regulars were all to in favor of and still are (not saying this was what made the developers make this decision). Currently legendary armor is one of the ways to encourage player interaction with diverse content and I believe the developers are aware of that. Having players interact with more than just brain zerg open world pve keeps more types of players around, which is better for the bottom line.

Now if we had more diverse/developed game modes besides only open world pve, there might have been some room to consider another legendary armor acquisition method, alas in the current state we do not and as such: suck it up, do the content which is needed to get what you want, or live with not having it.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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