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Quaggan as playable race!


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9 hours ago, disco.9302 said:

Considering dev time a playable new race should be what? £500k? maybe £700k?

Unless you're fine with all your quaggans being naked it is most certainly more than that.

There is like a thousand armor skins that would needed to get refitted for quaggans of all sizes, armor classes and genders and given the very unique body shape of quaggans that is bound to be a massive effort.

You would need a completely new level 1 - 50 story as quaggans are canonically not part of the pact until the respective story step for other races. Meaning a design of at least a dozen story missions including writing, voice acting, character designs, cutscenes, probably even new map designs.

Then you'd need to go through all the dialogues in the world that are racial specific and add quaggan specific responses (again, likely with voice acting). And review all quaggan dialogues in the game that may assume automatically that the PC is not a quaggan.

I think you grossly underestimate a holistic integration of a new race into the system as well as how dev costs would be calculated from a company PoV (surprise, employees are more expensive than what you pay them).

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